< Genesis 22 >

1 Several years later, God tested Abraham [to find out] whether Abraham [really trusted in him and would obey him]. He called out to Abraham, and Abraham replied, “I’m here.”
Nthawi ina zitatha izi, Mulungu anamuyesa Abrahamu. Iye anati, “Abrahamu!” Ndipo iye anayankha kuti, “Ee Ambuye.”
2 God said, “Your son, Isaac, whom you love very much, is the only son [who is still here with you]. But take him and go together to the Moriah region. Offer him as a sacrifice like a burnt offering, on a hill that I will show you.”
Ndipo Mulungu anati, “Tenga Isake, mwana wako yekhayo amene umamukonda ndi kupita naye ku dziko la Moriya. Ukamupereke iye ngati nsembe yopsereza pa limodzi la mapiri a kumeneko limene ndidzakuwuza.”
3 So Abraham got up early the next morning, put a saddle on his donkey, and took with him two of his servants along with his son, Isaac. He also chopped some wood to kindle a fire for a burnt offering. Then they started traveling to the place God told him about.
Abrahamu anadzuka mmamawa wake namangirira chokhalira pa bulu. Atadula nkhuni zokwanira zowotchera nsembe yopsereza, Abrahamu, antchito ake awiri pamodzi ndi Isake ananyamuka kupita kumalo kumene Mulungu anamuwuza Abrahamu.
4 On the third day of their travels, Abraham looked up and saw in the distance the place where God wanted him to go.
Pa tsiku lachitatu, Abrahamu anakweza maso ake ndipo anaona malowo chapatali.
5 Abraham said to his servants, “You two stay here with the donkey while the boy and I go over there. We will worship God there, and then we will come back to you.”
Ndipo Abrahamu anati kwa antchito ake aja, “Bakhalani pano ndi buluyu. Ine ndi mnyamatayu tipita uko kukapemphera, koma tibweranso.”
6 Then Abraham took the wood to kindle a fire for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, for him to carry. Abraham carried in his hand a [pan containing burning coals to start a] fire, and a knife, and the two of them walked along together.
Abrahamu anatenga nkhuni za nsembe yopsereza zija namusenzetsa mwana wake Isake, ndipo iye mwini anatenga moto ndi mpeni. Pamene awiriwo amayendera pamodzi,
7 Then Isaac spoke to his father Abraham, saying, “My father!” Abraham replied, “Yes, my son, I’m here!” Isaac said, “Look, we have wood and [coals to light] a fire, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”
Isake anati kwa abambo ake Abrahamu, “Abambo?” Abrahamu anayankha, “Ee mwana wanga.” Isake anafunsa, “Moto ndi nkhuni zilipo, koma nanga mwana wankhosa wa nsembe yopsereza ali kuti?”
8 Abraham replied, “My son, God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering.” So the two of them continued walking along together.
Abrahamu anayankha, “Mwana wanga, Mulungu adzipezera yekha mwana wankhosa wa nsembe yopsereza.” Ndipo awiriwo anapitiriza ulendo.
9 They arrived at the place God had told him about. There, Abraham built a stone altar and arranged the wood on top of it. Then he tied his son Isaac, and laid him on the altar on top of the wood.
Atafika pamalo pamene Mulungu anamuwuza paja, Abrahamu anamangapo guwa lansembe nayika nkhuni pamwamba pa guwapo. Kenaka anamumanga mwana wake Isake namugoneka paguwapo, pamwamba pa nkhuni paja.
10 Then Abraham took the knife and reached out to kill his son.
Kenaka Abrahamu anatambasula dzanja lake natenga mpeni kuti aphe mwana wake.
11 But an angel [who was really Yahweh] called to him from heaven and said, “Abraham! Abraham!” Abraham replied, “I’m here!”
Koma mngelo wa Yehova anayitana Abrahamu kuchokera kumwamba nati, “Abrahamu! Abrahamu!” Iye anayankha kuti, “Ee Ambuye.”
