< Galatians 6 >

1 My fellow believers, if [you] discover that a person [among your congregation] is sinning, [those of] you whom [God’s] Spirit [is directing and empowering] should gently correct that person. [Furthermore, each of] you [who corrects another person should] be very cautious in order that you might not [sin like that when] you are tempted {[when something] tempts you}.
Bracia, jeśli przydarzy się komuś jakiś upadek, wy, którzy jesteście duchowi, poprawiajcie takiego w duchu łagodności, uważając [każdy] na samego siebie, abyś i ty nie był kuszony.
2 [When there are ones who have] problems, you should help each other. By doing that, you will complete what Christ requires.
Jedni drugich brzemiona noście, a tak wypełniajcie prawo Chrystusa.
3 Keep in mind that those who [refuse to help others because they think that they are more important than other people, although they are] not really more important, are deceiving themselves.
Jeśli bowiem ktoś uważa, że jest czymś, będąc niczym, ten zwodzi samego siebie.
4 Instead, each [of you] should [constantly] test/judge [and decide if you can approve what you yourself are doing and thinking]. Then you can boast because of what you yourself [are doing and thinking], and not because what you are doing is superior to what other persons [are doing].
Każdy zaś niech bada swoje własne czyny, a wtedy będzie mieć [powód do] chluby w samym sobie, a nie w kimś innym.
5 Keep in mind that you must each perform your own [individual] tasks.
Każdy bowiem poniesie swoje własne brzemię.
6 [You] who are being taught {whom others are teaching} [God’s truth] should share your various [material] things [EUP] with your teachers.
A ten, kto jest nauczany słowa, niech udziela ze wszystkich dóbr temu, który go naucza.
7 You should not deceive yourselves. [Remember that] God is never outwitted {no one ever fools God}. [Just like] a farmer will reap exactly the kind [of crop that] he plants [MET], [God will reward people according to what they have done] [MET].
Nie łudźcie się, Bóg nie da się z siebie naśmiewać. Co bowiem człowiek sieje, to też żąć będzie.
8 [God] will punish eternally those who do what their self-directed natures urge them to do. But those who please [God’s] Spirit will live forever [with God] because of what [God’s] Spirit does for them. (aiōnios g166)
Bo kto sieje dla swego ciała, z ciała żąć będzie zniszczenie. Kto zaś sieje dla Ducha, z Ducha żąć będzie życie wieczne. (aiōnios g166)
9 But we should not (tire of/become discouraged while) doing what pleases God, because [eventually], at the time [that God] has determined, we will receive a reward [MET], if we do not stop [doing the good things that we have been doing].
A w czynieniu dobra nie bądźmy znużeni, bo w swoim czasie żąć będziemy, jeśli nie ustaniemy.
10 So, whenever we have opportunities, we should do [what is] good to all people. But especially we should do what is good to all our fellow believers.
Dlatego więc, dopóki mamy czas, czyńmy dobrze wszystkim, a zwłaszcza domownikom wiary.
11 I am now writing this last part of this letter to you in my own handwriting. Notice the large letters with which I am now writing. I am doing this in order that I might emphasize this:
Widzicie, jaki długi list napisałem do was własnoręcznie.
12 Some Jewish believers are trying to force you to perform certain rituals so that other Jews will think highly of them. They are insisting that you be circumcised {that someone must circumcise you}. They are doing that only in order that other Jews would no longer (persecute them/cause them to suffer) for proclaiming that God will save us because of our trusting in what Christ accomplished when he died on the cross [MTY, MET].
Ci wszyscy, którzy chcą się podobać według ciała, przymuszają was do obrzezania, aby tylko nie cierpieć prześladowania z powodu krzyża Chrystusa.
13 The reason that I say that is that the ones who are insisting that you be circumcised {that someone circumcise you} do not themselves fully obey the laws that God gave to Moses. Instead, they desire that you let someone circumcise you in order that they might boast to those Jews who would (persecute them/cause them to suffer) that you did that because they insisted [MTY] that you do it.
Ci bowiem, którzy są obrzezani, sami nie zachowują prawa, ale chcą, abyście wy dali się obrzezać, żeby się chlubić waszym ciałem.
14 I myself, however, strongly desire that I never boast about anything like that. The only thing I will boast about is what our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished by dying on the cross [MTY]. Because of what Christ did on the cross, I no longer am interested in the things that those who do not trust Christ [MTY] think are important, and those people are no longer interested in the things that I [MET] think are important.
Co do mnie, nie daj Boże, abym się miał chlubić [z czegoś innego], jak tylko z krzyża naszego Pana Jezusa Chrystusa, przez którego świat jest ukrzyżowany dla mnie, a ja dla świata.
15 I will boast about Christ dying on the cross because God is concerned neither that people are circumcised nor that people are not circumcised. Instead, he is concerned only that people conduct their lives in a completely new way.
W Chrystusie Jezusie bowiem ani obrzezanie nic nie znaczy, ani nieobrzezanie, ale nowe stworzenie.
16 I pray that God will give inner peace and act kindly towards all who will act according to this new way of life. It is all those who live according to this new way of life who are now truly God’s people [MET], as the Israeli people were God’s people previously.
A na tych wszystkich, którzy będą postępować według tej zasady, [niech przyjdzie] pokój i miłosierdzie, i na Izraela Bożego.
17 Finally, I say that people have persecuted me/caused me to suffer for declaring the truth about Jesus, and as a result I have scars on my body. Your new teachers do not have scars like mine! So do not trouble/bother me about these matters again!
Odtąd niech mi nikt nie sprawia przykrości. Ja bowiem na swoim ciele noszę piętna Pana Jezusa.
18 My fellow believers, I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will kindly accomplish what he desires within you. (Amen!/May it be so!)
Łaska naszego Pana Jezusa Chrystusa [niech będzie] z waszym duchem, bracia. Amen.

< Galatians 6 >