< Genesis 48 >

1 Some time later, someone told Joseph, “[Hey, ] your father is ill.” When Joseph heard that, he took his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, to see his father.
Waxyaalahaas ka dib waxaa Yuusuf lagu yidhi, Bal eeg, aabbahaa waa bukaaye. Markaasuu wuxuu kaxaystay labadiisii wiil oo ahaa Manaseh iyo Efrayim.
2 When someone told Jacob, “Look, your son Joseph has come to see you!” Jacob sat up on the bed, even though it was difficult for him to do that.
Kolkaasaa waxaa Yacquub loo soo sheegay, oo lagu yidhi, Bal eeg, wiilkaagii Yuusuf baa kuu imanaya. Markaasaa Israa'iil intuu xoog isgeliyey ayuu soo dul fadhiistay sariirtiisii.
3 He said to Joseph, “When I was at Luz in Canaan, God Almighty appeared to me. He blessed me
Markaasaa Yacquub wuxuu Yuusuf ku yidhi, Ilaaha Qaadirka ah ayaa iigu muuqday Luus oo ku taal dalka Kancaan, wuuna i barakeeyey,
4 and said to me, ‘I am going to enable you to become the father of many children. You will have many descendants, and they will become [the ancestors of] many people-groups. And I will give this land to your descendants to possess forever.’
oo wuxuu igu yidhi, Bal eeg waan ku badin doonaa, waanan ku tarmin doonaa, oo waxaan kaa dhigi doonaa dad fara badan; dhulkanna waxaan siin doonaa farcankaaga kaa dambeeya, inuu hanti aan weligeed dhammaanayn u ahaado.
5 “And now I will consider that your two sons, who were born to you here in Egypt before I came here, will (belong to me/be as though they are my sons). Ephraim and Manasseh will be [as though they were] my sons, and they will inherit my possessions, just like my sons Reuben and Simeon [and the others] will.
Haddaba labadaadii wiil oo dalka Masar kuugu dhashay, intaanan kuugu iman Masar, anigaa iska leh. Efrayim iyo Manaseh ayaan u lahaan doonaa sida Ruubeen iyo Simecoon.
6 If you later become the father of any more children, they will not be considered to be my children, but as my grandchildren, and [in Canaan] they will receive as part of what they inherit some of the same land that is in the territory that their brothers [Ephraim and Manasseh] will inherit.
Carruurta aad iyaga ka dib dhasho, adigaa iska lahaan doona, waana in loo bixiyo magacyada walaalahood markay wax dhaxlaan.
7 Many years ago, as I was returning from Paddan-Aram/Mesopotamia, your mother Rachel died in the Canaan region, while we were still traveling, not far from Ephrath [town]. So I buried her body there alongside the road to Ephrath [which is now called Bethlehem].”
Anigana, markii aan ka imid Fadan ayaa Raaxeel igaga dhimatay dalkii Kancaan waddada loo maro, intaanan weli Efrad soo gaadhin; oo kolkaasaan iyadii ku aasay waddada loo maro Efrad, meeshaasuna waa Beytlaxam.
8 When Jacob saw Joseph’s sons, he asked, “Who are these boys?”
Markaasaa Israa'iil intuu wiilashii Yuusuf dhugtay ayuu yidhi, Kuwanu waa ayo?
9 Joseph replied, “They are the sons that God has given to me here in Egypt.” Jacob said, “Bring them close to me so that I can bless them.”
Markaasaa Yuusuf wuxuu aabbihiis ku yidhi, Waa wiilashaydii Ilaah halkan igu siiyey. Markaasuu isna wuxuu ku yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye, iyaga ii soo dhowee, waanan u ducaynayaa.
10 Jacob was almost blind because he was very old. He could not recognize the boys. So Joseph brought his sons close to his father, and Jacob kissed them and hugged them.
Haddaba Israa'iil cimrigiisii dheeraa aawadiis ayuu la indha darnaaday, sidaas daraaddeed waxba ma uu arki karin. Kolkaasuu iyagii u soo dhoweeyey, wuuna isku duubay oo dhunkaday.
11 Jacob said to Joseph, “I did not expect to see you again, but look at this! God has allowed me to see not only you, but he has allowed me to see your children, too!”
Markaasaa Israa'iil wuxuu Yuusuf ku yidhi, Uma aan malaynayn inaan wejigaaga arki doono, oo bal eeg, Ilaah weliba wuxuu i tusay xataa farcankaagii.
12 Joseph took the boys from alongside Jacob’s knees. Then he bowed down with his face to the ground.
Markaasaa Yuusuf wuxuu iyagii ka durkiyey lowyihiisii; oo intuu sujuuday ayuu wejigiisii dhulka saaray.
