< Genesis 44 >
1 When his brothers were ready to return home, Joseph said to the man who was in charge of things in his house, “Fill the sacks of those men with as much grain as they can carry [on their donkeys]. And put in the top of each man’s sack the silver that he paid for the grain.
Oskrbniku svoje hiše je zapovedal, rekoč: »Vreče mož napolni s hrano, kolikor lahko nesejo in denar vsakega človeka položi v ustje njegove vreče.
2 Then put my silver cup in the top of the youngest brother’s sack, along with the silver that he paid for the grain.” So the servant did what Joseph told him to do.
Mojo čašo pa, srebrno čašo, položi v ustje vreče najmlajšega in njegov žitni denar.« Ta je storil glede na besedo, ki jo je Jožef spregovoril.
3 The next morning at dawn the men started on the way home with their donkeys.
Takoj, ko je bila zjutraj svetloba, so bili možje odposlani, oni in njihovi osli.
4 When they had not gone far from the city, Joseph said to the servant in charge of things in his house, “Pursue those men immediately. When you catch up to them, say to them, ‘We did good things for you! Why have you paid us back by doing something bad to us?
Ko so odšli ven iz mesta in še ne daleč proč, je Jožef rekel svojemu oskrbniku: »Vstani, sledi možem in ko jih boš dohitel, jim reci: ›Zakaj ste zlo nagradili za dobro?
5 [You have stolen the cup] that my master drinks from [RHQ]! It is the cup that he uses to find out things that nobody knows! What you did was very wicked!’”
Mar ni to tisto iz česar moj gospod pije in s čimer zares vedežuje? S takšnim dejanjem ste storili zlo.‹«
6 The servant [left immediately and] when he caught up with them, he told them what Joseph had told him to say.
Ta jih je dohitel in jim spregovoril te iste besede.
7 But one of them replied to him, “Sir, why do you say such things? We are your servants, and we would never do anything like that!
Rekli so mu: »Zakaj moj gospod govori te besede? Bog ne daj, da bi tvoji služabniki storili glede na to stvar.
8 We even brought back to you from Canaan land the silver that we found inside the tops of our sacks! So (we certainly would not steal silver or gold from your master’s house!/Why would we steal silver or gold from your master’s house?) [RHQ]
Glej, denar, ki smo ga našli v ustjih svojih vreč, smo iz kánaanske dežele ponovno prinesli k tebi, kako bi potem ukradli srebro ali zlato iz hiše tvojega gospodarja?
9 If you discover that any of us has that cup, you can execute him, and the rest of us will become your slaves.”
Pri komerkoli izmed tvojih služabnikov bi bilo to najdeno, naj umre, mi pa bomo tudi sužnji mojemu gospodu.«
10 The man replied, “Okay, I will do what you say. But the one who has the cup will not be executed. Instead, he will become my slave, and the rest of you may return home.”
Rekel je: » Naj bo sedaj tudi to glede na vaše besede. Ta, pri komer bo to najdeno, bo moj služabnik, vi pa boste brez krivde.«
11 Each of the men quickly lowered his sack down from the donkey to the ground and opened it.
Potem so naglo sneli vsak mož svojo vrečo k tlom in vsak mož je svojo vrečo odprl.
12 Then the servant started to search for the cup in each sack. He started with the oldest brother’s sack and ended with the youngest one’s sack. And he found the cup in Benjamin’s sack and showed it to them.
On pa je iskal in začel pri najstarejšem in nehal pri najmlajšem in čaša je bila najdena v Benjaminovi vreči.
13 The brothers tore their clothes [because they were so dismayed]. They loaded the sacks on the donkeys again and returned to the city.
Potem so raztrgali svoja oblačila in vsak človek je otovoril svojega osla in vrnili so se v mesto.
14 When Judah and his [older and younger] brothers entered Joseph’s house, Joseph was still there. The servant told Joseph what had happened. Then the brothers threw themselves down on the ground in front of Joseph.
Juda in njegovi bratje so prišli v Jožefovo hišo, kajti še je bil tam in padli so pred njim na tla.
15 He said to them, “Why did you do this? Do you not know that a man like me can find out things that nobody knows?” [RHQ]
Jožef jim je rekel: »Kakšno dejanje je to, kar ste storili? Ali ne veste, da tak mož, kakor jaz, lahko zagotovo vedežuje?«
16 Judah replied, “Sir, what can we say? How can we prove that we (are innocent/did not steal the cup)? God has (paid us back/punished us) for the sins [we committed many years ago]. So now we will become your slaves—both we and the one in whose sack the cup was found.”
Juda je rekel: »Kaj bomo rekli mojemu gospodu? Kaj naj govorimo? Ali kako se bomo očistili? Bog je odkril krivičnost svojih služabnikov. Glej, mi smo gospodovi služabniki, tako mi, kakor tudi ta, pri komer se je našla čaša.«
17 But Joseph replied, “No, I could never do anything like that. Only the man in whose sack the cup was found will become my slave. The rest of you can return to your father peacefully.”
