< Ezekiel 32 >

1 Almost twelve years [after we had been taken to Babylonia], on the first day of the twelfth month [of that year], Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
A shekara ta goma sha biyu, a wata na goma sha biyu a rana ta fari, maganar Ubangiji ta zo mini cewa,
2 “You human, sing a sad/funeral song about the king of Egypt. Sing this to him: ‘You [think that you] [IRO] are like [SIM] a lion among the nations; or like [SIM] a monster/crocodile in the river thrashing around in the water, churning/stirring up the water with your feet and causing the water to become muddy.
“Ɗan mutum, ka yi makoki a kan Fir’auna sarkin Masar ka faɗa masa. “‘Kai kamar zaki ne a cikin al’ummai; kai kamar dodon ruwa a cikin tekuna kana ɓullowa cikin rafuffukanka, kana gurɓata ruwa da ƙafafunka kana kuma dama rafuffuka.
3 But this is what Yahweh the Lord says: “I will send many people to throw my net over you, and they will haul/drag you up [onto the land] in my net.
“‘Ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa, “‘Da taron jama’a masu yawa zan jefa abin kamun kifi a kanka, za su kuwa jawo ka da abin kamun kifi.
4 They will throw you into a field [DOU] [to die]; I will allow the birds to sit on you, and all the wild animals will eat the flesh of your corpse until their stomachs are full.
Zan jefar da kai a ƙasa zan jefa ka a fili. Zan sa dukan tsuntsayen sararin sama su zauna a kanka dukan namun jeji na duniya kuma za su ƙosar da kansu a kanka.
5 I will cause them to scatter your flesh on the hills and fill the valleys with your bones.
Zan baza namanka a kan duwatsu in kuma cika kwaruruka da gawarka.
6 I will cause them to fill the land with your blood, all the way to the mountains, and the ravines will be filled with your flesh.
Zan jiƙa ƙasar da jininka mai gudu har zuwa duwatsu, magudanan ruwa za su cika da namanka.
7 When I get rid of you, I will cover the sky and not allow the stars to shine. I will put a dark cloud in front of the sun, and the moon will not shine.
Sa’ad da na shafe ka, zan rufe sammai in duhunta taurarinsu; zan rufe rana da girgije, wata kuwa ba zai ba da haskensa ba.
8 I will cause the stars in the sky to be dark, and there will be darkness over your entire land; [that will surely happen because] I, Yahweh the Lord, have said it.
Dukan haskokin sammai za su zama duhu a kanka; zan kawo duhu a kan ƙasarka, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.
9 And when the people of many nations hear about your being destroyed, many of them will be afraid/worried— people living in countries that you have never known about.
Zan dami zukatan mutane masu yawa sa’ad da na kawo maka hallaka a cikin al’ummai, a cikin ƙasashen da ba ka taɓa sani ba.
10 I will cause many people to be appalled because of [what has happened to] you, and their kings will be horrified and shudder/shake because of your [being destroyed], when I swing my sword in front of them. At the time that you will be destroyed, all of them will tremble, fearing that they also will be killed.”
Zan sa mutane da yawa su giggice saboda abin da ya same ka, sarakunansu kuma za su yi rawar jiki saboda kai sa’ad da na kaɗa takobina a gabansu. A ranar fāɗuwarka kowannensu zai yi rawar jiki a kowane lokaci saboda ransa.
11 This is what Yahweh the Lord says: “The swords of [the army of] the King of Babylon will strike you.
“‘Gama ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka yana cewa, “‘Takobin sarkin Babilon zai auko maka.
12 I will cause very many of your people to be killed by the swords of mighty soldiers [from Babylonia], who are more ruthless/cruel than the soldiers of all other nations. They will cause the people of Egypt to quit being proud, because very many [HYP] of their people will be killed.
Zan sa jama’arka su mutu ta wurin takuban ƙarfafan mutane, masu bantsoro na dukan al’ummai. Za su lalatar da girman kan Masar, su kuma tumɓuke dukan jama’arta.
