< Ezekiel 27 >

1 Yahweh said this to me:
La parole de l’Eternel me fut adressée en ces termes:
2 “You human, sing a funeral song about Tyre.
"Toi, fils de l’homme, entonne une complainte sur Tyr.
3 [The city of] is located [on an island] at the edge of the sea, and their merchants (traded/bought and sold goods) with people-groups [who live] along many seacoasts. This is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say [that you should tell them]: ‘You [people of] Tyre said that your [city] was very beautiful.
Tu diras à Tyr qui est sise près des accès de la mer et trafique avec les nations dans des îles nombreuses: Ainsi parle le Seigneur Dieu: Tyr, tu as dit: Je suis d’une beauté achevée.
4 You controlled what was bought and sold by people who lived along the sea. Those who built your [city] caused it to become very beautiful.
Ton domaine est au coeur des mers, tes architectes ont parfait ta beauté.
5 You were like [SIM] a huge ship that was built from the from pine/cypress [trees] on Hermon [Mountain]. Then they took cedar [wood] from Lebanon to make a mast for the ship.
C’Est en cyprès de Senir qu’ils ont bâti tous tes lambris, ils ont pris un cèdre du Liban pour t’en faire un mât.
6 They carved your oars from oak trees from the Bashan [region]. They made the deck from cypress/pine wood from Cyprus [island], and they covered [the decks] with ivory.
Ils ont confectionné tes rames en chêne de Basan; ton gouvernail, ils l’ont fait d’ivoire enchassé dans du buis, provenant des îles de Kittim.
7 The sails for the ship were made from fine embroidered linen from Egypt, and those sails were like flags that people could see [far away]. For shade they [hung pieces of] blue and purple cloth [brought] from [people living on] Cyprus [island].
Le lin d’Egypte, orné de broderies, formait ta voilure et te servait de pavillon, des étoffes d’azur et de pourpre des îles d’Elicha, te servaient de tenture.
8 Men from Sidon and Arvad [cities] pulled the oars; the men who steered the boat were skilled men from Tyre.
Les habitants de Sidon et d’Arvad devenaient tes rameurs; les plus habiles de chez toi; ô Tyr, étaient tes pilotes.
9 Experienced craftsmen from Byblos [city on the coast] (did the caulking/filled the spaces between the planks in the sides) of the ship. Sailors from many countries came in their ships to buy and sell goods there.
Les anciens de Gebal et ses gens experts, tu les employais à réparer tes avaries; tous les vaisseaux de la mer et leurs matelots se rencontraient chez toi pour faire marcher ton commerce.
10 Men from [as far away as] Persia, Lydia, and Libya were [soldiers] in your army. They hung their shields and helmets on [the walls of] your [city], and that caused people to admire your city.
Le Perse, le Lydien, le Poutien entraient dans ton armée, étaient tes gens de guerre, ils suspendaient chez toi bouclier et casque et assuraient ta gloire.
11 Men from Arvad and Helech [cities were watchmen] on the walls [of your city]; men from Gammad [town] were in your towers. They [also] hung their shields on your walls; they also caused your [city] to be very beautiful.
Les fils d’Arvad, avec ton armée, occupaient tes murs tout alentour, et les Gammadiens tes tours; ils suspendaient leurs boucliers sur la ceinture de tes murs et mettaient le comble à ta beauté.
12 Because of the many things that you had [to trade], men from Tarshish [in Spain] sent merchants who brought silver, iron, tin, and lead to trade for things that you had.
Tarsis trafiquait avec toi grâce à l’abondance de tes richesses, approvisionnait ton marché d’argent, de fer, d’étain, et de plomb.
13 [Merchants from] Greece, Tubal, and Meshech brought slaves and things made from bronze to trade for things that you had.
Yavan, Toubal et Méchec étaient tes courtiers, ils alimentaient ton commerce en hommes et en objets de cuivre.
14 [Men from] Beth-Togarmah [in Armenia] brought work horses, war horses, and mules to trade for things that you had.
De la maison de Togarma, on fournissait ton marché de chevaux, d’écuyers et de mules.
15 Merchants came to you from Rhodes [island]. [People from] nations along the coast traded with you; they brought (ivory/elephant tusks) and [valuable black] ebony [wood] to trade for things that you had.
Les fils de Dedân étaient tes clients, de nombreuses colonies te servaient de marchés, te donnaient des cornes d’ivoire et de l’ébène comme présents.
16 Because you had very many things [to trade], people from Syria brought to you valuable turquoise stones, purple [cloth], embroidered [cloth], fine linen [cloth], and [jewelry made from] coral and rubies to trade for your things.
Aram était ton chaland à cause de la multitude de tes produits; d’escarboucles, de pourpre, de broderies, de byssus, de corail et de pur cristal ils fournissaient tes marchés.
17 Men from Judah and Israel brought wheat from Minnith [city in Ammon], and figs, honey, [olive] oil, and ointment to trade for your things.
Juda et le pays d’Israël étaient tes clients; ils alimentaient ton commerce de froment de Minnit, de mets exquis, de miel, d’huile et de baume.
18 Because you had very many things [to trade], men from Damascus brought wine from Helbon [town] and white wool from the Zahar [area] to trade for many things that you had.
