< Genesis 30 >
1 Rachel realized that she was not becoming pregnant and giving birth to any children for Jacob. So she became jealous of her older sister, Leah, because Leah had given birth to four sons. She said to Jacob, “Enable me to become pregnant and give birth to children. If you do not do that, I [think I will]!”
Ketika dilihat Rahel, bahwa ia tidak melahirkan anak bagi Yakub, cemburulah ia kepada kakaknya itu, lalu berkata kepada Yakub: "Berikanlah kepadaku anak; kalau tidak, aku akan mati."
2 Jacob became angry with Rachel and said, “(I am not God!/Am I God?) [RHQ] He is the one who has prevented you from becoming pregnant!”
Maka bangkitlah amarah Yakub terhadap Rahel dan ia berkata: "Akukah pengganti Allah, yang telah menghalangi engkau mengandung?"
3 Then she said, “Look, here is my female slave, Bilhah. (Sleep with/Have sex with) [EUP] her, so that she may become pregnant and give birth to children for me. In that way it will be as though (I have children/her children are mine).”
Kata Rahel: "Ini Bilha, budakku perempuan, hampirilah dia, supaya ia melahirkan anak di pangkuanku, dan supaya oleh dia akupun mempunyai keturunan."
4 So she gave him her slave, Bilhah, to be another wife for him, and Jacob had sex [EUP] with her.
Maka diberikannyalah Bilha, budaknya itu, kepada Yakub menjadi isterinya dan Yakub menghampiri budak itu.
5 She became pregnant and bore Jacob a son.
Bilha mengandung, lalu melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki bagi Yakub.
6 Rachel said, “God has (vindicated me/judged my case and has decided that what I have done is right). He has also heard my requests and has given me a son.” So she named him Dan, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘he judged’].
Berkatalah Rahel: "Allah telah memberikan keadilan kepadaku, juga telah didengarkan-Nya permohonanku dan diberikan-Nya kepadaku seorang anak laki-laki." Itulah sebabnya ia menamai anak itu Dan.
7 Later, Rachel’s slave Bilhah became pregnant again and gave birth to another son for Jacob.
Mengandung pulalah Bilha, budak perempuan Rahel, lalu melahirkan anak laki-laki yang kedua bagi Yakub.
8 Then Rachel said, “I have had a great struggle to have children like my older sister, but truly I have a son.” So she named him Naphtali, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘struggle’].
Berkatalah Rahel: "Aku telah sangat hebat bergulat dengan kakakku, dan akupun menang." Maka ia menamai anak itu Naftali.
9 When Leah realized that she was not becoming pregnant and giving birth to any more children, she took her female slave, Zilpah, and gave her to Jacob to be another wife for him.
Ketika dilihat Lea, bahwa ia tidak melahirkan lagi, diambilnyalah Zilpa, budaknya perempuan, dan diberikannya kepada Yakub menjadi isterinya.
10 Zilpah soon became pregnant and gave birth to a son for Jacob.
Dan Zilpa, budak perempuan Lea, melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki bagi Yakub.
11 Leah said, “I am truly fortunate!” So she named him Gad, [which means ‘fortunate’].
Berkatalah Lea: "Mujur telah datang." Maka ia menamai anak itu Gad.
12 Later Leah’s slave, Zilpah, gave birth to another son for Jacob.
Dan Zilpa, budak perempuan Lea, melahirkan anak laki-laki yang kedua bagi Yakub.
13 Leah said, “Now I am very happy, and people will call me happy.” So she named him Asher, [which means ‘happy].’
Berkatalah Lea: "Aku ini berbahagia! Tentulah perempuan-perempuan akan menyebutkan aku berbahagia." Maka ia menamai anak itu Asyer.
14 When it was time to harvest wheat, Reuben went out into the fields and saw some (mandrakes/plants that women eat to help them to become pregnant). He brought some of them to his mother Leah. But Rachel saw them and said to Leah, “Please give me some of those plants that your son brought to you!”
Ketika Ruben pada musim menuai gandum pergi berjalan-jalan, didapatinyalah di padang buah dudaim, lalu dibawanya kepada Lea, ibunya. Kata Rahel kepada Lea: "Berilah aku beberapa buah dudaim yang didapat oleh anakmu itu."
15 But Leah said to her, “No! (It was bad that you stole my husband!/Is it not bad enough that you stole my husband?) [RHQ] Now (are you going to take my son’s mandrake plants?/You want to take my son’s mandrake plants also, [so that you can become pregnant]!)” [RHQ] So Rachel said, “All right, Jacob can sleep with you tonight, if you give me some of your son’s mandrake plants.” [So Leah (agreed/gave her some)].
Jawab Lea kepadanya: "Apakah belum cukup bagimu mengambil suamiku? Sekarang pula mau mengambil lagi buah dudaim anakku?" Kata Rahel: "Kalau begitu biarlah ia tidur dengan engkau pada malam ini sebagai ganti buah dudaim anakmu itu."
