< Exodus 40 >
1 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
Lalu TUHAN berkata kepada Musa,
2 “On the first day of the first month next year, [tell the people to] set up the Sacred Tent.
“Pada hari pertama bulan pertama, dirikanlah kemah-Ku. Kemah itu melambangkan kehadiran-Ku di antara umat-Ku.
3 Put inside it the sacred chest [that contains the stone slabs on which are engraved] the Ten Commandments, and hang the curtain in front of it.
Tempatkanlah peti perjanjian di dalamnya, di ruang mahakudus. Lalu pasanglah tirai pemisah antara ruang mahakudus dengan ruang kudus.
4 Bring the table into the Sacred Tent, and place on it all the things that are to be used with it. Bring in the lampstand and fasten the lamps to it.
Taruhlah meja roti sajian di dalam kemah itu dan aturlah semua perlengkapannya. Bawalah juga tiang pelita bercabang dan nyalakanlah sumbu-sumbu pelitanya.
5 Put the gold altar for [burning] incense in front of the sacred chest, and set up the curtain at the entrance of the Sacred Tent.
“Letakkan mezbah emas untuk membakar dupa di depan peti perjanjian, dan pasanglah tirai di pintu masuk kemah-Ku.
6 Put the altar for burning sacrifices in front of the Sacred Tent.
Tempatkanlah mezbah kurban di bagian halaman yang di dekat pintu kemah-Ku.
7 Put the washbasin between the Sacred Tent and the altar, and fill it with water.
Taruhlah bejana pembasuhan di antara kemah-Ku dan mezbah itu, lalu isilah dengan air.
8 Hang the curtains that will surround the courtyard, and hang the curtain at its entrance.
Dirikanlah pagar di sekeliling halaman kemah dan pasanglah tirai di pintu gerbang halaman.
9 Then take the oil for anointing, and anoint the Sacred Tent and everything that is in it, to (set it apart/dedicate it) to me. Then it will be holy/sacred.
“Kemudian ambillah minyak pengurapan yang sudah dikuduskan bagi-Ku, dan urapilah kemah-Ku beserta semua perlengkapan di dalamnya, supaya semuanya itu dikuduskan demi pelayanan bagi-Ku.
10 Also anoint the altar for offering sacrifices that will be completely burned, and all the things that will be used with it, and set it apart. Then it also will be holy/sacred.
Urapilah juga mezbah kurban dan semua perlengkapannya, supaya semua itu— terkhusus mezbahnya— dikuduskan demi pelayanan bagi-Ku.
11 Also anoint the washbasin and its base, to set it apart.
Urapilah juga bejana pembasuhan dan tumpuannya agar menjadi kudus bagi-Ku.
12 Then bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the Sacred Tent, and wash them [ritually] with water.
“Kemudian ajaklah Harun dan anak-anaknya mendekat ke pintu masuk kemah-Ku dan basuhlah mereka dengan air.
13 Then put on Aaron his sacred clothes to (set him apart/dedicate him), in order that he can serve me as a priest.
Sesudah itu, kenakanlah pada Harun pakaian yang sudah dibuat khusus bagi dia untuk melayani di hadapan-Ku. Urapilah Harun agar dia dikhususkan untuk melayani-Ku sebagai imam.
14 Also bring his sons there. Put their sacred tunics/gowns on them
Lalu ajaklah anak-anak Harun maju dan kenakanlah pada mereka baju panjang yang sudah disiapkan.
15 and anoint them just as you anointed their father, in order that they also may serve me by working as priests. By anointing them [and their descendants], you will cause them and their descendants to be priests throughout all coming generations.”
Urapilah mereka seperti kamu mengurapi ayah mereka, agar mereka juga dapat melayani-Ku sebagai imam. Dengan pengurapan itu, mereka dan keturunan mereka dikhususkan untuk senantiasa melayani Aku sebagai imam.”
16 Moses/I did all these things exactly as Yahweh had commanded him/me.
Musa melaksanakan semuanya itu sesuai dengan perintah TUHAN kepadanya.
17 On the first day of the first month of the next year (OR, second year [after they/we left Egypt]), the people set up the Sacred Tent.
Maka kemah TUHAN didirikan pada hari pertama bulan pertama dalam tahun kedua sesudah mereka meninggalkan Mesir.
18 Following Moses’/my instructions, they set up the Sacred Tent and its bases, set up the frames, attached the crossbars, and put up the posts [for the curtains].
Dibantu oleh orang-orang suku Lewi, Musa mendirikan kemah itu dengan meletakan alas-alasnya, memasang papan-papan rangka dan kayu-kayu lintangnya, kemudian mendirikan tiang-tiangnya.
19 Then they spread out the coverings over the Sacred Tent, exactly as Yahweh had commanded.
Lalu mereka membentangkan semua lapisan atap di atas rangka-rangka itu, sesuai perintah TUHAN kepada Musa.
20 Then he/I took the two stone slabs [on which the commandments were written] and put them in the sacred chest. He/I put the carrying poles [in the rings] on the chest and put the lid on top of the chest.
