< Ezekiel 48 >
1 “Here is a list of the tribes of Israel [and the territory that each tribe is to receive]: [The tribe of] Dan will be allotted land at the northern boundary [of Israel]: It will extend east from the Mediterranean Sea east to Hethlon [city], then from there to Hamath Pass, and on to [the town of] Hazar-Enan south of Damascus, between Damascus and Hamath. The tribe of Dan will receive land on the northern border [of Israel] from the eastern end [of the country] west to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
A ovo su imena plemenima. Od kraja prema sjeveru, uz put Etlonski kako se ide u Emat i Asarenan, na meðu Damaštansku na sjever pokraj Emata, od istoène strane do zapadne, Danovo, jedno.
2 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Asher.
A uz meðu Danovu, od istoène strane do zapadne, Asirovo, jedno.
3 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Naphtali.
A uz meðu Asirovu, od istoène strane do zapadne, Neftalimovo, jedno.
4 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Manasseh.
A uz meðu Neftalimovu, od istoène strane do zapadne, Manasijino, jedno.
5 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Ephraim.
A uz meðu Manasijinu, od istoène strane do zapadne, Jefremovo, jedno.
6 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Reuben.
A uz meðu Jefremovu, od istoène strane do zapadne, Ruvimovo, jedno.
7 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Judah.
A uz meðu Ruvimovu, od istoène strane do zapadne, Judino, jedno.
8 South of their land will be an area set apart for special use. The temple will be in the center of that area.
A uz meðu Judinu, od istoène strane do zapadne, neka bude prinos što æete prinijeti, dvadeset i pet tisuæa lakata u širinu, a u dužinu kao koji drugi dio, od istoène strane do zapadne, i svetinja da bude usred njega.
9 It must be (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (6.7 miles/10.6 km.) wide.
Prinos koji æete prinijeti Gospodu, neka bude od dvadeset i pet tisuæa lakata u dužinu i od deset tisuæa u širinu.
10 For the priests, there must be a strip of land (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (3.3 miles/5.3 km.) wide. The temple will be in the center of that area.
I taj æe sveti prinos biti sveštenicima, sa sjevera dvadeset i pet tisuæa lakata u dužinu, a sa zapada deset tisuæa u širinu, i s istoka deset tisuæa u širinu, a s juga dvadeset i pet tisuæa u dužinu; i svetinja Gospodnja da bude usred njega.
11 That area is for the priests who are descendants of Zadok. They are ones who served me faithfully and did not turn away from me, like most of the descendants of Levi and the other Israeli people did.
To æe biti sveštenicima posveæenijem izmeðu sinova Sadokovijeh koji držaše što sam naredio da se drži i ne zaðoše kao drugi Leviti, kad zaðoše sinovi Izrailjevi.
12 When the land is distributed, that area must be given to the priests; it is land that is very sacred. It will be next to the land that will be given to the other descendants of Levi.
Njihov æe biti sveti prinos od zemlje, svetinja nad svetinjama, uz meðe Levitske.
13 The land that will be allotted to the [other] descendants of Levi will be the same size as the land allotted to the priests. So together, those two portions of land will be (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (6.6 miles/10.6 km.) wide.
A Leviti da imaju uz meðe sveštenièke dvadeset i pet tisuæa lakata u dužinu, i deset tisuæa u širinu; sva dužina da bude dvadeset i pet tisuæa, a širina deset tisuæa.
14 None of this special land will ever be permitted to be sold or traded or used by other people, because it belongs to me, Yahweh. It is set apart for me.
A od toga ništa da ne prodaju ni promjenjuju, ni da prenose prvina zemaljskih, jer je svetinja Gospodu.
15 The rest [of that sacred area, a strip of land] (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (1.7 miles/2.65 km.) wide will be allotted for other people to use. It will be land where they will be permitted to build homes and have pasturelands. There will be a city at the center.
A pet tisuæa lakata što ostaje u širinu prema dvadeset i pet tisuæa biæe mjesto posveæeno, za grad, za naselje, i za podgraða, i grad da bude usred njega.
16 The city will be square, (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) on each side.
A ovo da mu je mjera: sa sjeverne strane èetiri tisuæe i pet stotina lakata, i s južne strane èetiri tisuæe i pet stotina, i s istoène strane èetiri tisuæe i pet stotina, i sa zapadne strane èetiri tisuæe i pet stotina.
17 Around the city there will be an area for farming, that will be (150 yards/135 meters) in each direction.
I podgraðe æe biti dvjesta i pedeset lakata sa sjevera, i dvjesta i pedeset s juga, i dvjesta i pedeset s istoka, i dvjesta i pedeset sa zapada.
