< Ezekiel 24 >

1 Almost nine [after we had been taken to Babylonia], on the tenth day of the tenth month [of that year], Yahweh gave me this message:
Et factum est verbum Domini ad me in anno nono, in mense decimo, decima die mensis, dicens:
2 “You human, write down what day of the month this is. On this [the army of] King of Babylon has surrounded Jerusalem.
Fili hominis scribe tibi nomen diei huius, in qua confirmatus est rex Babylonis adversum Ierusalem hodie.
3 Tell those rebellious Israeli people [MTY] [in Babylon] a parable. Say this to them: This is what Yahweh the Lord says: ‘Pour water into the [cooking] pot and put the pot [the fire].
Et dices per proverbium ad domum irritatricem parabolam, et loqueris ad eos: Haec dicit Dominus Deus: Pone ollam; pone, inquam, et mitte in eam aquam.
4 Put into the pot some pieces of [from one of your best sheep]: Put in the leg and shoulder, [which are] the best pieces. [Then] fill [the rest of] the pot with the best bones.
Congere frusta eius in eam, omnem partem bonam, femur et armum, electa et ossibus plena.
5 Pile wood on the fire, and cook the bones and the meat in the boiling water.’
Pinguissimum pecus assume, compone quoque strues ossium sub ea: efferbuit coctio eius, et discocta sunt ossa illius in medio eius.
6 [Do that] because this is what Yahweh the Lord says: ‘Terrible things will happen [Jerusalem]; it is city that is full of murderers [MTY], [a city that is like] [MET] a scorched pot whose black residue inside cannot be removed. Take the pieces [of meat] out of the pot, but do not choose which pieces to take out.
Propterea haec dicit Dominus Deus: Vae civitati sanguinum, ollae, cuius rubigo in ea est, et rubigo eius non exivit de ea: per partes et per partes suas eiice eam, non cecidit super eam sors.
7 The blood of the people who were murdered in Jerusalem is still there; they were murdered on the bare rocks, not on the soil, where their blood could be covered.
Sanguis enim eius in medio eius est, super limpidissimam petram effudit illum: non effudit illum super terram ut possit operiri pulvere.
8 But I am the one who caused the blood of those who were murdered [MTY] to be smeared on the bare rock, where their blood could not be covered; I did that in order [I could see it and] then be angry and get revenge.’
Ut superinducerem indignationem meam, et vindicta ulciscerer: dedi sanguinem eius super petram limpidissimam ne operiretur.
9 Therefore, this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord say: ‘Terrible things will happen to that city that is full of murderers [MTY]! [It will be as though] I also will pile high [the wood in the fire].
Propterea haec dicit Dominus Deus: Vae civitati sanguinum, cuius ego grandem faciam pyram.
10 [So], heap on the wood and light the fire! Cook the meat well, and mix some spices with it; cook it until the bones are charred.
Congere ossa, quae igne succendam: consumentur carnes, et coquetur universa compositio, et ossa tabescent.
11 Then set the empty pot on the [of the fire] until the pot becomes [very] hot and the copper glows, with the result that the impurities and the rust will be burned up.
Pone quoque eam super prunas vacuam, ut incalescat, et liquefiat aes eius: et confletur in medio eius inquinamentum eius, et consumatur rubigo eius:
12 [It is as though] I tried to get rid of that rust, but I was not able to do it, [not even] by putting that pot in a fire.
multo labore sudatum est, et non exivit de ea nimia rubigo eius, neque per ignem.
13 The [in the pot represents] your immoral behavior. I tried to cleanse you from your wicked behavior, but you did not allow me to do that. So you will not be [from the guilt of your sin] [I have punished you and] I am no longer angry.
Immunditia tua execrabilis: quia mundare te volui, et non es mundata a sordibus tuis: sed nec mundaberis prius, donec quiescere faciam indignationem meam in te.
14 I, Yahweh, have said [that I will surely punish you]. [And it is time] for me to do that. I will not change my mind; I will not refrain from punishing you, and I will not pity you. I will judge you [and punish you] as you deserve to be punished for your sinful behavior. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh the Lord, have said it.”’”
