< Ezekiel 14 >
1 One day some of the elders of Israel came to me and sat down in front of me.
Et venerunt ad me viri seniorum Israel, et sederunt coram me.
2 Then Yahweh gave me this message:
Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
3 “You human, these men want to [IDM] worship idols, and they are allowing idols to induce them to sin [IDM]. So I will certainly [RHQ] answer them if they ask me for advice.
Fili hominis, viri isti posuerunt immunditias suas in cordibus suis, et scandalum iniquitatis suae statuerunt contra faciem suam: numquid interrogatus respondebo eis?
4 So say this to them: ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: When any Israeli person wants to worship idols which will induce him to sin, and he goes to a [to get advice], I, Yahweh, will give him the answer that he deserves to receive because he worship idols.
Propter hoc loquere eis, et dices ad eos: Haec dicit Dominus Deus: Homo homo de domo Israel, qui posuerit immunditias suas in corde suo, et scandalum iniquitatis suae statuerit contra faciem suam, et venerit ad prophetam interrogans per eum me: ego Dominus respondebo ei in multitudine immunditiarum suarum:
5 [I will do that] in order that the Israeli people, who have abandoned me in order to worship their idols, will sincerely [IDM] worship me again.’
ut capiatur domus Israel in corde suo, quo recesserunt a me in cunctis idolis suis.
6 Therefore, say to the Israeli people, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: (Repent/Stop sinning)! Stop worshiping your idols, and stop all your [other] detestable behavior!’
Propterea dic ad domum Israel: Haec dicit Dominus Deus: Convertimini, et recedite ab idolis vestris, et ab universis contaminationibus vestris avertite facies vestras.
7 When any of [you] Israeli people or any foreigner living among you turns away from me and starts worshiping idols [IDM] that induce him to sin, and then goes to a prophet to find out what I want him to do, I myself will answer him.
Quia homo homo de domo Israel, et de proselytis quicumque advena fuerit in Israel, si alienatus fuerit a me, et posuerit idola sua in corde suo, et scandalum iniquitatis suae statuerit contra faciem suam, et venerit ad prophetam ut interroget per eum me: ego Dominus respondebo ei per me.
8 I will show that I detest him, and [what happens to] him to be a warning [to others], and cause him to be someone whom people despise. I will cause him to no longer be allowed to associate with my people. Then you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
Et ponam faciem meam super hominem illum, et faciam eum in exemplum, et in proverbium, et disperdam eum de medio populi mei: et scietis quia ego Dominus.
9 And if a prophet is deceived and gives a false prophecy, [even though] I [allowed him to] give that message, I will get rid of him and remove him from among my Israeli people.
Et propheta cum erraverit, et locutus fuerit verbum: ego Dominus decepi prophetam illum: et extendam manum meam super illum, et delebo eum de medio populi mei Israel.
10 Both the prophet and the one who asks him for advice will be guilty, [and I will punish both of them].
Et portabunt iniquitatem suam: iuxta iniquitatem interrogantis, sic iniquitas prophetae erit:
11 Then you Israeli people will no longer abandon me, and you will no longer become unacceptable to me because of your sins. You will be my people, and I will be your God. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, say.”
ut non erret ultra domus Israel a me, neque polluatur in universis praevaricationibus suis: sed sint mihi in populum, et ego sim eis in Deum, ait Dominus exercituum.
12 Yahweh gave me another message. [He said],
Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
13 “You human, [the people of some] country sin against me by abandoning me, and I punish [IDM] them by cutting off their food supply and by sending a famine, with the result that people and animals die,
Fili hominis, terra cum peccaverit mihi, ut praevaricetur praevaricans, extendam manum meam super eam, et conteram virgam panis eius: et immittam in eam famem, et interficiam de ea hominem, et iumentum.
14 even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were there, they would save only themselves because of their being righteous. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.
Et si fuerint tres viri isti in medio eius, Noe, Daniel, et Iob: ipsi iustitia sua liberabunt animas suas, ait Dominus exercituum.
15 Or, if I send wild animals throughout the country, and they attack and [many of] [HYP] the people, with the result that travel in that country becomes very dangerous and no one travels through that country,
Quod si et bestias pessimas induxero super terram ut vastem eam; et fuerit invia, eo quod non sit pertransiens propter bestias:
16 [as surely] as I am alive, even if those three men were in that country, they could not save [even their own] sons or [from being killed]. Only those [three] would (be saved/remain alive), and the country would become desolate. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.
Tres viri isti si fuerint in ea, vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, quia nec filios, nec filias liberabunt: sed ipsi soli liberabuntur, terra autem desolabitur.
17 Or, if I bring enemy soldiers [MTY] to attack that country, and they kill [MTY] people and animals throughout that country with their swords,
Vel si gladium induxero super terram illam, et dixero gladio: Transi per terram: et interfecero de ea hominem, et iumentum:
18 as surely as I am alive, even if those three men were in that country, they would not be able to save even their own sons or [from being killed]. They would save only themselves. That is what I, Yahweh the Lord, declare.
et tres viri isti fuerint in medio eius: vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, non liberabunt filios, neque filias: sed ipsi soli liberabuntur.
19 Or, if I send a plague into that land and cause the people and the animals to [from the plague] because I am very angry with those people,
Si autem et pestilentiam immisero super terram illam, et effudero indignationem meam super eam in sanguine, ut auferam ex ea hominem, et iumentum:
20 [as surely] as I am alive, even if Noah, Daniel and Job were in that country, they would not [be able to] save even their sons and daughters. They would save only themselves because of their being righteous. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.
Et Noe, et Daniel, et Iob fuerint in medio eius: vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, quia filium, et filiam non liberabunt: sed ipsi iustitia sua liberabunt animas suas.
21 So [now] this is what [I, ], Yahweh the Lord, say: I will cause four things to happen to [the people of] Jerusalem to punish them very severely. [Some] people and animals will be killed by swords, [some will die from] famines, [others will be attacked and killed by] wild animals, and [others will die in] plagues.
Quoniam haec dicit Dominus Deus: Quod et si quattuor iudicia mea pessima, gladium, et famem, ac bestias malas, et pestilentiam immisero in Ierusalem ut interficiam de ea hominem, et pecus:
22 But some [of your people] will remain alive, [both adults] and children. They will come to you, [Ezekiel, in Babylon]. And when you see [disgusting] behavior and actions, you will realize that I had good reasons for causing [the people of] Jerusalem to experience those many great disasters [DOU] that I have sent to them.
tamen relinquetur in ea salvatio educentium filios, et filias: ecce ipsi egredientur ad vos, et videbitis viam eorum, et adinventiones eorum, et consolabimini super malo, quod induxi in Ierusalem in omnibus, quae importavi super eam.
23 When you see those things that they do, you will know that there were very good reasons [LIT] for me to do everything that I caused to happen to them. [That is what I], Yahweh the Lord, declare.”
Et consolabuntur vos, cum videritis viam eorum, et adinventiones eorum: et cognoscetis quod non frustra fecerim omnia, quae feci in ea, ait Dominus Deus.