18 Outside the city, to the east and to the west, there will be a farming area. It will extend (3 miles/4.8 km.) to the east and (3 miles/4.8 km.) to the west. [Men who work there] will produce food for the people who work in the city.
A što ostane u dužinu prema svetom prinosu, deset tisuæa lakata na istok i deset tisuæa na zapad prema svetom prinosu, od toga dohodak neka bude hrana slugama gradskim.
19 [Some of] those who come from the various Israeli tribes to work in the city may also work on the farmland.
A sluge koje æe služiti gradu biæe iz svijeh plemena Izrailjevijeh.
20 That entire special area, including the sacred lands and the city, will be a square that is (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) on each side.
Sav ovaj prinos, dvadeset i pet tisuæa lakata uz dvadeset i pet tisuæa, èetvrtast, prinijeæe u prinos sveti za dostojanje gradu.
21 The areas to the east and to the west of the sacred area and the city will belong to the king. One area will extend east to the eastern boundary of Israel and the other will extend west to the Mediterranean Sea. The sacred area in which the temple is located will be in the middle.
A što ostane s obje strane svetom prinosu i dostojanju gradskom, prema dvadeset i pet tisuæa lakata prinosa do meðe istoène, i sa zapada prema dvadeset i pet tisuæa lakata duž zapadne meðe prema dijelovima, to da je kneževo; tako æe sveti prinos i svetinja doma biti u srijedi.
22 The area that belongs to the king will be between the land [of the tribe] of [to the north] and the land [of the tribe] of Benjamin [to the south].
A od dostojanja Levitskoga i od dostojanja gradskoga, usred onoga što je kneževo, izmeðu meðe Judine i meðe Venijaminove, da je kneževo.
23 South of that special area, each of the other tribes must be allotted one portion of land that extends from the eastern [boundary of Israel] west [to the Mediterranean Sea]. [Beginning at the north] will be land for [the tribe of] Benjamin.
A ostala plemena biæe: od istoène strane do zapadne strane, Venijaminovo, jedno;
24 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Simeon.
A uz meðu Venijaminovu, od istoène strane do zapadne, Simeunovo, jedno;
25 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Issachar.
A uz meðu Simeunovu, od istoène strane do zapadne, Isaharovo, jedno;
26 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Zebulun.
A uz meðu Isaharovu, od istoène strane do zapadne, Zavulonovo, jedno;
27 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Gad.
A uz meðu Zavulonovu, od istoène strane do zapadne, Gadovo, jedno;
28 The southern boundary of [the tribe of] Gad will extend south from Tamar to the springs at Meribah-Kadesh, and from there [to the west] along the dry riverbed at the border of Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea.
A uz meðu Gadovu s južne strane, na jug, meða je od Tamara do vode Merive u Kadisu, duž potoka do velikoga mora.
29 That is the land that you must allot to the tribes of Israel, to belong to them permanently. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.”
To je zemlja koju æete ždrijebom razdijeliti plemenima Izrailjevijem u našljedstvo, i to su im dijelovi, govori Gospod Gospod.
30 These will be the exits from the city: On the north side, which will be (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long,
A ovo su krajevi gradu: sa sjeverne strane èetiri tisuæe i pet stotina lakata da bude mjera;
31 there must be three gates; each one will have the name of one of the tribes of Israel. The first one will be named for Reuben, the next for Judah, the next for Levi.
A vrata gradska da se nazovu imenima plemena Izrailjevijeh, troja vrata sa sjevera; jedna vrata Ruvimova, jedna vrata Judina, jedna vrata Levijeva;
32 On the east side, [also] (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long, will be gates named for Joseph, Benjamin, and Dan.
I s istoène strane èetiri tisuæe i pet stotina lakata, i troja vrata: jedna vrata Josifova, jedna vrata Venijaminova, jedna vrata Danova;
33 On the south side, [also] (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long, will be gates named for Simeon, Issachar, and Zebulun.
I s južne strane èetiri tisuæe i pet stotina lakata da bude mjera, i troja vrata: jedna vrata Simeunova, jedna vrata Isaharova, jedna vrata Zavulonova;
34 On the west side, [also] (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long, will be gates named for Gad, Asher, and Naphtali.
Sa zapadne strane èetiri tisuæe i pet stotina lakata, i troja vrata: jedna vrata Gadova, jedna vrata Asirova, jedna vrata Neftalimova.
35 [So] the distance around the city will thus be (6 miles/9.6 km.). And from that time on, the name of the city will be ‘Yahweh Is There’.’
Unaokolo æe biti osamnaest tisuæa lakata, a ime æe gradu od toga dana biti: Gospod je tu.