Ego Dominus locutus sum: Veniet, et faciam: non transeam, nec parcam, nec placabor: iuxta vias tuas, et iuxta adinventiones tuas iudicabo te, dicit Dominus.
15 [One day] Yahweh gave me this message:
Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
16 “You human, I am going to suddenly take from [your wife], whom you love very much. [when she dies], do [show that you are] sad or lament or cry.
Fili hominis, ecce ego tollo a te desiderabile oculorum tuorum in plaga: et non planges, neque plorabis, neque fluent lacrymae tuae.
17 Groan quietly; do not cry [openly] for her. [Keep] your turban wrapped around your head, [instead of being barefoot, keep] your sandals on your feet. Do not cover the lower part of your [to show that you are sad]. And do not eat the kind of food that people who are mourning usually eat.”
Ingemisce tacens, mortuorum luctum non facies: corona tua circumligata sit tibi, et calceamenta tua erunt in pedibus tuis, nec amictu ora velabis, nec cibos lugentium comedes.
18 [one morning] I talked to the [as usual], and that evening my wife [suddenly] died. The next morning I did what [Yahweh] had told me to do.
Locutus sum ergo ad populum mane, et mortua est uxor mea vespere: fecique mane sicut praeceperat mihi.
19 Then the people asked me, “What do the things that you are doing signify to us?”
Et dixit ad me populus: Quare non indicas nobis quid ista significent, quae tu facis?
20 So I said to them, “[This is what] Yahweh told me:
Et dixi ad eos: Sermo Domini factus est ad me, dicens:
21 ‘Tell the Israeli people [MTY] that I am about to destroy the temple, [the building] that you are very proud of, the building that you delight to look at. Your children whom you [in Jerusalem when you were forced to come to Babylon] will be killed [their enemies’] swords.
Loquere domui Israel: Haec dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego polluam sanctuarium meum, superbiam imperii vestri, et desiderabile oculorum vestrorum, et super quo pavet anima vestra: et filii vestri, filiae vestrae, quas reliquistis, gladio cadent.
22 [When that happens], you will do like I have done: You will not cover the lower part of your faces, or eat the kinds of food that people who are mourning usually eat.
Et facietis sicut feci: Ora amictu non velabitis, et cibos lugentium non comedetis.
23 [You will keep] your turbans wrapped around your heads and [keep] your sandals on your feet. You will not mourn or cry, but your bodies will become very thin and slowly die because of your sins. And you will groan to each other.
Coronas habebitis in capitibus vestris, et calceamenta in pedibus: non plangetis neque flebitis, sed tabescetis in iniquitatibus vestris, et unusquisque gemet ad fratrem suum.
24 Ezekiel will be a warning to you, and you must do what he has done. When that happens, you will know that I, Yahweh the [have the power to do what I say that I will do].’”
Eritque Ezechiel vobis in portentum: iuxta omnia, quae fecit, facietis cum venerit istud: et scietis quia ego Dominus Deus.
25 [Then Yahweh said to me], “You human, [soon] I will destroy their sacred temple, which they rejoice about and which they respect and delight to look at, and [I will get rid of] their sons and daughters also.
Et tu fili hominis ecce in die, qua tollam ab eis fortitudinem eorum, et gaudium dignitatis, et desiderium oculorum eorum, super quo requiescunt animae eorum, filios, et filias eorum:
26 On that day, someone will escape [from Jerusalem] and come and tell you what has happened [there].
In die illa cum venerit fugiens ad te, ut annunciet tibi:
27 When that happens, you will be able to speak again [MTY] [without constraint]. You two will talk together [DOU]. You will be a warning to the people; and they will know that I, Yahweh the Lord, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”
In die, inquam, illa aperietur os tuum cum eo, qui fugit: et loqueris, et non silebis ultra: erisque eis in portentum, et scietis quia ego Dominus.

< Ezekiel 24 >