< Ezekiel 20 >

1 Almost seven years [King Jehoiachin and the rest of us had been captured and taken to Babylonia], on the tenth day of the fifth [of that year], some Israeli elders came to me to [if I had a message for them] from Yahweh.
O ruo, nʼọgwụgwụ ọnwa ise, nʼafọ nke asaa, ụfọdụ nʼime ndị okenye Izrel bịara ịjụta Onyenwe anyị ase. Ha nọdụrụ ala nʼihu m.
2 Then Yahweh gave me a message. [He said, ]
Mgbe ahụ, okwu Onyenwe anyị ruru m ntị, sị,
3 “You human, speak to the Israeli elders and say to them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: [say that] you have come to ask if there is any message from me [RHQ], but [as surely] as I am alive, I will [answer you if] you ask [to tell you] anything.’
“Nwa nke mmadụ, gwa ndị okenye Izrel okwu sị ha, ‘Otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị na-ajụ, Ọ bụ ịjụpụta ase nʼaka m ka unu bịara? Dịka mụ onwe m na-adị ndụ, agaghị m ekwe ka unu jụọ m ase ọbụla, ọ bụ ihe Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị kwubiri.’
4 If you are [RHQ] willing to warn them, remind them of the detestable things that their ancestors did.
“Ị ga-ekpe ha ikpe? Ị ga-ekpe ha ikpe, nwa nke mmadụ? Mee ka ha mara banyere ihe arụ niile nna nna ha mere.
5 Then say to them, ‘On the day that I chose [you] Israeli [to belong to me], with my hand lifted up, I made a solemn promise to your [while they were still] in Egypt. I said to them, “I am Yahweh, your God.
Gwa ha, ‘Otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị sịrị, nʼụbọchị m họpụtara Izrel, eweliri m aka m ṅụọrọ ya na ụmụ ya bụ ụlọ Jekọb iyi ma kpugheekwa onwe m gosi ha nʼala Ijipt. Site nʼiweli aka m, agwara m ha okwu sị, “Mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke unu.”
6 I will bring you out of Egypt and lead you to a land that I have chosen for you. It is a very fertile [IDM] and (very beautiful/more beautiful than any other) land.
Nʼụbọchị ahụ, aṅụụrụ m ha iyi na m ga-esi nʼala Ijipt dupụta ha baa nʼala nke m chọpụtara ha, ala mmiri ara ehi na mmanụ aṅụ na-eru na ya, bụ ala nke kachasị ibe ya mma.
7 Each of you must get rid of the disgusting idols that you loved [IDM], and do not defile yourselves [worshiping] those [that you saw] in Egypt. I, Yahweh your God, [am saying this to you].”’
Mgbe ahụ, agwara m ha, “Onye ọbụla nʼime unu, wezuganụ oyiyi ihe arụ niile ndị ahụ bụ nke unu legidere anya, unu ejikwala arụsị niile nke Ijipt merụọ onwe unu. Mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke unu.”
8 But they rebelled against me. They would not pay attention to me. They did not get rid of the disgusting idols they loved, and they did not reject those [that they saw] in Egypt. So because I was angry with them, I said that I would punish [MTY] them in Egypt.
“‘Ma ha nupuru isi megide m. Ha aṅaghị m ntị. Ha ewezugakwaghị oyiyi ihe arụ ndị a, bụ nke ha lekwasịrị anya, maọbụ hapụkwanụ arụsị niile nke ndị Ijipt. Nʼihi ya, aga m awụkwasị ha oke iwe m, meekwa ka iwe m zuo oke nʼahụ ha nʼIjipt.
9 But for the sake of my own reputation, I decided to do something in order that I would not be dishonored by the people of the nations who would see it when I brought my people out of Egypt.
Ma nʼihi aha m, e si m Ijipt kpọpụta ha. E mere m nke a ka a ghara imerụ aha m bụ nke dị nsọ, nʼanya ndị mba dị iche iche nʼetiti ndị ha binyere, bụ ndị mkpughere onwe m nye Izrel nʼihu ha.
