< Ezekiel 3 >

1 He said to me, “You human, eat this scroll that is in front of you. Then go and speak to the Israeli people [MTY].”
“Hijo de hombre”, me dijo, “come lo que te han puesto delante. Come este rollo, y luego ve y habla al pueblo de Israel”.
2 So I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll to eat it.
Abrí la boca y me dio el rollo para que lo comiera.
3 Then he said to me, “You human, eat the scroll that I have given to you. Fill your stomach with it.” So I ate it, and in my mouth it tasted as sweet as honey.
“Hijo de hombre”, me dijo, “come y sáciate con este rollo que te doy”. Así que comí el pergamino, y me supo dulce como la miel.
4 Then he said to me, “You human, go to the Israeli people [MTY] and tell them my message.
Luego me dijo: “Hijo de hombre, ahora tienes que ir al pueblo de Israel y darles mi mensaje.
5 The people to whom I am sending you are not people whose language is very [to learn], a language which you do not understand. I am sending you to your Israeli people [MTY].
No te voy a enviar a los que tienen una lengua extraña, a gente que no conoces, sino al pueblo de Israel.
6 I am sending you to people whose language you understand very well. If I were sending you to people whose language was difficult for you to understand, they [be surprised and] pay attention to what [say to them].
Como digo, no te envío a aquellos cuya lengua es extraña para ti, a gente que no conoces, cuyas palabras no entiendes. En cambio, si te hubiera enviado a los extranjeros, te habrían escuchado.
7 But the Israeli people do not want to listen to you because they do not want to listen to me. [They do not want to listen because] they are all very stubborn [DOU].
“Pero el pueblo de Israel no querrá escucharte, porque no quiere escucharme a mí. Todos los israelitas son de mente fuerte y de corazón duro.
8 But I will enable you [SYN] to be as stubborn and tough as they are.
“¡Mira! Voy a hacerte tan duro como ellos, y tan fuerte de mente como ellos.
9 I will cause you to be as firm/unbreakable as [SIM] the hardest stone, like flint. So, [even though] they are very rebellious people, do not be afraid of them; do not allow them to cause you to be afraid.”
Haré que tu mente sea como un adamante, más duro que el pedernal. No tengas miedo de lo que digan ni te desanimes por la forma en que te miran, aunque sean un pueblo rebelde”.
10 He also said to me, “You human, listen very carefully to what I say, and keep thinking about it [IDM].
“Hijo de hombre”, añadió, “presta mucha atención a todo lo que te digo y reflexiona profundamente sobre ello.
11 Go to your fellow Israelis who [here after being] (exiled/forced to leave their country), and speak to them. Say to them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says,’ [and then tell them my message], whether they want to hear it or whether they do not want to hear it.”
Ve a tu pueblo que está en el exilio. Diles que esto es lo que dice el Señor Dios, tanto si te escuchan como si no”.
12 [in the vision] the [of God] lifted me up, and I heard behind [someone speaking very loudly], like a loud rumbling sound. [I heard someone say, ] “Praise our glorious Yahweh in the place where he [in heaven]!”
El Espíritu me levantó, y oí un ruido muy fuerte detrás de mí que parecía un terremoto. (¡Alabado sea la gloria del Señor donde vive!)
13 [I heard] the sound of the wings of the four living creatures brushing against each other, [I also heard] the sound of the wheels that were beside them. It was a loud rumbling sound.
Era el ruido que hacían las alas de los seres al rozarse entre sí y el ruido que hacían las ruedas junto a ellos, un ruido realmente fuerte que sonaba como un terremoto.
14 The Spirit took me away. Within me I was very bitter and angry [DOU], but I felt Yahweh holding me very powerfully.
Como dije, el Espíritu me levantó y me llevó. Mientras avanzaba, me sentía molesto y enojado; sin embargo, el poder del Señor había tomado pleno control de mí.
15 I came to the exiles who lived at Tel [town] near the Kebar River/ [south of Babylon]. Then, where they were living, I sat for seven days. I was [about everything that I had seen].