16 When Jacob returned from the wheat fields that evening, Leah went out to meet him. She said, “You must sleep with me tonight, because I gave Rachel some of my son’s mandrakes [that enable women to become pregnant], to pay her for allowing us to do that.” So Jacob slept with her that night.
Ketika Yakub pada waktu petang datang dari padang, pergilah Lea mendapatkannya, sambil berkata: "Engkau harus singgah kepadaku malam ini, sebab memang engkau telah kusewa dengan buah dudaim anakku." Sebab itu tidurlah Yakub dengan Lea pada malam itu.
17 God answered Leah’s prayers, and she became pregnant and bore a fifth son to Jacob.
Lalu Allah mendengarkan permohonan Lea. Lea mengandung dan melahirkan anak laki-laki yang kelima bagi Yakub.
18 Leah said, “God has rewarded me for giving my slave to my husband to be another wife for him.” So she named him Issachar, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘reward’].
Lalu kata Lea: "Allah telah memberi upahku, karena aku telah memberi budakku perempuan kepada suamiku." Maka ia menamai anak itu Isakhar.
19 Leah became pregnant again and bore a sixth son for Jacob.
Kemudian Lea mengandung pula dan melahirkan anak laki-laki yang keenam bagi Yakub.
20 Leah said, “God has given me a precious gift. (This time/Now) my husband will honor/respect me, because I have given birth to six sons for him.” So she named him Zebulon, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘accepted gift’].
Berkatalah Lea: "Allah telah memberikan hadiah yang indah kepadaku; sekali ini suamiku akan tinggal bersama-sama dengan aku, karena aku telah melahirkan enam orang anak laki-laki baginya." Maka ia menamai anak itu Zebulon.
21 Later she gave birth to a daughter, and named her Dinah.
Sesudah itu ia melahirkan seorang anak perempuan dan menamai anak itu Dina.
22 Then God thought about what Rachel wanted. He heard her prayers and enabled her to become pregnant.
Lalu ingatlah Allah akan Rahel; Allah mendengarkan permohonannya serta membuka kandungannya.
23 She became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She said, “God has caused that no longer will I be ashamed [for not having children].”
Maka mengandunglah Rahel dan melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki. Berkatalah ia: "Allah telah menghapuskan aibku."
24 She named him Joseph, [which sounds like the Hebrew words that mean ‘may he give another’] and she said, ‘want Yahweh to give me another son.’
Maka ia menamai anak itu Yusuf, sambil berkata: "Mudah-mudahan TUHAN menambah seorang anak laki-laki lagi bagiku."
25 After Rachel had given birth to Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, “Now allow me to quit working for you and let me return to my own land.
Setelah Rahel melahirkan Yusuf, berkatalah Yakub kepada Laban: "Izinkanlah aku pergi, supaya aku pulang ke tempat kelahiranku dan ke negeriku.
26 You know the work that I have done for you [for a long time to get my wives]. So let me take my wives and my children, and leave.”
Berikanlah isteri-isteriku dan anak-anakku, yang menjadi upahku selama aku bekerja padamu, supaya aku pulang, sebab engkau tahu, betapa keras aku bekerja padamu."
27 But Laban said to him, “If you are pleased with me, stay here, because I have found out by performing a magic ritual that Yahweh has blessed me because of what you have done for me.
Tetapi Laban berkata kepadanya: "Sekiranya aku mendapat kasihmu! Telah nyata kepadaku, bahwa TUHAN memberkati aku karena engkau."
28 Tell me what you want me to pay you for continuing to work for me, and that is what I will pay you.”
Lagi katanya: "Tentukanlah upahmu yang harus kubayar, maka aku akan memberikannya."
29 Jacob replied, “You know how I have worked for you, and you know that your livestock have increased greatly as I have taken care of them.
Sahut Yakub kepadanya: "Engkau sendiri tahu, bagaimana aku bekerja padamu, dan bagaimana keadaan ternakmu dalam penjagaanku,
30 You had only a few animals before I came here. But now you have very many, and Yahweh has caused them to increase greatly in number wherever I have taken them. But now I need to start taking care of the needs of my own family.”
sebab harta milikmu tidak begitu banyak sebelum aku datang, tetapi sekarang telah berkembang dengan sangat, dan TUHAN telah memberkati engkau sejak aku berada di sini; jadi, bilakah dapat aku bekerja untuk rumah tanggaku sendiri?"
31 Laban replied, “What do you want me to give you?” Jacob replied, “I do not want you to pay me anything. But if you will do this one thing for me, I will continue to take care of your flocks and protect them.
Kata Laban: "Apakah yang harus kuberikan kepadamu?" Jawab Yakub: "Tidak usah kauberikan apa-apa kepadaku; aku mau lagi menggembalakan kambing dombamu dan menjaganya, asal engkau mengizinkan hal ini kepadaku:
32 Allow me to go and look at all of your flocks today and remove from them all the speckled sheep, all the spotted sheep, and every dark-colored lamb, all the goats that are speckled, and all the goats that are spotted, [and keep them for myself]. They will be my wages.
