< Ezra 1 >

1 During the first year that Cyrus ruled [the] Persian [Empire], he did something that fulfilled what Jeremiah had prophesied. Yahweh motivated Cyrus to write this message, and then Cyrus sent this message throughout his empire:
In anno primo Cyri regis Persarum ut compleretur verbum Domini ex ore Ieremiae, suscitavit Dominus spiritum Cyri regis Persarum: et traduxit vocem in omni regno suo, etiam per scripturam, dicens:
2 “I, King Cyrus, who rule [the] Persian [Empire], declare this: 'Yahweh, the God [who is in/rules] from heaven, has caused me to become the ruler of all the kingdoms [that I know about] on the earth. And he has appointed me [to enable his people] to build a temple for him in Jerusalem, in Judah [land].
Haec dicit Cyrus rex Persarum: Omnia regna terrae dedit mihi Dominus Deus caeli, et ipse praecepit mihi ut aedificarem ei domum in Ierusalem, quae est in Iudaea.
3 All you people who belong to God may go up to Jerusalem to rebuild this temple for Yahweh, the God who lives in Jerusalem, the God [who is worshiped by you] Israeli people. I desire/hope that your God will be with you [and help those who go there].
Quis est in vobis de universo populo eius? Sit Deus illius cum ipso. Ascendat in Ierusalem, quae est in Iudaea, et aedificet domum Domini Dei Israel, ipse est Deus qui est in Ierusalem.
4 Those people who are in places where Israelis are living, whose ancestors were exiled here, should contribute silver and gold to those who go. They should also give them supplies [that they will need for the journey to Jerusalem]. They should also give them some livestock, and gifts of money to help build the temple of God in Jerusalem.'”
Et omnes reliqui in cunctis locis ubicumque habitant, adiuvent eum viri de loco suo argento et auro, et substantia, et pecoribus, excepto quod voluntarie offerunt templo Dei, quod est in Ierusalem.
5 Then God motivated some of the priests and (Levites/men who did work in the temple) and some of the leaders of the tribes that were descended from Judah and Benjamin to return to Jerusalem. Those whom God motivated got ready to return to Jerusalem and build the temple for Yahweh there.
Et surrexerunt principes patrum de Iuda, et Beniamin, et Sacerdotes, et Levitae, et omnis, cuius Deus suscitavit spiritum, ut ascenderent ad aedificandum templum Domini, quod erat in Ierusalem.
6 All of their neighbors helped them by giving them things made of silver and things made of gold, and supplies for the journey, and livestock. They also gave them other valuable gifts, and also gave them money [to buy things for building the temple].
Universique qui erant in circuitu, adiuverunt manus eorum in vasis argenteis et aureis, in substantia et iumentis, in supellectili, exceptis his, quae sponte obtulerant.
7 King Cyrus brought out the valuable things that King Nebuchadnezzar’s [soldiers] had taken from the temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem and put in the temple of Nebuchadnezzar’s gods [in Babylon].
Rex quoque Cyrus protulit vasa templi Domini, quae tulerat Nabuchodonosor de Ierusalem, et posuerat ea in templo Dei sui.
8 Cyrus commanded Mithredath, the treasurer of [the] Persian [Empire], to count all these items and then give them to Sheshbazzar, the leader of [the group that was going to return to] Judah.
Protulit autem ea Cyrus rex Persarum per manum Mithridatis filii Gazabar, et annumeravit ea Sassabasar principi Iuda.
9 This is a list of the items that Cyrus donated: 30 large gold dishes 1,000 large silver dishes 29 silver (censers/incense burning pans)
Et hic est numerus eorum: Phialae aureae triginta, phialae argenteae mille, cultri vigintinovem, scyphi aurei triginta,
10 30 gold bowls 410 silver bowls 1,000 other items.
scyphi argentei secundi quadringenti decem: vasa alia mille.
11 All together, there were 5,400 items made of silver or gold, that [were given to] Sheshbazzar [to] take with him when he and the others returned to Jerusalem.
Omnia vasa aurea et argentea quinque millia quadringenta: universa tulit Sassabasar cum his, qui ascendebant de transmigratione Babylonis in Ierusalem.

< Ezra 1 >