< Genesis 21 >

1 Yahweh was very kind to Sarah, just as he said he would be. He did for Sarah exactly what he promised to do.
Zvino Jehovha akaitira Sara nyasha sezvaakanga areva, uye Jehovha akaitira Sara zvaakanga avimbisa.
2 She became pregnant and gave birth to a son for Abraham when he was very old, at the time God promised it would happen.
Sara akava nemimba uye akaberekera Abhurahama mwanakomana munguva yokukwegura kwake, panguva chaiyo yakanga yavimbiswa naMwari.
3 Abraham gave the name ‘Isaac’ (which means ‘he laughs’) to the son Sarah gave birth to.
Abhurahama akatumidza mwanakomana waakaberekerwa naSara zita rokuti Isaka.
4 Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when his son was eight days old, just as God commanded him to do.
Mwanakomana wake Isaka paakanga ava namazuva masere okuberekwa, Abhurahama akamudzingisa, sezvaakanga arayirwa naMwari.
5 Abraham was 100 years old when his son Isaac was born.
Abhurahama akanga ava namakore okuberekwa zana paakaberekerwa mwanakomana wake Isaka.
6 And Sarah said, “[Although I was sad before because I did not have any children], God has now enabled me to laugh, and everyone who hears about what God has done for me will laugh with me.”
Sara akati, “Mwari andivigira kuseka, uye vose vachanzwa nezvazvo vachaseka neni.”
7 Then she also said, “No one would have said to Abraham that some day Sarah would nurse a child, but I have given birth to a son when Abraham is very old.”
Uye akatizve, “Ndianiko aizoti kuna Abhurahama, Sara achazorera vana? Asi ndamuberekera mwanakomana panguva yokukwegura kwake.”
8 The baby grew and was weaned [when he was about three years old]. On that day, Abraham prepared a large feast to celebrate.
Mwana akakura uye akarumurwa, uye pazuva rakarumurwa Isaka, Abhurahama akaita mutambo mukuru.
9 ([One day/During the feast)] Sarah noticed that Hagar’s son Ishmael was (making fun of/playing with) Isaac.
Asi Sara akaona mwanakomana akanga aberekerwa Abhurahama naHagari muIjipita achiseka,
10 So she said to Abraham, “Get rid of that slave woman from Egypt and her son! I do not want the son of that slave woman to be alone (OR, to be an heir along with) my son, Isaac!”
ndokubva ati kuna Abhurahama, “Dzinga mukadzi murandakadzi uyo nomwanakomana wake, nokuti mwanakomana womurandakadzi uyo haangatongogovani nhaka nomwanakomana wangu Isaka.”
11 Abraham was very distressed about the matter, because he was concerned about his son [Ishmael].
Nyaya iyi yakatambudza Abhurahama zvikuru kwazvo nokuti yaiva nechokuita nomwanakomana wake.
12 But God said to Abraham, “Do not be distressed about your son, Ishmael, and about your maidservant, Hagar. Do everything that Sarah tells you to do. Listen to her, because Isaac is the one who will be considered the ancestor of the descendants I promised to give you.
Asi Mwari akati kwaari, “Usanyanya kutambudzika hako pamusoro pomukomana uye napamusoro pomurandakadzi wako. Teerera zvaunoudzwa naSara, nokuti muna Isaka ndimo muchaverengerwa vana vako.
13 But I will also cause the son of your maidservant to be the ancestor of the people of a great nation [MTY], because he is also your son.”
Ndichaitawo rudzi kubudikidza nomwanakomana womurandakadzi, nokuti naiyewo mwana wako.”
14 So Abraham got up early the next morning. He got some food ready, put water in a container, and gave them to Hagar. He put them [in a bag] on her shoulder and sent them away. They wandered in the desert near Beersheba [town].
Mangwanani akatevera, Abhurahama akatora zvokudya neguchu redehwe rine mvura akazvipa kuna Hagari. Akazviisa pamapfudzi ake ipapo akamuendesa pamwe chete nomukomana. Akaenda uye akadzungaira ari mugwenga reBheerishebha.
15 After they had drunk all the water in the container, she put her son under one of the bushes there.
Mvura yaiva muguchu redehwe yakati yapera, akaisa mukomana pasi pegwenzi.
16 Then she went and sat nearby, about (as far as someone can shoot an arrow/100 meters away), because she thought, “I cannot endure seeing my son die!” As she sat there, she began to cry [loudly] [MTY].
Ipapo akabvapo akandogara pedyo naipapo, nhambwe inenge ingasvika museve, nokuti akafunga mumwoyo make akati, “Handingatariri mukomana achifa.” Uye agere pedyo ipapo akatanga kuchema.
