< Ezekiel 37 >

1 One day Yahweh gave me another vision. In the vision I felt the power [MTY] of God on me, and by his Spirit he took me to the middle of a valley. It was full of bones [of people who had been killed].
Ruka Gospodnja doðe nada me, i Gospod me izvede u duhu, i postavi me usred polja, koje bijaše puno kosti.
2 He led me to walk back and forth among those bones. I saw that there were very many bones there, bones that were very dry.
I provede me pokraj njih unaokolo, i gle, bijaše ih vrlo mnogo u polju, i gle, bijahu vrlo suhe.
3 He asked me, “You human, [do you think that] these bones can become living [people again]?” I replied, “Yahweh my Lord, only you know [if that can happen].”
I reèe mi: sine èovjeèji, hoæe li oživjeti ove kosti? A ja rekoh: Gospode Gospode, ti znaš.
4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones. Say to them, ‘You dry bones, listen to what Yahweh says.
Tada mi reèe: prorokuj za te kosti, i kaži im: suhe kosti, èujte rijeè Gospodnju.
5 This is what Yahweh the Lord says to you bones: I will put my breath into each of you, and you will become alive again.
Ovako govori Gospod Gospod ovijem kostima: gle, ja æu metnuti u vas duh, i oživjeæete.
6 I will fasten tendons to your bones, and cause your bones to be covered with flesh. I will cover the flesh with skin. Then I will breathe into you, and you will become alive. When that happens, you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].’”
I metnuæu na vas žile, i obložiæu vas mesom, i navuæi æu na vas kožu, i metnuæu u vas duh, i oživjeæete, i poznaæete da sam ja Gospod.
7 So I spoke to the bones what Yahweh commanded me to speak. As I was speaking, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bones joining to each other.
Tada stadoh prorokovati, kako mi se zapovjedi; a kad prorokovah nasta glas, i gle potres, i kosti se pribirahu svaka ka svojoj kosti.
8 While I was looking, I saw tendons fastening to them and flesh covering them, and then skin covered the flesh, but they did not breathe.
I pogledah, i gle, po njima izidoše žile i meso, i ozgo se koža navuèe; ali duha ne bješe u njima.
9 Then he said to me, “You human, prophesy to the wind. Say to the wind, ‘Wind [APO], Yahweh says to you, blow from all four directions. Breathe into these people who have been killed, in order that they can become alive again!’”
Tada mi reèe: prorokuj duhu, prorokuj, sine èovjeèji, i reci duhu: ovako veli Gospod Gospod: od èetiri vjetra doði, duše, i duni na ove pobijene da ožive.
10 So I said what he commanded me to say, and then breath entered them. They became alive and stood up, like a huge army.
I prorokovah, kako mi se zapovjedi, i uðe u njih duh, i oživješe, i stadoše na noge, bješe vojska vrlo velika.
11 Then he said to me, “You human, these bones represent all the Israeli people [MTY]. The people say, ‘[It is as though] our bones are dried up; there are no more good things that we can (hope for/confidently expect to happen to us); our nation is destroyed/finished.’
Tada mi reèe: sine èovjeèji, ove su kosti sav dom Izrailjev; gle, govore: posahnuše kosti naše i proðe nadanje naše, propadosmo.
12 So prophesy and say to them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: My people, [it will be as though] I will open your graves and cause your corpses to become alive again. I will bring you back to Israel.
Zato prorokuj, i kaži im: ovako veli Gospod Gospod: evo, ja æu otvoriti grobove vaše, i izvešæu vas iz grobova vaših, narode moj, i dovešæu vas u zemlju Izrailjevu.
13 Then, what that happens, you my people will know that I, Yahweh the Lord, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
I poznaæete da sam ja Gospod, kad otvorim grobove vaše, i izvedem vas iz grobova vaših, narode moj.
14 I will put my Spirit in you, and [it will be as though] you will become alive again, and I will enable you to live in your own land again. Then you will know that it is I, Yahweh, who said [that it would happen] and who has caused it to happen. That is what I, Yahweh, declare.’”
I metnuæu duh svoj u vas da oživite, i naseliæu vas u vašoj zemlji, i poznaæete da ja govorim i èinim, govori Gospod.
15 Yahweh gave me [another] message. He said,
Opet mi doðe rijeè Gospodnja govoreæi:
16 “You human, take a piece of wood and write on it, ‘This represents Judah and all the tribes of Judah.’ Then take another piece of wood and write on it, ‘This represents Israel and all the tribes of Israel.’
