< Ezekiel 48 >
1 “Here is a list of the tribes of Israel [and the territory that each tribe is to receive]: [The tribe of] Dan will be allotted land at the northern boundary [of Israel]: It will extend east from the Mediterranean Sea east to Hethlon [city], then from there to Hamath Pass, and on to [the town of] Hazar-Enan south of Damascus, between Damascus and Hamath. The tribe of Dan will receive land on the northern border [of Israel] from the eastern end [of the country] west to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
La-ke ngamabizo ezizwe. Kusukela ekucineni kwasenyakatho, kuze kube seceleni kwendlela yeHethiloni, ekungeneni kweHamathi, iHazari-Enani, umngcele weDamaseko ngasenyakatho, kuze kube seceleni kweHamathi; ngoba lezi zinhlangothi zakhe empumalanga lentshonalanga, isabelo esisodwa sikaDani.
2 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Asher.
Langasemngceleni kaDani, kusukela ehlangothini lwempumalanga kusiya ehlangothini lwentshonalanga, isabelo esisodwa sikaAsheri.
3 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Naphtali.
Langasemngceleni kaAsheri, kusukela ehlangothini lwempumalanga kusiya ehlangothini lwentshonalanga, isabelo esisodwa sikaNafithali.
4 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Manasseh.
Langasemngceleni kaNafithali, kusukela ehlangothini lwempumalanga kusiya ehlangothini lwentshonalanga, isabelo esisodwa sikaManase.
5 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Ephraim.
Langasemngceleni kaManase, kusukela ehlangothini lwempumalanga kusiya ehlangothini lwentshonalanga, isabelo esisodwa sikaEfrayimi.
6 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Reuben.
Langasemngceleni kaEfrayimi, kusukela ehlangothini lwempumalanga kusiya ehlangothini lwentshonalanga, isabelo esisodwa sikaRubeni.
7 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Judah.
Langasemngceleni kaRubeni, kusukela ehlangothini lwempumalanga kusiya ehlangothini lwentshonalanga, isabelo esisodwa sikaJuda.
8 South of their land will be an area set apart for special use. The temple will be in the center of that area.
Langasemngceleni kaJuda, kusukela ehlangothini lwempumalanga kusiya ehlangothini lwentshonalanga, kuzakuba ngumnikelo elizawunikela, ububanzi buzakuba zinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lanhlanu, lobude njengesinye sezabelo, kusukela ehlangothini lwempumalanga kuze kube sehlangothini lwentshonalanga; njalo indawo engcwele izakuba phakathi kwaso.
9 It must be (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (6.7 miles/10.6 km.) wide.
Umnikelo elizawunikela eNkosini uzakuba yibude obuyizinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lanhlanu, lobubanzi bezinkulungwane ezilitshumi.
10 For the priests, there must be a strip of land (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (3.3 miles/5.3 km.) wide. The temple will be in the center of that area.
Njalo kuzakuba kuso umnikelo ongcwele wabapristi, ngenyakatho izinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lanhlanu, langentshonalanga ububanzi obuyizinkulungwane ezilitshumi, langempumalanga ububanzi obuyizinkulungwane ezilitshumi, langeningizimu ubude obuyizinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lanhlanu; njalo indawo engcwele yeNkosi izakuba phakathi kwaso.
11 That area is for the priests who are descendants of Zadok. They are ones who served me faithfully and did not turn away from me, like most of the descendants of Levi and the other Israeli people did.
Sizakuba ngesabapristi abangcwelisiweyo bamadodana kaZadoki, abagcine umlindo wami, abangaduhanga lapho abantwana bakoIsrayeli beduha, njengalokho amaLevi aduha.
12 When the land is distributed, that area must be given to the priests; it is land that is very sacred. It will be next to the land that will be given to the other descendants of Levi.
Lokunikelweyo komnikelo welizwe kuzakuba kubo yinto engcwelengcwele ngasemngceleni wamaLevi.
13 The land that will be allotted to the [other] descendants of Levi will be the same size as the land allotted to the priests. So together, those two portions of land will be (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (6.6 miles/10.6 km.) wide.
