< Genesis 43 >

1 The famine in Canaan got worse.
Men Hungersnøden var hård i Landet;
2 Finally, when Jacob and his family had eaten all the grain they had brought from Egypt, Jacob said to them, “Go back to Egypt and buy some more grain for us!”
og da de havde fortæret det Korn, de havde hentet i Ægypten, sagde deres Fader til dem: "Køb os igen lidt Føde!"
3 But Judah said to him, “The man who sold us the grain warned us sternly, ‘I will not let you see me [SYN] again if you come and your younger brother is not with you.’
Men Juda svarede ham: "Manden sagde os ganske afgjort: I bliver ikke stedt for mit Åsyn, medmindre eders Broder er med!
4 So, if you will send our younger brother with us, we will go down to Egypt and buy some grain for you.
Hvis du derfor vil sende vor Broder med os, vil vi rejse ned og købe dig Føde;
5 But if you will not send him, we will not go down there, because that man said to us, ‘I will not let you see me again if your younger brother is not with you.’”
men sender du ham ikke med, så rejser vi ikke derned, thi Manden sagde til os: I bliver ikke stedt for mit Åsyn, medmindre eders Broder er med!"
6 Jacob asked, “Why did you cause me to have this trouble by telling the man that you had a younger brother?”
Så sagde Israel: "Hvorfor handlede I ilde imod mig og fortalte Manden, at I havde en Broder til?"
7 One of them replied, “The man asked about us and about our family. He said, ‘Is your father still living? Do you have another brother?’ We had to answer his questions. (We could not know that he would say, ‘The next time that you come down here, bring your brother with you!’/How could we know that he would say, ‘The next time that you come down here, bring your brother with you!’)” [RHQ]
De svarede: "Manden spurgte os nøje ud om os og vor Slægt og sagde: Lever eders Fader endnu? Har I en Broder til? Og vi svarede ham på hans Spørgsmål; kunde vi vide, at han vilde sige: Bring eders Broder herned!"
8 Then Judah said to his father Jacob, “Send the boy with me, and we will go immediately, in order that we and you and our children may get grain and not die from hunger.
Men Juda sagde til sin Fader Israel: "Send dog Drengen med mig, så vi kan komme af Sted og blive i Live og undgå Døden, både vi og du og vore Børn!
9 I myself will guarantee that he will return. You can require me to do what I am promising [IDM]. If I do not bring him back to you safely, you can say forever that (I am to blame/it was my fault [that he did not return to you)].
Jeg svarer for ham, af min Hånd må du kræve ham: bringer jeg ham ikke til dig og stiller ham for dit Åsyn, vil jeg være din Skyldner for bestandig;
10 If we had not (wasted so much time/waited so long), by now we could have gone there and returned two times!”
havde vi nu ikke spildt Tiden, kunde vi have været tilbage to Gange!"
11 Then their father Jacob said to them, “If there is no other way, do this: Put in your sacks some of the best things that are grown in this land, and take them down to the man as a gift. Take some balm/perfume and honey and spices and myrrh/ointment, some pistachio nuts, and almonds.
Så sagde deres Fader Israel til dem: "Kan det ikke være anderledes, gør da i alt Fald således: Tag noget af det bedste, Landet frembringer, med i eders Sække og bring Manden en Gave, lidt Mastiksbalsam, lidt Honning, Tragakantgummi, Cistusharpiks, Pistacienødder og Mandler;
12 Take twice as much money as you took the previous time, because you must return the silver that someone put in the tops of your sacks. Perhaps it was a mistake that it was put in your sacks.
og tag dobbelt så mange Penge med, så I bringer de Penge tilbage, som var lagt oven i eders Sække; måske var det en Fejltagelse;
13 Take your younger brother and go back to that man.
og tag så eders Broder og drag atter til Manden!
14 I will pray that God Almighty will cause that man to act mercifully toward you, so that he will let your other brother, as well as Benjamin, come back here with you. But as for me, if my sons are taken from me, then I will not have my sons!”
Gud den Almægtige lade eder finde Barmhjertighed hos Manden, så han lader eders anden Broder og Benjamin fare - men skal jeg være barnløs, så lad mig da blive det!"
15 So the men took the gifts that Jacob said that they should take, and twice the amount of money that the grain would cost, and they also took Benjamin. They went down quickly to Egypt, and they stood in front of Joseph.
Så tog Mændene deres Gave og dobbelt så mange Penge med; også Benjamin tog de med, brød op og drog ned til Ægypten, hvor de fremstillede sig for Josef.
16 When Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the man who (was in charge of/supervised) things in his house, “Take these men to my house. Slaughter an animal and prepare a meal, because I want them to eat with me at noon.” [And he told him in what order they were to be seated].
Da Josef så Benjamin iblandt dem, sagde han til sin Hushovmester: "Bring de Mænd ind i mit Hus, lad slagte og lave til, thi de skal spise til Middag hos mig."
17 The man did as Joseph said. And he took them to Joseph’s house.
Manden gjorde, som Josef bød, og førte Mændene ind i Josefs Hus.