Musa mengambil kedua lempengan batu yang bertuliskan sepuluh perintah Allah dan memasukkannya ke dalam peti perjanjian. Selanjutnya dia memasang tongkat pengusung pada peti itu dan meletakkan penutup peti, yaitu Takhta Pendamaian, di atasnya.
21 Then he/I took the chest into [the Very Holy Place inside] the Sacred Tent and hung the curtain. In that way, he/I prevented the people who were outside from seeing the chest. He/I did all this exactly as Yahweh had commanded him/me.
Lalu dia membawa peti itu ke dalam ruang mahakudus di kemah TUHAN dan memasang tirai pemisah antara ruang kudus dengan ruang mahakudus agar peti itu tidak terlihat dari luar, sesuai perintah TUHAN kepadanya.
22 He/I set the table inside the Sacred Tent, on the north side, outside the curtain.
Kemudian Musa menempatkan meja roti sajian di dalam kemah TUHAN, pada sisi utara di depan tirai pemisah,
23 He/I placed on the table the bread that was offered to Yahweh, exactly as Yahweh had commanded.
dan menyusun roti sajian di atas meja itu, sesuai perintah TUHAN kepadanya.
24 He/I set the lampstand inside the Sacred Tent, on the south side, opposite the table.
Musa menempatkan tiang pelita di dalam kemah TUHAN di sisi selatan, berhadapan dengan meja itu.
25 Then he/I fastened the lamps to the lampstand in Yahweh’s presence, exactly as Yahweh had commanded.
Dia juga menyalakan pelita-pelita di hadapan TUHAN, sesuai perintah TUHAN kepadanya.
26 He/I set the golden altar for burning incense inside the Sacred Tent, in front of the curtain [that separated the Holy Place from the Very Holy Place],
Lalu Musa meletakkan mezbah dupa di depan tirai di dalam kemah itu
27 and he/I burned some sweet-smelling incense on it, exactly as Yahweh had commanded him/me.
dan membakar dupa di sana, sesuai perintah TUHAN kepadanya.
28 He/I hung the curtain at the entrance to the Sacred Tent.
Sesudah itu, Musa dibantu beberapa orang dari suku Lewi memasang tirai pada pintu masuk kemah TUHAN.
29 At the entrance to the Sacred Tent, he/I set the altar for offering sacrifices that were to be burned completely. Then he/I offered on it the meat that was to be burned completely and the grain offering, exactly as Yahweh had commanded him/me.
Mereka juga meletakkan mezbah kurban di depan pintu masuk kemah itu. Lalu Musa mempersembahkan kurban yang dibakar habis dan persembahan gandum-ganduman, sesuai perintah TUHAN kepadanya.
30 He/I set the washbasin between the Sacred Tent and the [bronze] altar, and he/I filled the washbasin with water.
Musa menyuruh beberapa orang meletakkan bejana pembasuhan di antara kemah dan mezbah, lalu mengisinya dengan air.
31 Every time Moses/I and Aaron and his sons went into the Sacred Tent or went to the altar, they/we washed their/our hands and feet [ritually], exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
Air itu disiapkan supaya Musa, Harun, dan anak-anak Harun dapat membasuh tangan dan kaki mereka di sana.
Mereka wajib membasuh tangan dan kaki setiap hendak memasuki kemah itu atau mendekat ke mezbah, sesuai perintah TUHAN kepada Musa.
33 Following Moses’/my instructions, they hung the curtains that surrounded the courtyard and the altar, and they hung the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard. So Moses/I finished that work.
Terakhir, Musa dan orang-orang Lewi mendirikan pagar halaman di sekeliling kemah itu serta mezbah, dan memasang tirai pada pintu gerbang halaman. Dengan demikian, selesailah seluruh pekerjaan mendirikan kemah TUHAN.
34 Then the [tall bright] cloud covered the Sacred Tent, and Yahweh’s (glory/brilliant light) filled the Sacred Tent.
Kemudian awan kemuliaan TUHAN menutup dan memenuhi kemah TUHAN. Musa tidak bisa masuk selama kemuliaan TUHAN masih memenuhi kemah itu.
35 Because that light was very bright, Moses/I was not able to enter the Sacred Tent.
36 From that day, whenever the Israeli people wanted to move to another place, they went only when the bright cloud rose from above the Sacred Tent.
Sepanjang perjalanan umat Israel, setiap kali awan itu naik dari atas kemah TUHAN, umat Israel berangkat melanjutkan perjalanan mereka.
37 If the cloud did not rise, they stayed where they were and did not go on until the cloud rose.
Selama awan itu tidak naik dari kemah, mereka tetap tinggal di tempat perkemahan.
38 Wherever they traveled, the bright cloud that [indicated] Yahweh’s [presence] was above the Sacred Tent during the day, and a [bright] fire was inside the cloud at night, with the result that all the Israeli people [MTY] could see it [at any time].
Awan TUHAN berdiam di atas kemah itu pada siang hari dan menjadi berapi pada malam hari, sehingga dapat terlihat setiap saat oleh seluruh umat Israel sepanjang perjalanan mereka.