< Genesis 14 >

1 In a region to the east, there were four kings [who were friends/allies]. They were King Amraphel of Babylonia, King Arioch of Ellasar, King Chedorlaomer of Elam, and King Tidal of Goiim.
A zamanin Amrafel sarkin Shinar, shi da Ariyok sarkin Ellasar, Kedorlayomer sarkin Elam, da kuma Tidal sarkin Goyim
2 In an area to the west, there were five other kings. They were King Bera of Sodom, King Birsha of Gomorrah, King Shinab of Admah, King Shemeber of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, the city that is now called Zoar.
suka tafi don su yaƙi Bera sarkin Sodom, Birsha sarkin Gomorra, Shinab sarkin Adma, Shemeber sarkin Zeboyim, da kuma sarkin Bela (wato, Zowar).
3 Those five kings and their armies gathered together in Siddim Valley, which is also called the Dead Sea [Valley], to fight against the four kings and their armies. King Chedorlaomer and his army [conquered the armies of those five kings, and demanded that those kings pay him tribute money each year].
Dukan waɗannan sarakuna na bayan nan suka haɗa kai a Kwarin Siddim (Teku Gishiri).
4 For twelve years he ruled them. But during the thirteenth year they rebelled [and refused to keep giving him tribute money].
Shekara goma sha biyu suna bauta wa Kedorlayomer, amma a shekara ta sha uku sai suka yi tawaye.
5 The next year, King Chedorlaomer and the other kings that were his allies took their armies and defeated the Repha people-group in Ashteroth-Karnaim and the Zuz people-group in Ham, and the Emi people-group in Shaveh-Kiriathaim.
A shekara ta goma sha huɗu, Kedorlayomer da sarakunan da suka haɗa kai da shi suka tafi suka cinye Refahiyawa a Ashterot Karnayim, Zuziyawa a Ham, Emawa a Shabe Kiriyatayim,
6 They also defeated the Hor people-group in the hilly area of Seir as far as El-Paran near the desert.
da Horiyawa a ƙasar tudun Seyir har zuwa El Faran kusa da hamada.
7 Then they turned back and went to Mishpat [city], which is now called Kadesh. They conquered all the land belonging to the Amalek people-group and the Amor people-group who were living in Hazazon-Tamar [town].
Sa’an nan suka juya suka tafi En Mishfat (wato, Kadesh), suka cinye dukan ƙasar Amalekawa, da kuma Amoriyawa waɗanda suke zaune a Hazazon Tamar.
8 Then the armies of the kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim and Bela marched out to fight the armies of the other four kings in Siddim Valley. That valley is close to the Salt/Dead Sea.
Sai sarkin Sodom, sarkin Gomorra, sarkin Adma, sarkin Zeboyim da sarkin Bela (wato, Zowar), suka fita suka ja dāgā a Kwarin Siddim
9 They fought against the armies of Chedorlaomer the king of Elam, Tidal the king of Goiim, Amraphel the king of Shinar, and Arioch the king of Ellasar. The armies of four kings were fighting against the armies of five kings.
gāba da Kedorlayomer sarkin Elam, Tidal sarkin Goyim, Amrafel sarkin Shinar da Ariyok sarkin Ellasar; sarakuna huɗu gāba da biyar.
10 The Siddim Valley was full of tar pits. So when the armies of the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah tried to run away, many of the men fell into the tar pits. The others escaped and ran away to the hills.
Kwarin Siddim kuwa ya cika da ramummukan kwalta, sa’ad da sarakunan Sodom da Gomorra suka gudu kuwa, waɗansu mutane suka fāɗa cikin ramummukan kwaltan, sauran kuwa suka gudu zuwa tuddai.
11 As [the armies of the five kings] fled, [the armies of the four kings] seized all of the valuable things in Sodom and Gomorrah, including all the food.
Sarakunan nan huɗu suka washe dukan kayayyakin Sodom da Gomorra, da kuma dukan abincinsu, sa’an nan suka tafi.
12 They also captured Abram’s nephew Lot and his possessions, since he was living in Sodom at that time.
Suka kuma kama Lot ɗan ɗan’uwan Abram, wanda yake zaune a Sodom, da kayayyakinsa, suka yi tafiyarsu.