10 Therefore I led them out of Egypt and brought them into the desert.
Nʼihi ya, esitere m nʼIjipt dupụta ha, dubata ha nʼọzara.
11 I gave them [all] my laws and decrees [DOU], in order that they would obey them, and as a result they would live [for a long time].
Nʼebe ahụ ka m nọ nye ha iwu m niile, gosikwa ha ụkpụrụ m, gwa ha na onye ọbụla debere ha ga-adị ndụ.
12 Also, I established the Sabbath/rest days to be a symbol between us to show that I, Yahweh, had caused them to be set [from the other nations].
Ọzọ, e nyekwara m ha ụbọchị izuike, ka ọ bụrụ ihe ịrịbama dị nʼetiti mụ na ha, ka ha maara na mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị, na-edo ha nsọ.
13 But the Israeli people rebelled against me in the desert. They did not obey my commands [DOU]; they rejected them, even though they tell people who obey them that they will live [for a long time], and they profaned the Sabbath days. So I said that I would get rid of them in the desert, and that would show that I was very angry with them.
“‘Ma ụlọ nke Izrel nupuru isi megide m. Nʼime ọzara ahụ, ha jụrụ idebe iwu m. Ha agbasoghị usoro m, ọ bụ ezie na ịgbaso ya pụtara ịdị ndụ. Ha edebeghị ụbọchị izuike m nsọ. Nʼihi ya, ekpebikwara m na m ga-awụkwasị ha iwe ọkụ m, ka m kpochapụ ha nʼime ọzara.
14 But [again], for the sake of my own reputation, I decided to do something else in order that I would not be dishonored/despised by [the people of] the nations who had seen me bring my people out of Egypt.
Ma nʼihi aha m, e mere m ihe ga-eme ka a ghara ime ya ka ọ hapụ ịdị nsọ nʼanya ndị mba niile, bụ ndị hụrụ mgbe m si Ijipt kpọpụta ha.
15 I lifted up my hand and solemnly declared to them in the desert that I would not take them into the land that [had promised to] give them, a land that was very fertile [IDM] and (very beautiful/more beautiful than any other) land.
Ma nʼime ọzara ahụ, eweliri m aka ṅụọrọ ha iyi na m agaghị eduba ha nʼala ahụ m nyere ha, ala mmiri ara ehi na mmanụ aṅụ na-eru na ya, ala ahụ kachasị ala niile ọzọ dị nʼụwa mma.
16 The reason that I promised that was because they rejected and disobeyed all my laws [DOU] and (desecrated/refused to rest on) the Sabbath days. [They did that] because they [SYN] were devoted [worshiping] their idols.
Nʼihi na ha jụrụ iwu m, ha jụkwara ịgbaso ụkpụrụ m niile. Ha merụrụ ụbọchị izuike m, nʼihi na obi ha niile dị nʼebe arụsị ha dị.
17 But, I still pitied them and did not get rid of [all of] them in the desert.
Ma eji m obi ebere lee ha anya ma ghara ịla ha nʼiyi. Ekpochapụghị m ha nʼọzara.
18 I said to their children, ‘Do not do the things that your parents continually did, or defile yourselves [worshiping] their idols.
Mgbe ahụ, agwara m ụmụ ha okwu nʼọzara, “Unu agbasola nzọ ụkwụ nna unu ha maọbụ debe iwu ha maọbụ jiri arụsị ha merụọ onwe unu.
19 I am Yahweh your God. Carefully obey [DOU] my laws and commands.
Mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe na Chineke gị. Gbasoonụ iwu m niile, lezie anya ka ị sorokwa ụzọ m niile.
20 Respect my Sabbath days, in order that by doing that [PRS], it will remind you that you belong to me, Yahweh your God.’
Doonụ ụbọchị izuike m nsọ, ka ha ghọọkwa ihe ịrịbama nʼetiti mụ na unu. Mgbe ahụ, unu ga-amata na mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe na Chineke unu.”
