< Ezekiel 7 >
1 Yahweh gave me another message. [He said]
Anplis, pawòl SENYÈ a te vin kote mwen. Li te di:
2 “You human, this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say to [the people] [MTY] of Israel: All of Israel will soon be destroyed.
Ou menm, fis a lòm, konsa pale Senyè BONDYE a, Lafen! Lafen ap pwoche sou kat kwen peyi a.
3 [people of Israel], the end has come. I will punish you severely. I will judge you for all the wicked things that you have done, and pay you back for your disgusting behavior.
Se koulye a, lafen an sou ou, e Mwen va voye kòlè Mwen kont ou. Mwen va jije ou selon zèv ou. Mwen va mennen tout abominasyon ou yo sou ou.
4 I will not pity you or act mercifully toward you. I will [surely] punish you for your wicked behavior [DOU]. Then you will know that [it has happened because] I, Yahweh, [have done it].”
Paske zye M p ap gen pitye pou ou, ni Mwen p ap ralanti pou ou, men Mwen va mennen chemen ou yo rive sou ou, abominasyon ou yo va pami ou, e ou va konnen ke Mwen se SENYÈ a!
5 This is [also] what Yahweh the Lord says: “You will soon experience many terrible disasters!
“Konsa pale Senyè BONDYE a: ‘Yon gwo dezas! Yon dezas san parèy! Gade byen, l ap vini.
6 This will be the [of Israel]; your country will be finished! And your [lives] will be ended [PRS]!
Lafen an ap vini. Lafen an gen tan rive! Li te leve kont ou. Gade byen, li fin rive!
7 It will be the end of you people who live in the [of Israel]. The time has come; the [when you will be destroyed] is near. At that time [the people who worship idols] on the mountains will not be happy; they will panic.
Move lè ou a fin rive, O moun peyi a! Lè a rive! Jou toupre a—gwo zen olye kri lajwa a ap kriye sou mòn yo.
8 I am very angry with you and am about to pour out my punishment [MTY] on you. I will judge you for all the wicked things that you have done and pay you back for your disgusting behavior.
Koulye a, nan yon ti tan, Mwen va vide kòlè Mwen sou ou, e achevi kòlè Mwen kont ou. Konsa, M ap jije ou selon tout chemen ou yo, e mennen sou ou tout abominasyon ou yo.
9 I will not pity you or act mercifully toward you. I will surely punish you for your wicked behavior [DOU]. Then you will know that it is I, Yahweh, who have punished you.
Zye m p ap montre okenn pitye, ni Mwen p ap ralanti. Mwen va rekonpanse ou selon chemen ou yo pandan abominasyon ou yo pami nou. Konsa, ou va konnen ke se Mwen, SENYÈ a, ki fè frap la.
10 The [of your punishment] is here! It has arrived! Disasters have come.
“‘Gade jou a! Gade l byen, l ap vini! Move lè ou a deja parèt. Baton an fin boujonnen. Ògèy la fin fleri.
11 People are acting violently and doing more wicked things. And nothing that belongs to those people will be left, none of their money, nothing that is valuable.
Vyolans fin grandi pou vin fè yon baton mechanste. Okenn nan yo p ap rete; okenn nan moun yo, okenn nan richès yo, ni okenn bagay ki gen gwo valè pami yo.
12 Now is the time; that day has arrived.
Lè a fin rive! Jou a prè. Pa kite moun k ap achte a rejwi, ni moun k ap vann nan soufri, paske gwo chalè a kont tout foul moun yo.
13 People who buy things should not [because of buying things very cheaply], and those who sell things should not be [because they had to sell things cheaply], [Yahweh] will be punishing [MTY] everyone. During the rest of their lives, people who sell some of their property will never be able to buy it back, because I, Yahweh, will never change my mind about what I have declared; because of your sins, [I will destroy] all of you people.
Anverite, moun k ap vann nan p ap retounen nan sa li te vann nan, malgre yo toujou vivan; paske vizyon konsène tout foul moun yo. Yo p ap retounen, ni okenn nan yo p ap ka pwolonje lavi yo nan mitan inikite yo.
14 Even though [soldiers] blow [to prepare for] a battle, no soldier will go into a battle, because I will have killed all of them.
Yo te soufle twonpèt la, e te fè tout bagay vin prè, men pèsòn pa prale nan batay la, paske gwo kòlè Mwen an kont tout foul moun yo.