Damas traitait avec toi pour tes nombreux produits, la multitude de toutes les richesses, au moyen du vin de Helbon et de la laine blanche.
19 Greek men from the Uzal [area] brought things made of iron, and cassia [spice], and [fragrant] calamus [seeds] to trade for things that you had.
Vedan et Yavan fournissaient tes marchés de tissus. II y avait du fer artistement travaillé, de la casse et de la canne odorante pour tes transactions.
20 [Merchants came from] Dedan [in southern Edom] bringing saddle blankets to trade for things that you had.
Dedân était ton fournisseur de vêtements de luxe pour monter à cheval.
21 Men from Arabia and all the rulers of the Kedar [region] sent merchants to trade lambs and rams and male goats for things that you had.
L’Arabie et tous les princes de Kédar trafiquaient avec toi; c’est de moutons, de béliers et de boucs qu’ils t’approvisionnaient.
22 Merchants from Sheba and Raamah [in Arabia] brought many kinds of very good spices and jewels and gold to exchange for things that you had.
Les marchands de Cheba et de Raama étaient tes courtiers: des meilleurs aromates, de toutes pierres précieuses et d’or ils fournissaient tes marchés.
23 [Men came from] Haran, Canneh, Eden, Sheba, Asshur and Kilmad [in Mesopotamia] with their goods.
Haran, Canné et Eden, les marchands de Cheba, Assur, Kilmad étaient tes clients.
24 They brought pretty things to trade: Blue cloth, embroidered cloth, and rugs of [many] colors that were [rolled up and] tied with ropes.
Ils étaient tes marchands pour les objets de parure, les manteaux d’azur et de broderie, et pour les trésors de joyaux précieux avec des cordons serrés et des coffres pour tes marchandises.
25 Cargo ships from Tarshish carried [all] those things that you traded; and the warehouses on your island were full of all those things.’”
Les vaisseaux de Tarsis étaient à ton service pour ton commerce: tu as été comblée et toute surchargée au coeur des mers.
26 “‘The men who row your boats took [the ships full of] cargo out on the stormy seas. But the strong east wind wrecked those cargo boats.
Dans la haute mer ils t’ont amenée, les rameurs qui te dirigeaient: le vent d’est t’a fracassée au sein des mers.
27 Everything in the boats (was lost/sank to the bottom of the sea)— all the valuable cargo [DOU] and [many of] [HYP] the sailors and ship pilots, the ship workers and merchants and soldiers. On the day that the ships were wrecked, many of those on the ships sank to the bottom of the sea.
Tes biens et tes marchandises, tes denrées, tes matelots et tes pilotes, tes calfats et tes courtiers et tous lès gens de guerre qui te montaient et toute la multitude qui te remplissait tomberont au sein des mers le jour de ton naufrage.
28 [The people in cities along] the coast trembled when they heard your ship pilots cry out.
Au bruit des clameurs de tes pilotes, les espaces tressailleront.
29 All the men who remained who pulled the oars left the ships; the sailors and pilots [go to the shore and] stand on the beach.
Tous ceux qui manient la rame descendront de leurs vaisseaux, les matelots, tous les pilotes de la mer se tiendront debout sur la terre ferme.
30 They cry aloud because of [what has happened to] your [wealth], and they weep bitterly. They throw dirt on their heads and roll around in ashes.
Ils feront retentir leurs cris à ton sujet et s’exclameront douloureusement, ils se mettront de la poussière sur la tête, se rouleront dans la cendre.
31 They shave their heads to show that they are very sad because of [what has happened to] you, and they put on rough sackcloth. They weep for you very bitterly and mourn for you.
A cause de toi ils se raseront la tête, se ceindront de cilices; ils pleureront sur toi dans l’amertume de leur coeur, ce sera une plainte amère.
32 While they wail and mourn because of what has happened to you, they sing this sad funeral song: “There was certainly never [RHQ] a city like Tyre that now is silent, covered by the waves of the sea.”
Et dans leur désolation, ils entonneront sur toi une élégie et exhaleront ces doléances: Qui était pareille à Tyr, à celle qui maintenant est comme une ruine au milieu de la mer?
33 The goods that your merchants traded were things that pleased the people of many countries. Kings in very distant places became rich from the wealth that they obtained from trading with you.
Quand tes marchandises sortaient des mers tu rassasiais des peuples nombreux; par l’abondance de tes biens et de tes denrées tu enrichissais les rois de la terre.
34 But now your city is like a ship [MET] that is wrecked in the sea, and everything that was in it is broken, at the bottom of the sea. All of your cargo and your sailors have sunk to the bottom of the sea along with the ships.
A présent te voilà brisée, disparue des mers, dans les profondeurs des eaux; tes marchandises et toute la multitude que tu contenais ont sombré.
35 All the people who live along the seacoast are appalled/horrified because of what has happened to you. Their kings are very horrified, [causing] their faces to be twisted [as they watch].
Tous les habitants des îles sont atterrés à cause de toi, leurs rois sont saisis d’un violent frisson, leurs visages sont bouleversés.
36 The merchants of the [other] nations shake their heads [because it is difficult for them to believe what has happened]; your city has disappeared, and it will not exist any more.’”
Les marchands parmi les nations ricanent de toi; tu es réduite à néant, et c’en est fini de toi, à jamais."

< Ezekiel 27 >