21 But their children [also] rebelled against me. They did not carefully obey my laws [DOU], [even though] the people who obey them will live [for a long time]; and they profaned the Sabbath days. So again I said that by getting rid of them in the desert, I would show that I was very angry with them.
“‘Ma ụmụ ahụ nupuru isi megide m. Ha ejegharịghị nʼụkpụrụ m, ha elezighị anya ka ha debe iwu nke m kwuru banyere ha, “Na onye ọbụla na-erubere ha isi ga-adị ndụ site na ha,” ha merụrụ ụbọchị izuike m. Nʼihi ya, asịrị m, Aga m awụkwasị ha ọnụma m, mezuokwa iwe m megide ha nʼọzara.
22 But I did not do that [IDM]. [Again, ] for the sake of my own reputation, I [decided to] do something in order that I would not be dishonored/despised by [the people of] the nations who had seen it when I brought my people out [of Egypt].
Ọzọkwa, eseghachiri m aka m, nʼihi aha m, e mere m ihe ga-eme ka a ghara ime ya ka ọ hapụ ịdị nsọ nʼanya ndị mba niile, bụ ndị hụrụ mgbe m si Ijipt kpọpụta ha
23 I lifted up my hand and solemnly declared to them in the desert that I would cause them to be scattered among [many] nations [DOU],
E jikwa m iweli aka elu ṅụọrọ ha iyi nʼime ọzara, na m ga-achụsasị ha nʼetiti mba niile, mee ka ha gbasaa nʼakụkụ niile nke ụwa,
24 because they had rejected and disobeyed all my laws [DOU] and desecrated the Sabbath days, and they had eagerly [to worship] the idols that their [had worshiped].
nʼihi na ha edebeghị iwu m, kama ha jụrụ ụkpụrụ niile, lelịa ma merụọkwa ụbọchị izuike m. Naanị ihe na-agụ ha bụ arụsị niile nke nna ha.
25 I also allowed them to obey laws that were not good, and laws that would not enable them to live [a long time if they obeyed them].
Ahapụrụ m ha ka ha nabatara onwe ha iwu na omenaala dị iche iche nke na-abaghị uru. Nʼihi na site nʼidebe omenaala ndị a, ha apụghị inweta ndụ.
26 I allowed them to become unacceptable to me by their sacrificing their firstborn children in the fire. I did that in order that they would be horrified, and in order that they would know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
E merụrụ ha site nʼonyinye ha, bụ, iji nwa mbụ ọbụla chụọ aja, ka m si otu a menye ha egwu ka ha mara na mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe.’
27 Therefore, you human, speak to the Israeli people. Say this to them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says [to you]: This is one way that your ancestors dishonored me by turning away from me.
“Ya mere, nwa nke mmadụ, gwa ụlọ Izrel okwu, sị ha, ‘Otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị na-ekwu, Nna unu ha kwuluru m na nke a, site na-ekwesighị ntụkwasị obi nye m.
28 After I brought them into the land that I had solemnly promised to give to them, every time that they saw a high hill or a [big] green tree, they offered [to idols] there. They made offerings to them, and that caused me to become angry. They presented to those idols their fragrant burning incense, and poured out wine offerings to them.
Mgbe m dubatara ha nʼala ahụ nke m ṅụrụ nʼiyi inye ha, ha hụrụ ugwu dị elu maọbụ osisi nwere ọtụtụ akwụkwọ, ebe ahụ ha chụrụ aja ha, nyekwa onyinye ha, si otu a kpasuo m iwe. Ha doro ha ihe ndị ahụ niile na-esi isi ụtọ, wụsakwara ha aja ihe ọṅụṅụ
29 [Then] I asked them, “Who [RHQ] [told you to worship at] a shrine like this, here on this hilltop?” So they are still called “hilltop shrines”.’
Ya mere a jụrụ m ha, Gịnị ka a na-akpọ ebe ịchụ aja a unu na-aga?’” (A na-akpọ ya Baama ruo taa.)
30 Therefore, say this to the Israeli people [MTY]: 'This is what Yahweh the Lord says: “You are going to [RHQ] defile yourselves like your ancestors did by strongly [to worship] their disgusting [statues of idols].
