< Genesis 32 >

1 As Jacob and his family continued traveling, some angels, whom God sent, met him.
А Јаков отиде својим путем; и сретоше га анђели Божији;
2 When Jacob saw them, he said, “This is God’s army camp!” So he named that place Mahanaim, [which means ‘two camps’].
А кад их угледа Јаков, рече: Ово је логор Божји. И прозва оно место Маханаим.
3 Jacob told some of the men to go ahead of him to his older brother Esau, who was living in Seir, the land where the descendants of Edom lived.
И Јаков посла пред собом гласнике к Исаву брату свом у земљу Сир, крајину едомску.
4 He told them, “This is what I want you to say to Esau: 'I, Jacob, want to be your servant and I want you to be my master. I have been living with our uncle Laban, and I have stayed there until now.
И заповеди им говорећи: Овако кажите господару мом Исаву: Слуга твој Јаков овако каже: Био сам дошљак код Лавана и бавио се до сад.
5 I now own many cattle, donkeys, sheep, goats, and male and female slaves. Now I am sending this message to you, sir, hoping that you will (be friendly toward me/treat me kindly) when I arrive.’ “
А имам волова и магараца, оваца и слуга, и слушкиња, и послах да јавим теби господару свом, еда бих нашао милост пред тобом.
6 The messengers went and gave that message to Esau. When they returned to Jacob, they said, “We went to your older brother Esau. Now he is coming to you, and 400 men are coming with him.”
И вратише се гласници к Јакову и рекоше му: Идосмо до брата твог Исава, и ето он ти иде на сусрет с четири стотине момака.
7 Jacob was very afraid and worried. So he divided the people who were with him into two groups. He also divided the sheep and goats, the cattle, and the camels, into two groups.
А Јаков се уплаши јако и забрину се; па раздели своје људе и овце и говеда и камиле у две чете.
8 He was thinking, “If Esau and his men come and attack us, perhaps one of the groups will be left and will be able to escape.”
И рече: Ако Исав удари на једну чету и разбије је, да ако друга утече.
9 Then Jacob prayed, “O Yahweh God, whom my grandfather Abraham worshiped and my father Isaac worships, you said to me, ‘Go back to your own land and to your relatives, and I will (cause good things happen to/do good things for) you.’
И рече Јаков: Боже оца мог Аврама и Боже оца мог Исака, Господе, који си ми казао: Врати се у земљу своју и у род свој, и ја ћу ти бити добротвор!
10 I am not worthy for you to have been so kind and faithful to me in so many ways, your servant. I had only this walking stick with me when I crossed the Jordan [River on my way to Haran], but now I am so wealthy that there are two large groups of my family and possessions.
Нисам вредан толике милости и толике вере што си учинио слузи свом; јер само са штапом својим пређох преко Јордана, а сада сам господар од две чете.
11 So now I pray that you will rescue me from [MTY] my [older] brother Esau, because I am afraid that he and his men will come and attack and kill me and the children and their mothers.
Избави ме из руке брата мог, из руке Исавове, јер се бојим да не дође и убије мене и матер с децом.
12 But do not forget that you have said, ‘I will certainly enable you to prosper, and I will cause your descendants to be as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore, which are so many that no one can count them.’”
А Ти си казао: Заиста ја ћу ти бити добротвор, и учинићу семе твоје да буде као песка морског, који се не може избројати од множине.
13 Jacob slept there that night. The next morning he selected some animals to give to his brother Esau.
И заноћи онде ону ноћ, и узе шта му дође до руке, да пошаље на дар Исаву брату свом,
14 He selected 200 female goats and 20 male goats, 200 female sheep and 20 male sheep,
Двеста коза с двадесет јараца, двеста оваца с двадесет овнова,
15 30 female camels and their offspring, 40 cows and ten bulls, 20 female donkeys and 10 male donkeys.
Тридесет камила дојилица с камиладима, четрдесет крава с десеторо телади, двадесет магарица с десеторо магаради.
16 He divided them into small herds, and put each herd into the care of one of his servants. He said to his servants, “Go ahead of me, one group at a time, and keep some space between each herd.”
И предаде их слугама својим, свако стадо напосе, и рече слугама: Идите напред преда мном, остављајући доста места између једног стада и другог.
