< Genesis 28 >

1 Then Isaac summoned Jacob, and gave him a blessing. He told him, “Do not marry a woman of the Canaan people-group.
Isaac llamó a Jacob y lo bendijo. “No te cases con una mujer cananea”, le ordenó.
2 Instead, go right away to Paddan-Aram [in northwest Mesopotamia], to the house of your mother’s father Bethuel. Ask one of the daughters of your mother’s brother Laban to marry you.
“Vete ahora mismo a Padán Harán, a la casa de Betuel, el padre de tu madre. Busca allí una esposa, una hija de Labán, el hermano de tu madre.
3 I will pray that God Almighty will bless you, and enable you to [get married and] have many descendants, in order that they will become many people-groups.
El Dios Altísimo te bendiga y que tus descendientes sean tan numerosos que llegues a ser el ancestro de muchas naciones.
4 I also will pray that he will bless you and your descendants by enabling you to possess/seize the land in which you are now living as a foreigner, the land that God promised to give to [my father] Abraham and his descendants.”
Que Dios te concede a ti y a tus descendientes la misma bendición que le dio a Abraham, para que poseas la tierra en la que eres extranjero, la tierra que Dios le dio a Abraham”.
5 So Isaac sent Jacob to Paddan-Aram, to live with Rebekah’s brother Laban, the son of Bethuel, who belonged to the Aram people-group.
Así que Isaac envió a Jacob, y Jacob se fue de viaje a Paddan-aram, a la casa de Labán, hijo de Betuel, el arameo. Labán era el hermano de Rebeca, la madre de Jacob y Esaú.
6 Esau found out that his father Isaac had blessed Jacob and then sent him to Paddan-Aram. He also found out that when he blessed Isaac, he told him, “Do not marry a woman of the Canaan people-group,”
Esaú descubrió que Isaac había bendecido a Jacob y que lo había enviado a Paddan-aram para encontrar allí una esposa, y que cuando lo bendijo, le dijo: “No te cases con una mujer cananea”.
7 and that Jacob had obeyed his father and mother, and had gone to Paddan-Aram.
También se enteró de que Jacob había obedecido a su padre y ahora se dirigía hacia Paddan-aram.
8 Esau also realized that his father Isaac did not approve of women from the Canaan people-group.
Esto hizo que Esaú descubriera cuánto su padre aborrecía a las mujeres cananeas.
9 Because of that, Esau went to see his uncle Ishmael, and married Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael. Mahalath was the sister of Nabaioth and the granddaughter of Abraham.
Así que Esaú fue a donde la familia de Ismael, y se casó con otra mujer llamada Majalat, la hija de Ismael, hijo de Abraham, y hermana de Nebaiot.
10 Meanwhile, Jacob left Beersheba and started walking along the road to Haran.
Mientras tanto, Jacob había salido de Beerseba e iba de camino hacia Arán.
11 When he arrived at a certain place, he stopped there, because the sun had gone down. He took one of the stones there and put it under his head to use as a pillow. Then he lay down and slept there.
Llegó allí después de la puesta de sol, y se quedó esa noche en un lugar. Tomó una piedra, la puso bajo su cabeza, y se acostó a dormir.
12 While he was sleeping, he had a dream, in which he [was surprised to] see a stairway. The bottom of the stairway was on the earth and the top was in the sky. Jacob also saw that God’s angels were going up and down the stairway.
Y Jacob tuvo un sueño en el que veía una escalera que comenzaba en la tierra, y llegaba hasta el cielo. Vio a los ángeles de Dios que subían y bajaban en ella.
13 And he [was surprised to] see Yahweh standing at the top of the stairway, saying “I am Yahweh God, whom your grandfather Abraham worshiped, and whom Isaac worships. I will give to you and to your descendants the land on which you are lying.
Entonces vio al Señor que estaba en pie sobre él, y que dijo: “Yo soy el Señor, el Dios de tu padre Abraham, y el Dios de Isaac. Yo te doy a ti y a tus descendientes la tierra en la que estás acostado ahora.
14 Your descendants will be as numerous as the particles of dirt that are on the earth, and their territory will be very large. It will extend in all directions, to the east and to the west, to the north and to the south. And people of all people-groups on earth will receive blessings because of [what happens to] you and to your descendants.
Tus descendientes serán tantos como el polvo de la tierra, y se esparcirán de oriente a occidente, y de norte a sur. Todos sobre la tierra serán benditos por tus descendientes.
15 I will help you and protect you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you; I will continue to do for you all that I have promised to do.”
¡Escucha! Yo estoy contigo y te cuidaré dondequiera que vayas. Yo te traeré de regreso a esta tierra. No te abandonaré, porque voy a hacer lo que te prometí”.
16 [During the night], when Jacob woke up from sleeping, he thought, “Surely Yahweh is in this place, and until now I was not aware of it!”
Cuando Jacob se despertó, se dijo a sí mismo: “¡El Señor está aquí, en este lugar, y no me había dado cuenta!”
17 He was afraid, and he said, “This place is very awesome! This is surely the place where God lives, and this is the entrance to heaven!”
Entonces se asustó y dijo: “¡Este es un lugar terrible! Debe ser la casa de Dios y la entrada al cielo”.
18 In the morning Jacob got up and took the stone that he had put under his head and set it up on its end to show that the place was a holy place. He poured some olive oil on top of the stone [to dedicate it to God].
Cuando Jacob se levantó en la mañana, tomó la Piedra que había puesto bajo su cabeza, y la colocó en forma vertical, como un pilar de piedra, y roció aceite de oliva sobre ella.
19 He named that place Bethel, [which means ‘house of God’.] Previously its name was Luz.
Y le puso por nombre a ese lugar “Betel”, (anteriormente su nombre era Luz).
20 Jacob solemnly promised God, saying, “God, if you will help me and protect me while I am taking this journey, and if you give me enough food to eat and clothes to wear,
Jacob también hizo una promesa solemne, diciendo: “Dios, si vas conmigo y me cuidas durante mi viaje, y me das alimento y bebida, así como ropa para vestir
21 in order that I can later return safely to my father’s house, then you, Yahweh, will be the God that I will worship.
para que pueda regresar a salvo a la casa de mi padre, entonces tú, Señor, serás mi Dios.
22 This stone that I have set up will mark the place where people can worship you. And I will give back to you a tenth of everything that you give to me.”
Y este pilar que he levantado aquí, será la casa de Dios, y yo te daré la décima parte de lo que me des”.

< Genesis 28 >