< Galatians 2 >

1 After 14 years passed, I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas. I took Titus also.
Daarna ben ik, na veertien jaren, wederom naar Jeruzalem opgegaan met Barnabas, ook Titus medegenomen hebbende.
2 But [I tell you that] I went up there because of what God revealed to me. [It was not because someone there asked me to come]. I told people what was the good message that I was preaching in regions where non-Jews live. But I talked privately to those whom your new teachers highly respect. I did that in order that what I was doing and what I had done [MET] might not become useless [MET] [as a result of people rejecting my message because they thought that I was teaching something that was not true].
En ik ging op door een openbaring, en stelde hun het Evangelie voor, dat ik predik onder de heidenen; en in het bijzonder aan degenen, die in achting waren, opdat ik niet enigszins tevergeefs zou lopen of gelopen hebben.
3 But [even though the leaders of the believers usually insisted that when non-Jews trusted in Christ someone must circumcise them], they did not even insist that Titus be circumcised, even though he was a Greek man who was with me.
Maar ook Titus, die met mij was, een Griek zijnde, werd niet genoodzaakt zich te laten besnijden.
4 [I talked to them privately] because some people [successfully] pretended that they were fellow believers and associated with the true believers. They did that in order that they might observe closely what we do because we are free [from having to obey all the Jewish laws and rituals] because of our close relationship with Christ Jesus [MET]. Those people wanted to make us [like] slaves [MET] [of those rituals by convincing us that we cannot trust Christ solely but that we must also obey all the Jewish rituals].
En dat om der ingekropen valse broederen wil, die van bezijden ingekomen waren, om te verspieden onze vrijheid, die wij in Christus Jezus hebben, opdat zij ons zouden tot dienstbaarheid brengen.
5 But not even briefly did we [(exc)] do what they wanted [about circumcision. We(exc) resisted them] in order that the truth of the message about Christ might continue to [benefit] you.
Denwelken wij ook niet een uur hebben geweken met onderwerping, opdat de waarheid van het Evangelie bij u zou verblijven.
6 The [leaders in Jerusalem], whom your new teachers respect, did not add anything to what I preach. [And I would add that] what status those leaders had did not influence me, because God does not favor certain/important persons [IDM] more than others.
En van degenen, die geacht waren, wat te zijn, hoedanigen zij eertijds waren, verschilt mij niet; God neemt den persoon des mensen niet aan; want die geacht waren, hebben mij niets toegebracht.
7 Instead of those leaders adding to the message that I tell people, they understood that I had been given the good message {God had given the good message to me} so that I might proclaim it to the non-Jews [MTY], just like [God] had given the good message to Peter so that he might tell it to those who are Jews [MTY].
Maar daarentegen, als zij zagen, dat aan mij het Evangelie der voorhuid toebetrouwd was, gelijk aan Petrus dat der besnijdenis;
8 That is, just like [God] had empowered/authorized Peter in order that he might be an apostle [to bring God’s message] to the Jews [MTY], he also had empowered/authorized me in order that I might be an apostle to [bring his message to] the non-Jews.
(Want Die in Petrus krachtelijk wrocht tot het apostelschap der besnijdenis, Die wrocht ook krachtelijk in mij onder de heidenen);
9 And [those leaders] knew that God had kindly given to me this special work. So James, Peter, and John, the ones whom your new teachers [respect because they are] leaders [MET] [of the believers], shook hands with us [IDM] [to show that they agreed that Barnabas and I are serving the Lord just like they are, and that we are preaching the same message that they are preaching]. They also agreed that we [(exc)] are the ones whom God was sending to [tell his message to] non-Jews, but that God is sending them to [tell his message to] Jews [MTY].
En als Jakobus, en Cefas, en Johannes, die geacht waren pilaren te zijn, de genade, die mij gegeven was, bekenden, gaven zij mij en Barnabas de rechter hand der gemeenschap, opdat wij tot de heidenen, en zij tot de besnijdenis zouden gaan;
10 They merely urged that we [(exc)] still remember to help the poor [fellow believers who live in Jerusalem]. That is exactly what I have been eager to do.
Alleenlijk, dat wij den armen zouden gedenken; hetwelk zelf ik ook benaarstigd heb te doen.
11 But [later while I was at] Antioch [city], after Peter came there, I told him directly [SYN] that what he was doing was wrong.
En toen Petrus te Antiochie gekomen was, wederstond ik hem in het aangezicht, omdat hij te bestraffen was.
12 [This is what happened]: [Peter went to Antioch and started eating regularly with non-Jewish believers there]. Later there were certain [Jewish believers who] came [to Antioch who claimed that] James, [the leader of the congregations in Jerusalem], had sent them. But when [those certain] men came, Peter gradually quit [eating] with the non-Jewish believers and would not associate with them. He was afraid that the Jewish [believers from Jerusalem would criticize him for associating with non-Jews].
