< Ezekiel 18 >

1 Yahweh gave me another message. [He said, ]
Pawòl SENYÈ a te vin kote mwen. Li te di:
2 “You people quote [RHQ] this proverb [and say that it is] about Israel: ‘Parents/People eat sour grapes, but it is their children who have a very sour taste in their mouths', [which means that you think that it is not fair for you to be punished for your ancestors’ sins].
“Kisa sa vle di lè ou sèvi pwovèb sa a konsènan peyi Israël e di: ‘Papa yo manje rezen si yo, epi dan timoun yo va kanpe apik’?
3 But [I], Yahweh the Lord, declare that [as surely] as I am alive, you Israeli people will no longer quote that proverb.
“Jan Mwen viv la”, deklare Senyè BONDYE a: “nou p ap itilize pwovèb sa a an Israël ankò.
4 Everyone [who is alive] belongs to me. That includes children and their parents; they all belong to me. And it is those who sin who will [because of their sins].
Gade byen, tout nanm yo se pa M yo ye. Nanm a papa a ansanm ak nanm a fis la se pa M. Nanm ki peche a, se li k ap mouri.
5 [So, ] suppose there is a righteous person [always] does what is fair and right [DOU].
“Men si yon nonm dwat e li aji ak jistis ak ladwati,
6 He does not [meat sacrificed to idols] on the hilltops, he does not request help from idols. He does not have sex with someone else’s wife or have sex with a woman during her monthly menstrual period.
pou l pa manje nan lotèl mòn yo, ni leve zye li vè zidòl lakay Israël yo, ni souye ak madanm vwazen li, ni pwoche yon fanm pandan lè règ li—
7 He does not mistreat/oppress people; if [borrows money from him and gives him his cloak to guarantee that he will pay the money back], he always gives the cloak back to that [before the sun goes down]. He does not rob people. He gives food to hungry people. He gives clothing to people who need clothes.
Si yon nonm pa oprime okenn moun, men remèt a sila ki te prete li sa li te pwomèt, epi pa fè vòl, men bay pen li a sila ki grangou e kouvri moun toutouni ak rad,
8 When he lends money to people, he does not [do it just to] charge big interest. He does not do [SYN] things that are evil. He [always] decides things fairly.
si li pa prete moun lajan ak enterè, ni pran plis, si li gade men l pou l pa fè inikite, e egzekite yon vrè jistis antre moun ak moun,
9 He faithfully obeys all [DOU] my laws. That man is truly righteous; he will remain alive. [That is what I, ] Yahweh the Lord, promise.
si li mache nan règleman Mwen yo, ak lòd Mwen yo pou l aji ak fidelite; li se yon moun dwat, e anverite, li va viv,” deklare Senyè BONDYE a.
10 But suppose that man has a son who acts violently, who murders people and does any of these other things, even though his father has not done any of them:
“Alò, li kapab gen yon fis ki volè, ki vèse san, e ki fè nenpòt nan bagay sa yo,
11 He [meat sacrificed to idols] on the hilltops. He has sex with other people’s wives.
o malgre li pa t fè okenn nan bagay sa yo, men li konn manje kote lotèl mòn yo e souye ak madanm a vwazen li,
12 He mistreats/oppresses poor and needy people. He robs people. If someone gives him his cloak to [that he will pay the money back], he never gives the cloak back to [before the sun goes down]. He seeks help from idols. He does [other] detestable things.
Oprime malere ak endijan, te fè vòl desepsyon an, pa remèt sa li pwomèt, epi te leve zye li a zidòl, te komèt abominasyon,
13 When he lends money, he [very big] interest. If you think that such a person [be allowed to] remain alive [RHQ], you are certainly wrong. Because he has done those detestable things, he will surely be executed, and it will be his own fault [IDM].
te prete lajan sou enterè pou l pran benefis sou malere; èske l ap viv? Li p ap viv! Li te komèt tout abominasyon sila yo; anverite, li va mouri. San li va tonbe sou pwòp tèt li.
14 But suppose that man has a son who sees all the sins that his father commits, but he does not do those things:
“Alò, gade byen, si li gen yon fis ki te wè tout peche papa l te komèt, e lè l wè sa, li fè lakrent pou l pa fè menm jan.
15 He does not [meat sacrificed to idols] on the hilltops. He does not request help from idols. He does not have sex with other people’s wives.
“Li pa manje nan lotèl mòn yo ni leve zye li a zidòl lakay Israël yo, ni souye ak madanm vwazen li,
16 He does not mistreat/oppress people. If he lends money to someone, he does not require that person to give him his cloak to guarantee that he will pay the money back. He does not rob anyone. He gives food to those who need it. He gives clothes to those who need clothes.
Ni oprime okenn moun, ni refize remèt sa li te pwomèt pou l te fè, ni pa vòlè, men li bay pen li a moun grangou yo e kouvri sila ki toutouni yo ak rad,
17 He does not commit sins, [like his father did], and does not charge big interest [DOU] when he lends money. He faithfully obeys [all] [DOU] my laws. That person will not be executed for his father’s sins; he will surely remain alive.
Li retire men li sou malere a, li pa egzije enterè, ni pwofi, men li fè règleman Mwen yo e mache nan lòd mwen yo; li p ap mouri pou inikite a papa li. Anverite, li va viv.
18 But his father will be executed for the sins that he committed, because he cheated people and robbed people and did [other] things that are evil.
Alò, pou papa li, akoz li te pratike opresyon, te vòlè frè li, e te fè sa ki pa t bon pami pèp li a, gade byen, li va mouri nan inikite li a.