Rekel je: »Bog ne daj, da bi tako storil. Temveč človek, v čigar roki je najdena čaša, bo moj služabnik. Kar pa se tiče vas, se v miru dvignite k svojemu očetu.«
18 Then Judah came near to Joseph and said, “Sir, please let me say something to you. You are equal to the king himself, so you could command that I be executed; but do not be angry with me for speaking to you.
Potem se mu je približal Juda in rekel: »Oh, moj gospod, naj tvoj služabnik, prosim te, spregovori besedo v ušesa mojega gospoda in naj tvoja jeza ne gori zoper tvojega služabnika, kajti ti si celo kakor faraon.
19 You asked us, ‘Is your father still living, and do you have another brother?’
Moj gospod je svoje služabnike vprašal, rekoč: ›Imate očeta ali brata?‹
20 We answered, ‘Our father is alive, but he is an old man. He has a young son who was born after our father became an old man. That son had an [older] brother, who is now dead. So the youngest son is the only one of his mother’s sons who is still alive, and his father loves him very much.’
In mi smo mojemu gospodu rekli: ›Imamo očeta, starca in otroka njegove visoke starosti, malčka. Njegov brat je mrtev in on je sam ostal od svoje matere in njegov oče ga ljubi.‹
21 Then you said to us, ‘The next time you come here, bring your younger brother down to me, so that I can see him.’
Ti pa si rekel svojim služabnikom: ›Privedite ga dol k meni, da lahko svoje oči usmerim nanj.‹
22 We said to you, ‘No, we cannot do that, because the boy cannot leave his father. If he leaves his father, his father will die from sorrow.’
Mi pa smo mojemu gospodu rekli: ›Deček ne more zapustiti svojega očeta, kajti če bi zapustil svojega očeta, bi njegov oče umrl.‹
23 But you told us, ‘If your youngest brother does not come back with you, I will not let you see me again!’
Svojim služabnikom si rekel: ›Razen če pride dol z vami vaš najmlajši brat, ne boste več videli mojega obraza.‹
24 When we returned to our father, we told him what you said.
Pripetilo se je, ko smo prišli gor k tvojemu služabniku, mojemu očetu, da smo mu povedali besede mojega gospoda.
25 [Months later] our father said, ‘Go back to Egypt and buy some more grain!’
Naš oče je rekel: ›Pojdite ponovno in nam kupite malo hrane.‹
26 But we said, ‘We cannot go back by ourselves. We will go only if our youngest brother is with us. We will not be able to see the man who sells grain if our youngest brother is not with us.’
Mi pa smo rekli: ›Ne moremo iti dol. Če bo z nami naš najmlajši brat, potem bomo šli dol, kajti ne smemo videti moževega obraza, razen če bo z nami naš najmlajši brat.‹
27 Our father replied, ‘You know that my wife [Rachel] gave birth to two sons for me.
Tvoj služabnik, moj oče, nam je rekel: ›Vi veste, da mi je žena rodila dva sinova.
28 One of them disappeared, and I said, “A wild animal has surely torn him to pieces.” And I have not seen him since then.
Eden je odšel od mene in rekel sem: ›Zagotovo je raztrgan na koščke‹ in od takrat ga nisem videl.
29 I am an old gray-haired man. If you take this other one from me, too, and something harms him, you would cause me to die because of my sorrow.’ (Sheol )
Če tudi tega vzamete od mene in ga zadene nesreča, boste moje sive lase z bridkostjo privedli do groba.‹ (Sheol )
30 “So please listen. My father will remain alive only if his youngest son remains alive.
Zdaj torej, ko pridem k tvojemu služabniku, svojemu očetu in dečka ne bo z nami, glede na to, da je njegovo življenje vezano na življenje dečka,
31 If he sees that the boy is not with us when we return to him, he will die. We will cause our gray-haired father to die because of his sorrow. (Sheol )
se bo zgodilo, ko bo videl, da dečka ni z nami, da bo umrl. Tvoji služabniki bodo sive lase tvojega služabnika, našega očeta, z bridkostjo privedli do groba. (Sheol )
32 I guaranteed/promised to my father that the boy would return safely. I told him, ‘You can require me to do what I am promising. If I do not bring him back to you, you can say forever that (I am to blame/it is my fault) [for not bringing him back to you].’
Kajti tvoj služabnik je postal pôrok za dečka mojemu očetu, rekoč: ›Če ga ne privedem k tebi, potem bom na veke prinašal krivdo svojemu očetu.‹
33 “So, please let me remain here as your slave instead of my youngest brother, and let the boy return home with his other older brothers.
Zdaj torej, prosim te, naj tvoj služabnik ostane namesto dečka suženj mojemu gospodu, deček pa naj gre gor s svojimi brati.
34 (I cannot return to my father if the boy is not with me!/How can I return to my father if the boy is not with me?) [RHQ] I do not want to see how miserable/sad my father would become!”
Kajti kako bom šel k svojemu očetu, dečka pa ne bo z menoj? Da ne bi morda videl zla, ki bi prišlo na mojega očeta.«