< Ezekiel 44 >
1 Then [in the vision] the man brought me back to the outer entryway to the temple [area], the one on the east side, but the outer entrance was shut.
Markaasuu dib igu soo celiyey iriddii dibadda ee meesha quduuska ah oo xagga bari u sii jeedday, oo way xidhnayd.
2 Yahweh said to me, “This entrance must remain shut. It must not be opened [by anyone]; no one will be permitted to enter it. It must remain shut because [I], Yahweh, the God of Israel, have [caused it to be sacred by] entering through it.
Kolkaasaa Rabbigu igu yidhi, Albaabkanu waa xidhnaanayaa, oo lama furi doono, oo ciduna kama soo geli doonto, waayo, Rabbiga ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil baa ka galay, oo sidaas daraaddeed buu u xidhnaanayaa.
3 Only the king [of Israel] will be permitted to sit inside this entryway to eat food in the presence of Yahweh. But he will must enter and leave [the temple area] through the entry room of this entryway.”
Xagga amiirka amiir ahaan buu ugu fadhiisan doonaa oo Rabbiga hortiisa kibis ugu cuni doonaa. Wuxuu ka soo geli doonaa jidka balbalada ee iridda, oo isla jidkaas ayuu ka bixi doonaa.
4 Then the man brought me through the north entryway to the front of the temple. I looked and saw that the glory of Yahweh filled his temple, and I prostrated myself on the ground.
Markaasuu i keenay jidkii iridda woqooyi ee daarta ku hor yiil, oo waan fiiriyey oo bal eeg, sharaftii Rabbiga ayaa daartii Rabbiga ka buuxsantay, oo aniguna wejigaan u dhacay.
5 Yahweh said to me, “You human, look carefully, and listen carefully to everything that I tell you about all the regulations concerning the temple. Note carefully the temple entrance and all the exits.
Markaasaa Rabbigu igu yidhi, Wiilka Aadamow, aad u fiirso, oo bal indhaha ku arag, oo bal dhegaha ku maqal waxa aan kugu leeyahay ee ku saabsan qaynuunnada daarta Rabbiga oo dhan, iyo sharciyadeeda oo dhan, oo aad u fiirso daarta iridda laga soo galo, iyo meesha quduuska ah meelaheeda laga baxo oo dhan.
6 Say this to the rebellious Israeli people: ‘This is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: You Israeli people, I will no longer endure the detestable things that you do!
Oo waxaad caasiyiinta reer binu Israa'iil ah ku tidhaahdaa, Reer binu Israa'iilow, Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Waxyaalihiinnii karaahiyada ahaa ee hore ha idinku filnaadeen,
7 In addition to all the other detestable things that you do, you brought into my temple foreign men who had not been circumcised and who were godless [IDM]. By doing that, you caused my temple to be an unacceptable place to worship me, while you offered food and fat and blood, and you disobeyed my agreement with you.
waayo, meeshayda quduuska ah waxaad soo geliseen shisheeyayaal aan qalbiga ka gudnayn, oo aan jidhka ka gudnaynba inay soo galaan, oo ay nijaaseeyaan xataa daartayda markaad bixinaysaan cuntadayda ah baruurta iyo dhiigga, oo axdigaygii baad ku jebiseen waxyaalihiinnii karaahiyada ahaa oo dhan.
8 Instead of doing what I commanded you to do in regard to my holy things, you appointed foreigners to be in charge of my temple.
Oo idinku ma aydaan dhawrin adeegiddii waxyaalahayga quduuska ah, laakiinse waxaad meeshayda quduuska ah dhigateen kuwo adeegidda idiin dhawra.
9 But this is what [I], Yahweh, have said: No foreigners, no men who are not circumcised, no godless people are permitted to enter my temple, not even foreigners who live among you [Israelis permanently].
Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Shisheeyaha reer binu Israa'iil ku dhex jira oo ah shisheeye aan qalbiga ka gudnayn oo aan jidhka ka gudnayn toona waa inuusan meeshayda quduuska ah gelin.
10 [Most of] the descendants of Levi abandoned me along with [most of] the Israeli people, and started to worship idols. They must be punished for their sin.
Oo markay reer binu Israa'iil baadiyoobeen kuwii reer Laawi oo iga fogaaday, oo intay iga fogaadeen sanamyadoodii ka daba galay, waxay sidan doonaan xumaantooda.
