< Genesis 17 >
1 When Abram was 99 years old, Yahweh appeared to him again and said to him, “I am God Almighty. I want you to live in a way that I will regard you as someone that cannot be criticized.
İbramıqa yüç'əle yüçüd sennang'a mang'us Rəbb gyagu uvhuyn: – Gırgın əxəna Allah (El-Şadday) Zı vorna. Yizde yəqqı'n hohre, məttın yik'nana ixhe.
2 If you do that, I will make an agreement with you in which I will promise to enable you to have very many descendants.” [MTY]
Mugaavile Yizdeyiy yiğne yı'q'neeqa gyuvxhu, vake g'abıynbı geeb xəp qaa'as.
3 Abram prostrated himself with his face on the ground. Then God said to him,
İbram aq'vahiyna ç'iyelqa dizyaraççe. Allahee mang'uk'le eyhen:
4 “Listen to this agreement that I am making with you: People of many nations will be your descendants.
– Yizde suralyna mugaavile vakana haane: Ğu geedne milletbışda dek ixhes.
5 And no longer will your name be Abram. Instead, your name will be Abraham, [which means ‘father of many nations,’] because the people of many nations will descend from you.
Zı vake geedne milletbışda dek ha'asva, g'iyniyle yiğın do İbram (xərna dek) deş, İbrahim (xəppananbışda dek) ixhes.
6 I will enable you to have very many descendants, and I will cause them to become great nations/people-groups, and some of your descendants will become kings.
Yiğna nasıl geeb xəp qaa'as. Vake milletbı g'ales. Yiğne nasıle paççaharıb vuxhesınbı.
7 I will make this agreement between me and you and your descendants. It will be an everlasting agreement to be in effect for many generations. This agreement is that I will be your God, and the God of your descendants.
Zı vakayiy vale qihnane yiğne nasılıka hammaşiysda mugaavile haa'a. Zı ixhes, yiğnayiy vale qihnane yiğne nasılbışda Allah.
8 I will give to you and to your descendants the land through which you are now traveling, all of the Canaan region. It will be an everlasting possession for your descendants, and I will be the God that they [will worship].”
Vasiy vale qiyğiyne nasılbışis hammaşiys ğu alycaxhvana Kana'anna ölka huvu, manbışda Allah ixhes.
9 Then God said to Abraham, “Now you must obey [your part of] the agreement that I am making with you, and your descendants must also obey it, for all generations.
Qiyğa Allahee İbrahimık'le uvhuyn: – Yiğne suraleb, ğunay vale qiyğiyne nasılbışe mugaavilee nəxüdiy eyhe, həməxüd he'e.
10 This is the agreement that I am making, between myself and you and all your descendants: Every male among you must be circumcised.
Vakayiy vale qiyğiyne nasılbışika hav'uyne mugaavileyn işaarat in vod: Gırgın adamer sunnat hav'u vuxhes.
11 (Cutting the foreskins of/Circumcising) them will be the sign [that you have accepted] the agreement I am making with you.
Sunnatın çürüx g'ats'ak'vne. Sunnat Yizdeyiy vuşde mugaavileyn işaarat ixhes.
12 Every male child among you must be circumcised when he is eight days old, in all future generations. That includes baby boys in your household or those born from slaves that have been bought, and baby boys of foreigners who live among you but do not belong to your household.
Vuşde xaa yedike ıxhanar, menne milletbışiker alişşunar adameeşina insan molyulle yiğ ıxhamee sunnat he'e.
13 It does not matter whether their parents are members of your household or slaves that have been bought; they must all be circumcised. Your bodies will have this mark to show [you have accepted] this everlasting agreement I am making.
Yiğne xaa yedike vuxhaynbıb, menne milletbışike alivşuynbıb sunnat hidyav'u g'ılymaa'a. Sunnat vuşde tanılin Yizde hammaşiyste mugaavileyn işaarat ixhes.
14 You must expel from your community any male who has not been circumcised, because [by not being circumcised] that person has disobeyed my agreement.”
Sunnat hidi'ına adameeşina insan mugaavile havaakal hav'uva, milletne yı'q'nee meexhecen.
