< Ezekiel 36 >
1 You human, prophesy about the mountains in Israel. Say to them, “You mountains in Israel, listen to what Yahweh says.
Sine čovječji, prorokuj gorama Izraelovim i reci: “O gore Izraelove, čujte riječ Jahvinu:
2 This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Your enemies [happily] said about you, ‘Aha! The mountains in Israel that have existed for a long time have become ours!’”
Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Neprijatelji vaši govore o vama: 'Ha! Ha! Visine vječne postat će naš posjed!'
3 Therefore prophesy about those mountains and say, “This is what Yahweh the Lord declares: [Armies of other nations] attacked you [DOU] from every direction, with the result that your land became abandoned, and people of other nations occupied you, and they spoke maliciously about you and slandered you.
I zato prorokuj i reci: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Sa svih vas strana pustoše i plijene da budete posjed ostalim narodima i na jezike dođoste svjetini klevetničkoj.
4 Therefore, you mountains in Israel, listen to this message from me. I, Yahweh the Lord, have something to say to the hills and mountains, to the ravines and valleys, to the deserted ruins and towns whose valuable possessions have been taken and their people ridiculed by the people of other nations around them. This is what I, Yahweh the Lord, declare: I am very angry [DOU] with the people of Edom and other nations; they have forced you [Israeli people] to endure them insulting you.
Zato, gore Izraelove, čujte riječ Jahvinu! Ovako govori Jahve Gospod gorama i brežuljcima, uvalama i dolinama, opustošenim razvalinama i napuštenim gradovima koji postadoše plijen i ruglo ostalim narodima uokolo -
ovako, dakle, govori Jahve Gospod: Zaista sam govorio o ognju ljubomore svoje protiv ostalih naroda, protiv sveg Edoma, koji s radošću u srcu i s mržnjom u duši sebi prisvoji u posjed zemlju moju da je oplijeni i opljačka.'
Zato prorokuj o zemlji Izraelovoj! Reci gorama i brežuljcima, uvalama i dolinama: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod! Evo, govorim u ljubomori i jarosti jer moradoste podnositi rug naroda.'
7 Therefore, this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: Lifting up my arm, I solemnly declare that the people of the nations that are around you will also endure being insulted.
Zato ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Evo, dižem ruku i kunem se: narodi koji su oko vas snosit će sami svoju sramotu!
8 But [I say to] you mountains in Israel that huge crops of fruit will grow on your trees for my Israeli people, because they will soon return home [from Babylonia].
A vi, gore Izraelove, razgranajte se i donesite rod narodu koji će skoro doći.
9 I (am concerned about/will take care of) you, and I will bless you. I will [enable farmers to] plow the ground and plant seed there.
Jer, evo me k vama! K vama se okrenuh, i gajit ću vas i zasijati!
10 I will cause the number of people who live on you mountains and everywhere else in Israel to greatly increase. People will live in the towns and rebuild [houses where there are now only] ruins.
Razmnožit ću ljude po vama - sav dom Izraelov - gradove vam napučiti, razvaline vaše opet podići!
11 I will cause the number of people and domestic animals to increase. People will have many children [IDM, DOU]. I will enable people to live there like they did previously, and I will enable them to prosper like they did before. Then you will know that it is I, Yahweh, [who have the power to do what I say that I will do].
Razmnožit ću po vama ljude i stoku, oni će se namnožiti i naploditi - te ću vas napučiti kao nekoć i obasuti vas dobrima više nego prije! I znat ćete da sam ja Jahve!
12 I will enable my Israeli people to walk through your mountains. They will own you; you will be their permanent possession. Never again will their children die.
Dovest ću k vama ljude, narod svoj, Izraela, i zaposjest će te i bit ćeš im baština i nećeš im više djecu otimati.'”
13 This is also what I, Yahweh the Lord, say to you: People say that [only a small amount of food is produced on your mountains, and as a result the people of Israel] die from hunger.
Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: “A što se o tebi govori: 'Ti si zemlja koja ljude proždire i svojem narodu djecu otima' -
14 Therefore, I, Yahweh the Lord, declare that no longer will that happen.
ti više nećeš ljude proždirati ni narodu svome djece otimati - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.
15 No longer will the people of other nations ridicule you; no longer will they laugh at you; no longer will [the armies of] other nations conquer you. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have declared that it will happen.”
Ne dam da više slušaš rug pogana, ne dam da više budeš na sramotu narodima: nećeš više narodu svojem djece otimati” - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.
16 Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
Dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
17 “You human, when the Israeli people were living in their own land, they (defiled it/caused it to become unacceptable to me) by the things that they did. I considered that their behavior was [disgusting], like [SIM] the rags/cloths that women use during their monthly menstrual periods.
“Sine čovječji, kad dom Izraelov još življaše u svojoj zemlji, oskvrnu je svojim nedjelima i svojim putovima. Putovi njihovi bijahu preda mnom kao nečistoća žene nečiste.
18 So I severely punished [MTY] them, because they had murdered [MTY] many people and because they had defiled the land by [worshiping] idols there.
I zato na njih izlih gnjev svoj zbog krvi što je proliše i zbog kumira kojima je oskvrnuše.
19 I caused them to be scattered among many nations [DOU]. I punished [MTY] them like they deserved to be punished because of their very evil behavior [DOU].
Rasprših ih među narode i rasijah po zemljama. Sudio sam im prema putovima i nedjelima njihovim.
20 And wherever they went among those nations, they caused my reputation [MTY] to be disgraced. What has happened is that the people in those countries said about the Israeli people, ‘They belong to Yahweh, but they were forced to leave the land that he [gave to them].’