11 They are [still] permitted to work in my temple and to be in charge of the entrances of the temple, and they are permitted to slaughter the animals that will be completely burned on the altar, and [to burn other] sacrifices for the people, and they will [be able to] help the people.
Laakiinse iyagu waxay ka dhex adeegi doonaan meeshayda quduuska ah, iyagoo daarta irdaheeda u taliya, oo daarta ka adeegaya, oo waxay dadka u gowraci doonaan qurbaanka la gubo iyo allabariga, oo hortooday u istaagi doonaan inay iyaga u adeegaan.
12 But because they helped the people to worship idols and caused [many of] the Israeli people [MTY] to sin [by worshiping idols], I have lifted up my arm and solemnly declared that they must be punished for their sin.
Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Waxay iyaga ugu hor adeegeen sanamyadooda, oo waxay reer binu Israa'iil u noqdeen xumaan ay ku turunturoodaan, sidaas daraaddeed ayaan gacantayda ugu qaaday, oo waxay sidan doonaan xumaantoodii.
13 They must not come near me to serve as priests. They must not come near any sacred things or the holy offerings. They must be ashamed of the shameful things that they did.
Oo iyagu iima ay soo dhowaan doonaan inay ii sameeyaan shuqulkii wadaadnimada, oo waxyaalahayga quduuska ahna uma ay soo dhowaan doonaan kuwaasoo ah waxyaalaha ugu quduusan, laakiinse iyagaa sidan doona ceebtoodii iyo waxyaalahoodii karaahiyada ahaa ee ay sameeyeen.
14 But I will still put them in charge of the work in the temple and allow them to do all the work that needs to be done there.
Laakiinse waxaan iyaga ka dhigi doonaa kuwo daarta taladeeda haya, oo sameeya hawsheeda oo dhan, iyo waxa gudaheeda lagu samayn doono oo dhan.
15 But [most of] the priests who are descendants of Levi and from the clan of Zadok worked in my temple when the [other] Israelis abandoned me. [So they] are permitted to come near to me to work for me. They will stand in my presence to offer [sacrifices of animals’] fat and blood.
Laakiinse Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Wadaaddadii reer Laawi oo ah farcankii Saadooq oo adeegiddii meeshayda quduuska ah xajiyey markay reer binu Israa'iil iga baadiyoobeen, iyagu way ii soo dhowaan doonaan inay ii adeegaan aawadeed, oo hortayday u soo istaagi doonaan inay baruurta iyo dhiigga ii soo bixiyaan.
16 They [are the only ones who] are permitted to enter my temple. They are [the only ones who are] permitted to come near my altar to serve me and do what I tell them to do.
Meeshayda quduuska ah way soo geli doonaan, oo miiskayga way ugu soo dhowaan doonaan inay ii adeegaan, oo adeegiddaydana way xajin doonaan.
17 When they enter [one of] the entrances into the inner courtyard, they must wear linen clothes. They must not wear any clothes [made] of wool while they do their work at the entrances of the inner courtyard or inside [the temple].
Oo markay irdaha barxadda gudaha soo galaan waa inay dhar linen ah xidhaan, oo intay irdaha barxadda gudaha iyo daarta gudaheeda ka adeegayaan waa inaan wax dhogor ahu korkooda taaban.
18 They must have linen turbans [wrapped] around their heads and wrap linen undergarments around their waists. They must not wear anything that would cause them to perspire.
Waa inay madaxa ku duubtaan cimaamado linen ah, oo dhexdana waa inay surwaallo linen ah ku xidhaan, oo innaba waa inayan wax ka dhididiya guntaan.
19 Before they go out into the outer courtyard where [other] people are, they must take off the clothes that they have been wearing and leave them in the sacred rooms, and they must put on other clothes, in order that the other people are not punished because of [their touching] the sacred clothes.
Oo markay barxadda dibadda u soo baxaan taasoo ah barxadda dibadda ee uu dadku joogo waa inay dharkii ay ku adeegeen iska bixiyaan, oo waa inay qolladaha quduuska ah dhigaan, oo waa inay dhar kale gashadaan si ayan dadka kale dharkooda quduus ugaga dhigin.
20 The priests must not shave their heads or allow their hair to become long; but they must regularly trim [the edges of] their hair.