12 The angel said, “Do not harm the boy or do anything to injure him, because now I know that you respect and obey God. I know that because you have not refused to sacrifice your son, the only son [who is still with you].”
Mngeloyo anati, “Usatambasulire mwanayo dzanja lako kuti umuphe, pakuti tsopano ndadziwa kuti iwe umaopa Mulungu. Iwe sunandimane mwana wako mmodzi yekhayo.”
13 Then Abraham looked up and saw that a ram was nearby, whose horns had been caught in a (thicket/clump of bushes). So Abraham went over and grabbed the ram [and killed it], and sacrificed it on the altar as a burnt offering, instead of his son.
Abrahamu anatukula maso ake ndipo anaona nkhosa yamphongo itakoledwa ndi nyanga zake mu ziyangoyango. Iye anapita nakatenga nkhosa ija ndikuyipha ngati nsembe yopsereza mʼmalo mwa mwana wake.
14 Abraham named that place ‘Yahweh will provide’. And to the present day, people say, “On Yahweh’s mountain, he will provide.”
Choncho Abrahamu anatcha malo amenewa kuti Yehova-Yire (Wopereka). Ndipo mpaka lero amatchula malowo kuti ndi “Pa phiri la Yehova wopereka.”
15 The angel [who was really Yahweh] called out to Abraham from heaven a second time.
Mngelo wa Yehova anayitana Abrahamu kuchokera kumwamba kachiwiri
16 He said, “I, Yahweh your Lord, am telling you that you did what I told you, and you have not refused to sacrifice your only son [that is with you]. So I say, ‘I solemnly swear, with myself as my witness,
ndipo anati, “Ndikulumbira mwa Ine ndekha kuti popeza wachita zimenezi, wosandikaniza mwana wako mmodzi yekhayu,
17 that some day your descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the seashore. And your descendants will defeat their enemies and capture their cities [SYN].’
ndidzakudalitsa ndithu ndipo ndidzakupatsa zidzukulu zochuluka ngati nyenyezi zamlengalenga komanso ngati mchenga wa mʼmphepete mwa nyanja. Zidzukulu zako zidzalanda mizinda ya adani awo,
18 You obeyed me, so by means of your descendants the people of all the nations on the earth will be blessed.”
ndipo kudzera mwa chidzukulu chako, mitundu yonse ya anthu pa dziko lapansi idzadalitsika, chifukwa iwe wandimvera.”
19 Then Abraham and Isaac returned to where his servants were waiting, and they went back home together to Beersheba, and Abraham stayed there.
Kenaka Abrahamu anabwerera kumene anasiya antchito ake kuja nanyamukira nawo pamodzi kupita ku Beeriseba. Ndipo Abrahamu anakhala ku Beeriseba.
20 After these things happened, someone told Abraham, “Your brother Nahor’s wife, Milcah, has also given birth to children. She has eight sons.”
Patapita nthawi, Abrahamu anamva kuti, “Milika nayenso anaberekera Nahori, mʼbale wake ana.
21 The oldest son was Uz. The next was Buz. After him was Kemuel, the father of Aram.
Woyamba anali Huzi ndipo kenaka mʼbale wake Buzi. Anaberekanso Kemueli, amene anali abambo ake a Aramu.
22 After Kemuel was Kesad, then Hazo, then Pildash, then Jidlaph, then Bethuel,
Ana ena ndi Kesede Hazo, Pilidasi, Yidilafi ndi Betueli.”
23 who was the father of Rebekah, [who later became Isaac’s wife]. Those were the eight sons of Milcah, wife of Abraham’s brother, Nahor.
Betueli anabereka Rebeka. Milika anaberekera Nahori, mʼbale wake wa Abrahamu, ana aamuna asanu ndi atatu amenewa.
24 Nahor also had a (concubine/female slave whom he took as a wife), whose name was Beumah. She gave birth to four sons: Tebah, Gaham, Tahash, and Maacah.
Mkazi wake wachiwiri, dzina lake Reuma, anamubaliranso Nahori ana awa: Teba, Gahamu, Tahasi ndi Maaka.

< Genesis 22 >