< Ezekiel 47 >
1 Then, [in the vision], the man brought me back to the entrance of the temple. There I saw water flowing out from under the entrance, flowing toward the east. The water was flowing from under the south side of the entrance, south of the altar.
Umuntu lowo wangibuyisela entubeni yethempeli, ngasengibona amanzi ephuma ngaphansi kwasekungeneni kwethempeli esiya empumalanga (ngoba ithempeli lalikhangele empumalanga.) Amanzi ayegelezela phansi evela ngaphansi kwecele langaseningizimu lethempeli, eningizimu kwe-alithari.
2 Then the man brought me out of the inner courtyard through the north entryway, and then he led me around to the outer entryway on the east side [of the inner courtyard].
Wasengikhupha ngesango lenyakatho wangibhodisa ngaphandle engisa esangweni elikhangele empumalanga, njalo amanzi ayegeleza evela eceleni langaseningizimu.
3 As the man continued walking toward the east, he had a measuring line in his hand. He measured off (1,750 feet/530 meters), and then led me through water that covered my ankles.
Kwathi umuntu lowo esiya empumalanga ephethe isilinganiso ngesandla, walinganisa ingalo eziyinkulungwane wasengidabulisa phakathi kwamanzi ayetshona okufika enqagaleni.
4 Then he measured off another (1,750 feet/530 meters) and led me through water that was up to my knees. Then he measured off another (1,750 feet/530 meters) and led me through water that was up to my waist.
Walinganisa ezinye izingalo eziyinkulungwane wasengidabulisa phakathi kwamanzi ayetshona okufika emadolweni. Walinganisa enye inkulungwane wasengidabulisa phakathi kwamanzi ayefika ekhalweni.
5 Then he measured off another (1,750 feet/530 meters) and led me through water that had become a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen [very high, with the result that] it would be necessary to swim across it. It was a river that no one could cross [by walking across it].
Walinganisa enye inkulungwane, kodwa khathesi kwasekungumfula engangingeke ngiwuchaphe ngoba amanzi ayesephakeme esetshona okuvumela ukuntsheza kuwo, umfula okungekho owayengawuchapha.
6 Then he said to me, “You human, think carefully about what you have seen.”
Wangibuza wathi, “Ndodana yomuntu, uyakubona lokhu na?” Emva kwalokho wangibuyisela emuva ekhunjini lomfula.
7 Then he led me to the bank of that river. There I saw many trees growing on each side of the river.
Sengifike lapho ngabona izihlahla ezinengi kakhulu eceleni ngalinye lomfula.
8 He said to me, “This water flows east and down into the [Dead] Sea. And when it flows into the [Dead] Sea, its salty water becomes fresh.
Wasesithi kimi, “Amanzi la agelezela esigabeni sempumalanga njalo ehlela phansi e-Arabha lapho angena khona ulwandle. Lapho esengene elwandle amanzi azakuba mahle.
9 Wherever the river flows, there will be lots of animals and fish. And there will be lots of fish in the [Dead] Sea, because the water that flows into it will cause the salt water to become (fresh water/water that people can drink). Wherever the river flows, everything [alongside it] will flourish.
Uquqaba lwezidalwa eziphilayo luzahlala loba kungaphi lapho umfula ogelezela khona. Kuzakuba lenhlanzi ezinengi kakhulu, ngoba amanzi la agelezela khona njalo enza amanzi aletswayi abe mahle; ngakho lapho umfula ogelezela khona izinto zonke zizaphila.
10 Fishermen will stand along the bank [of the Dead Sea to catch fish]. From En-Gedi [on the western side] to En-Eglaim [on the eastern side] there will be places [for fishermen] to spread their fishing nets. There will be many kinds of fish, like there are in the Mediterranean Sea.
Abagoli bezinhlanzi bazakuma besekele ulwandle; kusukela e-Eni-Gedi kusiya e-Eni Egilayimi kuzakuba lezindawo zokwendlala amambule. Inhlanzi zizakuba ngezezinhlobo ezinengi njengenhlanzi zoLwandle olukhulu.
11 But the swamps and marshes [along the shore] will not become fresh; they will be left to the people to use make salt.
Kodwa amaxhaphozi lamatete kawayikuba mahle. Azasala eyizindawo zetswayi.
12 Many kinds of fruit trees will grow on both sides of the river. Their leaves will not wither, and they will always have fruit. They will bear fruit every month, because [they will continually get water from] the water [that comes] from the temple. Their fruit will be good to eat and their leaves will be [good] for healing.”