Want eer sommigen van Jakobus gekomen waren, at hij mede met de heidenen; maar toen zij gekomen waren, onttrok hij zich en scheidde zichzelven af, vrezende degenen, die uit de besnijdenis waren.
13 Also, the other Jewish [believers who were in Antioch] [SYN] acted (insincerely/in a way that they knew was not right) along with [Peter]. The result was that they convinced even Barnabas to [stop associating with the non-Jewish believers]!
En ook de andere Joden veinsden met hem; alzo dat ook Barnabas mede afgetrokken werd door hun veinzing.
14 But when I realized that they were not acting according to the truth of the message about Christ, [when] all [the fellow believers there] were present, I told Peter [the following]: “Although you [(sg)] are a Jew, [you often conduct yourself] like non-Jews [do by disregarding Jewish laws about food. When you are among non-Jews], you [(sg)] do not customarily conduct yourself at all like Jews [do]. So, (now it is wrong that you [(sg)] are causing non-Jews [to think that they must obey all] the Jewish rituals and customs!/why are you [(sg)] causing non-Jews [to think that they must obey all] the Jewish rituals and customs?) [RHQ]”
Maar als ik zag, dat zij niet recht wandelden naar de waarheid van het Evangelie, zeide ik tot Petrus in aller tegenwoordigheid: Indien gij, die een Jood zijt, naar heidense wijze leeft, en niet naar Joodse wijze, waarom noodzaakt gij de heidenen naar de Joodse wijze te leven?
15 Some of us [believers] were born as Jews. We [(exc)] were not born as non-Jews. [We Jews have always considered non-Jews to be] ‘sinners’ [because they do not obey the Jewish rituals and laws].
Wij zijn van nature Joden, en niet zondaars uit de heidenen;
16 But we [(exc)] now know that it is not because some person obeys the laws [that God gave to Moses] that [God] erases the record of that person’s sins. [God erases the record of a person’s sins only if that person trusts in what Jesus Christ has done]. Even we [(exc)] Jews trusted Christ Jesus. We [(exc)] did that in order that [God] would erase the record of our sins because of our trusting Christ, and not because of our obeying the laws [that God gave to Moses. God has said that] he will [never] erase the record of people’s sins just because of their obeying those laws.
Doch wetende, dat de mens niet gerechtvaardigd wordt uit de werken der wet, maar door het geloof van Jezus Christus, zo hebben wij ook in Christus Jezus geloofd, opdat wij zouden gerechtvaardigd worden uit het geloof van Christus, en niet uit de werken der wet; daarom dat uit de werken der wet geen vlees zal gerechtvaardigd worden.
17 Furthermore, because we [(exc) Jews] desired that [God] would erase the record of our sins because of our relationship with Christ, [it means that] we realized that we ourselves were sinners [like non-Jews, whom we called] sinners, [because we(exc) also were not obeying the Jewish rituals and laws]. [But] ([we(inc) certainly cannot conclude] that it is Christ who causes us to sin./[should we conclude] that it is Christ who causes us to sin?) [RHQ] [No, Christ] certainly does not [cause anyone to sin].
Maar indien wij, die in Christus zoeken gerechtvaardigd te worden, ook zelven zondaars bevonden worden, is dan Christus een dienaar der zonde? Dat zij verre.
18 So if I should again believe [that God would erase the record of my sins because of my obeying the laws that he gave to Moses] [MET], [I would be like a man who] rebuilds an old building that he tore down. It would [soon] be clear that I am one who disobeys those same laws [that God gave to Moses].
Want indien ik, hetgeen ik afgebroken heb, datzelve wederom opbouw, zo stel ik mijzelven tot een overtreder.
19 When [I realized that I could not earn God’s favor] by [obeying] the laws [that he gave to Moses, I decided not] to [respond to what those laws demanded] [MET], [just like] a dead person [does not respond to anything]. Now I live to [honor/serve] God.
Want ik ben door de wet der wet gestorven, opdat ik Gode leven zou.
20 [It is as though] I was with Christ when he was crucified {died on the cross} [MET] (OR, [It is as though] my [old way of life ended when] Christ died on the cross.) No longer am I [directing the way I behave as I did before I believed in Christ]. Now Christ [is directing how] I [behave. And whatever I do] now while I live, I do it trusting in God’s Son. He is the one who loved me and offered himself [as a sacrifice] for me.
Ik ben met Christus gekruist; en ik leef, doch niet meer ik, maar Christus leeft in mij; en hetgeen ik nu in het vlees leef, dat leef ik door het geloof des Zoons van God, Die mij liefgehad heeft, en Zichzelven voor mij overgegeven heeft.
21 I am not rejecting [as useless] what God [did for me] ([kindly/that I did not deserve]), [as my opponents are doing. I fully accept that God saved me by acting kindly towards me]. If it is because people [obey the] laws [that God gave to Moses] that God erases the record of their sins, then Christ died (for nothing/needlessly).
Ik doe de genade Gods niet te niet; want indien de rechtvaardigheid door de wet is, zo is dan Christus tevergeefs gestorven.

< Galatians 2 >