< Ezekiel 48 >
1 “Here is a list of the tribes of Israel [and the territory that each tribe is to receive]: [The tribe of] Dan will be allotted land at the northern boundary [of Israel]: It will extend east from the Mediterranean Sea east to Hethlon [city], then from there to Hamath Pass, and on to [the town of] Hazar-Enan south of Damascus, between Damascus and Hamath. The tribe of Dan will receive land on the northern border [of Israel] from the eastern end [of the country] west to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
Et hæc nomina tribuum a finibus aquilonis, juxta viam Hethalon, pergentibus Emath, atrium Enan terminus Damasci ad aquilonem, juxta viam Emath: et erit ei plaga orientalis mare, Dan una.
2 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Asher.
Et super terminum Dan, a plaga orientali usque ad plagam maris, Aser una.
3 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Naphtali.
Et super terminum Aser, a plaga orientali usque ad plagam maris, Nephthali una.
4 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Manasseh.
Et super terminum Nephthali, a plaga orientali usque ad plagam maris, Manasse una.
5 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Ephraim.
Et super terminum Manasse, a plaga orientali usque ad plagam maris, Ephraim una.
6 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Reuben.
Et super terminum Ephraim, a plaga orientali usque ad plagam maris, Ruben una.
7 South of their land will be the territory [for the tribe] of Judah.
Et super terminum Ruben, a plaga orientali usque ad plagam maris, Juda una.
8 South of their land will be an area set apart for special use. The temple will be in the center of that area.
Et super terminum Juda, a plaga orientali usque ad plagam maris, erunt primitiæ quas separabitis, viginti quinque millibus latitudinis et longitudinis, sicuti singulæ partes a plaga orientali usque ad plagam maris: et erit sanctuarium in medio ejus.
9 It must be (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (6.7 miles/10.6 km.) wide.
Primitiæ quas separabitis Domino, longitudo viginti quinque millibus, et latitudo decem millibus.
10 For the priests, there must be a strip of land (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (3.3 miles/5.3 km.) wide. The temple will be in the center of that area.
Hæ autem erunt primitiæ sanctuarii sacerdotum, ad aquilonem longitudinis viginti quinque millia, et ad mare latitudinis decem millia, sed et ad orientem latitudinis decem millia, et ad meridiem longitudinis viginti quinque millia: et erit sanctuarium Domini in medio ejus.
11 That area is for the priests who are descendants of Zadok. They are ones who served me faithfully and did not turn away from me, like most of the descendants of Levi and the other Israeli people did.
Sacerdotibus sanctuarium erit de filiis Sadoc, qui custodierunt cæremonias meas, et non erraverunt cum errarent filii Israël, sicut erraverunt et Levitæ.
12 When the land is distributed, that area must be given to the priests; it is land that is very sacred. It will be next to the land that will be given to the other descendants of Levi.
Et erunt eis primitiæ de primitiis terræ Sanctum sanctorum, juxta terminum Levitarum.
13 The land that will be allotted to the [other] descendants of Levi will be the same size as the land allotted to the priests. So together, those two portions of land will be (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (6.6 miles/10.6 km.) wide.
Sed et Levitis similiter, juxta fines sacerdotum, viginti quinque millia longitudinis, et latitudinis decem millia. Omnis longitudo viginti et quinque millium, et latitudo decem millium.
14 None of this special land will ever be permitted to be sold or traded or used by other people, because it belongs to me, Yahweh. It is set apart for me.
Et non venundabunt ex eo, neque mutabunt: neque transferentur primitiæ terræ, quia sanctificatæ sunt Domino.
15 The rest [of that sacred area, a strip of land] (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) long and (1.7 miles/2.65 km.) wide will be allotted for other people to use. It will be land where they will be permitted to build homes and have pasturelands. There will be a city at the center.
Quinque millia autem quæ supersunt in latitudine per viginti quinque millia, profana erunt urbis in habitaculum et in suburbana: et erit civitas in medio ejus.
16 The city will be square, (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) on each side.
Et hæ mensuræ ejus: ad plagam septentrionalem, quingenta et quatuor millia: et ad plagam meridianam, quingenta et quatuor millia: et ad plagam orientalem, quingenta et quatuor millia: et ad plagam occidentalem, quingenta et quatuor millia.
17 Around the city there will be an area for farming, that will be (150 yards/135 meters) in each direction.
Erunt autem suburbana civitatis ad aquilonem, ducenta quinquaginta: et ad meridiem, ducenta quinquaginta: et ad orientem, ducenta quinquaginta: et ad mare, ducenta quinquaginta.