Ti, sine èovjeèji, uzmi jedno drvo, i napiši na njemu: Judi i sinovima Izrailjevijem, drugovima njegovijem. Pa onda uzmi drugo drvo, i na njemu napiši: Josifu drvo Jefremovo i svega doma Izrailjeva, drugova njegovijeh.
17 Then join them together to become [as though they were] one piece of wood in your hand.
I sastavi ih jedno s drugim da budu kao jedno u tvojoj ruci.
18 When your fellow Israelis ask you, ‘What does (this action/what you just did) mean?’,
I kad ti reku sinovi tvoga naroda govoreæi: hoæeš li nam kazati šta ti je to?
19 tell them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: One of the pieces of wood in my hand represents Israel and all the tribes of Israel. I am joining it to the piece of wood that represents Judah, to form one piece of wood in his hand.’
Reci im: ovako veli Gospod Gospod: evo, ja æu uzeti drvo Josifovo, što je u Jefremovoj ruci, i plemena Izrailjevijeh, drugova njegovijeh, i sastaviæu ga s drvetom Judinijem, i naèiniæu od njih jedno drvo, i biæe jedno u mojoj ruci.
20 Then, [you human], hold up the pieces of wood that you have written on, in order that the people can see them.
I drveta, na kojima napišeš, neka ti budu u ruci pred njima.
21 Say to the people, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: I will take you Israeli people out of the countries to which you have been forced to go. I will gather you from all those nations and bring you back to your own land.
I reci im: ovako veli Gospod Gospod: evo, ja æu uzeti sinove Izrailjeve iz naroda u koje otidoše, i sabraæu ih otsvuda, i dovešæu ih u zemlju njihovu.
22 And I will cause you to again be one nation in that land, on the mountains in Israel. And there will be one king to rule over all of you. Never again will you be two nations or divided into two kingdoms.
I naèiniæu od njih jedan narod u zemlji, na gorama Izrailjevijem, i jedan æe car biti car svjema njima, niti æe više biti dva naroda, niti æe više biti razdijeljeni u dva carstva.
23 No longer will you (defile yourselves/make yourselves unacceptable to me) by [worshiping] idols and disgusting statues [of your gods], because I will enable you to quit your sinful behavior and to stop rejecting me. You will be my people, and I will be your God.
I neæe se više skvrniti gadnijem bogovima svojim ni gnusobama svojim niti kakijem prijestupima svojim, i izbaviæu ih iz svijeh stanova njihovijeh u kojima griješiše, i oèistiæu ih, i oni æe mi biti narod i ja æu im biti Bog.
24 [Someone who will be like] [MET] [King] David who served [me well] will be the king [of your descendants], and [it will be as though] [MET] he will be their shepherd. They will carefully obey all my laws [DOU].
I sluga moj David biæe im car, i svi æe imati jednoga pastira, i hodiæe po mojim zakonima, i uredbe æe moje držati i izvršivati.
25 They will live in the land that I gave to Jacob, who also served [me well]; they will live in the land where your ancestors lived. They and their children and their grandchildren will live there forever, and [the one who will be like] [MET] [King] David will be their king forever.
I sjedjeæe u zemlji koju dadoh sluzi svojemu Jakovu, u kojoj sjedješe oci vaši; u njoj æe sjedjeti oni i sinovi njihovi i sinovi sinova njihovijeh dovijeka, i David sluga moj biæe im knez dovijeka.
26 I will make a peace agreement with them; it will be an agreement that will endure forever. I will again give them that land and cause their population to increase. And I will put my temple among them forever.
I uèiniæu s njima zavjet mirni, biæe vjeèan zavjet s njima, i utvrdiæu ih i umnožiæu ih, i namjestiæu svetinju svoju usred njih navijek.
27 The place where I will live will be among them; I will be their God and they will be my people.
I šator æe moj biti kod njih, i ja æu im biti Bog i oni æe mi biti narod.
28 Then, when my temple is forever there among them, the people of other nations will know that I, Yahweh, have caused the Israeli people to be set apart [to belong to me].’”
I narod æe poznati da sam ja Gospod koji posveæujem Izrailja, kad svetinja moja bude usred njih dovijeka.

< Ezekiel 37 >