< Ezekiel 20 >

1 Almost seven years [King Jehoiachin and the rest of us had been captured and taken to Babylonia], on the tenth day of the fifth [of that year], some Israeli elders came to me to [if I had a message for them] from Yahweh.
El año séptimo, el mes quinto, a los diez días del mes, aconteció que algunos de los ancianos de Israel llegaron a consultar a Yavé, y se sentaron delante de mí.
2 Then Yahweh gave me a message. [He said, ]
Y la Palabra de Yavé vino a mí:
3 “You human, speak to the Israeli elders and say to them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: [say that] you have come to ask if there is any message from me [RHQ], but [as surely] as I am alive, I will [answer you if] you ask [to tell you] anything.’
Hijo de hombre, habla a los ancianos de Israel: ʼAdonay Yavé dice: ¿Ustedes vienen a consultarme? Vivo Yo, dice ʼAdonay Yavé, que no seré consultado por ustedes.
4 If you are [RHQ] willing to warn them, remind them of the detestable things that their ancestors did.
Júzgalos tú, hijo de hombre, júzgalos tú. Recuérdales las repugnancias de sus antepasados.
5 Then say to them, ‘On the day that I chose [you] Israeli [to belong to me], with my hand lifted up, I made a solemn promise to your [while they were still] in Egypt. I said to them, “I am Yahweh, your God.
Diles: ʼAdonay Yavé dice: El día cuando escogí a Israel, juré a los descendientes de la casa de Jacob. Me di a conocer a ellos en la tierra de Egipto y les juré: Yo soy Yavé su ʼElohim.
6 I will bring you out of Egypt and lead you to a land that I have chosen for you. It is a very fertile [IDM] and (very beautiful/more beautiful than any other) land.
Aquel día les juré que los sacaría de la tierra de Egipto a una tierra que Yo les escogí, que fluye leche y miel, la más bella de todas las tierras.
7 Each of you must get rid of the disgusting idols that you loved [IDM], and do not defile yourselves [worshiping] those [that you saw] in Egypt. I, Yahweh your God, [am saying this to you].”’
Les dije: Cada uno de ustedes eche las repugnancias de delante de él, y no se contaminen con los ídolos de Egipto. Yo, Yavé su ʼElohim.
8 But they rebelled against me. They would not pay attention to me. They did not get rid of the disgusting idols they loved, and they did not reject those [that they saw] in Egypt. So because I was angry with them, I said that I would punish [MTY] them in Egypt.
Pero ellos se rebelaron contra mí. No quisieron escucharme. No echó cada uno de delante de él mismo las repugnancias que tenían ante sus ojos, ni dejaron los ídolos de Egipto. Entonces dije que derramaría mi furor sobre ellos para cumplir mi furor contra ellos en la tierra de Egipto.
9 But for the sake of my own reputation, I decided to do something in order that I would not be dishonored by the people of the nations who would see it when I brought my people out of Egypt.
Pero actué por amor a mi Nombre para que no fuera profanado ante los ojos de los pueblos con los que vivían, ante los ojos de los cuales me di a conocer al sacarlos de la tierra de Egipto.
10 Therefore I led them out of Egypt and brought them into the desert.
Los saqué de la tierra de Egipto y los llevé al desierto.
11 I gave them [all] my laws and decrees [DOU], in order that they would obey them, and as a result they would live [for a long time].
Les di mis Estatutos y les informé sobre mis Ordenanzas, por las cuales vive el hombre que las cumpla.
12 Also, I established the Sabbath/rest days to be a symbol between us to show that I, Yahweh, had caused them to be set [from the other nations].
Les di también mis sábados como señal entre Mí y ellos, para que supieran que Yo soy Yavé, Quien los santifica.
13 But the Israeli people rebelled against me in the desert. They did not obey my commands [DOU]; they rejected them, even though they tell people who obey them that they will live [for a long time], and they profaned the Sabbath days. So I said that I would get rid of them in the desert, and that would show that I was very angry with them.