13 I will destroy all the cattle in Egypt that (graze/eat grass) alongside the streams. As a result, the water in those streams will never again become muddy because of people and cattle walking in them.
Zan hallaka dukan dabbobinta da suke kusa da ruwaye masu yawa ƙafar mutum ba zai ƙara damunsa ko kofaton dabba ya gurɓata shi.
14 Then I will allow the streams in Egypt to become calm again and flow [as smoothly] [SIM] as olive oil flows.
Sa’an nan zan sa ruwanta su kwanta in sa rafuffukanta su gudu kamar mai, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.
15 When I cause Egypt to become empty/desolate and strip off everything that grows on the land, and when I get rid of all the people who live there, people will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”’
Sa’ad da na mai da Masar kufai na kuma raba ƙasar da abin da take cike da shi, sa’ad da na bugi dukan waɗanda suke cikinta, a sa’an nan ne za su san cewa ni ne Ubangiji.’
16 That sad song about Egypt will also be sung by the people. Women of many nations will sing it. They will chant it about Egypt and all its people; [that will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said that it would happen.”
“Wannan ne makokin da za a yi mata.’Yan matan al’ummai za su rera shi; gama Masar da dukan jama’arta za su rera shi, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.”
17 On the fifteenth day of that same month, Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
A shekara ta goma sha biyu, a rana ta goma sha biyar ga wata, maganar Ubangiji ta zo mini cewa,
18 “You human, wail about the many people of Egypt, because I will send them to the place under the earth, where they and people of other mighty nations will be. I will send them there, along with others, down to the place where the dead are.
“Ɗan mutum, yi kuka saboda jama’ar Masar ka kuma tura ta da’yan matan manyan al’ummai zuwa ƙarƙashin ƙasa, tare da waɗanda suka gangara zuwa rami.
19 Say to them, ‘You people of [APO] Egypt, [you think that] [IRO, RHQ] you are more beautiful than the people of other nations. But you also will descend to the place where the godless dead people are.
Ka ce, ‘Kin fi sauran tagomashi ne? Ki gangara, ki kwanta cikin marasa kaciya.’
20 [Your enemies] will pull out their swords and kill many of you. A huge number of the people of Egypt who remain will be dragged away.
Za su fāɗi cikin waɗanda aka kashe da takobi. Takobin da an zāre; bari a ja ta a tafi tare da dukan jama’arta.
21 In the place where the dead people are, mighty leaders [of other countries] will [make fun of the people of Egypt] and say, “They have come here to lie with us godless people who were killed by our enemies’ swords!”’ (Sheol h7585)
Daga cikin kabari manyan shugabanni za su yi maganar Masar da abokanta su ce, ‘Sun gangara sun kuma kwanta da marasa kaciya, tare da waɗanda aka kashe da takobi.’ (Sheol h7585)
22 [The corpses of the people of] Assyria will be there. They will be surrounded by [corpses of] soldiers who were killed by [their enemies’] swords.
“Assuriya tana can tare da dukan sojojinta; an kewaye ta da kaburburan dukan waɗanda aka kashe, dukan waɗanda suka mutu ta wurin takobi.
23 The people’s graves are there in the deep pit, and [corpses of soldiers of] their army lie around their graves. Corpses of all those who had caused many others in other places to be terrified also will be there, having been killed by swords.
Kaburburansu suna cikin zurfafan rami kuma sojojinta suna kwance kewaye da kabarinta. Dukan waɗanda suka haddasa tsoro a ƙasar masu rai sun mutu, an kashe su da takobi.
24 A great number of the people of Elam will be there. They also were killed by [their enemies’] swords. They had caused people in many places [HYP] to be terrified. At that time they will lie there in that deep pit below the earth, and they, along with the others who have gone there, will be disgraced.
“Elam tana can, tare da dukan jama’arta kewaye da kabarinta. Dukansu sun mutu, an kashe su da takobi. Dukan waɗanda suka haddasa tsoro a ƙasar masu rai sun gangara wurin marasa kaciya a duniyar da take ƙarƙashi. Suna shan kunya tare da waɗanda suka gangara zuwa rami.
