< Genesis 19 >

1 That evening, the two angels arrived in Sodom. Lot was sitting at the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to greet them, and prostrated himself with his face on the ground.
A uveèe doðoše dva anðela u Sodom; a Lot sjeðaše na vratima Sodomskim; i kad ih ugleda, ustade te ih srete, i pokloni se licem do zemlje,
2 He said to them, “Gentlemen, please stay in my house tonight. You can wash your feet, and tomorrow you can continue your journey.” But they said, “No, we will just sleep in the city square.”
I reèe: hodite, gospodo, u kuæu sluge svojega, i prenoæite i operite noge svoje; pa sjutra rano kad ustanete poðite svojim putem. A oni rekoše: ne, nego æemo prenoæiti na ulici.
3 But Lot kept insisting strongly that they sleep in his house. So they entered his house with him, and he prepared a meal for them. He baked some bread without yeast, and they ate it.
Ali on navali na njih, te se uvratiše k njemu i uðoše u kuæu njegovu, i on ih ugosti, i ispeèe hljebova prijesnijeh, i jedoše.
4 After they finished eating, before they went to bed, the men of Sodom [city], all of them, from the young ones to the old ones, surrounded the house.
I još ne bjehu legli, a graðani Sodomljani slegoše se oko kuæe, staro i mlado, sav narod sa svijeh krajeva,
5 They called out to Lot, saying, “Where are the men who came to your house this evening? Bring them out, so that we can have sex with them!” [EUP]
I vikahu Lota i govorahu mu: gdje su ljudi što doðoše sinoæ k tebi? izvedi ih k nama da ih poznamo.
6 Lot went outside the house and shut the door behind him, so that they could not go inside.
A Lot izide k njima pred vrata zatvoriv vrata za sobom,
7 He said to them, “My friends, don’t do such an evil thing!
I reèe im: nemojte, braæo, èiniti zla.
8 Listen to me. I have two daughters who have never had sex with any man. Let me bring them out to you now, and you can do with them whatever pleases you. But don’t do anything to these men, because they are guests in my house, [so I must protect them]!”
Evo imam dvije kæeri, koje još ne poznaše èovjeka; njih æu vam izvesti, pa èinite s njima što vam je volja; samo ne dirajte u one ljude, jer su zato ušli pod moj krov.
9 But they replied, “Get out of our way! You are a foreigner; so you have no right to tell us what is right! [If you don’t get out of our way], we will do worse things to you than we will do to them!” Then they lunged towards Lot, and tried forcefully to break down the door.
A oni mu rekoše: hodi amo. Pa onda rekoše: ovaj je sam došao amo da živi kao došljak, pa još hoæe da nam sudi; sad æemo tebi uèiniti gore nego njima. Pa navališe jako na èovjeka, na Lota, i stadoše istavljati vrata.
10 But the two angels opened the door carefully, reached out their hands, and pulled Lot to them inside the house. Then they quickly shut the door.
A ona dva èovjeka digoše ruke, i uvukoše Lota k sebi u kuæu, i zatvoriše vrata.
11 Then they caused all the men who were outside the door of the house, young and old, to become blind, so that they could not find the door.
A ljudi što bijahu pred vratima kuænim ujedanput oslijepiše od najmanjega do najveæega, te ne mogahu naæi vrata.
12 Then the two angels said to Lot, “Who else is with you here? If you have sons or sons-in-law or daughters or anyone else in the city who is related to you, take them out of the city,
Tada ona dva èovjeka rekoše Lotu: ako imaš ovdje još koga svoga, ili zeta ili sina ili kæer, ili koga god svoga u ovom gradu, gledaj nek idu odavde;
13 because we are the ones who are going to destroy this place. Yahweh considers that these people are so evil that he sent us to destroy the city.”
Jer hoæemo da zatremo mjesto ovo, jer je vika njihova velika pred Gospodom, pa nas posla Gospod da ga zatremo.
14 So Lot went and spoke to the men who had pledged to marry his daughters. He said to them, “Hurry! Get out of this city, because Yahweh is about to destroy it!” But his future sons-in-law thought he was joking.
I izide Lot, i kaza zetovima svojim, za koje šæaše dati kæeri svoje, i reèe im: ustajte, idite iz mjesta ovoga, jer æe sada zatrti Gospod grad ovaj. Ali se zetovima njegovijem uèini da se šali.
15 As it was about to dawn the next morning, the two angels urged Lot, saying, “Get up quickly! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here with you and leave! If you don’t, you will die when [we destroy/Yahweh destroys] the city!”
A kad zora zabijelje, navališe anðeli na Lota govoreæi: ustani, uzmi ženu svoju i dvije kæeri svoje koje su tu, da ne pogineš u bezakonju grada toga.
16 When Lot hesitated, the angels grasped his hand and his wife’s hand and the hands of his two daughters. They led them outside the city safely. The angels did that because Yahweh was acting mercifully toward them.
A on se stade šèinjati, te ljudi uzeše za ruku njega i ženu njegovu i dvije kæeri njegove, jer ga bješe žao Gospodu, i izvedoše ga i pustiše iza grada.
17 When they were outside the city, one of the angels said, “[If you want to remain alive], run away quickly! Don’t look back! And don’t stop anywhere in the valley! Flee to the hills! If you don’t, you will die!”
I kad ih izvedoše napolje, reèe jedan: izbavi dušu svoju i ne obziri se natrag, i u cijeloj ovoj ravni da nijesi stao; bježi na ono brdo, da ne pogineš.
