< Galatians 2 >

1 After 14 years passed, I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas. I took Titus also.
Darnach über vierzehn Jahre zog ich abermals hinauf gen Jerusalem mit Barnabas und nahm Titus auch mit mir.
2 But [I tell you that] I went up there because of what God revealed to me. [It was not because someone there asked me to come]. I told people what was the good message that I was preaching in regions where non-Jews live. But I talked privately to those whom your new teachers highly respect. I did that in order that what I was doing and what I had done [MET] might not become useless [MET] [as a result of people rejecting my message because they thought that I was teaching something that was not true].
Ich zog aber hinauf aus einer Offenbarung und besprach mich mit ihnen über das Evangelium, das ich predige unter den Heiden, besonders aber mit denen, die das Ansehen hatten, auf daß ich nicht vergeblich liefe oder gelaufen wäre.
3 But [even though the leaders of the believers usually insisted that when non-Jews trusted in Christ someone must circumcise them], they did not even insist that Titus be circumcised, even though he was a Greek man who was with me.
Aber es ward auch Titus nicht gezwungen, sich beschneiden zu lassen, der mit mir war, obwohl er ein Grieche war.
4 [I talked to them privately] because some people [successfully] pretended that they were fellow believers and associated with the true believers. They did that in order that they might observe closely what we do because we are free [from having to obey all the Jewish laws and rituals] because of our close relationship with Christ Jesus [MET]. Those people wanted to make us [like] slaves [MET] [of those rituals by convincing us that we cannot trust Christ solely but that we must also obey all the Jewish rituals].
Denn da etliche falsche Brüder sich mit eingedrängt hatten und neben eingeschlichen waren, auszukundschaften unsre Freiheit, die wir haben in Christo Jesu, daß sie uns gefangennähmen,
5 But not even briefly did we [(exc)] do what they wanted [about circumcision. We(exc) resisted them] in order that the truth of the message about Christ might continue to [benefit] you.
wichen wir denselben nicht eine Stunde, ihnen untertan zu sein, auf daß die Wahrheit des Evangeliums bei euch bestünde.
6 The [leaders in Jerusalem], whom your new teachers respect, did not add anything to what I preach. [And I would add that] what status those leaders had did not influence me, because God does not favor certain/important persons [IDM] more than others.
Von denen aber, die das Ansehen hatten, welcherlei sie weiland gewesen sind, daran liegt mir nichts; denn Gott achtet das Ansehen der Menschen nicht, mich haben die, so das Ansehen hatten, nichts anderes gelehrt;
7 Instead of those leaders adding to the message that I tell people, they understood that I had been given the good message {God had given the good message to me} so that I might proclaim it to the non-Jews [MTY], just like [God] had given the good message to Peter so that he might tell it to those who are Jews [MTY].
sondern dagegen, da sie sahen, daß mir vertraut war das Evangelium an die Heiden, gleichwie dem Petrus das Evangelium an die Juden
8 That is, just like [God] had empowered/authorized Peter in order that he might be an apostle [to bring God’s message] to the Jews [MTY], he also had empowered/authorized me in order that I might be an apostle to [bring his message to] the non-Jews.
(denn der mit Petrus kräftig gewesen ist zum Apostelamt unter den Juden, der ist mit mir auch kräftig gewesen unter den Heiden),
9 And [those leaders] knew that God had kindly given to me this special work. So James, Peter, and John, the ones whom your new teachers [respect because they are] leaders [MET] [of the believers], shook hands with us [IDM] [to show that they agreed that Barnabas and I are serving the Lord just like they are, and that we are preaching the same message that they are preaching]. They also agreed that we [(exc)] are the ones whom God was sending to [tell his message to] non-Jews, but that God is sending them to [tell his message to] Jews [MTY].
und da sie erkannten die Gnade, die mir gegeben war, Jakobus und Kephas und Johannes, die für Säulen angesehen waren, gaben sie mir und Barnabas die rechte Hand und wurden mit uns eins, daß wir unter die Heiden, sie aber unter die Juden gingen,
10 They merely urged that we [(exc)] still remember to help the poor [fellow believers who live in Jerusalem]. That is exactly what I have been eager to do.
allein daß wir der Armen gedächten, welches ich auch fleißig bin gewesen zu tun.
11 But [later while I was at] Antioch [city], after Peter came there, I told him directly [SYN] that what he was doing was wrong.
Da aber Petrus gen Antiochien kam, widerstand ich ihm unter Augen; denn es war Klage über ihn gekommen.
12 [This is what happened]: [Peter went to Antioch and started eating regularly with non-Jewish believers there]. Later there were certain [Jewish believers who] came [to Antioch who claimed that] James, [the leader of the congregations in Jerusalem], had sent them. But when [those certain] men came, Peter gradually quit [eating] with the non-Jewish believers and would not associate with them. He was afraid that the Jewish [believers from Jerusalem would criticize him for associating with non-Jews].
