< Genesis 26 >

1 Some time later there was a severe (famine/scarcity of food) there. That was different from the famine that occurred when Abraham was alive. So Isaac went [southeast] to Gerar [town, to talk] to Abimelech, the king of the Philistine people-group. [What happened was this: Isaac considered going to Egypt],
[Qanaan] zéminida Ibrahimning waqtidiki acharchiliqtin bashqa yene bir qétimliq acharchiliq yüz berdi. Shuning bilen Ishaq Gerar shehirige, Filistiylerning padishahi Abimelekning qéshigha bardi.
2 but Yahweh appeared to him and said, “Do not go down to Egypt! Live in the land where I will tell you to go!
Perwerdigar uninggha körünüp mundaq dédi: — Sen Misirgha chüshmey, belki Men sanga körsitip béridighan yurtta turghin.
3 Stay in this land for a while, and I will help you and bless you, because it is to you and your descendants that I will give all these lands, and I will do what I solemnly promised to your father.
Moshu zémindin chiqmay musapir bolup turghin; shuning bilen Men sen bilen bille bolup, sanga bext-beriket ata qilimen; chünki Men sen we neslingge bu zéminlarning hemmisini bérip, atang Ibrahimgha bergen qesimimni ada qilimen;
4 I will cause your descendants to be as numerous as the stars in the sky. I will give to your descendants all these lands, and I will cause your descendants to be a blessing to the people of [MTY] all nations on the earth.
neslingni asmandiki yultuzlardek awutimen we neslingge bu zéminlarning hemmisini bérimen; yer yüzidiki barliq el-yurtlar neslingning [nami] bilen özlirige bext-beriket tileydu;
5 I will do that because your father Abraham obeyed me. He obeyed everything that I told him to do, everything that I declared and all the laws that I gave him.” So Isaac [went and asked King Abimelech if he would permit him to live in the Gerar area. The king said, “Okay,”]
Chünki Ibrahim Méning awazimgha qulaq sélip, tapilighinim, emrlirim, belgilimilirim we qanunlirimni beja keltürdi, — dédi.
6 [so Isaac] stayed there [along with his wife and sons].
Shuning bilen Ishaq Gerarda turup qaldi.
7 When the men in Gerar [town] asked who Rebekah was, Isaac said, “She is my sister.” He said that because he was afraid to say, “She is my wife.” He thought, “Rebekah is very beautiful, so they will want her. [If I say that she is my sister, they know they will have to negotiate about a bride price because I am her older brother; but if I say that she is my wife, no negotiation will be possible]. They will just kill me to get her.”
Emma u yerlik kishiler uning ayali toghrisida sorisa u: — Bu méning singlim bolidu, — dédi; chünki Riwkah intayin chirayliq bolghachqa, Ishaq öz-özige: «Bu méning ayalim bolidu», désem, bu yerlik ademler Riwkahning sewebidin méni öltürüwétermikin, — dep qorqti.
8 When Isaac had been there a long time, one day Abimelech, the king of the Philistine people-group, looked down from a window [in his palace] and was surprised to see Isaac caressing his wife Rebekah.
Lékin u shu yerde uzaq waqit turghandin kéyin shundaq boldiki, Filistiylerning padishahi Abimelek derizidin qariwidi, mana Ishaq we ayali Riwkah bir-birige erkiliship turatti.
9 So Abimelech summoned Isaac and said to him, “Now I realize that she is really your wife! So why did you say, ‘She is my sister’?” Isaac replied to him, “I said that because I thought that someone here might kill me to get her.”
Andin Abimelek Ishaqni chaqirip: — Mana, u jezmen séning ayaling iken! Sen néme dep: «U méning singlim», déding? — déwidi, Ishaq uninggha: — Chünki men eslide uning sewebidin birsi méni öltürüwétermikin, dep ensirigenidim, — dédi.
10 Abimelech said, “(You should not have done this to us!/Why did you do this?) [RHQ] One of our people might have (had sex with/slept with) [EUP] your wife, and you would have caused us to be guilty of a great sin!”