18 But Lot said to one of the angels, “No, sir, don’t make me do that!
A Lot im reèe: nemoj, Gospode!
19 Please, listen. You have been pleased with me and have been very kind to me and spared my life. But I cannot flee to the mountain. If I try to do that, I will die in this disaster [PRS].
Gle, sluga tvoj naðe milosti pred tobom, i milost je tvoja prevelika koju mi uèini saèuvavši mi život; ali ne mogu uteæi na brdo da me ne stigne zlo i ne poginem.
20 But listen to me. There is a town nearby. Let me run to that small town. Let me go there now. It is a small town, but our lives will be saved if we go there.”
Eno grad blizu; onamo se može uteæi, a mali je; da bježim onamo; ta mali je, te æu ostati živ.
21 One of the angels said to Lot, “I will allow you to do what you have requested [MTY]. I will not destroy the little town you are speaking about.
A on mu reèe: eto poslušaæu te i zato, i neæu zatrti grada, za koji reèe.
22 But hurry! Run there, because I cannot destroy anything until you arrive there.” People later called the name of the town Zoar [which means ‘small’, ] because Lot said it was small.
Brže bježi onamo; jer ne mogu èiniti ništa dokle ne stigneš onamo. Zato se prozva onaj grad Sigor.
23 As the sun was rising, Lot and his family arrived in the town which is now called Zoar.
I kad sunce ogranu po zemlji, Lot doðe u Sigor.
24 Then Yahweh caused fire and [burning] sulfur to fall down on Sodom and Gomorrah like rain.
Tada pusti Gospod na Sodom i na Gomor od Gospoda s neba dažd od sumpora i ognja,
25 In that way, he destroyed those cities and all the people who were living in those cities. He also destroyed everything in the valley, including all the plants/vegetation.
I zatr one gradove i svu onu ravan, i sve ljude u gradovima i rod zemaljski.
26 But Lot’s wife stopped and looked back [to see what was happening], so she died, and her body [later] became a pillar of salt.
Ali žena Lotova bješe se obazrela iduæi za njim, i posta slan kamen.
27 That morning, Abraham got up and went to the place where he had stood in front of Yahweh.
A sjutradan rano ustavši Avram, otide na mjesto gdje je stajao pred Gospodom;
28 He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and he [was surprised to] see that all over the valley, smoke was rising, like the smoke of a huge furnace.
I pogleda na Sodom i Gomor i svu okolinu po onoj ravni, i ugleda, a to se dizaše dim od zemlje kao dim iz peæi.
29 So, when God destroyed those cities in the valley, he remembered what he had promised Abraham, and he rescued Lot from the disaster that occurred in the cities where Lot had lived.
Ali kad Bog zatiraše gradove u onoj ravni, opomenu se Bog Avrama, i izvede Lota iz propasti kad zatr gradove gdje življaše Lot.
30 Lot was afraid to stay in Zoar, so he left there and moved with his two daughters to the mountain, and they lived in a cave.
A Lot otide iz Sigora, i stani se na onom brdu s dvije kæeri svoje, jer se bojaše ostati u Sigoru; i življaše u peæini s dvije kæeri svoje.
31 One day the older daughter said to (the younger daughter/her sister), “Our father is old, and there is no man in this area who can have sex [EUP] with us, as people all over the earth do.
A starija reèe mlaðoj: naš je otac star, a nema nikoga na zemlji da doðe k nama kao što je obièaj po svoj zemlji.
32 Let’s make our father drink wine until he gets drunk. Then we can have sex with him [EUP] [without him knowing it]. In that way [he will cause us to become pregnant] and we can bear children.”
Hajde da damo ocu vina neka se opije, pa da legnemo s njim, eda bismo saèuvale sjeme ocu svojemu.
33 So that night they caused their father to become drunk. And the older daughter went in and lay in bed with her father, and he had sex with her, but he was so drunk that he did not know when she lay down with him or when she got up.
I dadoše ocu vina onu noæ; i došavši starija leže s ocem svojim, i on ne osjeti ni kad ona leže ni kad ustade.
34 The next day, his older daughter said to (his younger daughter/her sister), “Listen to me. Last night I slept with our father. Let’s cause him to become drunk again tonight! This time you can go and sleep with him. If he has sex with you, you can become pregnant, and that way you can have a child, too.”
A sjutradan reèe starija mlaðoj: gle, noæas spavah s ocem svojim. Da mu damo vina i doveèe, pa idi ti i lezi s njim, eda bismo saèuvale sjeme ocu svojemu.
35 So that night, they caused their father to become drunk with wine again, and then his younger daughter went and slept with him. But again, he was so drunk that he did not know when she lay down with him or when she got up.
Pa i to veèe dadoše ocu vina i ustavši mlaða leže s njim, i on ne osjeti ni kad ona leže ni kad ustade.
36 So Lot caused his two daughters to become pregnant.
I obje kæeri Lotove zatrudnješe od oca svojega.
37 The older one later gave birth to a son, whom she named Moab. He became the ancestor of the Moab people-group.
I starija rodi sina, i nadjede mu ime Moav; od njega su Moavci do današnjega dana.
38 The younger one also gave birth to a son, whom she named Ben-Ammi. He became the ancestor of the Ammon people-group.
Pa i mlaða rodi sina, i nadjede mu ime Ven-Amije; od njega su Amonci do današnjega dana.

< Genesis 19 >