18 Outside the city, to the east and to the west, there will be a farming area. It will extend (3 miles/4.8 km.) to the east and (3 miles/4.8 km.) to the west. [Men who work there] will produce food for the people who work in the city.
Quod autem reliquum fuerit in longitudine secundum primitias sanctuarii, decem millia in orientem, et decem millia in occidentem, erunt sicut primitiæ sanctuarii: et erunt fruges ejus in panes his qui serviunt civitati.
19 [Some of] those who come from the various Israeli tribes to work in the city may also work on the farmland.
Servientes autem civitati, operabuntur ex omnibus tribubus Israël.
20 That entire special area, including the sacred lands and the city, will be a square that is (8.3 miles/13.3 km.) on each side.
Omnes primitiæ viginti quinque millium, per viginti quinque millia in quadrum, separabuntur in primitias sanctuarii, et in possessionem civitatis.
21 The areas to the east and to the west of the sacred area and the city will belong to the king. One area will extend east to the eastern boundary of Israel and the other will extend west to the Mediterranean Sea. The sacred area in which the temple is located will be in the middle.
Quod autem reliquum fuerit, principis erit ex omni parte primitiarum sanctuarii, et possessionis civitatis e regione viginti quinque millium primitiarum usque ad terminum orientalem: sed et ad mare, e regione viginti quinque millium, usque ad terminum maris, similiter in partibus principis erit: et erunt primitiæ sanctuarii, et sanctuarium templi, in medio ejus.
22 The area that belongs to the king will be between the land [of the tribe] of [to the north] and the land [of the tribe] of Benjamin [to the south].
De possessione autem Levitarum, et de possessione civitatis in medio partium principis, erit inter terminum Juda et inter terminum Benjamin, et ad principem pertinebit.
23 South of that special area, each of the other tribes must be allotted one portion of land that extends from the eastern [boundary of Israel] west [to the Mediterranean Sea]. [Beginning at the north] will be land for [the tribe of] Benjamin.
Et reliquis tribubus, a plaga orientali usque ad plagam occidentalem, Benjamin una.
24 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Simeon.
Et contra terminum Benjamin, a plaga orientali usque ad plagam occidentalem, Simeon una.
25 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Issachar.
Et super terminum Simeonis, a plaga orientali usque ad plagam occidentalem, Issachar una.
26 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Zebulun.
Et super terminum Issachar, a plaga orientali usque ad plagam occidentalem, Zabulon una.
27 South of their land will be the territory for [the tribe of] Gad.
Et super terminum Zabulon, a plaga orientali usque ad plagam maris, Gad una.
28 The southern boundary of [the tribe of] Gad will extend south from Tamar to the springs at Meribah-Kadesh, and from there [to the west] along the dry riverbed at the border of Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea.
Et super terminum Gad, ad plagam austri in meridie: et erit finis de Thamar usque ad aquas contradictionis Cades: hæreditas contra mare magnum.
29 That is the land that you must allot to the tribes of Israel, to belong to them permanently. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.”
Hæc est terra quam mittetis in sortem tribubus Israël, et hæ partitiones earum, ait Dominus Deus.
30 These will be the exits from the city: On the north side, which will be (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long,
Et hi egressus civitatis: a plaga septentrionali, quingentos et quatuor millia mensurabis.
31 there must be three gates; each one will have the name of one of the tribes of Israel. The first one will be named for Reuben, the next for Judah, the next for Levi.
Et portæ civitatis ex nominibus tribuum Israël: portæ tres a septentrione: porta Ruben una, porta Juda una, porta Levi una.
32 On the east side, [also] (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long, will be gates named for Joseph, Benjamin, and Dan.
Et ad plagam orientalem, quingentos et quatuor millia, et portæ tres: porta Joseph una, porta Benjamin una, porta Dan una.
33 On the south side, [also] (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long, will be gates named for Simeon, Issachar, and Zebulun.
Et ad plagam meridianam, quingentos et quatuor millia metieris, et portæ tres: porta Simeonis una, porta Issachar una, porta Zabulon una.
34 On the west side, [also] (1.5 miles/2.4 km.) long, will be gates named for Gad, Asher, and Naphtali.
Et ad plagam occidentalem, quingentos et quatuor millia, et portæ eorum tres: porta Gad una, porta Aser una, porta Nephthali una.
35 [So] the distance around the city will thus be (6 miles/9.6 km.). And from that time on, the name of the city will be ‘Yahweh Is There’.’
Per circuitum, decem et octo millia: et nomen civitatis ex illa die, Dominus ibidem.