Abimelek uninggha: Bu bizge néme qilghining? Tas qaptu xelq arisidin birersi ayaling bilen birge bolghili?! Undaq bolghan bolsa sen bizni gunahqa patquzghan bolatting! — dédi.
11 Then Abimelech commanded all his people, saying, “Do not harm/molest this man or his wife! Anyone who does that will surely be executed!”
Andin Abimelek hemme xelqqe buyrup: — Kimki bu kishige we yaki xotunigha qol tegküzse jezmen öltürülmey qalmaydu, — dep yarliq chüshürdi.
12 Isaac planted grain in that land that year, and he harvested a very large crop, because Yahweh blessed him.
Ishaq u zéminda tériqchiliq qildi: u shu yili yerdin yüz hesse hosul aldi; Perwerdigar uni beriketligenidi.
13 Isaac continued to acquire more and more possessions, until finally he became very wealthy.
Bu kishi bash kötürüp, barghanséri rawaj tépip, tolimu katta kishilerdin bolup qaldi.
14 He had large herds of sheep and goats and cattle, and many slaves. Because of that, the Philistine people envied him.
Uning qoy-kala padiliri we öyidiki qulliri intayin köpeydi; Filistiyler uninggha heset qilghili turdi.
15 So all the wells that the servants of his father Abraham had dug during the time when he was alive, the people filled up with dirt.
Bu sewebtin uning atisi Ibrahimning künliride atisining qulliri kolighan quduqlarning hemmisini Filistiyler étip, topa bilen tinduruwetti.
16 Then Abimelech said to Isaac, “You people have become more numerous than we are, so I want you to get out of our area.”
Abimelek Ishaqqa: — Sen bizdin ziyade küchiyip ketting, emdi arimizdin chiqip ketkin, — dédi.
17 So Isaac [and his family] moved from there. They set up their tents in Gerar Valley [and started to live there].
Ishaq u yerdin kétip, Gerar wadisigha chédir tikip, shu yerde turup qaldi.
18 There were several wells in that area that had been dug when Isaac’s father Abraham was living, but Philistine people had filled them up [with dirt] after Abraham died. Now Isaac and his servants removed the dirt, and Isaac gave the wells the same names that his father had given to them.
Ibrahim hayat waqtida [qulliri] birmunche quduqlarni qazghanidi; biraq Ibrahim ölgendin kéyin, Filistiyler bularni topa bilen tinduruwetkenidi. Ishaq bu quduqlarni qaytidin kolitip, ulargha atisi ilgiri qoyghan isimlarni yene qoydi.
19 Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and discovered a well of fresh water.
Ishaqning qulliri wadida quduq kolawatqanda suliri urghup chiqip aqidighan bir quduqni tépiwaldi.
20 But other men who lived in Gerar [Valley] who took care of their animals argued/quarreled with the men who took care of Isaac’s animals, and said, “The water in this well is ours!” So Isaac named the well Esek, which means ‘dispute’, because they disputed about who owned it.
Lékin Gerardiki padichilar Ishaqning padichiliridin uni taliship: — Bu su bizningkidur, — dédi. Ular Ishaq bilen jédelleshkechke, u bu quduqni «Ések» dep atidi.
21 Then Isaac’s servants dug another well, but they quarreled about who owned that one also. So Isaac named it Sitnah, [which means ‘opposition]’.
Ular yene bashqa bir quduqni kolidi, ular yene bu quduq toghrisida jédelleshti. Shuning bilen Ishaq buning ismini «Sitnah» dep atidi.
22 They moved on from there and dug another well, but this time no one quarreled about who owned it. So Isaac named it Rehoboth, [which means ‘uninhabited place’], saying, “Yahweh has given us an uninhabited place to live in, a place that is not wanted by other people, and we will become very prosperous here.”
Andin u u yerdin kétip, bashqa yerge bérip, shu yerdimu yene bir quduq kolidi; emdi Gerardikiler bu quduqni talashmidi. Bu sewebtin u uning étini «Rehobot» qoyup: «Emdi Perwerdigar biz üchün jay bergeniken, bu zéminda méwilik bolimiz», — dédi.
23 From there Isaac went up to Beersheba.
Andin u u yerdin chiqip Beer-Shébagha bardi.
