< Galatians 3 >
1 You [fellow believers who live in] Galatia are very foolish! (Someone must have put an evil spell on you!/Did someone put an evil spell on you?) [RHQ] I clearly explained to you [SYN] [what] Jesus Christ [accomplished when] he was crucified {he died on the cross}.
Ó insensatos galatas! quem vos fascinou para não obedecerdes á verdade, --vós, perante os olhos de quem Jesus Christo foi já representado, como crucificado entre vós?
2 [So], I want you to tell me one thing: [Do you think that] it was because you obeyed the laws God gave Moses that you received the [Holy] Spirit? [Do you not know that] [RHQ] it was because [when you] heard [the good message concerning Christ, you] trusted in him?
Só quizera saber isto de vós: recebestes o Espirito pelas obras da lei ou pela prégação da fé?
3 (You are acting so foolishly/Why are you being so foolish?) [RHQ]! You first [became Christians] as a result of God’s Spirit [enabling you]. So, (you should not now think that it is by what you yourselves do that you will continue [to grow spiritually]/do you now think it is by your own human efforts that you will continue [to grow spiritually?]!) [RHQ]
Sois vós tão insensatos que, tendo começado pelo Espirito, acabeis agora pela carne?
4 Keep in mind that [if what God has done for you was because of your obeying the laws that God gave to Moses and] not because of trusting in Christ, when others caused you to suffer, you suffered many things needlessly! [RHQ] [I certainly hope that you did not suffer like that] needlessly.
Será em vão que tenhaes padecido tanto? Se é que tambem foi em vão.
5 [When God now] generously gives to you his Spirit and performs miracles among you, [do you think that it is] [RHQ] because you obey the laws [that God gave to Moses? Surely you know that] it is because when you heard [the good message about Christ], you trusted in him [RHQ]!
Aquelle pois que vos dá o Espirito, e que obra maravilhas entre vós, fal-o pelas obras da lei, ou pela prégação da fé?
6 [What you have experienced is] as [Moses wrote in the Scriptures about] Abraham. [He wrote that Abraham] trusted God, and as a result, he was considered as being righteous {[God] erased the record of his sins}.
Assim como Abrahão creu em Deus, e isso lhe foi imputado como justiça.
7 You must realize, therefore, that it is those who trust [in what Christ has done who] are [like] Abraham’s descendants [MET] [because they trust in God as Abraham did].
Sabei pois que os que são da fé são filhos de Abrahão.
8 Furthermore, God planned beforehand that it was [when] non-Jews trusted [him] that he would erase the record of their sins. [Moses wrote in] the Scriptures [PRS] this good message that God told Abraham: “Because of [what] you [did], I will bless [people in] [MTY] all nations.”
Ora, tendo a Escriptura previsto que Deus havia de justificar pela fé os gentios, annunciou primeiro o evangelho a Abrahão, dizendo: Todas as nações serão bemditas em ti.
9 So, [we can conclude that] it is those who trust [in what Christ has done] whom [God] blesses. That includes [all non-Jews and Jews who trust him], along with Abraham, the one who trusted him [long ago].
De sorte que os que são da fé são bemditos com o crente Abrahão.
10 That is, God will eternally punish all those who [mistakenly] think [that God will erase the record of their sins] as a result of their [obeying] the laws [that God gave to Moses]. What is written in the Scriptures is that [God] will eternally punish everyone who does not continuously and completely obey all the laws [that Moses wrote].
Todos aquelles pois que são das obras da lei estão debaixo da maldição; porque escripto está: Maldito todo aquelle que não permanecer em todas as coisas que estão escriptas no livro da lei, para fazel-as.
11 But God has declared that if he erases the record of anyone’s sins, it will not be as a result of their obeying the laws God gave Moses. [This is evident because the Scriptures say], “Every person whose record of sins God erases because that person trusts God will live [spiritually].”
E é evidente que pela lei ninguem será justificado diante de Deus, porque o justo viverá pela fé
12 But [when God gave] his laws [to the Jews, he did] not [say that a person must] trust [him]. Instead, [God said that] it is those who obey [all God’s laws, continuously and completely], who will live.
Ora a lei não é da fé; mas o homem que fizer estas coisas por ellas viverá.
13 Even though we humans have not continuously and completely obeyed God’s laws, Christ rescued us from [God] punishing us eternally. Christ rescued us by his being [the one God condemned] instead of God condemning us. What is written {[someone/Moses] wrote} [in the Scriptures] shows that this is true. It is written {[He] wrote}, “[God] has cursed anyone [whom people have executed for his crimes and whose body they] have hung on a tree.”
Christo nos resgatou da maldição da lei, fazendo-se maldição por nós; porque está escripto: Maldito todo aquelle que fôr pendurado no madeiro;
14 Jesus Christ rescued us in order that as a result of what he [has done, God might bless the non-Jews, in a way similar to the way] God blessed Abraham. He also desired that as a result of our trusting [Christ], we [all] might receive the Spirit [whom God] promised to [give to] us.
Para que a benção de Abrahão chegasse aos gentios por Jesus Christo, e para que pela fé nós recebamos a promessa do Espirito.
15 My fellow believers, I will now [illustrate] by referring to human [relationships. After an agreement is confirmed by two people] {[two people have signed] an agreement}, no one can reject it or add to it.