“Nʼihi nke a, gwa ụlọ Izrel, ‘Otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị kwuru: Unu ọ ga-emerụ onwe unu dịka nna nna unu ha mere site nʼịchụso oyiyi ihe arụ ha dị iche iche?
31 When you sacrifice your children in the fire, you are still continuing to make yourselves unacceptable to me [worshiping] your many idols. You Israeli people, should I allow you to [what I want you to do]? I, Yahweh the Lord, say that [as surely] as I am alive, [I will not answer] if you inquire.'
Mgbe unu na-enye onyinye unu, na-eme ka ụmụ unu site nʼọkụ gafee, unu na-aga nʼihu jiri arụsị unu niile na-emerụ onwe unu ruo taa. Mụ onwe m, m ga-ekwe ka unu jụta m ase, O ụlọ Izrel? Dịka mụ onwe m na-adị ndụ, otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị kwubiri, agaghị m ekwe ka unu jụọ m ase.
32 You say, ‘We want to be like the [other] nations, like the [other] people-groups in the world. We want to [idols made of] wood and [like they do].’ But what you want will never happen.
“‘Unu na-ekwu nʼobi unu sị, “Anyị chọrọ ịdị ka mba ndị ọzọ, dịka agbụrụ ndị ọzọ nọ nʼụwa, ndị na-akpọ isiala nye osisi na nkume.” Ma ihe unu bu nʼobi agaghị emezu.
33 [I], Yahweh your Lord, say that [as surely] as I am alive, I will use my great power [DOU, MTY] to rule over you, and show that I am angry with you.
Dịka m na-adị ndụ, aga m eji aka ike na ogwe aka e setịrị eseti nakwa nwụpụ nke oke iwe m chịa unu, otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị kwubiri ya.
34 With my great power I will gather you from the places to which you have been scattered,
Aga m akpọpụta unu site na mba dị iche iche, chịkọtaa unu site na mba ndị ahụ a chụsasịrị unu. Ọ bụ aka m dị ike, aka m setịpụrụ na ọnụma a wụpụrụ ka m ga-eji mee ya.
35 and I will bring you to a [that is surrounded] by [other] nations. There, while I am looking at you, I will judge you.
Aga m akpọbata unu nʼọzara nke mba niile, nọdụ nʼebe ahụ kpee unu ikpe nʼihu nʼihu.
36 I will punish you, like I punished your ancestors in the desert near Egypt.
Dịka m kpere nna nna unu ha ikpe nʼọzara nke dị nʼala Ijipt, otu a ka m ga-esi kpee unu ikpe, otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị kwubiri.
37 I will count you [MTY] as you walk by, and I will force you to obey the agreement that I made with you.
Aga m eme ka unu si nʼokpuru mkpanaka m gafee, aga m akpọbata unu na njikọ nke ọgbụgba ndụ ahụ.
38 I will get rid of those people among you who rebel [DOU] against me. Although I will bring them out [Babylonia], where they are now living, they will not enter Israel. Then you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
Aga m esi nʼetiti unu wezuga ndị na-ekwe ntị ike ma na-enupu isi megide m. Ọ bụ ezie na m ga-akpọpụta ha site nʼala ahụ ha bi, ma ha agaghị abata nʼala Izrel. Mgbe ahụ, unu ga-amata na mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị.
39 As for you Israeli people [MTY], this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: 'Go and worship your idols now [IRO], each of you. But [afterwards], you will [surely] heed me and no longer dishonor me [MTY] by taking gifts to your idols.
“‘Ma banyere unu, bụ ụlọ Izrel, nke a bụ ihe Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị na-ekwu: Gaanụ fee arụsị unu niile dị iche iche, onye ọbụla nʼime unu. Ma emesịa, unu aghaghị ịṅa m ntị, ọ dịghịkwa mgbe unu ga-eji onyinye na arụsị unu niile merụọ aha nsọ m.