24 The first night that he was there, Yahweh appeared to him and said, “I am God, whom your father Abraham worshiped. Do not be afraid of anything. I will help you and bless you, and because of what I promised my servant Abraham, I will greatly increase the number of your descendants.”
Perwerdigar shu kéchisi uninggha körünüp: — Men bolsam atang Ibrahimning Xudasidurmen; qorqmighin, chünki Men sen bilen billimen, séni bext-beriketlep, neslingni qulum Ibrahimning sewebidin awutimen, — dédi.
25 So Isaac built a stone altar there [and offered a sacrifice] to worship Yahweh. He [and his servants] set up their tents there, and his servants started to dig a well.
U shu yerde bir qurban’gah yasap, Perwerdigarning namigha nida qilip ibadet qildi. U shu yerde chédirini tikti, Ishaqning qulliri shu yerde bir quduq kolidi.
26 [While they were digging the well], King Abimelech came to Isaac from Gerar, along with Ahuzzath, his advisor, and Phicol, the commander of his army.
Emdi Abimelek, aghinisi Ahuzzat bilen leshkerbéshi Fikol birge Gerardin chiqip, uning qéshigha bardi.
27 Isaac asked them, “You (acted in a hostile way toward me/treated me like an enemy) before, and sent me away. So why have you come to me now?”
Ishaq ulargha: — Manga öchmenlik qilip, méni aranglardin qoghliwetkendin kéyin, néme üchün méning qéshimgha keldinglar? — dédi.
28 One of them answered, “We have seen that Yahweh helps you. So we said to each other, ‘We should have an agreement between us and you. We should make a peace treaty with you,
Ular jawaben: — Biz Perwerdigarning sen bilen bille bolghinini roshen bayqiduq, shuning bilen biz séning toghrangda: «Otturimizda bir kélishim bolsun, yeni bizler bilen sen bir-birimizge qesem bérip ehde qilishayli» déduq; shu wejidin sen bizge héchqandaq ziyan-zexmet yetküzmigeysen; biz sanga héch tegmiginimizdek, shundaqla sanga yaxshiliqtin bashqa héchbir néme qilmighinimizdek (belki séni aman-ésenlik ichide yolunggha ewetkeniduq) senmu shundaq qilghaysen. Mana hazir sen Perwerdigar teripidin bext-beriket körüwatisen! — déyishti.
29 stating that you will not harm us, in the same way that we did not molest [EUP] you.’ We always treated you well and sent you away peacefully. And now Yahweh is blessing you.”
30 So Isaac made a feast for them, and they all ate and drank.
Shuning bilen u ulargha bir ziyapet qilip berdi. Ular bolsa yep-ichti.
31 Early the next morning they all (swore/solemnly promised) each other that they would do what they had promised. Then Isaac sent them home peacefully.
Etisi tang seherde ular qopup bir-birige qesem qilishti; andin Ishaq ularni yolgha sélip qoydi; ular uning qéshidin aman-ésen ketti.
32 That day Isaac’s servants came to him and told him about the well that they had finished digging. They said, “We found water in the well!”
U küni shundaq boldiki, Ishaqning qulliri kélip, uninggha özi kolighan quduq toghrisida xewer bérip: «Biz su taptuq!» dédi.
33 Isaac named the well Shibah, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘oath’]. To the present time the town there has the name Beersheba [which means ‘Friendship Agreement Well’].
U uning namini «Shibah» qoydi. Bu sewebtin bu sheherning ismi bügün’giche «Beer-Shéba» dep atilip kelmekte.
34 When Esau was 40 years old, he married Judith, the daughter of Beeri, and Basemath, the daughter of Elon. Both of those women were descendants of Heth, [not from Isaac’s clan].
Esaw qiriq yashqa kirgende, hittiylardin bolghan Beerining qizi Yehudit bilen hittiylardin bolghan Élonning qizi Basimatni xotunluqqa aldi.
35 Esau’s two wives made life miserable for Isaac and Rebekah.
Emma bular Ishaq bilen Riwkahning könglige azab élip keldi.

< Genesis 26 >