< Ezekiel 28 >
1 [Then] Yahweh gave me another message. [He said]:
E veiu a mim a palavra do Senhor, dizendo:
2 “You human, give to the king of Tyre this message from [me], Yahweh the Lord: ‘You have very proudly claimed, “I am a god! I sit on a throne of a god [in a city on an island] in the sea!” You boast that you are a god; but you are only a man, not a god.
Filho do homem, dize ao principe de Tyro: Assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Porquanto se eleva o teu coração, e dizes: Eu sou Deus, na cadeira de Deus me assento no meio dos mares (sendo tu homem, e não Deus), e estimas o teu coração como se fôra o coração de Deus
3 [You think that] you are wiser than Daniel was, [and you think that] you can understand every secret.
Eis que mais sabio és que Daniel: nada ha de occulto que se possa esconder de ti.
4 By being wise and understanding [a lot], you have become [very] rich; you have acquired much gold and silver for your treasuries.
Pela tua sabedoria e pelo teu entendimento alcançaste o teu poder, e adquiriste oiro e prata nos teus thesouros.
5 [Yes, it is true that] by trading wisely, you have been enabled to become very rich, and because you are rich, you have become very proud.
Pela extensão da tua sabedoria no teu commercio augmentaste o teu poder; e eleva-se o teu coração por causa do teu poder;
6 Therefore, this is what Yahweh the Lord says: “Because you think that you are as wise as a god,
Portanto, assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Porquanto estimas o teu coração, como se fôra o coração de Deus
7 I will [now] bring a foreign [army] to attack your [country], an army that causes other nations to be terrified. They will pull out their swords to strike you, [you who think that] [IRO] you have marvelous/great wisdom, and they will destroy all your beautiful things.
Por isso eis que eu trarei sobre ti estranhos, os mais formidaveis d'entre as nações, os quaes desembainharão as suas espadas contra a formosura da tua sabedoria, e mancharão o teu resplandor.
8 They will bring you down to your grave; you will die violently like [MET] those who died in the sea.
Á cova te farão descer, e morrerás da morte dos traspassados no meio dos mares.
9 Then you will certainly not [RHQ] say to those who are killing you, 'I am a god!' [because they will know that] you are not a god; you are only a man.
Porventura pois de alguma maneira dirás diante d'aquelle que te matar: Eu sou Deus; sendo tu homem, e não Deus, na mão do que te traspassa?
10 You will die like other people who are unacceptable to me die, killed by foreigners.” [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.’”
Da morte dos incircumcisos morrerás, por mão dos estranhos; porque eu o fallei, diz o Senhor Jehovah.
11 Yahweh also gave me this message:
Veiu mais a mim a palavra do Senhor, dizendo:
12 “You human, sing a sad/funeral song about the king of Tyre. Say to him, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: [“You thought that] [IRO] you were completely perfect, extremely wise and handsome.
Filho do homem, levanta uma lamentação sobre o rei de Tyro, e dize-lhe: Assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Tu és o sellador da somma, cheio de sabedoria e perfeito em formosura.
13 You [had a wonderful life, as though] you were in my [beautiful] garden in Eden. Your [clothes] were decorated with many [HYP] kinds of very valuable stones— ruby, topaz, emerald, chrysolite, onyx, jasper, turquoise, and beryl [stones]. Those stones were set/placed in gold [mountings]. They were prepared for you on the day that you were born.
Estavas no Eden, jardim de Deus, toda a pedra preciosa era a tua cobertura, sardonia, topazio, diamante, turqueza, onyx, jaspe, saphira, carbunculo, esmeralda e oiro: a obra dos teus tambores e dos teus pifaros estava em ti; no dia em que foste creado foram preparados.
14 I appointed [DOU] you to be like [MET] a strong angel to guard the people. [It was as though I put] you on my holy mountain, and you walked among fiery stones.
Tu eras o cherubim, ungido para cobridor, e te estabeleci: no monte sancto de Deus estavas, no meio das pedras afogueadas andavas.