15 [When those things happen, your enemies] will be [the city] with their swords, and there will be plagues and famines [the city]. [who flee from the city] into the countryside will be killed [their enemies’] swords, and those who stay in the city will die from famines and plagues.
“‘Nepe a deyò e epidemi ak gwo grangou a anndan. Sila ki nan chan an va mouri pa nepe. Gwo grangou ak epidemi va, anplis, manje sila anndan vil yo.
16 Those who survive and escape will flee to the mountains, and they all will moan like doves because of their sins.
Menm lè sila ki chape yo rive deyò, yo va sou mòn yo tankou toutrèl nan vale yo, yo tout ap kriye, yo chak nan pwòp inikite yo.
17 [Because everyone will be very afraid, ] all the people’s hands will become limp and their knees will become very weak.
Tout men yo va lage vid e tout jenou yo va vin kon dlo.
18 They will put on clothes made from rough cloth, and they will be terrified. Their faces will show that they are ashamed, and they will shave their [to show that they are very sad].
Yo va abiye yo menm ak twal sak e lafyèv frison va boulvèse yo. Lawont va sou tout figi yo, e tout tèt yo va chòv.
19 They will throw their silver into the streets, and consider that their gold is only like [SIM] garbage, because they will realize that their silver and gold will not be able to rescue them when I, Yahweh, punish them. They will not be able to use their gold and silver to buy things to fill their stomachs, because having a lot of gold and silver has led them to sin.
Yo va jete ajan yo nan lari, e lò yo va vin yon bagay repinyans. Lajan ak lò yo p ap kapab delivre yo nan jou gwo chalè SENYÈ a. Yo p ap ka satisfè apeti yo, ni yo p ap kapab plen vant yo, paske se li ki te fè yo chite.
20 They were proud of their beautiful jewelry, and they used it to make their detestable idols and disgusting [of their gods]. So I will cause them to be disgusted with those things.
Yo te transfòme bote a òneman pa Li yo pou vin ògèye yo te fè imaj abominasyon yo ak bagay detestab yo avè l. Konsa, Mwen va fè l vin yon bagay abominab pou yo menm.
21 I will give their silver and gold to foreigners who invade your country and take away your valuable treasures. I will give those things to wicked people, and they will do disgraceful things to those treasures that I give them.
Mwen va bay li nan men etranje yo kon piyaj, nan men mechan sou latè yo kon donmaj, e yo va pwofane li nèt.
22 I will not (interfere with/stop) [IDM] robbers when they enter my sacred temple and desecrate it.
Anplis, Mwen va vire figi Mwen lwen yo, e yo va pwofane plas sekrè Mwen an. Vòlè yo va antre nan li, e yo va pwofane li.
23 Prepare chains to be fastened on you. People are being murdered [MTY] throughout the country, and people are acting violently throughout the city.
“‘Fè chèn nan, paske peyi a plen ak krim sanglan, e vil la plen ak vyolans.
24 So I will bring armies of the nations whose people are extremely wicked to occupy the houses of the Israeli people. I will cause Israeli [who think that they] are [IRO] strong/mighty to no longer be proud. Your enemies will cause your places of worship to no longer be acceptable to be used.
Akoz sa, Mwen va mennen fè vini sila ki pi mal nan tout nasyon yo, e se yo k ap posede lakay yo. Mwen va, anplis, fè ògèy a sila ki pwisan yo sispann. Lye sen yo va vin gate nèt.
25 When your enemies cause you to be terrified, you will plead for them to make peace, but there will be no peace.
Lè gwo doulè a rive, yo va chache lapè, men p ap genyen menm.
26 You will experience many disasters, and you will continually hear [about disasters that are happening in other places]. People will plead with prophets to tell them what visions they have received, [but the prophets will not have received any visions]. Priests will no longer teach people the [that I gave to Moses].
Gwo dega va rive sou gwo dega, e gwo koze sou gwo koze. Konsa, yo va chache yon vizyon soti nan yon pwofèt, men lalwa va fin pèdi nan men prèt la, e p ap gen konsèy menm nan men ansyen yo.
27 Your king will mourn, and his son will no [longer] [that good things will happen]. The hands of people throughout the country will tremble. And I will do to them what they deserve for their wicked behavior. I will [and condemn] them the same way they have [and condemned] others. Then they will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”
Wa a va fè dèy, prens lan va abiye ak dezespwa, e men a pèp peyi a va pran tranble. Selon kondwit yo, Mwen va aji avèk yo, e selon jijman yo, Mwen va jije yo. Konsa, yo va konnen ke se Mwen ki SENYÈ a.’”