< Ezekiel 2 >

1 He said to me, “You human, stand up while I speak to you.”
Han sagde til mig: "Menneskesøn stå op på dine fødder så jeg kan tale med dig!"
2 While he spoke to me, [God’s] Spirit entered me and enabled me to stand up. Then I heard him speak to me.
Og som han talede til mig, kom Ånden i mig og rejste mig på mine Fødder, og jeg hørte ham tale til mig.
3 He said, “You human, I will send you to the Israeli people. They are people who have turned away from me and rebelled against me. Their ancestors rebelled against me, and they themselves are still rebelling against me.
Han sagde: "Menneskesøn! Jeg sender dig til Israeliterne, de genstridige, der har sat sig op imod mig; de og deres Fædre har forbrudt sig imod mig til den Dag i Dag.
4 The people to whom I will send you are very stubborn [DOU]. But say to them, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says to you.’
Og Sønnerne har stive Ansigter og hårde Hjerter; jeg sender dig til dem, og du skal sige: Så siger den Herre HERREN!
5 [when you tell them my messages], perhaps those rebellious people will heed those messages and perhaps they will not heed them, but they will know [you are] a prophet who has been among them.
Hvad enten de hører eller ej - thi de er en genstridig Slægt - skal de kende, at en Profet er kommet iblandt dem.
6 And you human, you must not be afraid of them or afraid of what they say. [Living among them will be like] living in the midst of briers or scorpions, but do not be afraid of them. They are rebellious people [MTY], but do not allow them to cause you to become afraid.
Men du, Menneskesøn frygt ikke for dem og vær ikke ræd for deres Ord, når du færdes mellem Nælder og Tidsler og bor blandt Skorpioner; frygt ikke for deres Ord og vær ikke ræd for deres Ansigter, thi de er en genstridig Slægt.
7 Tell them my message, but do not expect them to pay attention to it, because they [very] rebellious.
Du skal tale mine Ord til dem, hvad enten de hører eller ej, thi de er en genstridig Slægt.
8 But human, you must pay attention to what I say. Do not be rebellious like they are. [Now] open your mouth and eat what I give to you.”
Og du, Menneskesøn, hør, hvad jeg taler til dig! Vær ikke genstridig som den genstridige Slægt, men luk din Mund op og slug, hvad jeg her giver dig! "
9 Then, as I watched, I saw his hand that was stretched toward me. In his hand was a scroll.
Og jeg skuede, og se, en Hånd var udrakt imod mig, og i den lå en Bogrulle;
10 He unrolled the scroll. On both sides of it were written words that expressed sorrow and mourning and words about trouble/disaster.
og han rullede den op for mig, - og der var skrevet på den både for og bag; og hvad der stod skrevet, var Klage, Suk og Ve.

< Ezekiel 2 >