< Ezekiel 31 >

1 Almost eleven years [after we had been taken to Babylonia], on the first day of the third month [of that year], Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
En el undécimo año, en el tercer mes, en el primer día del mes, vino a mí la palabra de Yahvé, diciendo:
2 “You human, say to the King of Egypt and all of his people, ‘[You think that] there is [RHQ, IRO] no country whose power is as great as the power of your country.
“Hijo de hombre, dile al Faraón, rey de Egipto, y a su multitud: ‘¿A quién te pareces en tu grandeza?
3 You think that your country is as great as Assyria was: Assyria was previously like [MET] a tall cedar tree in Lebanon; [it was as though] it had big beautiful branches that provided shade for [other trees in] the forest. It was very tall; its top was above the leaves of the other trees.
He aquí que el asirio era un cedro en el Líbano con hermosas ramas, y con una sombra parecida a la del bosque, de alta estatura; y su cima estaba entre las gruesas ramas.
4 Water came from deep springs, and as a result that cedar tree grew tall and very green. Then water flowed around the base of the tree into channels that took water to other nearby trees.
Las aguas lo alimentaron. Lo profundo lo hizo crecer. Sus ríos corrían alrededor de su plantación. Envió sus canales a todos los árboles del campo.
5 That huge tree grew very tall, higher than all the other trees around it. Its branches grew very thick and long [DOU] because of the abundant water [at the base of the tree].
Por lo tanto, su estatura fue exaltada por encima de todos los árboles del campo; y sus ramas se multiplicaron. Sus ramas se hicieron largas a causa de las muchas aguas, cuando los extendió.
6 Birds built their nests in the branches, and wild animals gave birth to their babies under those branches. [And it was as though people of] all the great nations lived in the shade of that tree.
Todas las aves del cielo hicieron sus nidos en sus ramas. Bajo sus ramas, todos los animales del campo daban a luz a sus crías. Todas las grandes naciones vivieron bajo su sombra.
7 It was majestic and beautiful; its branches spread out widely because the roots of the tree grew down into the ground where there was a plentiful supply of water.
Así era de hermosa su grandeza, en la longitud de sus ramas; porque su raíz estaba junto a muchas aguas.
8 The cedar trees in my garden [in Eden] were not as great as that tree, and the branches of the pine/cypress trees were not as long and thick as the branches of that cedar tree. And the branches of the plane trees were not as long and thick, either. No tree in my garden was as beautiful as that cedar tree.
Los cedros del jardín de Dios no pudieron ocultarlo. Los cipreses no eran como sus ramas. Los pinos no eran como sus ramas; ni había ningún árbol en el jardín de Dios que se le pareciera en su belleza.
9 Because I caused that tree to become very beautiful with its magnificent green branches, [all the leaders of other countries represented by] [MET] those other trees in Eden envied [the country represented by] that tree.’
La hice hermosa por la multitud de sus ramas, para que todos los árboles del Edén, que estaban en el jardín de Dios, la envidiaban’.
10 Therefore, this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: ‘That tree, which [represents Assyria], grew very tall, and its top was higher than the other trees, and it became very proud because of being very tall.
“Por tanto, así ha dicho el Señor Yahvé: ‘Porque se ha enaltecido en su estatura, y ha puesto su cima entre las ramas gruesas, y su corazón se ha enaltecido en su altura,
11 Therefore, I enabled another mighty nation to conquer it and to destroy it as it deserved to be destroyed. I have already discarded it.
lo entregaré en manos del poderoso de las naciones. Él seguramente se ocupará de él. Yo lo he expulsado por su maldad.
12 A foreign army, one that has caused people of other nations to be terrified, cut it down and left it. Its branches fell on the mountains and in the valleys. Some of its branches lay broken in all the ravines in the land. All the people of other nations came out from being under its shade and left it.
Los extranjeros, los tiranos de las naciones, lo han cortado y lo han abandonado. Sus ramas han caído en los montes y en todos los valles, y sus ramas están rotas por todos los cursos de agua de la tierra. Todos los pueblos de la tierra han bajado de su sombra y lo han abandonado.
13 Birds (settled/went to live) on the fallen tree, and wild animals lived among its branches.
Todas las aves del cielo habitarán en su ruina, y todos los animales del campo estarán en sus ramas,
14 The result of what I have done is that no other trees, even if they have plenty of water, will ever grow very high and become proud, and lift their tops above the branches of other trees. I do not want any other tree to grow high like that cedar tree did; trees will all certainly die and decay in the ground, like people die and go down to their graves.’
hasta el punto de que ninguno de todos los árboles junto a las aguas se exalte en su estatura, y no ponga su cima entre las ramas gruesas. Sus poderosos no se levantan en su altura, ni todos los que beben agua; porque todos ellos son entregados a la muerte, a las partes bajas de la tierra, entre los hijos de los hombres, con los que descienden a la fosa.’
15 This is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: ‘When that great tree was cut down, [it was as though] the springs that watered it mourned for it, because I caused the plentiful water [from the springs] to dry up. I caused [the mountains in] Lebanon to become black, and all the trees there to wither. (Sheol h7585)
“Dice el Señor Yahvé: ‘El día en que descendió al Seol, causé un duelo. Cubrí el abismo por él y detuve sus ríos. Las grandes aguas se detuvieron. Hice que el Líbano se lamentara por él, y todos los árboles del campo se desmayaron por él. (Sheol h7585)
16 I caused the people of other nations to tremble when they heard that tree fall to the ground. [They realized] that it would decay, like all people who die and are buried decay. And all the [leaders of other countries represented by] other beautiful trees in my garden in Eden and in Lebanon, were like beautiful trees [that were very proud]. They were ones which had roots that grew down deep into the [ground where there was plenty of] water. They were comforted when [the king represented by] [MET] that cedar tree was there with them in the place where the dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
Hice temblar a las naciones al oír su caída, cuando lo arrojé al Seol con los que descienden a la fosa. Todos los árboles del Edén, los selectos y mejores del Líbano, todos los que beben agua, fueron consolados en las partes bajas de la tierra. (Sheol h7585)
17 The [leaders of other countries represented by] [MET] trees that grew in the shade of the huge tree, [the allies of] the great nation [that the cedar tree represents], had also joined those who had been killed by the sword and gone down to where the dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
También bajaron al Seol con él los que son muertos por la espada; sí, los que fueron su brazo, los que vivieron bajo su sombra en medio de las naciones. (Sheol h7585)
18 [This parable is about you] people of Egypt. [You think that] [RHQ, IRO] there is no other nation that is as great and glorious as yours is. But your nation will also be destroyed, [as Assyria was], along with those other nations. Your people will be there among the other people who are not fit to worship me, people who have been killed by their enemies’ swords. That is what will happen to the king of Egypt and all his people. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, [have predicted it].’”
“‘¿A quién te pareces en gloria y en grandeza entre los árboles del Edén? Sin embargo, serás derribado con los árboles del Edén a las partes bajas de la tierra. Yacerás en medio de los incircuncisos, con los muertos por la espada. “‘Este es Faraón y toda su multitud’, dice el Señor Yahvé”.

< Ezekiel 31 >