25 They will lie there among others who were slaughtered, surrounded by the graves of a huge crowd of other people. While they were alive, they caused people of other nations to be terrified; but they were godless, and now, having been killed by [their enemies] swords, they will lie with others in that deep pit, disgraced, all of them avoiding each other.
An yi mata gado a cikin matattu, tare da dukan jama’arta kewaye da kabarinta. Dukansu marasa kaciya ne, da aka kashe da takobi. Domin tsoronsu ya bazu cikin ƙasar masu rai, suna shan kunya tare da waɗanda suka gangara zuwa rami; an kwantar da su tare da waɗanda aka kashe.
26 [Corpses of] soldiers of Meshech and Tubal will be there, surrounded by the graves of a huge crowd of their people. They were all godless people who were killed by swords because while they were alive, they also caused people in many places [HYP] to be terrified.
“Meshek da Tubal suna can, tare da dukan jama’arsu kewaye da kaburburansu. Dukansu marasa kaciya ne, da aka kashe da takobi domin sun haddasa tsoronsu a ƙasar masu rai.
27 They will surely [RHQ] not be buried honorably like the soldiers who have died, whose shields were buried with their corpses, whose swords were placed on their skulls in the graves. While those godless people were alive, they had caused many people in the land to be terrified, so they were punished for their sins. (Sheol h7585)
Ba sun kwanta tare da sauran jarumawa marasa kaciyan da aka kashe, waɗanda suka gangara kabari tare da makaman yaƙinsu, waɗanda aka yi musu matashin kai da takubansu ba? Hukuncin zunubansu yana a bisa ƙasusuwansu, ko da yake tsoron waɗannan jarumawa ya manne cikin ƙasar masu rai. (Sheol h7585)
28 You king of Egypt, you also be killed and will lie there with other godless people who have been killed by [their enemies’] swords.
“Kai kuma, ya Fir’auna, za a kakkarye ka za ka kuma kwanta a cikin marasa kaciya, tare da waɗanda aka kashe da takobi.
29 People of the Edom people-group will be there, along with their kings and leaders. They were powerful, but they will [be killed and] lie there in the place where the other dead people are. They will lie there in that deep pit, with the other godless people.
“Edom tana can, sarakunanta da dukan yerimanta; duk da ikonsu, sun kwanta tare da waɗanda aka kashe da takobi. Suna kwance tare da marasa kaciya, tare da waɗanda suka gangara zuwa rami.
30 All the rulers of countries north [of Israel], including people from Sidon, will be there. Because of their power, they caused people to be terrified, but they will lie there. They were godless, and they will lie there along with others who were killed by [their enemies’] swords. They, along with everyone else who descends into that deep pit, will be disgraced.
“Dukan yerima arewa da dukan Sidoniyawa suna can; sun gangara tare da waɗanda aka kashe cikin kunya duk da tsoron da suka haddasa ta wurin ikonsu. Sun kwanta tare da marasa kaciya tare da waɗanda aka kashe da takobi suna kuma shan kunya tare da waɗanda suka gangara zuwa rami.
31 The king of Egypt and all his army will see them, and they will be comforted to know that there were other huge groups of people who were killed by [their enemies’] swords.
“Fir’auna, shi da dukan sojojinsa, za su gan su zai kuma ta’azantu domin dukan jama’arsa da aka kashe da takobi, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.
32 While he was living, I allowed him to cause others in many countries to be terrified, but he and his huge army will be there among other godless people who had been killed by [their enemies’] swords. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh the Lord, am the one who has said [that it would happen].”
Ko da yake na sa ta haddasa tsoro a ƙasar masu rai, Fir’auna da dukan jama’arsa za su kwanta a cikin marasa kaciya, tare da waɗanda aka kashe da takobi, in ji Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka.”

< Ezekiel 32 >