Irmãos, como homem fallo; se o concerto de um homem fôr confirmado, ninguem o annulla nem lhe accrescenta.
16 [God] declared to Abraham and his descendant that he was promising [to give blessings to Abraham]. [The words that God spoke were not “and your] descendants.” [He was not] referring to many persons. Instead, he was referring to one person, who is Christ, [because the words that God spoke were], “and your descendant.”
Ora as promessas foram feitas a Abrahão e á sua posteridade. Não diz: E ás posteridades, como fallando de muitas, mas como de uma só: E á tua posteridade; a qual é Christo.
17 This is what I am saying: [Since God] gave the laws [to the Jews] 430 years after [he declared to Abraham what he was promising to do for Abraham], those laws do not cancel that agreement [with] Abraham that God himself had previously agreed about [PRS].
Mas digo isto: Que o concerto, anteriormente confirmado por Deus em Christo, a lei, que veiu quatrocentos e trinta annos depois, não invalida, de fórma a abolir a promessa.
18 Remember that if it is because [we obey God’s] laws [that he gives to us] what [he has] promised [to give to us], then it is not [just] because he [has] promised [that he would give those things to us]. God freely gave to Abraham [what he had promised to give to him, just] because [God had] promised [that he would give it to him. Similarly, it is not because we obey God’s laws that God gives to us what he has promised to give to us].
Porque, se a herança provém da lei, logo não provém já da promessa: porém Deus pela promessa a deu gratuitamente a Abrahão.
19 So, [if someone should ask], “Why [did God later give] his laws [to Moses?” I would reply that] it was in order that [people might realize] how sinful they were. [Those laws were valid] until [Jesus came. He was] the descendant that God [was referring to when he made] the promises to Abraham. [The laws] were given {[God] gave [his laws]} [to Moses] by God’s causing angels to [speak to him. Moses was the] mediator, [the one who told the laws to the people].
Logo, para que é a lei? Foi ordenada por causa das transgressões, até que viesse a posteridade a quem a promessa tinha sido feita; e foi posta pelos anjos na mão de um medianeiro.
20 Now, [when] a mediator [functions], one [person] is not [speaking with another] directly; but God himself [made his promises directly to Abraham].
Ora o medianeiro não é de um, mas Deus é um
21 [If someone should ask, “When God gave his] laws [to Moses] long [after he told Abraham] what he was promising [to give to him, was he] changing his mind?” [I would reply that God] certainly did not [change his mind when he did that]! If God had given a law that could enable people to live [eternally], then it actually would be because of people [obeying that] law that God would erase the record of their sins.
Logo, a lei é contra as promessas de Deus? De nenhuma sorte; porque, se dada fosse uma lei que podesse vivificar, a justiça, na verdade, seria pela lei.
22 But instead, [what we read in] the Scriptures [PRS] is that God [caused all people to be unable to escape being punished for] their [sins] [MET], just like [people] in prison [are unable to escape] [PRS, MET]. [God did that in order that he might give what he promised to those who trust Jesus Christ, just] because they trust him.
Mas a Escriptura encerrou tudo debaixo do peccado, para que a promessa pela fé em Jesus Christo fosse dada aos crentes.
23 Before [God revealed the good message about] trusting [in Christ], the laws [PRS] that God gave to Moses were [confining/imprisoning us Jews] [MET], [as] a prisoner [in jail is] confined. [We] were unable to escape [obeying those] [MET] [laws]. This happened in order that [we might believe] the good message [concerning Christ, the message that God would] reveal [later].
Porém, antes que a fé viesse, estavamos guardados debaixo da lei, e encerrados para aquella fé que se havia de manifestar.
24 [Like a father supervises his immature son by appointing a] servant to take care of him [MET], [God] was supervising us [by] his laws [MET, PRS] until Christ came. [He did this] in order that he might erase the record of our sins [only] because we trust [Christ].
De maneira que a lei nos serviu de aio, para nos conduzir a Christo, para que pela fé fossemos justificados.
25 But [now that God] has revealed the message [about trusting in Christ], the laws [that God gave to Moses] are no longer supervising us [Jews] [PRS, MET].
Mas, depois que a fé veiu, já não estamos debaixo de aio.
26 Now all of you [Jews and] non-Jews are [as though you are] God’s children because you trusted Christ Jesus.
Porque todos sois filhos de Deus pela fé em Christo Jesus.
27 That is, you who [began a relationship] with Christ when you were baptized identified yourselves [MET] with Christ.
Porque todos quantos fostes baptizados em Christo já vos revestistes de Christo.
28 [If you are believers, it does] not [matter to God if you are] Jews or non-Jews; slaves or ones [who are] not slaves; males or females, because all of you are [as] one [sort of person because of your relationship] with Christ Jesus.
N'isto não ha judeo nem grego; não ha servo nem livre; não ha macho nem femea; porque todos vós sois um em Christo Jesus.
29 Furthermore, since you belong to Christ, you are [like] Abraham’s descendants [because you trust God as Abraham did], and you will possess/receive all that God has promised [MET].
E, se sois de Christo, logo sois descendencia de Abrahão, e herdeiros conforme a promessa.