18 But they were afraid because he was taking them to Joseph’s house. They were thinking, “He is taking us here because of the silver that was put in our sacks the first time that we came here. While we are eating, he will have his servants attack us and seize us and cause us to become his slaves, and also take our donkeys.”
Men Mændene blev bange, da de førtes ind i Josefs Hus, og sagde: "Det er for de Penges Skyld, der forrige Gang kom tilbage i vore Sække, at vi føres herind, for at de kan vælte sig ind på os og kaste sig over os, gøre os til Trælle og tage vore Æsler."
19 They went with the man who was in charge of things in Joseph’s house. When they arrived at the entrance of the house,
Derfor trådte de hen til Josefs Hushovmester ved Døren til Huset
20 one of them said to him, “Please, sir, listen to me. We came down here previously and bought some grain.
og sagde: "Hør os, Herre! Vi drog en Gang før herned for at købe Føde,
21 But at the place where we stopped for the night as we were returning home, we opened our sacks. We were astonished to see that in the top of each of our sacks was the exact amount of silver that we had paid for the grain! So we have brought it back with us.
og da vi kom til vort Natteherberge og åbnede vore Sække, se. da lå vore Penge oven i hver enkelts Sæk, vore Penge til sidste Hvid. Men nu har vi bragt dem med tilbage
22 We have also brought more silver with us to buy more grain. We do not know who put the silver in our sacks.”
og desuden andre Penge for at købe Føde. Vi ved ikke, hvem der har lagt Pengene i vore Sække!"
23 The man replied, [“Relax]! Do not worry about it! I received the silver that you brought. Your God, the God your father worships, must have put it in your sacks.” And then he brought Simeon to them from the prison.
Men han svarede: "Vær ved godt Mod, frygt ikke! Eders Gud og eders Faders Gud har lagt en Skat i eders Sække - eders Penge har jeg modtaget!" Og han førte Simeon ud til dem.
24 Then he took them into Joseph’s house. He gave them water to wash their feet and gave them food for the donkeys.
Så førte Manden dem ind i Josefs Hus og gav dem Vand til at tvætte deres Fødder og Foder til Æslerne.
25 He told them that they were going to eat with Joseph at noon. So the men prepared their gifts to give to Joseph when he arrived.
Og de fremtog deres Gave, før Josef kom hjem ved Middagstid, thi de hørte, at de skulde spise der.
26 When Joseph came home, they presented to him the gifts that they had brought into the house. Then they bowed down to the ground in front of him.
Da Josef trådte ind i Huset, bragte de ham den Gave, de havde med, og kastede sig til Jorden for ham.
27 He asked them if they were (well/in good health), and then he asked, “How is the health of your old father, the one that you told me about? Is he still living?”
Han hilste på dem og spurgte: "Går det eders gamle Fader vel, ham, I talte om? Lever han endnu?"
28 One of them replied, “Yes, our father, [who is willing to be] your servant, is still alive, and he is well.” Then again they bowed down in front of him.
De svarede: "Det går din Træl, vor Fader, vel; han lever endnu!" Og de bøjede sig og kastede sig til Jorden.
29 Then he saw his [younger] brother Benjamin, his own mother’s other son. He asked them, “Is this your youngest brother, the one whom you told me about?” After they said “Yes,” he said to Benjamin, “Young man, I pray that God will act kindly toward you.”
Da han så fik Øje på sin kødelige Broder Benjamin, sagde han: "Er det så eders yngste Broder, som I talte til mig om?" Og han sagde: "Gud være dig nådig, min Søn!"
30 Joseph quickly left the room. He realized that he was about to cry because he (was full of emotion about his younger brother/loved his younger brother so much). He went into his private room and cried there.
Men Josef brød hurtigt af, thi Kærligheden til Broderen blussede op i ham, og han kæmpede med Gråden; derfor gik han ind i sit Kammer og græd der.
31 Then, after he washed the tears from his face, he came out, and controlling his emotions, he said to the servants, “Serve the food!”
Men da han havde badet sit Ansigt, kom han ud, og han beherskede sig og sagde: "Sæt Maden frem!"
32 The people of Egypt considered that it was disgraceful for them to eat with Hebrews, so the servants served food to Joseph by himself, and served the other people of Egypt who ate with him by themselves, and they served Joseph’s older brothers and younger brother by themselves.
Så blev Maden sat frem særskilt for ham og for dem og for de Ægyptere, der spiste hos ham; thi Ægypterne kan ikke spise sammen med Hebræere, det er dem en Vederstyggelighed.
33 His brothers were astonished to see that their seats were arranged according to their ages, from the oldest to the youngest!
De blev bænket foran ham efter Alder, den førstefødte øverst og den yngste nederst, og Mændene undrede sig og så på hverandre;
34 And when their portions of food were served to them from Joseph’s table, Benjamin’s portion was five times as much as anyone else’s portion! So they ate food and drank wine with Joseph and became very cheerful.
og han lod dem bringe Mad fra sit eget Bord, og Benjamin fik fem Gange så meget som hver af de andre. Og de drak og blev lystige sammen med ham.

< Genesis 43 >