Oo waa inayan madaxooda xiirin ama ayan timahoodu inay dheeraadaan u oggolaan, waase inay timahooda jaraan.
21 Priests must not drink wine before they enter the inner courtyard.
Oo markay barxadda gudaha soo galaanna wadaadna waa inuusan innaba khamri cabbin.
22 [Also], priests must not marry widows [of men who were not priests] or women who have been divorced. [Priests are permitted to marry only] Israeli [MTY] virgins or widows of [other] priests.
Oo waa inayan guursan carmal laga dhintay ama la furay, laakiinse waa inay guursadaan bikrado reer binu Israa'iil farcankooda ah amase carmal wadaad qabi jiray.
23 Priests must teach the people the difference between things that are holy/sacred and things that are not, and they must teach them the difference between things that are acceptable to me and things that are not.
Oo waa inay dadkayga baraan waxa quduuska ah iyo waxa aan quduuska ahayn waxay ku kala duwan yihiin, oo waxay ka dhigi doonaan inay kala gartaan waxa nijaasta ah iyo waxa nadiifta ah.
24 When there are disputes [between people], the priests are the ones who must be the judges and decide according to my laws what must be done. They must obey all my laws and decrees concerning the sacred festivals, and they must keep my Sabbath days (holy/set apart).
Oo markay dacwo timaadona waa inay garsoorid u istaagaan, oo waa inay si xukummadayda waafaqsan wax u xukumaan, oo iidahayga oo dhanna waa inay sharciyadayda iyo qaynuunnadaydaba ku dhawraan, oo sabtiyadaydana waa inay quduus ka dhigaan.
25 A priest is permitted to go near the corpse of his father or his mother or his son or his daughter or his brother or his unmarried sister; but he is still defiled by doing that. But a priest must not defile himself by going near a corpse of anyone else.
Oo waa inayan qof meyd ah u dhowaan si ayan isu nijaasayn, laakiinse waxay keliyahoo isu nijaasayn karaan aabbe daraaddiis, ama hooyo daraaddeed, ama wiil, ama gabadh, ama walaal, amase gabadh walaashood ah oo aan nin lahayn.
26 But [even] if a priest touches the corpse [of a close relative, he must perform the rituals to become acceptable to serve me again]. After he performs those rituals, he must wait seven days.
Oo markii la nadiifiyo dabadeed waa inay toddoba maalmood u tiriyaan.
27 Then, on the day that he enters the inner courtyard [again] to serve me in the temple, he must give an offering to remove his guilt for his sin. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.
Oo Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Maalintii uu meesha quduuska ah iyo barxadda gudaha ah galo, si uu meesha quduuska ah uga dhex adeego aawadeed, waa inuu qurbaankiisii dembiga bixiyaa.
28 The priests are not permitted to own any property. They will have only what I [provide for them].
Oo dhaxalkay heli doonaan waa aniga. Anigaa ah dhaxalkoodii, oo waa inaydaan innaba dalka reer binu Israa'iil hanti ku siin, waayo, anigaa ah hantidoodii.
29 They will eat the offerings [other people make] from grain, offerings to remove people’s guilt for having sinned, and offerings made when people fail to give to Yahweh the things that they are required to give. Everything [else] in Israel that is completely dedicated to [me], Yahweh, will belong to the priests.
Oo iyagu waxay iska cuni doonaan qurbaanka hadhuudhka, iyo qurbaanka dembiga, iyo qurbaanka xadgudubka, oo wax kasta oo ay reer binu Israa'iil nidraanba iyagaa iska lahaan doona.
30 The best fruits of the first part of each harvest and all the [other] special gifts that are given to me will belong to the priests. You must give them the first part of your finely-ground flour, in order that I will bless [the people who live in] [MTY] your houses.
Oo wax kasta oo midhaha ugu horreeya cayn kastaba, iyo qurbaannadiinna oo dhan cayn kasta oo ay yihiinba waxaa iska leh wadaaddada. Oo cajiinkiinna cadka ugu horreeyana waa inaad wadaadka siisaan si ay barako reerkiinna ugu soo degto.
31 Priests must not eat the flesh of any bird or animal that was found dead or that has been killed by wild animals.’”
Wadaaddadu waa inayan wax iska bakhtiyey, ama wax bahal dilay haad iyo dugaag midu yahayba cunin.