< Genesis 20 >

1 Abraham left Mamre and moved southwest to the Negev desert and lived in a place named Gerar, between Kadesh and Shur.
Alò Abraham te vwayaje soti la vè peyi Negev la. Li te vin rete antre Kàdes ak Schur, e li te pase yon tan kon etranje nan Guérar.
2 While he was there, he told people that Sarah was his sister, not his wife. Then King Abimelech of Gerar sent some of his men to Sarah, and they brought her to him to be his wife.
Abraham te di selon Sarah, madanm li: “Li se sè mwen”. Alò, Abimélec, wa nan Guérar a te vin pran Sarah.
3 But God appeared to Abimelech in a dream during the night and said to him, “Listen to me! You are going to die because the woman you took is another man’s wife.”
Men Bondye te vini a Abimélec nan yon rèv nan nwit, e Li te di li: “Veye byen, ou se yon moun ki fin mouri akoz fanm ke ou te pran an, paske li marye.”
4 But Abimelech had not had sex [EUP] with her, so he said, “God, since the people of my nation and I am innocent; will you kill me?
Alò, Abimélec pa t gen tan pwoche li, epi li te reponn: “Senyè, èske Ou va detwi yon nasyon, malgre li san fot?
5 He told me, ‘She is my sister,’ and she also said, ‘He is my brother.’ I did this with pure motives and I [SYN] have not done anything wrong yet.”
Èske li menm, li pa t di mwen: ‘Li se sè mwen?’ Epi li menm, li te di: ‘Li se frè m.’ Nan entegrite kè m, ak inosans men m, mwen te fè sa.”
6 God said to him in another dream, “Yes, I know that your motives were pure. That is why I truly prevented you from sinning against me. I did not allow you to have sex [EUP] with her.
Konsa, Bondye te di li nan rèv la: “Wi, Mwen konnen ke nan entegrite kè ou, ou te fè sa, e Mwen osi te anpeche ou pou ou pa t peche kont Mwen. Se pou sa Mwen pa t kite ou touche li.
7 Now, return this man’s wife to her husband, because he is (a prophet/a man who receives messages from me). He will pray for you, and you will (remain alive/not die). But if you do not return her to him, you will certainly die, and all the members of your household will also certainly die.”
Alò, pou sa, remèt madanm a nonm sa a. Paske se yon pwofèt ke li ye. Li va priye pou ou e ou va viv. Men si ou pa remèt li, konnen ke ou va anverite mouri, ou menm avèk tout moun sa yo ki pou ou yo.”
8 Early the next morning, Abimelech summoned all his officials, and told them everything that had happened. When they heard that [MTY], his men were very afraid [that God would punish them].
Konsa, Abimélec te leve granmmaten. Li te rele tout sèvitè li yo, e te di tout bagay sa yo pou yo tande. Mesye sa yo te gen gwo laperèz.
9 Abimelech then summoned Abraham, and said to him, “You should not have done that to us [RHQ]! Did I do something wrong to you, with the result that you are causing me and the people in [MTY] my kingdom to be guilty of committing a great sin [RHQ]? You have done things to me that (should not be done/you should not have done)!”
Alò, Abimélec te rele Abraham. Li te di li: “Kisa ou te fè nou? Epi kijan mwen te peche kont ou ke ou te pote sou mwen ak wayòm mwen yon gran peche? Ou te fè m bagay ou pa ta janm dwe fè.”:
10 Abimelech asked Abraham, “What was your reason for doing this?”
Epi Abimélec te di a Abraham: “Sak rive ou ki fè ou fè bagay sa a?”
11 Abraham replied, “I said that because I thought, ‘They certainly do not respect God in this place. If they don’t respect God, they will not respect relationships with others. [If I say she is my sister, they will try to pay me a bride price] to get her. But if I say she is my wife, they will kill me to get her.’
Abraham te di: “Paske, mwen te reflechi ke asireman, pa gen lakrent Bondye nan plas sa a, e yo va touye mwen akoz madanm mwen.
12 Besides, she really [can be considered] my sister, because she is the daughter of my father, although she is not the daughter of my mother. She is the daughter of another woman, and I married her.
Anplis de sa, vrèman li se sè mwen, fi a papa m, men pa fi a manman m, e li te vin madanm mwen.
13 Later, when God told me to move away from my father’s household, I said to her, ‘This is the way you can show that you love me: Everywhere we go, say about me, “This is my brother.”’”
Lè li te rive ke Bondye te fè m vwayaje pou kite kay papa m, mwen te di li: ‘Men yon gras ke ou va fè m: tout kote nou ale, di pa mwen menm: ‘Li se frè m.’’”
14 So Abimelech brought some sheep and cattle and male and female slaves and gave them to Abraham. And he returned his wife Sarah to him.
Konsa, Abimélec te pran mouton avèk bèf avèk sèvitè li yo, mal ak femèl. Li te bay yo a Abraham, e li te remèt madanm li, Sarah bay li.
15 And Abimelech said to him, “Look! All my land is here in front of you. Live in whatever place you like!”
Abimélec te di: “Byen gade, peyi mwen an devan ou. Etabli ou kote ou pito.”
16 And he said to Sarah, “Look here, I am giving 1,000 pieces of silver to your brother. This is to insure that no one will [bring up this matter again and] say that I have done something wrong. [EUP, IDM]”
A Sarah, li te di: “Byen gade, mwen te bay frè ou mil pyès an ajan. Veye byen, li se revandikasyon ou devan zye tout moun ki avèk ou. E devan tout, ke ou egzonore.”
17 Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech’s wife and his slave girls so that they could become pregnant.
Abraham te priye a Bondye, e Bondye te geri Abimélec avèk madanm li, avèk mennaj li yo, pou yo te vin fè pitit.
18 This was because Yahweh had caused it to be impossible for any of the women in Abimelech’s household to bear children, because Abimelech had taken Abraham’s wife Sarah.
Paske SENYÈ a te fèmen vant yo a tout kay Abimélec la akoz Sarah, madanm Abraham nan.

< Genesis 20 >