< Ezekiel 26 >

1 Almost twelve [after we had been taken to Babylonia], on the first day of the month, Yahweh gave me another message. He said to me,
Bylo pak jedenáctého léta, prvního dne měsíce, že se stalo slovo Hospodinovo ke mně, řkoucí:
2 “You human, [the people of] Tyre [city] shouted joyfully and said about Jerusalem, ‘[Jerusalem, ] the city from which many traders/merchants went to many nations, is now destroyed. And now people from all over the world will come to us to buy and sell things. Because Jerusalem has now been ruined, we will prosper!’
Synu člověčí, proto že Týrus o Jeruzalému říká: Dobře se stalo, že jest potříno město bran velmi lidných, obrací se ke mně, naplněn budu, kdyžtě zpuštěno,
3 Therefore, this is what [I, ] Yahweh the Lord, say: ‘I am now the enemy of [you people of] Tyre. I will [the armies of] many nations to come and attack your [city], like the waves of the sea beat against the shores.
Protož takto praví Panovník Hospodin: Aj, já proti tobě, ó Týre, a přivedu na tě národy mnohé, tak jako bych přivedl moře s vlnami jeho.
4 Their soldiers will destroy the walls around Tyre and tear down its towers. Tyre will become a place where people from many nations steal valuable things, [and then the city will be completely destroyed]. Then they will scrape away the rubble and cause the city to become a bare rock.
I zkazí zdi Týru, a zboří věže jeho; vymetu také z něho prach jeho, a obrátím jej v skálu vysedlou,
5 Out in the sea, Tyre will become an island where men spread [their fishing] nets to dry them. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh the Lord, have predicted it.
Tak že budou vysušovati síti u prostřed moře. Nebo jsem já mluvil, praví Panovník Hospodin, protož bude v loupež národům.
6 The people in small villages on the coast near Tyre will be killed [their enemies’] swords. Then people will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].’
Dcery pak jeho, kteréž na poli budou, mečem zmordovány budou, i zvědí, že já jsem Hospodin.
7 This is what I, Yahweh the Lord, [is going to happen]: ‘From the north, I am going to bring the most powerful king [in the world], King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, [with his army] to attack Tyre. They will bring horses and chariots, and men who ride the horses [and men who drive the chariots]; it will be a huge army.
Nebo takto praví Panovník Hospodin: Aj, já přivedu na Týr Nabuchodonozora krále Babylonského od půlnoci, krále nad králi, s koňmi a s vozy, i s jezdci i s vojskem a s lidem mnohým.
8 [In the battles in the small villages] on the coast, their soldiers will kill [many] people with their swords. [Then] they will set up devices to batter the wall around the city of Tyre, and they will build a dirt ramp up to the top of the wall, and they will all hold up shields [to protect themselves from arrows being shot from the ground].
Dcery tvé na poli mečem zmorduje, a vzdělá proti tobě šance, a vysype proti tobě násyp, a postaví proti tobě pavézníky.
9 The king will direct the soldiers who operate the (rams/things) to batter the walls, and who will use their iron bars to tear down the towers in the wall.
I střelbu zasadí proti zdem tvým, a věže tvé poboří nosatci svými.
10 The king will have a huge number of horses, [the stamping of their hooves will result in] the city being covered with dust. [It will be as though] the walls will tremble because of the noise made by the horses, the [supply] wagons, and the chariots when they enter the city where the walls have been broken down.
Od množství koní jeho přikryje tě prach jejich; od hřmotu jezdců a kár i vozů zatřesou se zdi tvé, když on vcházeti bude do bran tvých, jako do průchodů města probořeného.
11 The horses will trample all of the [of the city] with their hooves. The soldiers will kill the people with their swords; and they will cause your strong pillars to (collapse/fall to the ground).
Kopyty koní svých pošlapá všecky ulice tvé, lid tvůj mečem pomorduje, a sloupové pamětní síly tvé na zem padnou.
