< Ezra 6 >
1 [Later] Darius [became the ruler of the Persian Empire. When the enemies of the Israelis forced them to stop rebuilding the temple, the Persian officials sent a message to King Darius. They asked him to] search the records in the (archives/government records), in the building where the king stored the important documents, [to find out whether King Cyrus had authorized that the temple should be rebuilt].
Ipapo Mambo Dhariasi akatema chirevo, uye vakatsvakisisa mumabhuku enhoroondo dzakare aiva mudura repfuma muBhabhironi.
2 [The king commanded someone to search there, but those documents were not there in Babylon]. They found a scroll at the fort in Ecbatana, in Media province, [that contained the information that they wanted to know]. This is what was written on that scroll:
Rugwaro rwakapetwa rwakawanikwa mumuzinda weEkibhatana mudunhu reMedhia, uye izvi ndizvo zvakanga zvakanyorwa parwuri: Chiziviso:
3 “During the first year that Cyrus [ruled the empire], he sent out a decree concerning the temple of God which is at Jerusalem. In the decree it was stated that a new temple must be built at the same place that [the Israeli people previously] had offered sacrifices, where the [original] foundation [of the first temple] was. The temple must be 90 feet high and 90 feet wide.
Mugore rokutanga raMambo Sirasi, mambo akapa chirevo pamusoro pezvetemberi yaMwari muJerusarema achiti: Temberi ngaivakwezve ive nzvimbo yokubayira zvibayiro, uye nheyo dzayo ngadziteyiwe. Inofanira kuva namakubhiti makumi matanhatu paurefu namakubhiti makumi matanhatu paupamhi,
4 The building must be made from large stones. After putting down three layers of stones, a layer of timber must be put on top of them. This work will be paid for by money from my treasury.
ive nemitsara mitatu yamabwe makuru uye nomutsara mumwe chete wamatanda. Mari yokuvaka ngaitorwe kubva papfuma yamambo.
5 Also, the gold and silver utensils that King Nebuchadnezzar took from the temple of God in Jerusalem and brought to Babylon must be taken back to Jerusalem. They must be put in God’s temple just as they were in the previous temple.”
Uyezve midziyo yegoridhe neyesirivha yeimba yaMwari yakatorwa naNebhukadhinezari kubva mutemberi muJerusarema akauya nayo kuBhabhironi, inofanira kudzoserwa panzvimbo yayo mutemberi muJerusarema; inofanira kuiswa muimba yaMwari.
6 After reading this, King Darius sent this message [to the leaders of the Israeli people’s enemies in Jerusalem]: “This is a message for Tattenai, the governor of the province west of the [Euphrates] River, and for [his assistant] Shethar-Bozenai, and for all your colleagues: Stay away from that area!
Zvino naizvozvo, Tatenai, mubati wenyika iri mhiri kwaYufuratesi, Sheshitari-Bhozenai, iwe namachinda avo omudunhu iro, musapindira pazvinhu izvi.
7 Do not (interfere with/hinder) the work of building the temple of God! The temple must be rebuilt at the same place where the former temple was. And do not hinder the governor of the Jews and the elders of the Jews [while they are doing this work].
Musakanganisa basa retemberi iyi yaMwari. Regai mubati wavaJudha navakuru vavaJudha vavake imba iyi yaMwari panzvimbo yayo.
8 “Furthermore, I declare that you must help these leaders of the Jews as they rebuild this temple of God [by giving them funds for the building work].
Pamusoro pezvo, ndinorayira zvino zvamunofanira kuitira vakuru ava vavaJudha, pakuvakwa kweimba iyi yaMwari: Mari yose inodiwa kuripira varume ava ichabva papfuma yamambo ichibva pamitero inoripwa kubva mhiri kwaYufuratesi, kuitira kuti basa rirege kumira.
9 “The Jewish priests in Jerusalem need young bulls and rams and lambs to sacrifice as they make burned offerings to the God of heaven. You must give them the animals that they need. Also, you must be certain to give them the wheat, salt, wine, and [olive] oil that they need each day [for those sacrifices].
Zvose zvinodiwa, dzingava hando duku, makondobwe, namakwayana makono, zvokuita nazvo zvipiriso zvinopiswa kuna Mwari wokudenga, uye gorosi, munyu, waini namafuta, zvinenge zvakumbirwa navaprista muJerusarema, zvinofanira kupiwa kwavari zuva rimwe nerimwe musingadariki,
10 If you do that, the Jewish priests will be able to offer sacrifices that please the God who is in heaven, and they will pray that God will bless me and my sons.
kuti vagone kupa zvibayiro zvinofadza kuna Mwari wokudenga uye kuti vagone kunyengetererawo upenyu hwamambo nohwavanakomana vake.
11 “If anyone disobeys this decree, [my soldiers] will pull a beam from his house. Then [after they sharpen one end of the beam, ] they will lift that man up and impale him on that beam. Then they will [completely destroy that man’s house until only] a pile of rubble is left.
