< Ezekiel 13 >

1 Yahweh gave me another message. [He said, ]
In k meni je prišla Gospodova beseda, rekoč:
2 “You human, [a warning] against the prophets in Israel who are prophesying. Some of them are prophesying things that they themselves have imagined/thought. Say to them: 'Listen to what Yahweh says!
»Človeški sin, prerokuj zoper Izraelove preroke, ki prerokujejo in reci tem, ki prerokujejo iz svojih lastnih src: ›Poslušajte Gospodovo besedo:
3 He says, “Terrible things will happen to those wicked prophets who proclaim their own ideas and have not seen [visions from me].
›Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Gorje nespametnim prerokom, ki sledijo svojemu lastnemu duhu in ničesar niso videli!‹
4 You Israeli people, your prophets [as useless] as [SIM] jackals/wolves [that only dig] through the [of a city].
Oh Izrael, tvoji preroki so podobni lisicam v puščavah.
5 Those prophets have not helped you Israeli people [MTY] to repair the places where [city] walls have (been broken/crumbled). That needs to be done in order that the walls will be strong at the time when I, Yahweh, [allow your enemies] to attack you.
Vi niste odšli gor v razpoke niti niste postavili ograje za Izraelovo hišo, da obstane v bitki na Gospodov dan.
6 The visions and prophecies of those prophets are false. They say, 'Yahweh told me this,' but I have not sent [to you to be my prophets]. But they expect that what they prophesy will truly happen!
Videli so ničnost in lažniva vedeževanja, rekoč: › Gospod govori, ‹ pa jih Gospod ni poslal. In druge so pripravili, da upajo, da bi potrdili besedo.
7 They say that they have seen visions, but those visions are false, and the things that they prophesy are lies [RHQ]. They say, 'Yahweh told me this,' but I have told them nothing!”
Mar niste videli praznega videnja in ali niste govorili lažnivega vedeževanja, medtem ko govorite: › To govori Gospod; ‹ čeprav nisem govoril?‹
8 Therefore, this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: “Because you prophets have said what is false, and because your visions are lies, I am opposed to you.
Zato tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Ker ste govorili prazne reči in videli laži, zato, glejte, jaz sem zoper vas, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.
9 I will strike/punish all you prophets who falsely say that you have seen visions and prophesy things that are lies. You will not have any place among my people, your names will not be listed in the records of the Israeli people, and you will never return to Israel. Then you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”
›In moja roka bo na prerokih, ki vidijo prazne reči in ki vedežujejo laži. Ne bodo v zboru mojega ljudstva niti ne bodo zapisani v zapisu Izraelove hiše niti ne bodo vstopili v Izraelovo deželo, in spoznali boste, da jaz sem Gospod Bog.
10 They deceive my people, saying “Things will go well for us,” when things will not go well. [It as though] [MET] the people have built a shaky/weak wall, and the prophets cover it with (whitewash/white paint) [to make people think that it is a very strong wall].
Zato, celo zato so zapeljali moje ljudstvo, rekoč: ›Mir; ‹ pa tam ni bilo miru; in nekdo je zgradil zid in glej, drugi so ga ometali z neutrjeno malto.
11 So, tell those prophets who cover the wall with whitewash that the wall will surely fall down. It will rain very hard. I will send big hailstones to fall. Very strong winds will blow against it.
Recite tistim, ki ga ometujejo z neutrjeno malto, da bo ta padel. Preplavljajoč naliv bo; oh, velika zrna toče bodo padala; in viharni veter ga bo razklal.
12 When the wall falls down, the people will certainly say to those prophets, “The white paint certainly did not [RHQ] make the wall strong!”
Glejte, ko pade zid, ali vam ne bo rečeno: ›Kje je zmazek, s katerim ste ga namazali?‹
13 So this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: “Because I am very angry with you, [I will send enemy armies to destroy Jerusalem. It will be as though] [MET] I will send a very strong wind and hailstones and very heavy rains to destroy you.”
Zato tako govori Gospod Bog: ›V svoji razjarjenosti ga bom celo razklal z viharnim vetrom; in tam bo preplavljajoč naliv v moji jezi in velika zrna toče v moji razjarjenosti, da ga použijejo.
