< Ezekiel 11 >

1 [Then God’s] Spirit lifted me up and took me to the gate on the east side of the temple area. There at the gate were 25 men. Among them I saw Jaazaniah the son of Azzur, and Pelatiah the son of Benaiah, who were leaders of the people.
Ipapo Mweya wakandisimudza ukaenda neni pasuo reimba yaJehovha rakatarira kumabvazuva. Pamukova wesuo ipapo, pakanga pane varume makumi maviri navashanu, uye ndakaona pakati pavo Jaazania mwanakomana waAzuri naPeratia mwanakomana waBhenaya, vatungamiri vavanhu.
2 Yahweh said to me, “You human, these are the [new leaders in Jerusalem] who are planning to do evil things and who are giving wicked advice [to people] in this city.
Jehovha akati kwandiri, “Mwanakomana womunhu, ava ndivo varume vanorangana zvakaipa nokupa mano akaipa muguta rino.
3 They say, ‘[Everything will go well for us, so] it will surely soon be [RHQ] time to build houses. [We are like] [MET] fine/choice pieces of meat that are carefully stored in covered pots, and we are protected [from the bad things that will happen to others].’
Vanoti, ‘Ko, nguva haisati yasvika here yokuvaka dzimba? Guta rino ihari yokubikira, uye isu tisu nyama.’
4 So, you human, prophesy [the terrible things that will happen to] them.”
Naizvozvo profita pamusoro pavo; profita, mwanakomana womunhu.”
5 Then the Spirit of Yahweh came upon me and told me to [to the people], “This is what Yahweh says: You Israeli people [MTY] are saying those things, but I know what you are thinking.
Ipapo Mweya waJehovha wakauya pamusoro pangu, iye akanditaurira kuti nditi: “Zvanzi naJehovha: Ndizvo zvamunotaura, imi imba yaIsraeri, asi ndinoziva zvamunofunga mundangariro dzenyu.
6 You have killed many people in this city and filled the streets with their corpses.
Makauraya vanhu vazhinji muguta rino uye mukazadza nzira dzaro nevakafa.
7 Therefore this is what Yahweh the Lord says: The corpses of the people whom you have killed here are [like] the meat [MET], and this city is [like] the pot [MET], but I will expel you from this city.
“Naizvozvo zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Zvitunha zvamakandamo ndiyo nyama uye guta rino ndiyo hari, asi ini ndichakubudisai mariri.
8 You are afraid [being killed by enemies’] swords, and that is what I will cause to happen to you.
Munotya munondo, zvino munondo ndiwo wandichauyisa kuzokurwisai, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.
9 I will expel you from this city and enable foreigners to capture you and punish you.
Ndichakubudisai kunze kweguta ndigokuisai mumaoko avatorwa uye ndichakurangai.
10 They will kill [EUP] you with their swords; you will be punished [right here] in Israel. Then people will realize that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].
Muchaurayiwa nomunondo, uye ini ndichakutongai pamiganhu yaIsraeri. Ipapo muchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha.
11 This city will not be [a place were you will be protected like] [MET] meat in a covered pot. I will punish you wherever you are in Israel.
Guta rino haringavi hari kwamuri, nemi hamungavi nyama mariri; ndichakutongai ini pamiganhu yeIsraeri.
12 And you will know that I, Yahweh, [have predicted that would happen], because you have not obeyed my commands and decrees; instead, you have imitated [wicked] behavior [of the people] of the nearby nations.”
Uye muchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha, nokuti hamuna kutevera mitemo yangu kana kuchengeta mirayiro yangu asi makafamba netsika dzendudzi dzakakupoteredzai.”
13 While I was prophesying that, Pelatiah the son of Benaiah [suddenly] died. Then I prostrated myself on the ground and cried out loudly, “Yahweh my Lord, are you going [similarly] get rid of all the Israeli people who are still alive?”
