< Exodus 9 >
1 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Go to the king and say to him, ‘This is what Yahweh, the God [we] Hebrews [worship], says: “Allow my people to go, in order that they may worship me.
Derpå sagde HERREN til Moses: "Gå til Farao og sig til ham: Så siger HERREN, Hebræernes Gud: Lad mit Folk rejse, for at de kan dyrke mig!
2 If you still keep refusing to let them go [DOU],
Men hvis du vægrer dig ved at lade dem rejse og bliver ved med at holde dem fast,
3 I warn you that I will punish you with my power [MTY] by sending a terrible disease on all your animals—on your horses, donkeys, camels, on your cattle, and on your flocks [of sheep and goats].
se, da skal HERRENs Hånd komme over dit Kvæg på Marken, over Hestene, Æslerne og Kamelerne, Hornkvæget og Småkvæget med en såre forfærdelig Pest.
4 But I, Yahweh, will distinguish between [what I do to] the animals that belong to the Israeli people and [what I do to] your animals. The result will be that no animal that belongs to the Israeli people will die.”’
Og HERREN skal sætte Skel mellem Israels Kvæget og Ægypterens Kvæg, så der ikke skal dø noget af, hvad der tilhører Israeliterne."
5 [Tell him that] I have determined/decided that tomorrow is the day that I will do this in this land.”
Og HERREN satte en Tidsfrist, idet han sagde: "I Morgen skal HERREN lade dette ske i Landet."
6 The next day Yahweh did just what he said [that he would do]. A terrible disease afflicted all of the Egyptians’ animals, and many of them [HYP] died. But none of the Israeli people’s animals died.
Den følgende Dag lod HERREN det så ske, og alt Ægypternes Kvæg døde, men af Israeliternes Kvæg døde ikke et eneste Dyr.
7 The king sent [men to investigate], and they were surprised [to see] that none of the Israeli people’s animals had died. But [after they reported that to] the king, he continued to be stubborn [IDM], and he did not let the [Israeli] people go.
Farao sendte da Bud, og se, ikke et eneste Dyr af Israeliternes Kvæg var dødt. Men Faraos Hjerte blev forhærdet, og han lod ikke Folket rejse.
8 Then Yahweh said to Aaron and Moses/me, “Take a few handfuls of ashes/soot from (a furnace/an oven where they burn lime), and let Moses throw them up into the air, in front of the king.
Derpå sagde HERREN til Moses og Aron: "Tag begge eders Hænder fulde af Sod fra Smelteovnen, og Moses skal kaste det i Vejret i Faraos Påsyn!
9 The [ashes/soot] will spread all over the country of Egypt like fine dust. And the ashes/soot will cause boils to afflict both the Egyptian people and their animals, all over the land.”
Så skal det blive til en Støvsky over hele Ægypten og til Betændelse, der bryder ud i Bylder på Mennesker og Kvæg i hele Ægypten!"
10 So they/we both got some ashes/soot and [went and] stood in front of the king. Moses/I threw the ashes/soot up into the air. The ashes/soot spread all over, causing boils to afflict the [Egyptian] people and their animals. All the boils became open sores.
Da tog de Sod fra Smelteovnen og trådte frem for Farao, og Moses kastede det i Vejret; og det blev til Betændelse, der brød ud i Bylder på Mennesker og Kvæg.
11 Even the men who worked magic had boils. The result was that [they were suffering so much that] they were not able to come to Moses/me, because the men who worked magic had boils just like all [the rest of] the Egyptian people.
Og Koglerne kunde ikke holde Stand over for Moses på Grund af Betændelsen, thi Betændelsen angreb Koglerne såvel som alle de andre Ægyptere.
12 But Yahweh caused the king to [continue to] be stubborn [IDM]. He did not pay any attention to what they/we [said], just as Yahweh had told Moses/me [would happen].
Men HERREN forhærdede Faraos Hjerte, så han ikke hørte på dem, således som HERREN havde sagt til Moses.
13 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Get up early [tomorrow] morning. Go and stand in front of the king and tell him that Yahweh God, the one that the Hebrew people [worship], says this: ‘Let my people go, in order that they may worship me [in the desert].
Derpå sagde HERREN til Moses: "Træd i Morgen tidlig frem for Farao og sig til ham: Så siger HERREN, Hebræernes Gud: Lad mit Folk rejse, for at de kan dyrke mig!
14 [If you do not let them go], this time I will [punish] with plagues [not only] your officials and the rest of your people, but I will punish you yourself [SYN], in order that you will know there is no [god] like me anywhere in the world.
Thi denne Gang vil jeg sende alle mine Plager mod dig selv og mod dine Tjenere og dit Folk, for at du kan kende, at der er ingen som jeg på hele Jorden.
15 By this time I could have used my power [MTY] to strike you and your people with terrible diseases that would have wiped you all from the earth.
Thi ellers havde jeg nu udrakt min Hånd for at ramme dig og dit Folk med Pest, så du blev udryddet fra Jordens Overflade;
16 But I have let you live. The reason I have let you live is to show you my power, with the result that [people] all over the earth [HYP] will know how great I [MTY] am.
dog derfor har jeg ladet dig blive i Live for at vise dig min Magt, og for at mit Navn kan blive forkyndt på hele Jorden.
17 You are still acting proudly and refusing to let my people go.
Endnu stiller du dig i Vejen for mit Folk og vil ikke lade det rejse.
