< Ezekiel 2 >
1 He said to me, “You human, stand up while I speak to you.”
Y me dijo: “Hijo de hombre, ponte en pie y Yo te hablaré.”
2 While he spoke to me, [God’s] Spirit entered me and enabled me to stand up. Then I heard him speak to me.
Y después que me habló entró en mí el Espíritu, el cual me puso sobre mis pies; y escuché a Aquel que me hablaba.
3 He said, “You human, I will send you to the Israeli people. They are people who have turned away from me and rebelled against me. Their ancestors rebelled against me, and they themselves are still rebelling against me.
Y me dijo: “Hijo de hombre, te envío a los hijos de Israel, a esos gentiles apóstatas que se han rebelado contra Mí. Ellos y sus padres han pecado contra Mí, hasta este mismo día.
4 The people to whom I will send you are very stubborn [DOU]. But say to them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says to you.’
Hijos de rostro duro y de corazón obstinado son aquellos a quienes te envío y les dirás: «Así dice Yahvé el Señor.»
5 [when you tell them my messages], perhaps those rebellious people will heed those messages and perhaps they will not heed them, but they will know [you are] a prophet who has been among them.
Te oigan o no te oigan —porque son una casa rebelde— por lo menos han de conocer que hay un profeta en medio de ellos.
6 And you human, you must not be afraid of them or afraid of what they say. [Living among them will be like] living in the midst of briers or scorpions, but do not be afraid of them. They are rebellious people [MTY], but do not allow them to cause you to become afraid.
Tú, pues, oh hijo de hombre, no los temas, ni tengas miedo de sus palabras, aunque ellos son cardos y espinas para contigo y tú habitas en medio de escorpiones. No temas sus palabras, ni tengas miedo de sus rostros; porque son una casa rebelde.
7 Tell them my message, but do not expect them to pay attention to it, because they [very] rebellious.
Les dirás mis palabras, ora que oigan, ora que no oigan; porque son rebeldes.
8 But human, you must pay attention to what I say. Do not be rebellious like they are. [Now] open your mouth and eat what I give to you.”
Oye, oh hijo de hombre, lo que te voy a decir: No seas tú rebelde como esa casa de rebeldía; abre tu boca, y come lo que te voy a dar.”
9 Then, as I watched, I saw his hand that was stretched toward me. In his hand was a scroll.
Yo miré, y vi una mano que se tendía hacia mí, y he aquí en ella el rollo de un libro.
10 He unrolled the scroll. On both sides of it were written words that expressed sorrow and mourning and words about trouble/disaster.
Lo desenvolvió delante de mí, y estaba escrito por dentro y por fuera; y lo escrito en él eran cantos lúgubres, lamentaciones y ayes.