14 [The false prophecies of your prophets are like] [MET] a wall that they have covered with whitewash, but I will break it down, and shatter it down to the ground, with the result that people can see its foundations. When the wall collapses, you also will be killed, and everyone will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
Tako bom porušil zid, ki ste ga ometali z neutrjeno malto in ga porušim do tal, tako da bodo odkriti njegovi temelji in ta bo padel, vi pa boste použiti v njegovi sredi in spoznali boste, da jaz sem Gospod.
15 In that way I will show that I am very angry [the people who built] the wall and those who covered it with (whitewash/white paint). Then I will say to you, “The wall is destroyed/gone, and those prophets who put (whitewash/white paint) on it have been killed.”
Tako bom dovršil svoj bes nad zidom in nad temi, ki so ga ometali z neutrjeno malto in vam bom rekel: ›Zidu ni več niti tistih, ki so ga ometali;
16 Those are the prophets who prophesied that things would go well for the people in Jerusalem, when things would not go well for them.
namreč Izraelovih prerokov, ki prerokujejo glede [prestolnice] Jeruzalem in ki zanjo vidijo videnja miru, pa tam ni miru, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.
17 So, you human, show that you are angry with [IDM] the women of Jerusalem who prophesy things that they themselves have imagined.
›Prav tako ti, človeški sin, naravnaj svoj obraz zoper hčere svojega ljudstva, ki prerokujejo iz svojih lastnih src; in prerokuj zoper njih
18 Tell them, “This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Terrible things will happen to you women who fasten magic charms on your wrists and make veils of various sizes to put on your heads in order to deceive the people. [You think that] [RHQ] you will deceive [by telling them that you know what will happen in the future], and that you will save your own lives.
ter reci: ›Tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Gorje ženskam, ki šivajo blazine k vsem odprtinam za rokave in izdelujejo naglavne rute na glavi vsake postave, da bi lovile duše! Hočete loviti duše mojega ljudstva in ali boste duše, ki prihajajo k vam, rešile žive?
19 You dishonored [by telling lies] in order to get from my people a few handfuls of barley and a few pieces of bread. My people listen to lies; and you women who are lying to them have caused to be killed people who did not deserve to die and have (spared/allowed to remain alive) those who should not continue to live.”
In ali me hočete oskruniti med mojim ljudstvom za prgišča ječmena in za koščke kruha, da ubijate duše, ki naj ne bi umrle in da rešujete duše žive, ki naj ne bi živele, z vašim laganjem mojemu ljudstvu, ki posluša vaše laži?‹
20 Therefore, this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, [to those women]: “I detest your magic charms by which you deceive people like [SIM] [people trap] birds. I will tear those charms off your wrists, and I will cause the people whom you have deceived to no longer be deceived by you.
Zato tako govori Gospod Bog: ›Glejte, jaz sem zoper vaše blazine, s katerimi ste tam lovile duše, da jih pripravite leteti in iztrgal jih bom iz vaših rok in jaz bom pustil dušam oditi, celó dušam, ki jih vi lovite, da jih pripravite leteti.
21 I will also tear off your veils and rescue my people from continuing to be deceived by you, and they will no longer be under your control. Then you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
Tudi vse naglavne rute bom raztrgal in osvobodil svoje ljudstvo iz vaše roke in nič več ne bodo v vaši roki, da bi jih lovile; in spoznale boste, da jaz sem Gospod.
22 You have discouraged righteous people by telling them lies when I did not [do things to] cause them to be sad. And you have encouraged wicked people to not turn away from their wicked behavior; if they had done that, they would have continued to remain alive.
Ker ste z lažmi užalostile srce pravičnega, ki ga nisem užalostil; in okrepile roke zlobnega, da se ta ne bi vrnil iz svoje zlobne poti, [s tem] da ste mu obljubljale življenje,
23 Therefore, you will no longer falsely say that you have seen visions or tell people what will happen in the future [in order to please them]. I will rescue my people from being deceived by you. And then you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].” '”
zato ne boste več videle praznih reči niti božanskih vedeževanj, kajti jaz bom osvobodil svoje ljudstvo iz vaše roke, in spoznale boste, da jaz sem Gospod.«

< Ezekiel 13 >