< Genesis 12 >

1 Then Yahweh said to Abram, “Leave this country where you are now living. Leave your father’s clan and his family. Go to a land that I will show you.
Jahve reče Abramu: “Idi iz zemlje svoje, iz zavičaja i doma očinskog, u krajeve koje ću ti pokazati.
2 I will cause your descendants to become a large nation. I will bless you and cause you to become (famous/highly esteemed). What I do for you will be a blessing to others.
Velik ću narod od tebe učiniti, blagoslovit ću te, ime ću ti uzveličati, i sam ćeš biti blagoslov.
3 I will bless those who (bless/ask God to do good things for) you, and I will (curse/ask God to punish) those who do evil things to you. And because of what you do, groups of people all over the earth will receive blessings (OR, people will wish that God will bless others as much as he has blessed you).”
Blagoslivljat ću one koji te blagoslivljali budu, koji te budu kleli, njih ću proklinjati; sva plemena na zemlji tobom će se blagoslivljati.”
4 So Abram left Haran [town], as Yahweh told him to do. Abram was 75 years old when he left there along with his wife, Sarai, and his nephew, Lot.
Abram se zaputi kako mu je Jahve rekao. S njime krenu i Lot. Abramu je bilo sedamdeset i pet godina kad je otišao iz Harana.
5 Abram also took along all the possessions and slaves that they had accumulated/acquired in Haran [town], and they left there and went to Canaan land.
Abram uze sa sobom svoju ženu Saraju, svoga bratića Lota, svu imovinu što su je namakli i svu čeljad koju su stekli u Haranu te svi pođu u zemlju kanaansku. Kad su stigli u Kanaan,
6 In Canaan they traveled as far as Shechem [town] and camped by a huge tree called the tree of Moreh. The Canaan people-group were still living in that land.
Abram prođe zemljom do mjesta Šekema - do hrasta More. Kanaanci su onda bili u zemlji.
7 Then Yahweh appeared to Abram and said to him, “I will give this land to your descendants.” Then Abram built a stone altar to offer a sacrifice to Yahweh because Yahweh had appeared to him.
Jahve se javi Abramu pa mu reče: “Tvome ću potomstvu dati ovu zemlju.” Abram tu podigne žrtvenik Jahvi koji mu se objavio.
8 From Shechem, Abram and his family traveled to the hills that were east of Bethel [town]. Bethel [town] was to the west of where they set up their tent, and Ai [town] was further to the east. There he built another stone altar and offered a sacrifice and worshiped Yahweh there.
Odatle prijeđe u brdoviti kraj, na istok od Betela. Svoj šator postavi između Betela na zapadu i Aja na istoku. Ondje podigne žrtvenik Jahvi i zazva ime Jahvino.
9 Then they left there and started traveling south to the Negev [Desert].
Od postaje do postaje Abram se pomicao prema Negebu.
10 There was (a famine/very little food to eat) in Canaan, so they went south to live in Egypt for a while.
Ali kad je zemljom zavladala glad, Abram se spusti u Egipat da ondje proboravi, jer je velika glad harala zemljom.
11 Just as they were about to enter Egypt, Abram said to his wife Sarai, “Listen, I know that you are a very beautiful woman.
Kad je bio na ulazu u Egipat, reče svojoj ženi Saraji: “Znam da si lijepa žena.
12 When the people in Egypt see you, they will say, ‘This woman is his wife!’ and they will kill me in order to get you, but they will not kill you.
Kad te Egipćani vide, reći će: 'To je njegova žena', i mene će ubiti, a tebe na životu ostaviti.
13 So I ask you to tell them that you are my sister, so that because of you telling them that, they will (spare my life/not kill me).”
Nego reci da si mi sestra, tako da i meni bude zbog tebe dobro i da, iz obzira prema tebi, poštede moj život.”
14 And as soon as they arrived in Egypt, the people in Egypt saw that his wife was indeed very beautiful.
Zbilja, kad je Abram ušao u Egipat, Egipćani vide da je žena veoma lijepa.
15 When the king’s officials saw her, they told the king how beautiful she was. And they took her to the king’s palace.
Vide je faraonovi dvorani pa je pohvale faraonu i odvedu ženu na faraonov dvor.
16 The king treated Abram kindly because of Sarai, and he gave Abram many sheep and cattle and donkeys and male and female slaves and camels.
Abramu pođe dobro zbog nje; steče on stoke i goveda, magaraca, slugu i sluškinja, magarica i deva.
17 But because the king had taken Sarai, Abram’s wife, Yahweh caused the king and the others in his household to be inflicted with terrible diseases.
Ali Jahve udari faraona i njegov dom velikim nevoljama zbog Abramove žene Saraje.
18 When the king realized why that was happening, he summoned Abram and said to him, “Why did you do this to me? Why did you not tell me that she was your wife?
I faraon pozva Abrama pa reče: “Što si mi to učinio? Zašto mi nisi kazao da je ona tvoja žena?
19 Why did you lie, saying she is your sister, with the result that I took her to be my wife? You should not have done that! So now take your wife, leave here and go!”
Zašto si rekao: 'Ona mi je sestra', pa je ja uzeh sebi za ženu? A sad, evo ti žene; uzmi je i hajde!”
20 Then the king told his officials/servants to take Abram and his wife and all his possessions out of Egypt.
Faraon ga onda preda momcima, a oni ga otprave s njegovom ženom i sa svime što bijaše njegovo.

< Genesis 12 >