Njalo maqondana lomngcele wabapristi, amaLevi azakuba lobude bezinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lanhlanu, lobubanzi bezinkulungwane ezilitshumi. Ubude bonke buzakuba zinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lanhlanu, lobubanzi bube zinkulungwane ezilitshumi.
14 None of this special land will ever be permitted to be sold or traded or used by other people, because it belongs to me, Yahweh. It is set apart for me.
Njalo kabayikuthengisa okwakho, kabayikuntshintshisa, kabayikudlulisa izithelo zakuqala zelizwe, ngoba kungcwele eNkosini.
15 The rest [of that sacred area, a strip of land] (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (1.7 miles/2.65 km.) wide will be allotted for other people to use. It will be land where they will be permitted to build homes and have pasturelands. There will be a city at the center.
Lezinkulungwane ezinhlanu eziseleyo ebubanzini maqondana lezinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lanhlanu, zizakuba ngezingengcwele zomuzi, ezokuhlala, lezamadlelo; lomuzi uzakuba phakathi kwazo.
16 The city will be square, (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) on each side.
Lalezi zizakuba yizilinganiso zaso; uhlangothi lwenyakatho luzakuba zinkulungwane ezine lamakhulu amahlanu, lohlangothi lweningizimu izinkulungwane ezine lamakhulu amahlanu, lehlangothini lwempumalanga izinkulungwane ezine lamakhulu amahlanu, lohlangothi lwentshonalanga izinkulungwane ezine lamakhulu amahlanu.
17 Around the city there will be an area for farming, that will be (150 yards/135 meters) in each direction.
Njalo amadlelo omuzi azakuba ngamakhulu amabili lamatshumi amahlanu ngasenyakatho, lamakhulu amabili lamatshumi amahlanu ngaseningizimu, lamakhulu amabili lamatshumi amahlanu ngasempumalanga, lamakhulu amabili lamatshumi amahlanu ngasentshonalanga.
18 Outside the city, to the east and to the west, there will be a farming area. It will extend (3 miles/4.8 km.) to the east and (3 miles/4.8 km.) to the west. [Men who work there] will produce food for the people who work in the city.
Lokuseleyo ngobude maqondana lomnikelo ongcwele kuzakuba zinkulungwane ezilitshumi ngempumalanga, lezinkulungwane ezilitshumi ngentshonalanga; njalo kuzakuba maqondana lomnikelo ongcwele. Lenzuzo yakho izakuba yikudla kwezisebenzi zomuzi.
19 [Some of] those who come from the various Israeli tribes to work in the city may also work on the farmland.
Njalo izisebenzi zomuzi zizawusebenzela zivela kuzo zonke izizwe zakoIsrayeli.
20 That entire special area, including the sacred lands and the city, will be a square that is (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) on each side.
Wonke umnikelo uzakuba zinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lanhlanu, lezinkungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lanhlanu. Lizanikela umnikelo ongcwele ulingane inhlangothi zozine, kanye lelifa lomuzi.
21 The areas to the east and to the west of the sacred area and the city will belong to the king. One area will extend east to the eastern boundary of Israel and the other will extend west to the Mediterranean Sea. The sacred area in which the temple is located will be in the middle.
Njalo okuseleyo kuzakuba ngokwesiphathamandla, ngapha langapha komnikelo ongcwele, lokwenzuzo yomuzi, ngaphambi kwezinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lanhlanu zomnikelo, kuze kube semngceleni wempumalanga lentshonalanga, ngaphambi kwezinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amabili lanhlanu, ngasemngceleni wentshonalanga, maqondana lezigaba zeziphathamandla; lomnikelo ongcwele lendawo engcwele yendlu kuzakuba phakathi kwakho.
22 The area that belongs to the king will be between the land [of the tribe] of [to the north] and the land [of the tribe] of Benjamin [to the south].
