< Ezekiel 19 >

1 [Yahweh said to me, “Ezekiel], sing a sad funeral [a which will be a parable] [two of the] kings of Israel.
“Chema pamusoro pamachinda eIsraeri
2 Say [to the Israeli people], ‘[It is as though] [MET] your mother was a brave female lion who raised her cubs among [other] lions.
uti: “‘Mai vako vaiva shumbakadzi yakadii pakati peshumba! Yaivata pasi pakati peshumba duku uye yairera vana vayo.
3 She taught one of them to [for other animals to kill], and he [even] learned [kill and] eat people.
Yakarera mumwe mwana wayo, ikava shumba yakasimba. Yakadzidza kubvambura nyama, uye yaidya vanhu.
4 [When people from other] nations heard about him, they trapped him in a pit. Then they used hooks to drag him to Egypt.
Ndudzi dzakanzwa nezvayo, dzikaibata muhunza yadzo. Vakaenda nayo nezvikokovono kunyika yeIjipiti.
5 His mother waited for him [to return], but [soon] she stopped hoping/expecting [that he would return]. So she raised another cub who [also] became very fierce.
“‘Yakati ichiona kuti tariro yayo haina kuzadziswa, yarasikirwa nezvayakanga yakatarisira, yakatora mumwe wevana vayo ndokumuita shumba yakasimba.
6 He hunted along with [other] [for animals to kill], and he even learned [kill and] eat people.
Yakafamba ichinyahwaira pakati peshumba, nokuti yakanga yava shumba ine simba zvino. Yakadzidza kubvambura chayabata uye yaidya vanhu.
7 He destroyed forts, and he ruined cities. When he roared [loudly], everyone was terrified.
Yakakoromora nhare dzavo uye ikaparadza maguta avo. Nyika navose vaivamo vakavhundutswa nokuomba kwayo.
8 So [people of other] nations planned to kill him, and men came from many places to spread out a net for him, and they caught him in a trap.
Ipapo ndudzi dzakarwisana nayo, vaya vaibva kumatunhu akapoteredza. Vakaikandira mambure, iyo ndokubatwa muhunza yavo.
9 They tied him with chains and took him to Babylonia. And [there] he was locked in a prison, with the result that [no one on] the hills of Israel ever heard him roar again.’ [Also, say to the Israeli people, ]
Vakaipinza muchizarira nezvikokovono vakandoiisa kuna mambo weBhabhironi. Vakaiisa mutorongo, saka kuomba kwayo hakuna kuzonzwikwazve pamakomo aIsraeri.
10 ‘[It is as though] [SIM] your mother was a grapevine that was planted along a stream. There was plenty of water, so it had lots of branches and produced [a lot of] grapes.
“‘Mai vako vakanga vakaita somuzambiringa mumunda wako wemizambiringa, wakasimwa pane mvura; wakanga une zvibereko uye uzere namatavi nokuda kwemvura zhinji.
11 That grapevine grew and became taller than all the nearby trees; [everyone could] see that it was very strong and healthy. And those branches were good for making scepters that symbolize the power/ [of a king].
Matavi awo akanga akasimba, akanakira kuva tsvimbo yomutongi. Wakanga wakareba kwazvo pamusoro pamatavi makobvu akapfumvutira, waionekera kumusoro-soro nokuda kwourefu hwawo, uye nokuda kwamatavi awo mazhinji.
12 [Yahweh] became very angry, so he pulled up the vine by its roots and threw it on the ground, where the [very hot] winds from the desert dried up all its fruit. The strong branches wilted and were burned in a fire.
Asi wakadzurwa nehasha ndokukandwa pasi. Mhepo yokumabvazuva yakauomesa, ukazunzwa michero yawo; matavi awo akasimba akaoma, uye moto ukaapisa.
13 Now that vine has been planted in a hot, dry desert.
Zvino wakasimwa mugwenga, munyika yakaoma ine nyota.
14 A fire started to burn its stem, and then started to burn the branches and burned all the grapes. [Now] not [even] one strong branch remains; they will never become scepters for a king.’ That funeral song must be sung very sadly.”
Moto wakapambira uchibva kune rimwe davi rawo guru ndokupisa michero yawo. Hapana davi rakasimba rakasara pauri rakanakira kuva tsvimbo yomutongi.’ Uku kuchema uye kunofanira kushandiswa pakuchema.”

< Ezekiel 19 >