13 Abram was living near the big trees near Mamre, who belonged to the Amor people-group. Abram had made an agreement with Mamre and his two brothers, Eshcol and Aner, [that they would help each other if there was a war].
Sai wani wanda ya tsira, ya zo ya faɗa wa Abram mutumin Ibraniyawa. Abram kuwa yana zama kusa da manyan itatuwan Mamre, Mamre mutumin Amoriyawa ne ɗan’uwan Eshkol da Aner, su kuwa abokan Abram ne.
14 One of the men who escaped from the battle told Abram what had happened and that his nephew Lot had been captured and taken away. So Abram summoned 318 men who were his servants, men who had been with Abram since they were born. They all went together and pursued their enemies as far north as Dan [city].
Da Abram ya ji cewa an kama danginsa, sai ya tara horarrun mutane 318, da aka haifa a gidansa, ya bi sawun sarakunan da suka tafi da Lot, har Dan.
15 During the night, Abram divided the men into several groups, and they attacked their enemies from various directions and defeated them. They pursued them as far as Hobah, which was north of Damascus [city].
Da dad dare, Abram ya rarraba mutanensa don su fāɗa wa sarakunan nan, ya ɗibge su, ya kore su har zuwa Hoba, arewa da Damaskus.
16 Abram’s men recovered all of the goods that had been taken. They also rescued Lot and all his possessions and also the women and others who had been captured by their enemies.
Ya washe su da kuma dukan kayayyakinsu, ya kuma dawo da Lot danginsa da mallakarsa, tare da mata da sauran mutane.
17 As Abram was returning home after he and his men had defeated the armies of King Chedorlaomer and the other kings who had fought alongside him, the king of Sodom went north to meet him in Shaveh Valley, which people call the King’s Valley.
Bayan Abram ya dawo daga cin Kedorlayomer da sarakunan da suka haɗa kai da shi a yaƙi, sai sarkin Sodom ya fito don yă tarye Abram a Kwarin Shabe (wato, Kwarin Sarki).
18 The king of Salem [city], whose name was Melchizedek, was also a priest who offered sacrifices to the Supreme God. He brought some bread and wine to Abram.
Sai Melkizedek sarkin Salem ya kawo burodi da ruwan inabi. Shi firist ne na Allah Mafi Ɗaukaka,
19 Then he blessed Abram, saying “I ask the Supreme God, the one who created heaven and earth, to bless you.
ya albarkaci Abram yana cewa, “Allah Mafi Ɗaukaka Mahaliccin sama da ƙasa yă albarkace Abram.
20 The Supreme God has enabled you to defeat [MTY] your enemies, so we should praise/thank him.” Then Abram gave to Melchizedek a tenth part of all the things he had captured.
Kuma albarka ta tabbata ga Allah Mafi Ɗaukaka wanda ya ba da maƙiyanka a hannunka.” Sa’an nan Abram ya ba shi kashi ɗaya bisa goma na kome.
21 The king of Sodom said to Abram, “You can keep all the goods you recovered. Just let me take back the people from my city whom you rescued.”
Sarkin Sodom ya ce wa Abram, “Ka ba ni mutanena da ka ƙwace daga hannun sarakunan nan kawai, ka riƙe kayayyakin don kanka.”
22 But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I have solemnly promised [MTY] to Yahweh, the Supreme God, the one who created heaven and earth,
Amma Abram ya ce, wa sarkin Sodom, “Na ɗaga hannu ga Ubangiji Allah Mafi Ɗaukaka, Mahaliccin sama da ƙasa, na riga na rantse
23 that I will not accept even one thread or a thong of a sandal from anything that belongs to you. As a result, you will never be able to say, ‘I caused Abram to become rich.’
cewa ba zan karɓi kome da yake naka ba, ko zare ko maɗaurin takalma, don kada ka ce, ‘Na azurta Abram.’
24 The only thing I will accept is the food that my men have eaten. But Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre went with me and fought alongside me, so let them also have a share of the goods we brought back.” [So the king of Sodom agreed to what he said].
Ba zan karɓi kome ba, sai dai abin da mutanena suka ci da kuma rabon mutanen da suka tafi tare da ni, ga Aner, Eshkol, da Mamre. Bari su ɗauki rabonsu.”

< Genesis 14 >