< Genesis 16 >

1 Up to that time, Abram’s wife Sarai had not given birth to any children for Abram. But she had a female slave from Egypt, whose name was Hagar.
Igitur Sarai, uxor Abram, non genuerat liberos: sed habens ancillam Ægyptiam nomine Agar,
2 [So one day] Sarai said to Abram, “Listen to me! Yahweh has not allowed me to become pregnant. So (sleep with/have sex with) [EUP] my slave Hagar. Perhaps she will bear children whom I can consider to be mine.” Abram agreed to do what Sarai said.
dixit marito suo: Ecce, conclusit me Dominus, ne parerem: ingredere ad ancillam meam, si forte saltem ex illa suscipiam filios. Cumque ille acquiesceret deprecanti,
3 So Abram (slept with/had sex with) Hagar, his wife Sarai’s slave from Egypt. This happened ten years after they went to live in Canaan [land]. Sarai gave Hagar to her husband to be his secondary wife.
tulit Agar Ægyptiam ancillam suam post annos decem quam habitare cœperant in terra Chanaan: et dedit eam viro suo uxorem.
4 He (slept with/had sex with) [EUP] Hagar and she became pregnant. When she realized that she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress Sarai.
Qui ingressus est ad eam. At illa concepisse se videns, despexit dominam suam.
5 Then Sarai said to Abram, “It is your fault! I put my servant into your arms, so that you could sleep with her [EUP]. Now she realizes that she is pregnant, and she despises me. I think Yahweh will punish you for doing this to me!”
Dixitque Sarai ad Abram: Inique agis contra me: ego dedi ancillam meam in sinum tuum, quæ videns quod conceperit, despectui me habet. Iudicet Dominus inter me, et te.
6 So Abram said to Sarai, “[You listen to me]! She is your servant, so act towards her in the way you consider best.” Then Sarai started to mistreat her, so she ran away from Sarai.
Cui respondens Abram: Ecce, ait, ancilla tua in manu tua est, utere ea ut libet. Affligente igitur eam Sarai, fugam iniit.
7 An angel of Yahweh found her as she was near a spring of water in the desert. It was the spring that was alongside the road to Shur.
Cumque invenisset eam Angelus Domini iuxta fontem aquæ in solitudine, qui est in via Sur in deserto,
8 He said to her, “Hagar, slave of Sarai, where have you come from, and where are you going?” She replied, “I have run away from Sarai, my mistress.”
dixit ad illam: Agar ancilla Sarai, unde venis? et quo vadis? Quæ respondit: A facie Sarai dominæ meæ ego fugio.
9 The angel said, “Go back to your mistress and be under her authority [MTY]”.
Dixitque ei Angelus Domini: Revertere ad dominam tuam, et humiliare sub manu illius.
10 The angel also said to her, “I will enable you to bear so many descendants that no one will be able to count them!”
Et rursum: Multiplicans, inquit, multiplicabo semen tuum, et non numerabitur præ multitudine.
11 The angel also said to her, “[Listen to this!] You are pregnant. You will give birth to a son. You must name him Ishmael, [which means ‘God hears]’, because Yahweh has heard you crying because you feel so miserable.
Ac deinceps: Ecce, ait, concepisti, et paries filium: vocabisque nomen eius Ismael, eo quod audierit Dominus afflictionem tuam.
12 But your son will be as uncontrollable as a wild donkey [MET]. He will oppose everyone, and everyone will oppose him [MTY]. He will live far away from his relatives [SYN].”
Hic erit ferus homo: manus eius contra omnes, et manus omnium contra eum: et e regione universorum fratrum suorum figet tabernacula.
13 Then Hagar realized that the angel was really Yahweh, so she said to herself, “(It is difficult to believe that I have really seen the back of Yahweh, the one who sees me!/Have I really seen the back of Yahweh, the one who sees me?)” [RHQ] So she called him ‘Yahweh, the one who sees me’.
Vocavit autem nomen Domini qui loquebatur ad eam: Tu Deus qui vidisti me. Dixit enim: Profecto hic vidi posteriora videntis me.
14 That is why people call the well there ‘Beer-Lahai-Roi’, [which means, ‘The well of the living one who sees us’!] It is still there, between Kadesh and Bered.
Propterea appellavit puteum illum, Puteum viventis et videntis me. Ipse est inter Cades et Barad.
15 So Hagar later gave birth to a son for Abram, and she gave to her son the name Ishmael.
Peperitque Agar Abræ filium: qui vocavit nomen eius Ismael.
16 Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar gave birth to Abram’s son Ishmael.
Octoginta et sex annorum erat Abram quando peperit ei Agar Ismaelem.

< Genesis 16 >