Futhi kusukela enzuzweni yamaLevi, lakusukela enzuzweni yomuzi, ephakathi kokungokwesiphathamandla, phakathi komngcele kaJuda lomngcele kaBhenjamini, kuzakuba ngokwesiphathamandla.
23 South of that special area, each of the other tribes must be allotted one portion of land that extends from the eastern [boundary of Israel] west [to the Mediterranean Sea]. [Beginning at the north] will be land for [the tribe of] Benjamin.
Mayelana lokuseleyo kwezizwe, kusukela kuhlangothi lwempumalanga kusiya kuhlangothi lwentshonalanga, uBhenjamini uzakuba lesabelo esisodwa.
24 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Simeon.
Lasemngceleni wakoBhenjamini, kusukela kuhlangothi lwempumalanga kusiya kuhlangothi lwentshonalanga, uSimeyoni uzakuba lesisodwa.
25 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Issachar.
Lasemngceleni kaSimeyoni, kusukela kuhlangothi lwempumalanga kusiya kuhlangothi lwentshonalanga, uIsakari uzakuba lesisodwa.
26 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Zebulun.
Lasemngceleni kaIsakari, kusukela kuhlangothi lwempumalanga kusiya kuhlangothi lwentshonalanga, uZebuluni uzakuba lesisodwa.
27 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Gad.
Lasemngceleni kaZebuluni, kusukela kuhlangothi lwempumalanga kusiya kuhlangothi lwentshonalanga, uGadi uzakuba lesisodwa.
28 The southern boundary of [the tribe of] Gad will extend south from Tamar to the springs at Meribah-Kadesh, and from there [to the west] along the dry riverbed at the border of Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea.
Lasemngceleni kaGadi, kuhlangothi lweningizimu ngaseningizimu, umngcele uzasuka eTamari kuze kube semanzini eMeribathi-Kadeshi, kuze kube semfuleni, kuze kube selwandle olukhulu.
29 That is the land that you must allot to the tribes of Israel, to belong to them permanently. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.”
Yilo ilizwe elizalaba ngenkatho libe yilifa kuzo izizwe zakoIsrayeli, njalo lezi yizabelo zazo, itsho iNkosi uJehova.
30 These will be the exits from the city: On the north side, which will be (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long,
Lalokhu yikuphuma komuzi kuvela ehlangothini lwenyakatho, izilinganiso ezizinkulungwane ezine lamakhulu amahlanu.
31 there must be three gates; each one will have the name of one of the tribes of Israel. The first one will be named for Reuben, the next for Judah, the next for Levi.
Njalo amasango omuzi azakuba ngamabizo ezizwe zakoIsrayeli; amasango amathathu ngasenyakatho; isango elilodwa elikaRubeni, isango elilodwa elikaJuda, isango elilodwa elikaLevi.
32 On the east side, [also] (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long, will be gates named for Joseph, Benjamin, and Dan.
Lehlangothini lwempumalanga izinkulungwane ezine lamakhulu amahlanu, lamasango amathathu; ngitsho isango elilodwa elikaJosefa, isango elilodwa elikaBhenjamini, isango elilodwa elikaDani.
33 On the south side, [also] (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long, will be gates named for Simeon, Issachar, and Zebulun.
Lehlangothini lweningizimu izilinganiso ezizinkulungwane ezine lamakhulu amahlanu, lamasango amathathu; isango elilodwa elikaSimeyoni, isango elilodwa elikaIsakari, isango elilodwa elikaZebuluni.
34 On the west side, [also] (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long, will be gates named for Gad, Asher, and Naphtali.
Uhlangothi lwentshonalanga, izinkulungwane ezine lamakhulu amahlanu, amasango azo amathathu; isango elilodwa elikaGadi, isango elilodwa elikaAsheri, isango elilodwa elikaNafithali.
35 [So] the distance around the city will thus be (6 miles/9.6 km.). And from that time on, the name of the city will be ‘Yahweh Is There’.’
Inhlangothi zonke yizinkulungwane ezilitshumi lesificaminwembili. Njalo ibizo lomuzi kusukela ngalolosuku lizakuba: INkosi ilapha.