19 [If] you ask, ‘Why should the [man’s] son not (suffer/be punished) for the evil things that his father did?’, [I will answer that] the son has done what is fair and right [DOU] and has obeyed all my laws, so he will surely remain alive.
“Malgre sa, ou di: ‘Poukisa fis la pa pote pinisyon pou inikite a papa li? Lè fis la pratike jistis ak ladwati, swiv tout lòd Mwen yo e fè yo, anverite, li va viv.
20 It is those who sin who will [because of their sins]. People will not be punished for the sins of their parents, or for the sins of their children. Good/Righteous people will be rewarded for their being good/righteous, and evil people will be punished for [doing] evil.
Moun ki fè peche a va mouri. Fis la p ap pote pinisyon pou linikite a papa li, ni papa a p ap chaje ak pinisyon pou peche a fis la. Ladwati a moun ki dwat va sou pwòp tèt pa li e mechanste a mechan an va sou pwòp tèt li.
21 But if a wicked person (turns away from/quits) doing all the evil things that he did previously, and if he starts to obey faithfully all my laws, and does what is fair and right [DOU], he will surely remain alive; he will not be executed.
“Men si moun mechan an vire kite tout peche ke li te konn komèt yo pou vin swiv tout règleman Mwen yo, e pratike lajistis ak ladwati, anverite, li va viv, li p ap mouri.
22 He will not be punished for the sins he committed [previously]. Because of the good/righteous things that he has done [since that time], he [be allowed to] remain alive.
Tout transgresyon ke li te konn komèt yo, p ap sonje ankò kont li. Akoz ladwati ke li te vin pratike a, li va viv.
23 [I], Yahweh the Lord, declare that I certainly am not [RHQ] happy about wicked people dying. Instead, I am happy when they turn away from their wicked behavior, [because of that, they] remain alive.
Èske Mwen pran plezi nan lanmò a mechan yo?” deklare Senyè BONDYE a: “pou M pa pito ke li ta vire kite chemen li an pou viv?”
24 But if a righteous person stops doing righteous things and [starts to] commit sins and does the same detestable things that wicked people do, he will certainly not [RHQ] [be allowed to] remain alive. I will not think about the righteous things that he did previously. Because he did not [do what pleases me], and because of [all] the sins that he has committed, he will be executed.
“Men, lè yon nonm ladwati vire kite ladwati li a, komèt inikite e fè selon tout abominasyon ke yon nonm mechan konn fè, èske li va viv? Tout zèv ladwati ke li te konn fè yo, p ap sonje akoz trèt ke li te fè ak peche ke li te komèt la. Nan peche li ke li te peche a, li va mouri.
25 But you say, ‘Yahweh does not act fairly!’ You Israeli people, listen to what I say: It is certainly not [RHQ] what I do that is unfair, it is what you continually do that is not fair/right!
“Men nou di: ‘Wout Senyè pa dwat.’ Koute koulye a, O lakay Israël! Èske wout Mwen an pa dwat? Èske chemen Mwen pa nivo? Èske se pa chemen pa nou an ki pa nivo?
26 If a righteous person (turns away from/quits) doing what is righteous and commits sins, he will [for committing those sins].
Lè yon moun ladwati vire kite ladwati li, komèt inikite e mouri akoz li, pou inikite ke li te komèt la, li mouri nan inikite li te fè a.
27 But if a wicked person turns away from doing wicked things and does what is just and right [DOU], he will save [from being executed/punished].
Ankò, lè yon nonm mechan vire kite mechanste ke li te komèt pou pratike lajistis ak ladwati, li va sove nanm li vivan.
28 Because he has thought about all the evil things that he did and has turned away from doing them, he will [be allowed to] live. He will not be executed [for having done evil things].
Akoz li te konsidere, e te vire kite tout transgresyon ke li te konn komèt yo, li va anverite viv. Li p ap mouri.
29 But [you] Israeli people [MTY] say, ‘Yahweh does not act fairly.’ You people of Israel, my behavior is certainly not [RHQ] unfair! It is your behavior that is not right.
Men lakay Israël ap di: ‘Wout Senyè a pa dwat.’ Èske wout Mwen yo pa dwat, O lakay Israël? Èske se pa wout pa ou yo ki pa dwat?
30 Therefore, you Israeli people [MTY], I, Yahweh the Lord, will judge each of you according to what you have done. Repent! Turn [away] from all your wicked behavior! Then you will not be destroyed [PRS] because of your sins.
“Akoz sa a, Mwen va jije nou, O lakay Israël, chak moun selon kondwit li,” deklare Senyè BONDYE a. “Repanti e vire kite tout transgresyon nou yo, pou inikite sa a pa devni yon wòch chite ki pou fè nou tonbe.
31 Get rid of all your wicked behavior, and get a new way of thinking [IDM, DOU]. You Israeli people [MTY], (do you really want to be executed for your sins?/you act as though you want to be executed [for your sins]) [RHQ].
Jete lwen nou tout transgresyon ke nou konn komèt yo, epi fè pou tèt nou yon kè tounèf avèk yon lespri tounèf! Paske poukisa ou ta mouri, O lakay Israël?
32 [I], Yahweh the Lord, declare that I am not pleased about your dying. So repent, and remain alive!”
Paske Mwen pa pran plezi nan lanmò a okenn moun ki mouri,” deklare Senyè BONDYE a. “Akoz sa, repanti pou viv.”

< Ezekiel 18 >