< Ezra 1 >
1 During the first year that Cyrus ruled [the] Persian [Empire], he did something that fulfilled what Jeremiah had prophesied. Yahweh motivated Cyrus to write this message, and then Cyrus sent this message throughout his empire:
Nel primo anno di Ciro, re di Persia, affinché s’adempisse la parola dell’Eterno pronunziata per bocca di Geremia, l’Eterno destò lo spirito di Ciro, re di Persia, il quale, a voce e per iscritto, fece pubblicare per tutto il suo regno quest’editto:
2 “I, King Cyrus, who rule [the] Persian [Empire], declare this: 'Yahweh, the God [who is in/rules] from heaven, has caused me to become the ruler of all the kingdoms [that I know about] on the earth. And he has appointed me [to enable his people] to build a temple for him in Jerusalem, in Judah [land].
“Così dice Ciro, re di Persia: L’Eterno, l’Iddio de’ cieli, m’ha dato tutti i regni della terra, ed egli m’ha comandato di edificargli una casa a Gerusalemme, ch’è in Giuda.
3 All you people who belong to God may go up to Jerusalem to rebuild this temple for Yahweh, the God who lives in Jerusalem, the God [who is worshiped by you] Israeli people. I desire/hope that your God will be with you [and help those who go there].
Chiunque tra voi è del suo popolo, sia il suo Dio con lui, e salga a Gerusalemme, ch’è in Giuda, ed edifichi la casa dell’Eterno, dell’Iddio d’Israele, dell’Iddio ch’è a Gerusalemme.
4 Those people who are in places where Israelis are living, whose ancestors were exiled here, should contribute silver and gold to those who go. They should also give them supplies [that they will need for the journey to Jerusalem]. They should also give them some livestock, and gifts of money to help build the temple of God in Jerusalem.'”
Tutti quelli che rimangono ancora del popolo dell’Eterno, in qualunque luogo dimorino, la gente del luogo li assista con argento, con oro, con doni in natura, bestiame, aggiungendovi offerte volontarie per la casa dell’Iddio ch’è a Gerusalemme”.
5 Then God motivated some of the priests and (Levites/men who did work in the temple) and some of the leaders of the tribes that were descended from Judah and Benjamin to return to Jerusalem. Those whom God motivated got ready to return to Jerusalem and build the temple for Yahweh there.
Allora i capi famiglia di Giuda e di Beniamino, i sacerdoti e i Leviti, tutti quelli ai quali Iddio avea destato lo spirito, si levarono per andare a ricostruire la casa dell’Eterno ch’è a Gerusalemme.
6 All of their neighbors helped them by giving them things made of silver and things made of gold, and supplies for the journey, and livestock. They also gave them other valuable gifts, and also gave them money [to buy things for building the temple].
E tutti i loro vicini d’ogn’intorno li fornirono d’oggetti d’argento, d’oro, di doni in natura, di bestiame, di cose preziose, oltre a tutte le offerte volontarie.
7 King Cyrus brought out the valuable things that King Nebuchadnezzar’s [soldiers] had taken from the temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem and put in the temple of Nebuchadnezzar’s gods [in Babylon].
Il re Ciro trasse fuori gli utensili della casa dell’Eterno che Nebucadnetsar avea portati via da Gerusalemme e posti nella casa del suo dio.
8 Cyrus commanded Mithredath, the treasurer of [the] Persian [Empire], to count all these items and then give them to Sheshbazzar, the leader of [the group that was going to return to] Judah.
Ciro, re di Persia, li fece ritirare per mezzo di Mithredath, il tesoriere, che li consegnò a Sceshbatsar, principe di Giuda.
9 This is a list of the items that Cyrus donated: 30 large gold dishes 1,000 large silver dishes 29 silver (censers/incense burning pans)
Eccone il numero: trenta bacini d’oro, mille bacini d’argento, ventinove coltelli,
10 30 gold bowls 410 silver bowls 1,000 other items.
trenta coppe d’oro, quattrocentodieci coppe d’argento di second’ordine, mille altri utensili.
11 All together, there were 5,400 items made of silver or gold, that [were given to] Sheshbazzar [to] take with him when he and the others returned to Jerusalem.
Tutti gli oggetti d’oro e d’argento erano in numero di cinquemila quattrocento. Sceshbatsar li riportò tutti, quando gli esuli furon ricondotti da Babilonia a Gerusalemme.