13 Then Joseph took both of the boys, putting Ephraim on his right side toward Jacob’s left hand, and putting Manasseh on his left side toward Jacob’s right hand, and brought them close to Jacob.
Markaasuu Yuusuf labadoodiiba kaxeeyey, intuu Efrayim gacantiisii midigta ahayd ku qabtay oo ku toosan Israa'iil bidixdiisa, Manasehna ku qabtay bidixdiisii oo ku toosan midigtii Israa'iil, wuuna u soo dhoweeyey iyagii.
14 But Jacob [did not do what Joseph wanted him to do. Instead], he reached out his right hand and put it on Ephraim’s head, even though he was the younger son. He crossed his arms and put his left hand on Manasseh’s head, even though Manasseh was the older son.
Markaasaa Israa'iil soo fidiyey gacantiisii midigta ahayd, oo wuxuu saaray madaxii Efrayim oo kii yaraa ahaa. Gacantiisii bidixda ahaydna wuxuu saaray Manaseh madaxiisii, wuuna isdhaafiyey gacmihiisii, maxaa yeelay, Manaseh wuxuu ahaa curadkii.
15 Then he (blessed/asked God to bless) Joseph and his sons, saying, “My grandfather Abraham and my father Isaac conducted their lives as God desired, and to this very day God has led me and taken care of me as a shepherd leads and cares for his sheep [MET].
Markaasuu Yuusuf u duceeyey, oo wuxuu yidhi, Ilaaha aabbahay Isxaaq iyo awowgay Ibraahim ay ku hor socdeen, oo ah Ilaaha i quudinayay intii aan noolaa oo dhan ilaa maanta,
16 The angel whom he sent has kept me from being harmed in any way. I pray that God will bless these boys. I pray that people will never forget about me and about Abraham and Isaac because of what God does for these boys. I pray that they will have many descendants who will live all over the earth.”
iyo malaa'igtii iga soo samatabbixisay xumaato oo dhan, wiilasha ha barakeeyeen; oo magacayga ha lagu magacaabo iyaga, iyo magicii aabbahay Isxaaq, iyo kii awowgay Ibraahim; oo dad faro badan dhulka ha ku noqdeen.
17 When Joseph saw that his father had placed his right hand on Ephraim’s head and not on Manasseh’s head, he was distressed/displeased. So he took his father’s hand to move it from Ephraim’s head to Manasseh’s head.
Oo markii Yuusuf arkay in aabbihiis gacantiisii midigta ahayd Efrayim madaxiisa saaray ayuu taas ka xumaaday; markaasuu gacantii aabbihiis qabtay inuu ka qaado Efrayim madaxiisa oo uu saaro Manaseh madaxiisa.
18 Joseph said to him, “My father, that is not right! The one on whom you put your left hand is my older son. Put your right hand on his head.”
Oo Yuusufna wuxuu aabbihiis ku yidhi, Aabbahayow, saas ma aha, waayo, kanu waa curadkii ee gacantaada midigta ah madaxiisa saar.
19 But his father refused, saying, “I know that, my son, I know what I am doing. Manasseh’s descendants will also become a people-group, and they will become important. But his younger brother’s descendants will become greater than his will. His descendants will become several nations.”
Markaasaa aabbihiis diiday oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Waan ogahay, waan ogahay, wiilkaygiiyow. Isaguna wuxuu noqon doonaa quruun, wuuna weynaan doonaa; habase yeeshee walaalkiisa ka yar baa ka weynaan doona, oo farcankiisu wuxuu noqon doonaa quruumo faro badan.
20 So he blessed them both on that day, saying, “The people in Israel will use your names when they bless people. They will say, ‘We pray that God will help you as he helped Ephraim and Manasseh.’” In that way, Jacob said that Ephraim would become more important than Manasseh.
Oo maalintaasuu u duceeyey iyagii, oo wuxuu yidhi, Reer binu Israa'iil idinkay idinku ducaysan doonaan, iyagoo leh, Ilaah ha kaa dhigo sidii Efrayim iyo sidii Manaseh. Oo Efrayimna wuxuu ka hor mariyey Manaseh.
21 Then Jacob said to Joseph, “I am about to die. But I know that God will help/protect you. And some day he will take your descendants back to the land of their ancestors.
Oo Israa'iilna wuxuu Yuusuf ku yidhi, Anigu waan dhimanayaa, laakiinse Ilaah baa kula jiri doona, oo mar labaadna wuxuu ku geeyn doonaa dhulkii awowayaashaa.
22 And it is to you, not to your brothers, that I will give the fertile hill in the Shechem area. I captured that land from the Amor people-group, fighting them with my sword and my bow and arrows.”
Oo weliba waxaan ku siiyey qayb dheeraad ah, oo aad walaalahaa dheer tahay, waana tii aan reer Amor kaga qaatay seeftayda iyo qaansadayda.

< Genesis 48 >