Pero la Casa de Israel se rebeló contra Mí en el desierto. No anduvieron según mis Estatutos, rechazaron mis Ordenanzas por las cuales vive el hombre que las cumple y profanaron grandemente mis sábados. Entonces dije que derramaría sobre ellos mi furor en el desierto hasta exterminarlos.
14 But [again], for the sake of my own reputation, I decided to do something else in order that I would not be dishonored/despised by [the people of] the nations who had seen me bring my people out of Egypt.
Pero actué por amor a mi Nombre para que no se profanara a la vista de los pueblos ante los ojos de quienes los saqué.
15 I lifted up my hand and solemnly declared to them in the desert that I would not take them into the land that [had promised to] give them, a land that was very fertile [IDM] and (very beautiful/more beautiful than any other) land.
También les juré en el desierto que no los llevaría a la tierra que les di, que fluye leche y miel, la cual es la más bella de todas las tierras.
16 The reason that I promised that was because they rejected and disobeyed all my laws [DOU] and (desecrated/refused to rest on) the Sabbath days. [They did that] because they [SYN] were devoted [worshiping] their idols.
Porque rechazaron mis Ordenanzas, no anduvieron según mis Estatutos y profanaron mis sábados, pues su corazón iba tras sus ídolos.
17 But, I still pitied them and did not get rid of [all of] them in the desert.
Sin embargo, mi ojo los perdonó en vez de destruirlos. No los aniquilé en el desierto,
18 I said to their children, ‘Do not do the things that your parents continually did, or defile yourselves [worshiping] their idols.
pero allá dije a sus hijos: No anden en los estatutos de sus antepasados, ni guarden sus leyes, ni se contaminen con sus ídolos.
19 I am Yahweh your God. Carefully obey [DOU] my laws and commands.
Yo soy Yavé su ʼElohim. Anden según mis Estatutos, guarden mis Ordenanzas y practíquenlas.
20 Respect my Sabbath days, in order that by doing that [PRS], it will remind you that you belong to me, Yahweh your God.’
Santifiquen mis sábados para que sean una señal entre Mí y ustedes, para que ustedes sepan que Yo soy Yavé su ʼElohim.
21 But their children [also] rebelled against me. They did not carefully obey my laws [DOU], [even though] the people who obey them will live [for a long time]; and they profaned the Sabbath days. So again I said that by getting rid of them in the desert, I would show that I was very angry with them.
Pero los hijos se rebelaron contra Mí. No anduvieron según mis Estatutos, ni guardaron ni cumplieron mis Ordenanzas por las cuales vive el hombre que las cumple y profanaron mis sábados. Entonces dije que derramaría mi ira sobre ellos, para cumplir mi furor en el desierto.
22 But I did not do that [IDM]. [Again, ] for the sake of my own reputation, I [decided to] do something in order that I would not be dishonored/despised by [the people of] the nations who had seen it when I brought my people out [of Egypt].
Pero retraje mi mano por causa de mi Nombre para que no fuera profanado entre los pueblos. Los saqué a la vista de ellos.
23 I lifted up my hand and solemnly declared to them in the desert that I would cause them to be scattered among [many] nations [DOU],
Les juré en el desierto que los esparciría y dispersaría por las tierras entre las naciones
24 because they had rejected and disobeyed all my laws [DOU] and desecrated the Sabbath days, and they had eagerly [to worship] the idols that their [had worshiped].
porque no practicaron mis Ordenanzas. Despreciaron mis Estatutos y profanaron mis sábados. Sus ojos estaban fijos en los ídolos de sus antepasados.
25 I also allowed them to obey laws that were not good, and laws that would not enable them to live [a long time if they obeyed them].
¿Les di Estatutos que no eran buenos y Ordenanzas por las cuales no podían vivir?