17 He said to the servant who was going with the first group, “When my brother Esau meets you, and he asks you, ‘To whom do you belong, and where are you going, and to whom do these animals in front of you belong?’
И заповеди првом говорећи: Кад сретнеш Исава, брата мог, па те запита: Чији си? И куда идеш? И чије је то што гониш пред собом?
18 tell him, ‘They belong to your servant Jacob. He has sent them to you as a gift, sir. And he is coming behind us.’”
А ти реци: Слуге твог Јакова, а ово шаље на дар господару свом Исаву, а ето и сам иде за нама.
19 He also said the same thing to the servants who were taking care of the second and third groups, and to the other herdsmen. He said to them, “When you meet Esau, I want you to say to him the same thing that I told the first servant.
Тако заповеди и другом и трећем и свима који иђаху за стадом, и рече: Тако кажите Исаву кад наиђете на њ.
20 And be sure to say ‘Jacob, who wants to serve you, is coming behind us.’” Jacob told them to say that because he was thinking, “Perhaps these gifts that I am sending ahead of me will cause him to (act peacefully toward/stop being angry with) me. Then later, when I see him, perhaps he will be kind to me.”
И још кажите: Ето, Јаков слуга твој иде за нама. Јер говораше: Ублажићу га даром који иде преда мном, па ћу му онда видети лице, да ако ме лепо прими.
21 So the men taking the gifts [PRS] went ahead, but Jacob himself stayed in the camp that night.
Тако отиде дар напред, а он преноћи ону ноћ код чете своје.
22 Some time during that night, Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two female slaves, and his eleven sons and his daughter, and he sent them across the ford at the Jabbok River.
И по ноћи уста, и узе обе жене и две робиње и једанаесторо деце своје; и преброди брод Јавок.
23 After he had done that, he sent other slaves, carrying all his possessions, across the river.
А пошто њих узе и преведе преко потока, претури и остало што имаше.
24 So Jacob was left there alone. But a man came and wrestled with him until dawn.
А кад оста Јаков сам, тада се један човек рваше с њим до зоре.
25 When the man realized that he was not winning against Jacob, he struck Jacob’s hip and caused the thigh bone to pull away from the hip socket.
И кад виде да га не може свладати, удари га по зглавку у стегну, те се Јакову ишчаши стегно из зглавка, кад се човек рваше с њим.
26 Then the man said, “Let me go, because it will soon be daylight.” [Then Jacob realized who he was really wrestling with]. So he replied, “No, if you will not bless me, I will not let you go!”
Па онда рече: Пусти ме, зора је. А Јаков му рече: Нећу те пустити докле ме не благословиш.
27 The man said to him, “What is your name?” He replied, “Jacob.”
А човек му рече: Како ти је име. А он одговори: Јаков.
28 The man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob. Your name will be Israel, [which means ‘he struggles with God’, ] because you have struggled with God and with people, and you have won.”
Тада му рече: Одселе се нећеш звати Јаков, него Израиљ; јер си се јуначки борио и с Богом и с људима, и одолео си.
29 Jacob said, “Now, please tell me your name!” The man replied, “(Why do you ask me what my name is?/You should not have to ask me what my name is!)” [RHQ] But he blessed Jacob there.
А Јаков запита и рече: Кажи ми како је теби име. А Он рече: Што питаш како ми је име? И благослови га онде.
30 So Jacob named the place Peniel, [which means ‘God’s face’, ] saying “I looked directly at God, but I did not die because of doing that.”
И Јаков надеде име оном месту Фануил; јер, вели, Бога видех лицем к лицу, и душа се моја избави.
31 The sun was rising as Jacob left Peniel, and he was limping because of what had happened to his hip.
И сунце му се роди кад прође Фануил, и храмаше на стегно своје.
32 The muscle on his hip joint had been injured. So to this present time, because of what happened to Jacob, the Israeli people do not eat the muscle/tendon that is attached to the socket of the hips of animals.
Зато синови Израиљеви не једу крајеве од мишића на зглавку у стегну до данашњег дана, што се Јакову повредише крајеви од мишића на зглавку у стегну.

< Genesis 32 >