Denn zuvor, ehe etliche von Jakobus kamen, aß er mit den Heiden; da sie aber kamen, entzog er sich und sonderte sich ab, darum daß er die aus den Juden fürchtete.
13 Also, the other Jewish [believers who were in Antioch] [SYN] acted (insincerely/in a way that they knew was not right) along with [Peter]. The result was that they convinced even Barnabas to [stop associating with the non-Jewish believers]!
Und mit ihm heuchelten die andern Juden, also daß auch Barnabas verführt ward, mit ihnen zu heucheln.
14 But when I realized that they were not acting according to the truth of the message about Christ, [when] all [the fellow believers there] were present, I told Peter [the following]: “Although you [(sg)] are a Jew, [you often conduct yourself] like non-Jews [do by disregarding Jewish laws about food. When you are among non-Jews], you [(sg)] do not customarily conduct yourself at all like Jews [do]. So, (now it is wrong that you [(sg)] are causing non-Jews [to think that they must obey all] the Jewish rituals and customs!/why are you [(sg)] causing non-Jews [to think that they must obey all] the Jewish rituals and customs?) [RHQ]”
Aber da ich sah, daß sie nicht richtig wandelten nach der Wahrheit des Evangeliums, sprach ich zu Petrus vor allen öffentlich: So du, der du ein Jude bist, heidnisch lebst und nicht jüdisch, warum zwingst du denn die Heiden, jüdisch zu leben?
15 Some of us [believers] were born as Jews. We [(exc)] were not born as non-Jews. [We Jews have always considered non-Jews to be] ‘sinners’ [because they do not obey the Jewish rituals and laws].
Wir sind von Natur Juden und nicht Sünder aus den Heiden;
16 But we [(exc)] now know that it is not because some person obeys the laws [that God gave to Moses] that [God] erases the record of that person’s sins. [God erases the record of a person’s sins only if that person trusts in what Jesus Christ has done]. Even we [(exc)] Jews trusted Christ Jesus. We [(exc)] did that in order that [God] would erase the record of our sins because of our trusting Christ, and not because of our obeying the laws [that God gave to Moses. God has said that] he will [never] erase the record of people’s sins just because of their obeying those laws.
doch weil wir wissen, daß der Mensch durch des Gesetzes Werke nicht gerecht wird, sondern durch den Glauben an Jesum Christum, so glauben wir auch an Christum Jesum, auf daß wir gerecht werden durch den Glauben an Christum und nicht durch des Gesetzes Werke; denn durch des Gesetzeswerke wird kein Fleisch gerecht.
17 Furthermore, because we [(exc) Jews] desired that [God] would erase the record of our sins because of our relationship with Christ, [it means that] we realized that we ourselves were sinners [like non-Jews, whom we called] sinners, [because we(exc) also were not obeying the Jewish rituals and laws]. [But] ([we(inc) certainly cannot conclude] that it is Christ who causes us to sin./[should we conclude] that it is Christ who causes us to sin?) [RHQ] [No, Christ] certainly does not [cause anyone to sin].
Sollten wir aber, die da suchen, durch Christum gerecht zu werden, auch selbst als Sünder erfunden werden, so wäre Christus ja ein Sündendiener. Das sei ferne!
18 So if I should again believe [that God would erase the record of my sins because of my obeying the laws that he gave to Moses] [MET], [I would be like a man who] rebuilds an old building that he tore down. It would [soon] be clear that I am one who disobeys those same laws [that God gave to Moses].
Wenn ich aber das, was ich zerbrochen habe, wiederum baue, so mache ich mich selbst zu einem Übertreter.
19 When [I realized that I could not earn God’s favor] by [obeying] the laws [that he gave to Moses, I decided not] to [respond to what those laws demanded] [MET], [just like] a dead person [does not respond to anything]. Now I live to [honor/serve] God.
Ich bin aber durchs Gesetz dem Gesetz gestorben, auf daß ich Gott lebe; ich bin mit Christo gekreuzigt.
20 [It is as though] I was with Christ when he was crucified {died on the cross} [MET] (OR, [It is as though] my [old way of life ended when] Christ died on the cross.) No longer am I [directing the way I behave as I did before I believed in Christ]. Now Christ [is directing how] I [behave. And whatever I do] now while I live, I do it trusting in God’s Son. He is the one who loved me and offered himself [as a sacrifice] for me.
Ich lebe aber; doch nun nicht ich, sondern Christus lebt in mir. Denn was ich jetzt lebe im Fleisch, das lebe ich in dem Glauben des Sohnes Gottes, der mich geliebt hat und sich selbst für mich dargegeben.
21 I am not rejecting [as useless] what God [did for me] ([kindly/that I did not deserve]), [as my opponents are doing. I fully accept that God saved me by acting kindly towards me]. If it is because people [obey the] laws [that God gave to Moses] that God erases the record of their sins, then Christ died (for nothing/needlessly).
Ich werfe nicht weg die Gnade Gottes; denn so durch das Gesetz die Gerechtigkeit kommt, so ist Christus vergeblich gestorben.

< Galatians 2 >