26 I allowed them to become unacceptable to me by their sacrificing their firstborn children in the fire. I did that in order that they would be horrified, and in order that they would know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
¿Los contaminé a causa de sus ofrendas cuando hacían pasar por el fuego a sus primogénitos? ¿Los desolé para que sepan que Yo soy Yavé?
27 Therefore, you human, speak to the Israeli people. Say this to them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says [to you]: This is one way that your ancestors dishonored me by turning away from me.
Por tanto hijo de hombre, habla a la Casa de Israel: ʼAdonay Yavé dice: Sin embargo, sus antepasados me blasfemaron al cometer esta traición contra Mí.
28 After I brought them into the land that I had solemnly promised to give to them, every time that they saw a high hill or a [big] green tree, they offered [to idols] there. They made offerings to them, and that caused me to become angry. They presented to those idols their fragrant burning incense, and poured out wine offerings to them.
Cuando los introduje en la tierra que juré darles, miraron hacia toda colina alta y hacia todo árbol frondoso. Allí hicieron sus sacrificios, presentaron su ofrenda ofensiva, quemaron su incienso agradable y derramaron sus libaciones.
29 [Then] I asked them, “Who [RHQ] [told you to worship at] a shrine like this, here on this hilltop?” So they are still called “hilltop shrines”.’
Y les pregunté: ¿Qué hay en ese lugar alto al cual ustedes van? Así que fue llamado Lugar Alto hasta hoy.
30 Therefore, say this to the Israeli people [MTY]: 'This is what Yahweh the Lord says: “You are going to [RHQ] defile yourselves like your ancestors did by strongly [to worship] their disgusting [statues of idols].
Por tanto dí a la Casa de Israel: ʼAdonay Yavé dice: ¿No se contaminan ustedes como sus antepasados y se prostituyen con sus ídolos repugnantes?
31 When you sacrifice your children in the fire, you are still continuing to make yourselves unacceptable to me [worshiping] your many idols. You Israeli people, should I allow you to [what I want you to do]? I, Yahweh the Lord, say that [as surely] as I am alive, [I will not answer] if you inquire.'
Porque al presentar sus ofrendas y pasar a sus hijos por el fuego, se siguen contaminando con todos sus ídolos hasta hoy. ¿Seré Yo consultado por ustedes, oh Casa de Israel? ¡Vivo Yo, dice ʼAdonay Yavé, que no seré consultado por ustedes!
32 You say, ‘We want to be like the [other] nations, like the [other] people-groups in the world. We want to [idols made of] wood and [like they do].’ But what you want will never happen.
Pero tampoco se realizarán los planes que vienen a su mente cuando dicen: Seremos como las naciones, como las demás familias de la tierra, que sirven al palo y a la piedra.
33 [I], Yahweh your Lord, say that [as surely] as I am alive, I will use my great power [DOU, MTY] to rule over you, and show that I am angry with you.
¡Vivo Yo! dice ʼAdonay Yavé, reinaré sobre ustedes con mano poderosa, brazo extendido y furor derramado.
34 With my great power I will gather you from the places to which you have been scattered,
Porque los sacaré de las tierras donde están esparcidos con mano poderosa, brazo extendido y furor derramado.
35 and I will bring you to a [that is surrounded] by [other] nations. There, while I am looking at you, I will judge you.
Los llevaré al desierto de los pueblos y allí entraré a juicio con ustedes cara a cara.
36 I will punish you, like I punished your ancestors in the desert near Egypt.
Como entré a juicio con sus antepasados en el desierto de la tierra de Egipto, entraré a juicio con ustedes, dice ʼAdonay Yavé.
37 I will count you [MTY] as you walk by, and I will force you to obey the agreement that I made with you.
Los pasaré bajo el cayado. Uno a uno entrará en las ataduras del Pacto.
38 I will get rid of those people among you who rebel [DOU] against me. Although I will bring them out [Babylonia], where they are now living, they will not enter Israel. Then you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
Apartaré de ustedes a los rebeldes, a los que se levantaron contra Mí. Los sacaré de la tierra de su peregrinación. Pero no entrarán en la tierra de Israel. Y sabrán que Yo soy Yavé.