18 So listen [to this]: About this time tomorrow I will cause very heavy hail to fall [in Egypt]. From the time Egypt first became [a country], there has never been a hailstorm [as bad as this one will be].
Se, jeg lader i Morgen ved denne Tid et frygteligt Haglvejr bryde løs, hvis Lige ikke har været i Ægypten, fra den Dag det blev til og indtil nu.
19 So you should send [a message to everyone] to put their cattle, and everything else that they own that is [out] in the fields, under shelters. The hail will fall on every person and every animal that is out in the fields and that is not put under a shelter, and they will all die.’” [So Moses/I did what Yahweh said].
Derfor må du sørge for at bringe dit Kvæg og alt, hvad du har på Marken, i Sikkerhed! Thi alle Mennesker og Dyr, der befinder sig på Marken og ikke er kommet under Tag, skal rammes af Haglen og omkomme."
20 Some of the king’s officials who heard what Yahweh had said became very afraid. So they put all their animals and their slaves under shelters.
De blandt Faraos Tjenere, der frygtede HERRENs Ord, bragte nu deres Trælle og Kvæg under Tag;
21 But those who did not pay any attention to what Yahweh had said left their slaves and their animals in the fields.
men de, der ikke lagde sig HERRENs Ord på Hjerte, lod deres Trælle og Kvæg blive ude på Marken.
22 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Raise your hand up toward the sky, in order that hail will fall all over the land of Egypt—on the people and on their animals and on all the plants in the fields.”
Da sagde HERREN til Moses: "Ræk din Hånd op mod Himmelen, så skal der falde Hagl i hele Ægypten på Mennesker og Dyr og på alle Markens Urter i Ægypten!"
23 So Moses/I lifted his/my stick up toward the sky. And Yahweh sent down hail, all over the land of Egypt. There was also thunder and lightning.
Da rakte Moses sin Stav op mod Himmelen, og HERREN sendte Torden og Hagl; Ild for ned mod Jorden, og HERREN lod Hagl falde over Ægypten;
24 While very heavy hail was falling, there was thunder, and lightning struck the ground. There had never been a hailstorm like that since Egypt first became a country.
og der kom et Haglvejr, med Ildsluer flammende mellem Haglen, så voldsomt, at dets Lige aldrig havde været nogetsteds i Ægypten, siden det blev befolket;
25 The hail struck everything that was in the fields all over Egypt—every person and every animal. The hail destroyed the plants in the fields and stripped [the leaves off] the trees.
og i hele Ægypten slog Haglen alt ned, hvad der var på Marken, både Mennesker og Kvæg, og alle Markens Urter slog Haglen ned, og alle Markens Træer knækkede den;
26 Only in the Goshen region, where the Israeli people were [living], was there no hail.
kun i Gosen, hvor Israeliterne boede, faldt der ikke Hagl.
27 Then the king sent [someone] to summon Aaron and Moses/me. [When they/we came to the king], he said to them/us, “This time [I admit that] I have sinned. What Yahweh [has done] is right, and what I and my people [have done] is wrong.
Da sendte Farao Bud efter Moses og Aron og sagde til dem: "Denne Gang har jeg syndet; HERREN har Ret, og jeg og mit Folk har Uret;
28 (Pray to/Plead with) Yahweh [to cause it to stop]! [We] cannot [endure any more] of this thunder and hail! I will let your people go; they do not have to stay [here in Egypt] any longer.”
gå i Forbøn hos HERREN, at det nu må være nok med Guds Torden og Haglvejret, så vil jeg lade eder rejse, og I skal ikke blive længer!"
29 Moses/I replied, “As soon as I go out of this city, I will lift up my hands [and pray] to Yahweh. Then the thunder will cease, and no more hail [will fall]. [This will happen] in order that you will know that Yahweh, [not your gods], controls everything [that happens] on the earth.
Moses svarede ham: "Så snart jeg kommer ud af Byen, skal jeg udbrede mine Hænder mod HERREN; så skal Tordenen høre op, og Haglen skal ikke falde mere, for at du kan kende, at Jorden tilhører HERREN."
30 But as for you and your officials, I know that you do not yet fear Yahweh God.”
Dog, jeg ved, at du og dine Tjenere endnu ikke frygter for Gud HERREN."
31 When the hail fell, the flax was ruined because the buds were forming, and the barley was ruined because its grain was ripe.
Hørren og Byggen blev slået ned, thi Byggen stod i Aks, og Hørren i Blomst;
32 But none of the wheat crops was ruined, because their shoots were still very small.
derimod blev Hveden og Spelten ikke slået ned, thi de modnes senere.
33 So Moses/I left the king and went outside the city. He/I lifted up his/my hands toward Yahweh [and prayed]. Then the thunder and the hail stopped, and the rain also stopped falling on the land [of Egypt].
Da Moses var gået bort fra Farao og var kommet ud af Byen, udbredte han sine Hænder mod HERREN, og da hørte Tordenen og Haglen op, og Regnen strømmede ikke mere ned.
34 But when the king saw that the rain and the hail and the thunder had stopped, he sinned again. He and his officials continued to be stubborn [IDM].
Men da Farao så, at Regnen, Haglen og Tordenen var hørt op, fremturede han i sin Synd, og han og hans Tjenere forhærdede deres Hjerte.
35 So, just as Yahweh had predicted by what he told Moses/me, the king did not allow the Israeli people to leave.
Faraos Hjerte blev forhærdet, så at han ikke lod Israeliterne rejse, således som HERREN havde sagt ved Moses.