15 God also said to Abraham, “As for Sarai, your wife, you must not call her Sarai any longer. [Since I changed your name, I will change her name also]. Her name will now be Sarah.
Allahee İbrahimık'le meed eyhen: – Xhunaşşeyk'le Sarayva immeyhe. G'iynike şaqa məng'ı'n do Sarra (printsesa) ixhes.
16 I will bless her, and she will surely give birth to a son for you. And I will bless her so much that she will be the ancestor of people of many nations. Kings of some people-groups will be descended from her.”
Zı məng'ı's xayir-düə hevles: məng'ı'ker vas dix heles. Qiyğa məng'ı's sayib xayir-düə hevles: mana milletbışda yed yixhes, milletbışin paççahar məng'ı'ne nasılençe qığepç'es.
17 Abraham prostrated himself with his face on the ground [to show respect to God]. But then he laughed as he said to himself, “Can a man who is a 100 years old become a father of a son? And since Sarah is 90 years old, how can she bear a child?”
İbrahim aq'vahiyna gizerçu, əqəna ha'u, culed alqa uvhuyn: – Vəş sennane insanıs uşax eyxheye? Yüç'əl sennane Sarraysse uxas əxəye?
18 Then Abraham said to God, “Perhaps you will let Ishmael receive your blessing [and inherit all I possess].”
Qiyğa İbrahimee Allahık'le eyhen: – Hasre saccu I'smı'ı'l xheyir Yiğne xayir-düəyka üç'ürra axhvecen!
19 Then God replied, “[No!] Your wife Sarah will bear a son for you. You must name him Isaac. I will establish my agreement with him, one which will be an everlasting agreement for him and his descendants.
Allahemee uvhuyn: – Sarree, yiğne xhunaşşe vas dix uxas, doyud I'saq' (əqəna) gixhxhe. Zı mugaavile mang'ukab, mang'ule qihniyne nasılıkab hammaşe havaacesda.
20 As for Ishmael, I have heard what you asked me to do for him. I will bless him so that he also will have many descendants. Among his descendants will be rulers of twelve nations. And I will cause his [descendants] [MTY] to also become a great nation.
Ğu I'smı'ı'lil-alla uvhuyn Zak'le g'ayxhıyn. Mang'usub Zı xayir-düə hevles, mang'uke g'abıynbı geeb xəp qaa'as. Mang'uke yits'ıq'öyre paççah g'avaales. Zı mang'uke xədın millet ha'as.
21 But Isaac, the son whom Sarah will give birth to at this time next year, is the one with whom I will establish my agreement.”
Mugaavilemee Zı qööne sen ine gahıl Sarree vas uxasde I'saq'ıka haa'as.
22 When God finished talking to Abraham, God disappeared from his sight.
Allahee man İbrahimık'le uvhu ooqa ts'ıts'xha.
23 On that same day, Abraham took his son Ishmael and all the males that were in his household, including the sons of all the slaves he had bought, and circumcised them. He cut off their foreskins, just as God told him to do.
Hamanicab yiğıl İbrahimee cune xaabın gırgın adamer: dix I'smı'ı'l, cune xaa yedike vuxhayn gırgın nukarar, menne milletbışike alivşuynbıb sacigeeqa sav'u, Allahee cuk'le uvhuyn xhinne, sunnat hav'u.
24 Abraham was 99 years old when (he was circumcised/someone circumcised him),
İbrahim sunnat hı'iyng'a mang'uqa yüç'əle yüç'üd senniy vod.
25 and Ishmael was thirteen years old when Abraham circumcised him.
I'smı'ı'l sunnat ha'ang'a mang'uqa yits'ıxhebad senniy vod.
26 On that very day Abraham and his son, Ishmael were circumcised.
İbrahimiy I'smı'ı'l sa yiğıl sunnat hav'u.
27 And all the males in his household, the ones who had been born there and those who had been bought from foreigners, were also circumcised.
Cuka sa yiğıl, cune xaabın gırgın adamer, menne milletbışike alivşuynbı, cune xaa yedike vuxhaynbı gırgınbı sunnat haa'anbı.