39 As for you Israeli people [MTY], this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: 'Go and worship your idols now [IRO], each of you. But [afterwards], you will [surely] heed me and no longer dishonor me [MTY] by taking gifts to your idols.
A ustedes, Casa de Israel, ʼAdonay Yavé dice: Si a Mí no me escuchan, vaya cada uno, sirva a sus ídolos. Pero más tarde ciertamente no me escucharán, ni profanarán más mi santo Nombre con sus ofrendas y sus ídolos.
40 [I], Yahweh your Lord, declare that there on my sacred hill, [Zion], that high hill in Israel, you will bring gifts to me, and I will accept them. I will require you to bring to me gifts and offerings there, and your sacrifices that are dedicated to me.
Porque en mi Santa Montaña, la Alta Montaña de Israel, dice ʼAdonay Yavé, allí en la tierra me servirá la Casa de Israel, todos ellos. Allí los aceptaré y demandaré sus ofrendas, las primicias de sus presentes y todas sus cosas consagradas.
41 When I bring you out from the [other] nations [DOU] to which you have been scattered, I will accept [as though you were] fragrant incense. By doing that, I will show the people of other nations that I have set you apart to belong to me.
Cuando los saque de los pueblos y los reúna de los pueblos en los cuales están esparcidos, seré santificado por ustedes ante los ojos de las naciones.
42 Then, when I bring you into the land of Israel, the land that I solemnly promised with my hand lifted up that I would give to your ancestors, you will know that I, Yahweh, [have done it].
Sabrán que Yo soy Yavé cuando los trate por amor a mi Nombre, no según sus caminos ni según sus perversidades, oh Casa de Israel, dice ʼAdonay Yavé.
43 And [in Israel] you will remember how you conducted your lives [previously, you will remember] the actions that caused you to become unacceptable to me, and you will hate/despise yourselves for all the evil things that you have done.
Allí se acordarán de sus caminos, de todas sus obras en las cuales se contaminaron. Se aborrecerán ustedes mismos a causa de todos sus pecados que cometieron.
44 When I act toward you Israeli people to protect my reputation, and not [just] because of your evil deeds and corrupt behavior, you Israeli people will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].' That is what Yahweh the Lord declares.”
Sabrán que Yo soy Yavé cuando los trate por amor a mi Nombre, no según sus malos caminos ni sus obras perversas, oh Casa de Israel, dice ʼAdonay Yavé.
45 Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
Entonces la Palabra de Yavé vino a mí:
46 “You human, turn toward the south. Preach about what will happen to that dry land, to the forest there.
Hijo de hombre, pon tu rostro hacia Temán. Habla contra el sur, profetiza contra el bosque del Neguev.
47 Say to the forest in the [part of Israel]: 'Listen to this message that Yahweh the Lord is saying [about you]: “I am about to start a fire in your midst, and it will burn up all your trees, [both] the green trees and the withered/dry trees. Nothing will extinguish the blazing flames. And the fire will scorch the faces of everyone [who lives] in that area, from the south to the north.
Dí al bosque del Neguev: Escucha la Palabra de Yavé. ʼAdonay Yavé dice: Ciertamente Yo enciendo un fuego en ti, el cual consumirá todos tus árboles verdes y secos. La llama no se extinguirá. Todas las caras de sur a norte serán quemadas.
48 Everyone will see that it is I, Yahweh, who have lit this fire, and no one will [be able to] put it out.” '”
Todo ser viviente comprenderá que Yo, Yavé, la encendí. No será extinguida.
49 Then I said, “Yahweh, my Lord, [when I tell things like this to people, they do not believe me]. They say about me, ‘He is only telling parables.’”
Entonces dije: ¡Ah, ʼAdonay Yavé! Ellos dicen de mí: ¿Él no habla solo parábolas?

< Ezekiel 20 >