Zvino ndakati ndichiprofita, Peratia mwanakomana waBhenaya akafa. Ipapo ndakawira pasi nechiso ndikachema zvikuru ndichiti, “Haiwa Ishe Jehovha! Ko, muchaparadza chose vakasara vaIsraeri here?”
14 Then Yahweh gave me this message:
Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri, richiti,
15 “You human, the people who are still in Jerusalem are talking about you and your own relatives and about all the other people who were (exiled/forced to go to other countries), saying, ‘They [in Babylonia], far from Yahweh. They have left their [here in Israel, so] their property now belongs to us!’”
“Mwanakomana womunhu, hama dzako, hama dzako dzeropa neimba yose yaIsraeri, ndivo vainzi navanhu veJerusarema, ‘Vari kure kwazvo naJehovha; nyika ino takaipiwa kuti ive yedu.’
16 So tell [them], “This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Although I caused them to be taken far [from Israel] and scattered them among other nations, for a short time I will (be like a refuge for/protect) them in the countries to which they have been taken.”
“Naizvozvo uti, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Kunyange ndakavaendesa kure pakati pendudzi uye ndikavaparadzira pakati penyika, asi kwechinguva chiduku ndakanga ndiri nzvimbo yavo tsvene munyika dzavakaenda.’
17 So also tell them, “This is what Yahweh the Lord says: [Some day] I will gather you from the [to which you have been taken] and bring you back to Israel, and you will live in your country/land [again].
“Naizvozvo uti, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Ndichakuunganidzai kubva kundudzi ndigokudzosai kubva kunyika dzamakanga makaparadzirwa uye ndichakupaizve nyika yaIsraeri.’
18 When you return to your country, you will get rid of all the vile statues of gods and detestable idols.
“Vachadzokera kwairi vagobvisa zvifananidzo zvayo zvose zvakaipisisa nezvifananidzo zvinonyangadza.
19 I will put a new way of thinking [IDM] within you. I will cause you to no longer be stubborn [IDM], and I will enable you to obey me completely [IDM].
Ndichavapa mwoyo mumwe uye ndichaisa mweya mutsva mukati mavo; ndichabvisa mwoyo webwe mukati mavo ndigovapa mwoyo wenyama.
20 When I do that, you will carefully obey all my laws [DOU]. You will be my people, and I will be your God.
Ipapo vachatevera mitemo yangu uye vachachenjerera kuchengeta mirayiro yangu. Vachava vanhu vangu, uye ini ndichava Mwari wavo.
21 But as for those who are devoted [worshiping] their vile statues and detestable idols, I will punish them as they deserve for the evil things that they have done.’”
Asi kana vari vaya vane mwoyo inotevera zvakaumbwa zvavo zvakaipisisa nezvifananidzo zvinonyangadza, ndichaburutsa pamisoro yavo chaiyo zvavakaita, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha.”
22 Then the winged creatures, with their wheels beside them, spread their [and flew up into the air], and the dazzling brightness of Yahweh was above them.
Ipapo makerubhi namavhiri parutivi pawo akatambanudza mapapiro awo, uye kubwinya kwaMwari waIsraeri kwakanga kuri pamusoro pawo.
23 That light went up away from the city and stopped above the mountain to the east of the city.
Kubwinya kwaJehovha kwakakwira kuchibva mukati meguta kukandomira pamusoro pegomo nechokumabvazuva kwaro.
24 In the vision [that I had been seeing, God’s] Spirit lifted me up and brought me [back] to the (exiles in/people who had been forced to go to) Babylonia. Then the vision ended,
Mweya wakandisimudza ukaenda neni kuna vakatapwa vari muBhabhironi muchiratidzo chakapiwa noMweya waMwari. Ipapo chiratidzo chandakanga ndaona chakakwidzwa kubva pandiri,
25 and I told the exiles everything that Yahweh had shown [in the vision].
uye ndakaudza vakatapwa zvinhu zvose zvandakaratidzwa naJehovha.

< Ezekiel 11 >