Inhlobo zonke zezihlahla zezithelo zizakhula emakhunjini womabili omfula. Amahlamvu azo kawayikubuna, lezithelo zazo kazisoze ziphuthe. Zizathela nyanga zonke ngoba amanzi avela endlini engcwele agelezela kuzo. Izithelo zazo zizakuba yikudla kuthi amahlamvu azo abe ngawokwelapha.”
13 [In the vision], Yahweh [also] said this to me: “Here is a list of the twelve tribes of Israel and the territory that each tribe must receive. [The descendants of] Joseph will receive two portions; [the tribe of Levi will not receive any].
Nanku okutshiwo nguThixo Wobukhosi: “Le yimingcele ozakwehlukanisa ngayo ilizwe lokuba yilifa phakathi kwezizwana ezilitshumi lambili zako-Israyeli, kulezigaba ezimbili zikaJosefa.
14 I lifted up my arm and solemnly declared to your ancestors that I would give you this land to own permanently. [So divide the land equally among all of the other tribes].
Kumele ulehlukanise ngokulingana, ngoba ngafunga isandla siphakanyiselwe phezulu ukulinika okhokho benu, ilizwe leli lizakuba yilifa lenu.
15 These will be the boundaries of the land: On the north side, [it will extend] from the Mediterranean Sea east along the road to Hethlon, past Lebo-Hamath to Zedad,
Nanku okuzakuba ngumngcele welizwe: Ngenhla usuke oLwandle Olukhulu ulandele umgwaqo iHethiloni udlule eLebho Hamathi usiya eZedadi,
16 to [the cities of] Berothah and Sibraim, which are on the border between Damascus and Hamath. [From there the boundary will extend] as far [the city of] Hazer-Hatticon, which is on the border of the Hauran [region].
eBherotha kanye laseSibhirayimi (esemngceleni ophakathi kweDamaseko leHamathi), uze uyefika eHazeri Hathikhoni, esemngceleni weHawurani.
17 So the boundary will extend from the [Mediterranean] Sea to [the city of] Hazar-Enan on the border between Hamath to the north and Damascus [to the south]. That will be the northern boundary.
Umngcele uzaqhubeka usuka elwandle usiya eHazari-Enani ulandela umngcele wangasenyakatho weDamaseko, umngcele weHamathi usenyakatho. Lo uzakuba ngumngcele wenyakatho.
18 On the east side, the boundary [will extend] between Hauran and Damascus, [south] along the Jordan [River] between the Gilead [region] and the land of Israel, along the Dead Sea as far as [the town of] Tamar. That will be the eastern boundary.
Empumalanga umngcele uzahamba phakathi kweHawurani leDamaseko, ulandela iJodani phakathi kweGiliyadi lelizwe lako-Israyeli, uye elwandle lwasempumalanga uze uyefika eThamari. Lo uzakuba ngumngcele wasempumalanga.
19 On the south side, the boundary will extend from Tamar [southwest] to the springs near [the town of] Meribah-Kadesh. Then [the boundary will extend west] along the dry riverbed [at the border] of Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea. That will be the southern boundary.
Eningizimu uzahamba usuka eThamari uze uyefika emanzini aseMeribha Khadeshi, ube usulandela iSihotsha saseGibhithe usiyafika eLwandle Olukhulu. Lo uzakuba ngumngcele waseningizimu.
20 On the west side, the boundary will be the Mediterranean Sea, north to near Lebo-Hamath.
Entshonalanga uLwandle Olukhulu luzakuba ngumngcele kuze kube malungana leLebho Hamathi. Lo uzakuba ngumngcele wentshonalanga.
21 You must distribute this land among yourselves, among the tribes of Israel.
Lizakwahlukaniselana ilizwe leli phakathi kwenu mayelana lezizwana zako-Israyeli.
22 You must allot the land to be a permanent possession for yourselves, and [also] to be a permanent possession of any foreigners who are living among you and raising their children. You must consider those people to be like you who were born Israelis, and they must be allotted land among the tribes of Israel.
Kumele lilabe njengelifa lenu kanye labezizweni asebehlezi phakathi kwenu njalo abalabantwana. Kumele libathathe njengabantu bakini ko-Israyeli; kanye lani bazakwabelwa ilifa phakathi kwezizwana zako-Israyeli.
23 Wherever foreigners are living, you must give them some land to belong to them permanently. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.”
Loba kuphakathi kwasiphi isizwana owezizweni ahlale kuso, kumele limnike ilifa lakhe khonapho,” kutsho uThixo Wobukhosi.