Llegué al lugar donde vivían los exiliados, Tel-abib, junto al río Quebar. Me senté con ellos, permaneciendo allí durante siete días. La emoción me invadió por completo.
16 After those seven days had ended, Yahweh gave me this message:
Cuando pasaron los siete días, me llegó un mensaje del Señor que decía:
17 “You human, I am appointing [to be like] a watchman [MET] for the Israeli people [MTY]. [So] listen to these messages that I will give you, and tell them those messages to warn them.
“Hijo de hombre, te he elegido como vigilante del pueblo de Israel. Cada vez que te dé un mensaje, deberás avisarles de mi parte.
18 When I say about some wicked people, ‘They will surely [because of their sins],’ if you do not warn them or tell them that they must turn from their wicked behavior if they want to (save their lives/remain alive), those wicked people will die because of the sins that they have committed, but I will consider that you are responsible for their deaths [MTY].
“Por ejemplo, si le doy una advertencia a alguien que es malvado, diciéndole: ‘Vas a morir con seguridad’, pero tú no le adviertes, si no hablas para advertirle que deje sus malos caminos para que pueda seguir viviendo, entonces esa persona malvada morirá en sus pecados, y yo te haré responsable de su muerte.
19 But if you warn the wicked people and they do not turn from all their wicked behavior [DOU], they will die because of their sins, but you will have saved [from my punishing you].
Pero si les adviertes, y no dejan sus malos caminos, morirán en sus pecados, pero tú te habrás salvado: no morirás.
20 Similarly, when righteous people turn from their righteous behavior and do evil deeds, I will cause bad things to happen [IDM] to them. [But you must warn them. If you do not warn them], and if they do not stop their sinful behavior, they will die because of their sins; I will not think about the righteous things that they [previously], but I will consider that you are responsible for their deaths [MTY].
“Además, si alguien que vive correctamente deja de hacerlo y peca y desatiende mis intentos de corregirlo, entonces morirán. Si no les advertiste, morirán en sus pecados, y las cosas buenas que hicieron no serán recordadas. Además, te haré responsable de su muerte.
21 But if you warn righteous people not to sin, and they do not sin, they will surely remain alive because they [your] warning, and you will have saved [from my punishing you].”
Sin embargo, si adviertes a los que viven bien que no pequen, y ellos no pecan, vivirán con seguridad, porque prestaron atención a tu advertencia, y tú te habrás salvado: no morirás”.
22 [I felt] Yahweh take control [MTY] of me, and he said to me, “Get up and go [from the city down] to the plain/valley, and there I will speak to you.”
El poder del Señor se apoderó de mí allí, y me dijo: “¡Levántate! Ve al valle, y allí te hablaré”.
23 So I got up and went down to the valley. And I saw the glory of Yahweh there, like the glory that I had seen along the Kebar River/Canal. And I prostrated myself on the ground.
Así que me levanté y fui al valle, y allí vi la gloria del Señor. Era como la gloria que había visto junto al río Quebar. Caí de bruces en el suelo.
24 Then the [of God] entered me and enabled me to stand up. He said to me, “Go into your house and stay inside it.
Entonces el Espíritu entró en mí y me puso de pie. Me dijo: “Entra en tu casa y cierra la puerta.
25 People will tie you with ropes, with the result that you will be unable to go out among the people.
Serás atado con cuerdas, hijo de hombre. Serás atado para que no puedas salir entre la gente.
26 [Even though] they are very rebellious people, I will cause your tongue to stick to the roof of your mouth, with the result that you will be unable to talk and to rebuke them.
Haré que tu lengua se pegue al paladar. No podrás hablar ni quejarte con ellos, aunque sean un pueblo rebelde.
27 [then] when I speak to [again], I will enable you to talk [MTY], and you will say to them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says,’ [and you will tell them my message]. Those who are willing to [to what you say] will listen, [many] will refuse to listen, because they are rebellious people [MTY].”
“Sin embargo, cuando hable contigo, te abriré la boca para que les digas que esto es lo que dice el Señor Dios. Los que quieran escuchar, escucharán, y los que quieran negarse, se negarán, porque son un pueblo rebelde”.

< Ezekiel 3 >