Pamusoro pezvo, ndinotemawo chirevo, kuti ani naani anoshandura shoko iri, bango rinofanira kubviswa paimba yake, uye anofanira kuturikwa agorovererwa pariri. Uye nokuda kwemhaka iyi, imba yake inofanira kuitwa murwi wamarara.
12 God has chosen [that city of] Jerusalem as the place where people will honor him [MTY]. What I desire is that he will get rid of any king or any nation that tries to change this decree or tries to destroy that temple in Jerusalem. I, Darius, have made this decree. It must be obeyed quickly and thoroughly.”
Mwari, akagarisa Zita rake ipapo, ngaaparadze mambo upi noupi kana vanhu vangatambanudza maoko avo kuti vashandure chirevo ichi kana kuparadza temberi iyi muJerusarema. Ini Dhariasi ndini ndatema chirevo ichi. Ngachizadziswe nenzira yakanyanyisa kunaka.
13 Tattenai, the governor of the province, and [his assistant] Shethar-Bozenai and their colleagues [read the message and] immediately obeyed the decree of King Darius.
Ipapo, nokuda kwechirevo chakanga chatumirwa naMambo Dhariasi, Tatenai mubati wemhiri kwaYufuratesi, naShetari-Bhozenai neshamwari dzavo vakaita izvi nenzira yakanakisisa.
14 So the Jewish leaders continued their work [of rebuilding the temple]. They were greatly encouraged by the messages that the prophets Haggai and Zechariah preached. The Israelis continued building the temple, just like God had commanded them to do and like King Cyrus had decreed.
Nokudaro vakuru vavaJudha vakaenderera mberi nokuvaka uye vakabudirira vachiparidzirwa naHagai muprofita naZekaria mwanakomana waIdho. Vakavaka temberi vakaipedza sokurayirwa kwavakanga vaitwa naMwari weIsraeri nechirevo chaSirasi, Dhariasi naAtazekisesi madzimambo ePezhia.
15 They finished building it on March 12, during the sixth year that King Darius [ruled].
Temberi yakapera kuvakwa pazuva rechitatu romwedzi waAdhari, mugore rechitanhatu rokutonga kwamambo Dhariasi.
16 Then the priests and the Levites and all the other Israeli people who had returned from Babylon very joyfully dedicated the temple.
Ipapo vanhu veIsraeri, vaprista, vaRevhi uye navamwe vose vakanga vakatapwa, vakapemberera kukumikidzwa kweimba yaMwari nomufaro.
17 During [the ceremony to] dedicate the temple, they sacrificed 100 young bulls, 200 rams, and 400 lambs. They also sacrificed twelve male goats as an offering in order that [God would forgive] the sins of the people of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Pakukumikidzwa kweimba iyi yaMwari vakabayira hando zana, makondobwe mazana maviri, namakwayana makono mazana mana uye sechipiriso chechivi chavaIsraeri vose, vakabayira nhongo dzembudzi gumi nembiri, imwe ichimirira rudzi rumwe norumwe rwaIsraeri.
18 Then the priests and Levites were divided into groups that would [take turns to] serve at the temple. They did this according to what Moses had written [many years previously] in the laws [that he wrote].
Vakagadza vaprista mumapoka avo uye navaRevhi muzvikwata zvawo kuti vaite basa raMwari paJerusarema, sezvazvakanyorwa muBhuku raMozisi.
19 On April 21, the Jews who had returned from Babylon celebrated the Passover Festival.
Pazuva regumi namana romwedzi wokutanga, vatapwa vakapemberera Pasika.
20 [To qualify themselves for offering the sacrifices], the priests and Levites had already purified themselves by performing certain rituals. Then they slaughtered the lambs for the benefit of all the people who had returned from Babylon, for the other priests, and for themselves.
Vaprista navaRevhi vakanga vazvinatsa uye vose vakanga vanatswa. VaRevhi vakabayira vatapwa vose gwayana rePasika, vakabayirawo hama dzavo vaprista naivo vamene.
21 Those who had returned from Babylon and the other people in that land who had turned away from their immoral practices in order to worship Yahweh, the God of the Israeli people, ate the Passover meal.
Nokudaro vaIsraeri vakanga vadzoka kubva kuutapwa vakaidya, pamwe chete navose vakanga vazvitsaura kubva pazviito zvisina kururama zvaiitwa navavakidzani vavo vokune dzimwe ndudzi, kuti vatsvake Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri.
22 They celebrated the Unleavened Bread Festival of [Eating] Unleavened Bread for seven days. The Israeli people throughout the land were joyful because Yahweh had changed the attitude of the king of Assyria toward them, and as a result, the king had helped them to rebuild the temple of God, the one whom they [worshiped].
Kwamazuva manomwe vakapemberera nomufaro Mutambo weZvingwa Zvisina Mbiriso, nokuti Jehovha akanga avapa mufaro nokushandura mwoyo wamambo weAsiria, kuti avabatsire pakuitwa kwebasa reimba yaMwari, iye Mwari weIsraeri.