17 [The boy was crying too.] And God heard the boy crying. So he caused one of his angels to call out from heaven to Hagar, saying, “Hagar, are you worried about something? Do not be afraid, because God has heard the boy crying there.
Mwari akanzwa mukomana achichema, uye mutumwa waMwari akadana Hagari kubva kudenga akati kwaari, “Zvaita seiko Hagari? Usatya; Mwari anzwa kuchema kwomukomana paakavata apo.
18 Help your son up, and hold his hand as you leave, because I will cause his descendants to become a great nation.”
Simudza mukomana umubate noruoko, nokuti ndichamuita rudzi rukuru.”
19 Then God showed her a well of water. So she went to the well and filled the container with water, and gave the boy a drink.
Ipapo Mwari akasvinudza meso ake uye akaona tsime remvura. Saka akaenda akandozadza guchu nemvura ndokubva apa mukomana kuti anwe.
20 God helped the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and became a good (archer/man who hunts with bow and arrows).
Mwari akava nomukomana pakukura kwake. Akagara mugwenga akazova munhu aipfura nouta.
21 He lived in Paran Desert. While e was there, Hagar got a wife for him from Egypt.
Paakanga achigara mugwenga reParani, mai vake vakamutsvakira mukadzi aibva kuIjipiti.
22 At that time, [King] Abimelech and Phicol, the commander of his army, said to Abraham, “It is clear that God helps you with everything that you do.
Panguva iyoyo Abhimereki naPikori mukuru wamauto ake, akati kuna Abhurahama, “Mwari anewe pazvinhu zvose zvaunoita.
23 So now (solemnly promise/swear) to me here, as God is listening, that you will (not deceive/act fairly to) me and my children and my descendants, in return for my being kind to you. Be kind to me and to all the people here in the country where you are now living.”
Zvino ndipikire pano pamberi paMwari kuti hauzondinyengeri ini, kana vana vangu kana zvizvarwa zvangu. Ndiitirei tsitsi ini nenyika yaugere mairi somutorwa, kuti sezvandakakuitira tsitsi uchaita zvimwe chetezvo newewo.”
24 So Abraham promised to do that.
Abhurahama akati, “Ndinopika.”
25 [Then] Abraham complained to Abimelech about one of Abraham’s wells that Abimelech’s servants had seized.
Ipapo Abhurahama akamhanʼara kuna Abhimereki pamusoro petsime remvura rakanga ratorwa navaranda vaAbhimereki.
26 But Abimelech said, “I do not know who has done that. You did not tell me previously, and I did not hear about it until today.”
Asi Abhimereki akati, “Handizivi akaita izvozvo. Iwe hauna kundiudza, uye ndatozvinzwa izvozvo nhasi chaiye.”
27 So Abraham brought some sheep and gave them to Abimelech, and the two of them made a (treaty/peace agreement).
Saka Abhurahama akauya namakwai nemombe akazvipa kuna Abhimereki, uye varume vaviri ava vakaita sungano.
28 Abraham separated seven female lambs from his flock.
Abhurahama akatsaura sheche nomwe dzamakwayana kubva kuboka,
29 Abimelech asked Abraham, “What are these seven female lambs that you have separated from the rest of your flock?”
uye Abhimereki akabvunza Abhurahama akati, “Sheche dzamakwai idzi dzawatsaura dzinoreveiko?”
30 Abraham replied, “I want you truly to accept these female lambs from me [SYN], so that it may be a (public witness/proof) that this well belongs to me because I dug it.”
Akapindura achiti, “Gamuchira makwayana manomwe aya kubva muruoko rwangu sechapupu chokuti ndini ndakachera tsime iri.”
31 So Abimelech accepted the animals, and as a result they called that place Beersheba, [which means ‘Friendship Agreement Well’, ] because there the two of them made that agreement.
Saka nzvimbo iyo yakanzi Bheerishebha, nokuti varume vaviri ava vakapika mhiko ipapo.
32 After they made the agreement at Beersheba, Abimelech and his army commander, Phicol, left, and returned to the land of the Philistine people-group.
Mushure mokuitwa kwesungano paBheerishebha, Abhimereki naPikori mukuru wamauto ake vakadzokera kunyika yavaFiristia.
33 Abraham planted a (tamarisk tree/kind of tree called esel) there, and he worshiped the eternal God there.
Abhurahama akadyara muti womutamarisiki muBheerishebha, uye ipapo akadana kuzita raJehovha, Mwari Wokusingaperi.
34 Abraham lived in the land of the Philistine people-group for a long time.
Uye Abhurahama akagara munyika yavaFiristia kwenguva refu.

< Genesis 21 >