Hari ini aku akan lewat dari tengah-tengah segala kambing dombamu dan akan mengasingkan dari situ setiap binatang yang berbintik-bintik dan berbelang-belang; segala domba yang hitam dan segala kambing yang berbelang-belang dan berbintik-bintik, itulah upahku.
33 In that way, in the future, you will be able to know whether I have been honest regarding what you have paid me. If any of my goats are neither speckled or spotted, or if any of my lambs are not dark-colored, you will know that I have stolen them from you.”
Dan kejujuranku akan terbukti di kemudian hari, apabila engkau datang memeriksa upahku: Segala yang tidak berbintik-bintik atau berbelang-belang di antara kambing-kambing dan yang tidak hitam di antara domba-domba, anggaplah itu tercuri olehku."
34 Laban agreed and said, “Okay, we will do as you have said.”
Kemudian kata Laban: "Baik, jadilah seperti perkataanmu itu."
35 But that same day Laban removed all the male goats that had black and white stripes on them or were spotted, and all the female goats that were speckled or spotted, all the goats that were partly white, and all the dark-colored lambs. He separated them and told his sons to take care of them.
Lalu diasingkannyalah pada hari itu kambing-kambing jantan yang bercoreng-coreng dan berbelang-belang dan segala kambing yang berbintik-bintik dan berbelang-belang, segala yang ada warna putih pada badannya, serta segala yang hitam di antara domba-domba, dan diserahkannyalah semuanya itu kepada anak-anaknya untuk dijaga.
36 Then he took these flocks and walked a distance of three days, in order that he could be that far from Jacob. Jacob continued to take care of the rest of Laban’s flocks.
Kemudian Laban menentukan jarak tiga hari perjalanan jauhnya antara dia dan Yakub, maka tetaplah Yakub menggembalakan kambing domba yang tinggal itu.
37 Then Jacob cut some branches of (poplar, almond, and plane trees/three kinds of trees that had white wood). He peeled strips of bark from the branches, so that where the bark had been peeled off, the branches were light in color.
Lalu Yakub mengambil dahan hijau dari pohon hawar, pohon badam dan pohon berangan, dikupasnyalah dahan-dahan itu sehingga berbelang-belang, sampai yang putihnya kelihatan.
38 Then he placed the peeled branches in the troughs where they put the water for the animals to drink, so that the branches would be in front of the flocks when they came to drink.
Ia meletakkan dahan-dahan yang dikupasnya itu dalam palungan, dalam tempat minum, ke mana kambing domba itu datang minum, sehingga tepat di depan kambing domba itu. Adapun kambing domba itu suka berkelamin pada waktu datang minum.
39 The animals also mated in front of the branches, and eventually they gave birth to animals that were speckled, or to animals that were spotted, or to animals that had black and white stripes on them.
Jika kambing domba itu berkelamin dekat dahan-dahan itu, maka anaknya bercoreng-coreng, berbintik-bintik dan berbelang-belang.
40 Furthermore, Jacob separated the female sheep in his flock from the other sheep and goats in Laban’s flock. And when his female sheep mated, he made them look toward the animals that belonged to Laban that had black and white stripes on them, and the dark-colored animals. He did that so that the female sheep would give birth to animals that were striped or dark-colored. By doing that, he made bigger flocks for himself, and he kept them separate from Laban’s flocks.
Kemudian Yakub memisahkan domba-domba itu, dihadapkannya kepala-kepala kambing domba itu kepada yang bercoreng-coreng dan kepada segala yang hitam di antara kambing domba Laban. Demikianlah ia beroleh kumpulan-kumpulan hewan baginya sendiri, dan tidak ditempatkannya pada kambing domba Laban.
41 In addition, whenever the stronger female sheep were ready to mate, Jacob put some of those peeled branches in the troughs in front of them, so that they would mate in front of the branches.
Dan setiap kali, apabila berkelamin kambing domba yang kuat, maka Yakub meletakkan dahan-dahan itu ke dalam palungan di depan mata kambing domba itu, supaya berkelamin dekat dahan-dahan itu.
42 But when weak animals were ready to mate, he did not put the branches in their troughs. So the weak ones became part of Laban’s flock, and the strong ones became part of Jacob’s flock.
Tetapi apabila datang kambing domba yang lemah, ia tidak meletakkan dahan-dahan itu ke dalamnya. Jadi hewan yang lemah untuk Laban dan yang kuat untuk Yakub.
43 As a result, Jacob became very rich. He owned many large flocks of sheep and goats, and many male and female slaves, and many camels and donkeys.
Maka sangatlah bertambah-tambah harta Yakub, dan ia mempunyai banyak kambing domba, budak perempuan dan laki-laki, unta dan keledai.