Ali u narodima među koje dođoše, među svim narodima u koje dospješe, oskvrnjivahu moje sveto ime, jer o njima se govorilo: 'To je Jahvin narod, a morade otići iz zemlje Jahvine!'
21 But I was concerned about my reputation, which the people of Israel had disgraced among the nations to which they were forced to go.
I meni se sažali moje sveto ime što ga dom Izraelov obeščasti u narodima među koje dođe.
22 Therefore, say to the Israeli people, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: You Israeli people, it is not for your sake that I am going to do these things. Instead, it is for the sake of my sacred reputation, which you have disgraced among the nations to which you were forced to go.
Reci zato domu Izraelovu: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Što činim, ne činim radi vas, dome Izraelov, nego radi svetoga imena svojega, koje vi oskvrnuste među narodima u koje dođoste.
23 I will show that my reputation is sacred, a reputation which you have disgraced among the nations to which you were forced to go. And when I show the nations that I am holy, the people of those nations will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
Ja ću posvetiti ime svoje veliko koje vi oskvrnuste posred narodÄa u koje dođoste! I znat će narodi da sam ja Jahve - riječ je Jahve Gospoda - kad na vama, njima naočigled, pokažem svetost svoju.
24 What I will do is to bring you back from those nations. I will gather you from all the countries [to which you were forced to go], and bring you back to your own land.
Tada ću vas sabrati iz svih naroda i skupiti iz svih zemalja, natrag vas dovesti u vašu zemlju.
25 [It will be as though] [MET] I will sprinkle clean water on you, and then you will be clean. I will cause you to be cleansed from everything that has defiled you, and I will cause you to stop worshiping idols.
Poškropit ću vas vodom čistom da se očistite. Očistit ću vas od svih vaših nečistoća i od svih kumira vaših.
26 I will give you a completely new way of thinking [IDM]. I will enable you to stop being stubborn [IDM], and I will enable you to obey me from your inner beings [IDM].
Dat ću vam novo srce, nov duh udahnut ću u vas! Izvadit ću iz tijela vašega srce kameno i dat ću vam srce od mesa.
27 I will put my Spirit within you and enable you to carefully obey all my laws [DOU].
Duh svoj udahnut ću u vas da hodite po mojim zakonima i da čuvate i vršite moje naredbe.
28 You will again live in the land that I gave to your ancestors. You will be my people, and I will be your God.
I nastanit ćete se u zemlji koju dadoh vašim ocima, i bit ćete moj narod, a ja ću biti vaš Bog.
29 I will free you from all your disgraceful behavior. I will cause your grain to be plentiful, and I will not send a famine to you again.
Izbavit ću vas od svih vaših nečistoća i dozvat ću žito i umnožiti ga, i nikad vas više neću izvrći gladi.
30 I will cause your fruit trees to produce plenty of fruit and your ground to produce plenty of good crops, with the result that you will no longer be ridiculed by the people of other nations because of your not having enough food.
Umnožit ću plod drveća i rod njiva da ne podnosite više zbog gladi sramotu među narodima.
31 When that happens, you will think about your previous evil behavior and wicked deeds, and you will (be very displeased with/hate) yourselves for your sins and the detestable things that you did.
I tada ćete se spomenuti zlih putova i nedjela svojih, i sami ćete sebe omrznuti zbog bezakonja i gadosti svojih.
32 But I, Yahweh the Lord, declare that I want you to know that it is not for your sake that I will do those things. You Israeli people ought to be ashamed of your behavior.
A što činim, znajte dobro, ne činim radi vas - riječ je Jahve Gospoda! Postidite se i posramite zbog putova svojih, dome Izraelov!'
33 This is also what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: At the time that I forgive you for all the sins that you have committed, I will enable you to live in your towns again and to build houses where there are now only ruins.
Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'A kad vas očistim od svih bezakonja vaših, napučit ću opet vaše gradove i sagraditi razvaline;
34 People who walk through your country will see that your land is again cultivated instead of (being desolate/having nothing growing in it).
opustjela zemlja, nekoć pustinja naočigled svakom prolazniku, bit će opet obrađena.
35 They will say, “This land that was ruined has become [very fertile/productive] like [SIM] the garden of Eden! The cities that were piles of ruins, empty and destroyed, now have walls around them, and people live in those cities.”
Tada će se reći: 'Evo zemlje što bijaše pusta, a postade kao vrt edenski! Gle gradova što bijahu pusti, same razvaline i ruševine, a sada su utvrđeni i napučeni!'
36 When that happens, the people in the nations that are around you that still exist will know that it is I, Yahweh, who have enabled you to rebuild what was destroyed, and to again plant crops in the fields that had nothing growing in them. I, Yahweh, have said [that it will happen], and I will cause it to happen.
I narodi oko vas koji preostanu znat će da ja, Jahve, razvaljeno opet gradim, i što bi opustošeno, opet sadim. Ja, Jahve, rekoh i učinit ću!'
37 This is also what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: Again I will heed what you Israeli people are pleading for me to do for you. I will cause your people to be as numerous as your sheep,
Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Još će ovo moliti dom Izraelov: da im ljudstvo namnožim kao stada.
38 as numerous as the flocks of sheep that will be needed for offerings in Jerusalem during your regular festivals. The cities that are now ruined will be filled with people, and then you will know that I, Yahweh the Lord, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].’”
Kao svetim stadima, kao stadima blagdanskih dana u Jeruzalemu, gradovi, nekoć razvaline, napučit će se ljudstvom. I znat će da sam ja Jahve.”