12 They will take away all the people’s valuable possessions and steal the things that the merchants sell. They will tear down the walls of the houses and destroy their fine houses. Then they will throw into the sea the stones [from the walls] of those houses and the timber and the rubble.
I rozberou zboží tvá, a rozchvátají kupectví tvá, a rozválejí zdi tvé, i domy tvé rozkošné poboří, a kamení tvé i dříví tvé, i prach tvůj do vody vmecí.
13 No longer will you sing noisy songs, and people will not play their harps any more.
A tak přítrž učiním hluku zpěvů tvých, a zvuku citar tvých aby nebylo slýcháno více.
14 The enemy soldiers will cause the city to become a bare rock and [only] a place where men spread [their fishing] nets. And the city will never be rebuilt. [Those things will surely happen] because [I], Yahweh the Lord, have [that they will happen].’
A obrátím tě v skálu vysedlou, budeš k vysušování sítí, nebudeš vystaven více; nebo já Hospodin mluvil jsem, praví Panovník Hospodin.
15 This is [also] what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say about [the people of] Tyre: ‘When the wounded [people in Tyre] groan and many people are slaughtered and the city is destroyed, [it will surely be as though] [RHQ] the areas along the coast will tremble.
Takto praví Panovník Hospodin Týru: Zdaliž od hřmotu padání tvého, když stonati budou zranění, když ukrutný mord bude u prostřed tebe, nepohnou se ostrovové?
16 Then all the kings [in the cities] along the coast will step down from their thrones and lay aside their robes and their embroidered clothes. They will be terrified, and they will sit on the ground, trembling. They will be appalled because of what has happened to the city of Tyre.
A vyvstanou z stolic svých všecka knížata pomořská, a složí z sebe pláště své, i roucha svá krumpovaná svlekou; v hrůzu se oblekou, na zemi seděti budou, a třesouce se každé chvíle, trnouti budou nad tebou.
17 Then they will sing a sad song about the city, and they will sing this: “The famous city [APO], in which many [who sailed on] the seas lived, is now destroyed! The people of that city had great power [because they had many ships that sailed] on the seas; they caused all the people who lived near them to be terrified.
I vydadí se nad tebou v naříkání, a řeknou tobě: Jak jsi zahynulo, ó město, v němž bydleno bylo pro moře, město slovoutné, ješto bylo pevné na moři, ono i s obyvateli svými, kteříž pouštěli strach svůj na všecky obyvatele jeho!
18 Now on the day when that city is destroyed, [it is as though the people in] the areas along the coast tremble and the [the people on the] islands in the sea are terrified because of that city being ruined.”’
Tehdáž třásti se budou ostrovové v den pádu tvého; předěšeni, pravím, budou ostrovové, kteříž jsou na moři, nad zahynutím tvým.
19 This is also what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: ‘When I cause the city [of Tyre] to become desolate/empty, like [other] cities in which people no [longer] live, and when I cause the huge waves of the sea to cover it,
Nebo tak praví Panovník Hospodin: Když tě učiním městem zpuštěným jako města, v nichž se nebydlí, když uvedu na tě hlubinu, tak že tě přikryjí vody mnohé,
20 then I will bring the people of that city down to be with those who have gone down to where the dead people are, people who lived long ago. I will cause them to remain in the place below the earth that is like old/ancient ruins, with those who have gone down to that pit [previously], and they will never return to the earth, to where people are alive.
Když učiním, že sstoupíš s sstupujícími do jámy k lidu dávnímu, a posadím tě v nejnižších stranách země, na pustinách starodávních s těmi, jenž sstupují do jámy, aby nebylo bydleno v tobě: prokáži slávu v zemi živých.
21 I will cause them to die in a horrible way (OR, people will be very afraid because of what happens to that city), and that will be the end of (them/their lives). People will search for that city but it will no longer exist. [That is what I, ] Yahweh the Lord, declare [will happen].’”
Nebo učiním to, že budeš k náramné hrůze, když tě nestane, a bys pak bylo hledáno, abys nebylo na věky nalezeno, praví Panovník Hospodin.

< Ezekiel 26 >