< Exodus 1 >

1 The sons of Jacob who went to Egypt with him along with their families were
Ово су имена синова Израиљевих који дођоше у Мисир, дођоше с Јаковом, сваки са својом породицом:
2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,
Рувим, Симеун, Левије и Јуда,
3 Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin,
Исахар, Завулон и Венијамин,
4 Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
Дан и Нефталим, Гад и Асир.
5 Altogether there were 70 people [who went with] Jacob. That included his [sons, his grandsons, and two great-grandsons]. [His son] Joseph was already in Egypt.
А свега беше их од бедара Јаковљевих седамдесет душа с Јосифом, који беше у Мисиру.
6 [Eventually] Joseph and his [older and younger] brothers and everyone [else in their family who lived] (in that generation/at that time) died.
А Јосиф умре и сва браћа његова и сав онај нараштај.
7 But Jacob’s descendants kept giving birth to many children [IDM]. The number [of his descendants] kept becoming larger and larger. As a result, there were so many of them that they were everywhere in Egypt (OR, that they [became a threat] to the Egyptians).
И синови Израиљеви народише се и умножише се, и напредоваше и осилише веома, да их се земља напуни.
8 Then [several hundred years later], a new king began to rule [MTY] in Egypt. He did not know [what] Joseph [had done for the people of Egypt long ago].
Тада наста нов цар у Мисиру, који не знаше за Јосифа;
9 He said to his people, “Look [at what has happened]! The Israeli people have become so numerous and so powerful that they [now might conquer] us!
И рече народу свом: Гле, народ синова Израиљевих већи је и силнији од нас.
10 We must find a way to control them! If we do not do that, their population will continue to grow. Then, if enemies [PRS] attack us, they will join with our enemies and fight against us, and they will escape from [our] land.”
Него хајде мудро да поступамо с њима, да се не множе, и кад настане рат да не пристану с непријатељима нашим и не ударе на нас и не оду из земље.
11 So [the king and his officials] put supervisors over the Israeli people to cause them to suffer very much by [forcing them] to work very hard. They forced [the Israeli people to] build [two] cities, Pithom and Ramses, in which to store [supplies for the king/government].
И поставише над њима настојнике да их муче тешким пословима; и грађаше народ Израиљев Фараону градове Питом и Рамесу.
12 But the more cruelly they treated the [Israeli people], the bigger the Israeli [population] grew, and they became more numerous all over [the land]. So the Egyptian people began to be afraid of the Israeli people.
Али што га више мучаху то се више множаше и напредоваше, да се грожаху од синова Израиљевих.
13 They forced the Israeli people to work very hard,
И жестоко нагоњаху Мисирци синове Израиљеве на послове,
14 and by making them slaves, they made their lives miserable. They [forced them] to [build many buildings with] mortar and bricks. [They also forced them to do] other work in the fields. [In making them do all this work, the Egyptian officials treated them] ruthlessly/cruelly.
И загорчаваху им живот тешким пословима, блатом и опекама и сваким радом у пољу, и сваким другим послом, на који их жестоко нагоњаху.
15 There were two Hebrew (midwives/women who helped the women when they were giving birth). [Hebrew means the same as Israeli.] The names of the women were Shiphrah and Puah. The king of Egypt said to [those two women],
И још заповеди цар мисирски бабицама јеврејским, од којих једној беше име Сефора, а другој Фува,
16 “When you help the Hebrew women when they are giving birth [MTY], if [the baby that is born] is a boy, you must kill it. If [the baby] is a girl, you (may let it live/do not have to kill them).”
И рече: Кад бабичите Јеврејке, и у порођају видите да је мушко, убијте га, а кад буде женско, нек остане живо.
17 But the midwives feared/revered God. So they did not do what the king told them to do. They allowed the baby boys to live.
Али се бабице бојаху Бога, и не чињаху како им рече цар мисирски, него остављаху децу у животу.
18 So the king summoned the [two] midwives and said to them, “Why are you doing this? Why are you letting the baby boys live?”
А цар мисирски дозва бабице, и рече им: Зашто то чините, те остављате у животу мушку децу?
19 [One of] the midwives replied to the king, “[You need to realize that] the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women. The Hebrew women are very strong/healthy. They give birth [to their babies] before we can get to them [to help them].”
А бабице рекоше Фараону: Јеврејке нису као жене Мисирке; јаче су; док им дође бабица, оне већ роде.
20 So God acted kindly toward the midwives, and the [Hebrew] people became even more numerous and strong.
И Бог учини добро бабицама; и народ се умножи и осили веома;
21 Furthermore, because the midwives feared/revered God, he enabled them also to give birth to children.
И што се бабице бојаху Бога, начини им куће.
22 Then the king commanded all (the [Egyptian] people/his [advisors]): “You must throw into the Nile [River] every baby boy born that the [Hebrew women] give birth to! But you can allow the baby girls to live.”
Тада заповеди Фараон свему народу свом говорећи: Сваког сина који се роди баците у воду, а кћери све остављајте у животу.

< Exodus 1 >