< Ezekiel 14 >

1 One day some of the elders of Israel came to me and sat down in front of me.
E vieram a mim alguns homens dos anciãos de Israel, e se assentaram diante de mim.
2 Then Yahweh gave me this message:
Então veiu a mim a palavra do Senhor, dizendo:
3 “You human, these men want to [IDM] worship idols, and they are allowing idols to induce them to sin [IDM]. So I will certainly [RHQ] answer them if they ask me for advice.
Filho do homem, estes homens levantaram os seus idolos sobre os seus corações, e o tropeço da sua maldade pozeram diante da sua face; porventura pois devéras me perguntam?
4 So say this to them: ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: When any Israeli person wants to worship idols which will induce him to sin, and he goes to a [to get advice], I, Yahweh, will give him the answer that he deserves to receive because he worship idols.
Portanto falla com elles, e dize-lhes: Assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Qualquer homem da casa de Israel, que levantar os seus idolos sobre o seu coração, e o tropeço da sua maldade pozer diante da sua face, e vier ao propheta, eu, o Senhor, vindo elle, lhe responderei conforme a multidão dos seus idolos;
5 [I will do that] in order that the Israeli people, who have abandoned me in order to worship their idols, will sincerely [IDM] worship me again.’
Para apanhar a casa de Israel no seu coração, porquanto todos se apartaram de mim para seguirem os seus idolos.
6 Therefore, say to the Israeli people, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: (Repent/Stop sinning)! Stop worshiping your idols, and stop all your [other] detestable behavior!’
Portanto dize á casa de Israel: Assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Convertei-vos, e deixae-vos converter dos vossos idolos; e desviae os vossos rostos de todas as vossas abominações.
7 When any of [you] Israeli people or any foreigner living among you turns away from me and starts worshiping idols [IDM] that induce him to sin, and then goes to a prophet to find out what I want him to do, I myself will answer him.
Porque qualquer homem da casa de Israel, e dos estrangeiros que peregrinam em Israel, que se alienar de mim, e levantar os seus idolos sobre o seu coração, e pozer o tropeço da sua maldade diante do seu rosto, e vier ao propheta, para me consultar por meio d'elle, eu, o Senhor, lhe responderei por mim mesmo.
8 I will show that I detest him, and [what happens to] him to be a warning [to others], and cause him to be someone whom people despise. I will cause him to no longer be allowed to associate with my people. Then you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
E porei o meu rosto contra o tal homem, e o assolarei para que sirva de signal e de dictado, e arrancal-o-hei do meio do meu povo: e sabereis que eu sou o Senhor.
9 And if a prophet is deceived and gives a false prophecy, [even though] I [allowed him to] give that message, I will get rid of him and remove him from among my Israeli people.
E quando o propheta se deixar persuadir, e fallar alguma coisa, eu, o Senhor, persuadi esse propheta; e estenderei a minha mão contra elle, e destruil-o-hei do meio do meu povo Israel,
10 Both the prophet and the one who asks him for advice will be guilty, [and I will punish both of them].
E levarão a sua maldade: como fôr a maldade do que pergunta, assim será a maldade do propheta;
11 Then you Israeli people will no longer abandon me, and you will no longer become unacceptable to me because of your sins. You will be my people, and I will be your God. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, say.”
Para que a casa de Israel não se desvie mais d'após mim, nem se contamine mais com todas as suas transgressões: então elles me serão por povo, e eu lhes serei por Deus, diz o Senhor Jehovah.
12 Yahweh gave me another message. [He said],
Veiu ainda a mim a palavra do Senhor, dizendo:
13 “You human, [the people of some] country sin against me by abandoning me, and I punish [IDM] them by cutting off their food supply and by sending a famine, with the result that people and animals die,
Filho do homem, quando uma terra peccar contra mim, gravemente rebellando, então estenderei a minha mão contra ella, e lhe quebrarei o sustento do pão, e enviarei contra ella fome, e arrancarei d'ella homens e animaes:
14 even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were there, they would save only themselves because of their being righteous. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.
Ainda que estivessem no meio d'ella estes tres homens, Noé, Daniel e Job, elles pela sua justiça livrariam sómente a sua alma, diz o Senhor Jehovah.
15 Or, if I send wild animals throughout the country, and they attack and [many of] [HYP] the people, with the result that travel in that country becomes very dangerous and no one travels through that country,
Se eu fizer passar pela terra as más bestas, e ellas a despojarem de filhos, que ella seja assolada, e ninguem possa passar por ella por causa das bestas;
16 [as surely] as I am alive, even if those three men were in that country, they could not save [even their own] sons or [from being killed]. Only those [three] would (be saved/remain alive), and the country would become desolate. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.
E estes tres homens estivessem no meio d'ella, vivo eu, diz o Senhor Jehovah, que nem a filhos nem a filhas livrariam; elles só ficariam livres, e a terra seria assolada.
17 Or, if I bring enemy soldiers [MTY] to attack that country, and they kill [MTY] people and animals throughout that country with their swords,
Ou, se eu trouxer a espada sobre a tal terra, e disser: Espada, passa pela terra: e eu arrancar d'ella homens e bestas:
18 as surely as I am alive, even if those three men were in that country, they would not be able to save even their own sons or [from being killed]. They would save only themselves. That is what I, Yahweh the Lord, declare.
Ainda que aquelles tres homens estivessem n'ella, vivo eu, diz o Senhor Jehovah, que nem filhos nem filhas livrariam, senão elles só ficariam livres.
19 Or, if I send a plague into that land and cause the people and the animals to [from the plague] because I am very angry with those people,
Ou, se eu enviar a peste sobre a tal terra, e derramar o meu furor sobre ella com sangue, para arrancar d'ella homens e bestas:
20 [as surely] as I am alive, even if Noah, Daniel and Job were in that country, they would not [be able to] save even their sons and daughters. They would save only themselves because of their being righteous. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.
Ainda que Noé, Daniel e Job estivessem no meio d'ella, vivo eu, diz o Senhor Jehovah, que nem um filho nem uma filha livrariam a sua alma, mas só elles livrarão as suas proprias almas pela sua justiça.
21 So [now] this is what [I, ], Yahweh the Lord, say: I will cause four things to happen to [the people of] Jerusalem to punish them very severely. [Some] people and animals will be killed by swords, [some will die from] famines, [others will be attacked and killed by] wild animals, and [others will die in] plagues.
Porque assim diz o Senhor Jehovah: Quanto mais, se eu enviar os meus quatro maus juizos, a espada, e a fome, e as más bestas, e a peste, contra Jerusalem, para arrancar d'ella homens e bestas?
22 But some [of your people] will remain alive, [both adults] and children. They will come to you, [Ezekiel, in Babylon]. And when you see [disgusting] behavior and actions, you will realize that I had good reasons for causing [the people of] Jerusalem to experience those many great disasters [DOU] that I have sent to them.
Porém eis que alguns dos que escaparem ficarão de resto n'ella, que serão tirados para fóra, assim filhos como filhas; eis que elles sairão a vós, e vereis o seu caminho e os seus feitos; e ficareis consolados do mal que eu trouxe sobre Jerusalem, e de tudo o que trouxe sobre ella.
23 When you see those things that they do, you will know that there were very good reasons [LIT] for me to do everything that I caused to happen to them. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.”
E vos consolarão, quando virdes o seu caminho e os seus feitos; e sabereis que não fiz sem razão tudo quanto fiz n'ella, diz o Senhor Jehovah.

< Ezekiel 14 >