40 [I], Yahweh your Lord, declare that there on my sacred hill, [Zion], that high hill in Israel, you will bring gifts to me, and I will accept them. I will require you to bring to me gifts and offerings there, and your sacrifices that are dedicated to me.
Nʼihi na ọ bụ nʼelu ugwu m dị nsọ, nke bụ elu ugwu ukwu nke Izrel, ka Izrel niile ga-anọ fee m. Nʼebe ahụ ka m ga-anọkwa nabata onyinye unu na onyinye pụrụ iche unu, na aja nsọ unu dị iche iche. Otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị kwubiri.
41 When I bring you out from the [other] nations [DOU] to which you have been scattered, I will accept [as though you were] fragrant incense. By doing that, I will show the people of other nations that I have set you apart to belong to me.
Aga m anabatakwa unu dịka onyinye ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ, mgbe m si na mba dị iche iche kpọlata unu, mgbe m ga-achịkọta unu site nʼobodo ahụ niile a chụgara unu. Mgbe ahụ, mba niile ga-amata na m dị nsọ.
42 Then, when I bring you into the land of Israel, the land that I solemnly promised with my hand lifted up that I would give to your ancestors, you will know that I, Yahweh, [have done it].
Mgbe m mere ka unu lọta nʼala Izrel, bụ ala ahụ m weliri aka elu ṅụọ iyi inye nna nna unu ha, unu ga-amata na mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị.
43 And [in Israel] you will remember how you conducted your lives [previously, you will remember] the actions that caused you to become unacceptable to me, and you will hate/despise yourselves for all the evil things that you have done.
Nʼebe ahụ, unu ga-echeta obibi ndụ na omume mmehie niile unu ji merụọ onwe unu. Unu ga-asọkwa onwe unu oyi, nʼihi ihe ọjọọ niile unu mere.
44 When I act toward you Israeli people to protect my reputation, and not [just] because of your evil deeds and corrupt behavior, you Israeli people will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].' That is what Yahweh the Lord declares.”
Unu ga-amata na mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị, mgbe m mesochara unu mmeso nʼihi aha m, na-agụghị ajọ omume unu maọbụ otu ụzọ ọjọọ niile unu si dị, unu bụ ụlọ Izrel. Otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara.’”
45 Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
Okwu Onyenwe anyị ruru m ntị, sị,
46 “You human, turn toward the south. Preach about what will happen to that dry land, to the forest there.
“Nwa nke mmadụ, chee ihu gị nʼụzọ ndịda. Kwuokwa okwu megide ala ahụ dị na ndịda, na oke ọhịa niile dị na ndịda.
47 Say to the forest in the [part of Israel]: 'Listen to this message that Yahweh the Lord is saying [about you]: “I am about to start a fire in your midst, and it will burn up all your trees, [both] the green trees and the withered/dry trees. Nothing will extinguish the blazing flames. And the fire will scorch the faces of everyone [who lives] in that area, from the south to the north.
Sị oke ọhịa ndịda ahụ, ‘Nụrụ okwu nke Onyenwe anyị. Otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị kwuru: Ana m akwado isunye gị ọkụ, nke ga-erechapụ osisi niile dị nʼime gị, ma ndị dị ndụ ma ndị kpọnwụrụ akpọnwụ. A pụghị imenyụ oke ọkụ ahụ, ọ ga-erechapụkwa ihu niile site na ndịda ruo nʼugwu niile.
48 Everyone will see that it is I, Yahweh, who have lit this fire, and no one will [be able to] put it out.” '”
Ihe niile bụ mmadụ, ga-ahụ na mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị, sunyere ọkụ ahụ. A gaghị emenyụkwa ya.’”
49 Then I said, “Yahweh, my Lord, [when I tell things like this to people, they do not believe me]. They say about me, ‘He is only telling parables.’”
Mgbe ahụ, ekwuru m sị, “Ewoo, Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị ha na-ekwu banyere m, sị, ‘Ọ bụghị naanị ilu ka ọ na-atụ?’”

< Ezekiel 20 >