15 You were completely good in all that you did, from the day that you were created/born, until you [started to] do wicked things.
Perfeito eras nos teus caminhos, desde o dia em que foste creado, até que se achou iniquidade em ti.
16 [Then] you became busy trading things, and you started to act violently, and you sinned. So I caused you to be disgraced; and the angel who was guarding you forced you to leave my holy mountain, forced you to leave your place among those fiery stones.
Na multiplicação do teu commercio encheram o teu interior de violencia, e peccaste; pelo que te lançarei profanado do monte de Deus, e te farei perecer, ó cherubim cobridor, do meio das pedras afogueadas.
17 You were extremely proud because you were very handsome. Because you loved beautiful things, you did things that wise people do not do. [So] I threw you to the ground, and allowed [other] kings who saw you to laugh at you.
Elevou-se o teu coração por causa da tua formosura, corrompeste a tua sabedoria por causa do teu resplandor; por terra te lancei, diante dos reis te puz, para que olhem para ti.
18 By committing many sins and by trading things dishonestly, you caused your places of worship to become unacceptable to me. So I caused a fire [to burn down your city]. [Your city] was burned completely; the people who were watching it saw that only ashes remained on the ground.
Pela multidão das tuas iniquidades, pela injustiça do teu commercio profanaste os teus sanctuarios: eu pois fiz sair do meio de ti um fogo, que te consumiu a ti, e te tornei em cinza sobre a terra, aos olhos de todos os que te vêem.
19 All the people who knew what your [city was like previously] were appalled. Now [your city] has disappeared, and it will not exist any more.”’”
Todos os que te conhecem entre os povos estão espantados de ti; em grande espanto te tornaste, e nunca mais serás para sempre.
20 [Then] Yahweh gave me another message. [He said],
E veiu a mim a palavra do Senhor, dizendo:
21 “You human, turn toward Sidon [city], and declare the terrible things that will happen to it.
Filho do homem, dirige o teu rosto contra Sidon, e prophetiza contra ella,
22 Give [the people of Sidon] this message from [me], Yahweh the Lord: ‘I am your enemy, [you people of] Sidon, and by what I do to you, I will reveal that I am very great/glorious. When I punish you and reveal that I am holy, everyone who is watching that will know that it is I, Yahweh, [who have the power to do what I say that I will do].
E dize: Assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Eis-me contra ti, ó Sidon, e serei glorificado no meio de ti; e saberão que eu sou o Senhor, quando n'ella executar juizos e n'ella me sanctificar.
23 I will send a plague upon you, and I will send [enemies to come and] kill [MTY] you in your streets. They will attack you from every direction, and your people will be slaughtered inside the walls of your city. Then everyone will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].'
Porque enviarei contra ella a peste, e o sangue nas suas ruas, e os traspassados cairão no meio d'ella, á espada, estando em roda contra ella; e saberão que eu sou o Senhor.
24 No longer will those who live near you people of Israel [hurt you] like [MET] painful briers and sharp thorns [hurt people]. And then the Israeli people will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”
E a casa de Israel nunca mais terá espinho que a roce, nem espinho que cause dôr, de todos os que de ao redor d'elles os roubam; e saberão que eu sou o Senhor Jehovah.
25 And this is [also] what Yahweh the Lord says: “Some day the people of Israel will live in their own land [again], the land that I gave to Jacob, who [also] served me. I will gather them from [distant] countries where I have scattered them. And I will reveal to the nations that I am holy among my people.
Assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Quando eu congregar a casa d'Israel d'entre os povos entre os quaes estão espalhados, e eu me sanctificar entre elles, perante os olhos das nações, então habitarão na sua terra que dei a meu servo, a Jacob.
26 My people will live safely in Israel; they will build houses and plant vineyards. And when I punish the nearby nations that despised them, they will know that it is I, Yahweh their God, [who has done it].”
E habitarão n'ella seguros, e edificarão casas, e plantarão vinhas, e habitarão seguros, quando eu executar juizos contra todos os que roubam nos seus contornos; e saberão que eu sou o Senhor seu Deus